
Chapter 40

Onyx Pov

It took us about a day’s ride to get to the edge of the territory because of the rest breaks and food.

Demon looks at the backseat, “They are all asleep. Oh, take this dirt road and we’ll go through the barricade that the witches made. Drive slowly because I don’t know what they have planned.”

Nodding I slow down and look out in the distance trying to find something that marks the start of the territory.

We drive past two beautiful weeping willow trees, their leaves swaying gently in the breeze, welcoming and enchanting.

Suddenly the forest around us turned into pure darkness and I couldn’t see anything.

I couldn’t hear or feel anything. I couldn’t even feel my connection to Mika anymore.

Where did everyone go? Where are the boys? Where is Demon? Is he okay?

I need to find them now.

Demon and the boys don’t do too well in pure darkness. They’ll have a panic attack if they are alone for too long.

Mika will find her way to me when she can, but my main priority is that man and the boys in my life. Fuck everything else. If they aren’t okay, then multiple people, if not the whole world will die today.

I can’t lose them. A deep pang in my chest caused tears to well up in my eyes. If I lose them then I have nothing to live for anymore.

High Priestess open your eyes please.

Gasping, I open my eyes and see a pretty Asian woman with long light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

She bowed to me slightly and looked to my right.

Demon has some sweat on him and was mumbling my name quietly. I gentle shake him awake and he still jumped a little but after seeing me and the kids he calmed down and relaxed.

His fear of darkness isn’t as bad as it was when we first met. Infact, it has gotten a lot better over the time we been together.

I tap his chin, saying softly, “Hey you did good”

He sighs and nods before getting out the car for some air.

“Good afternoon, high priestess and High Priest, my name is Lihua one of the three witches that is in your pack. I apologize for the experience you had to go through in the darkness, but we felt that there may be imposters that might try to come through.”

Demon rolls his shoulders a little trying to shake off the fear that was building up inside.

He gets stronger every day.

Yeah, he does and so do we.

Mika your back

She rolls her eye, I never left you just couldn’t hear or feel me dummy.

After checking on the boys I look back to Lihua and notice the dress that she is wearing.

“You’re wearing a qipao, right?”

Lihua dark brown eyes light up a little before they turned really dark, “Yes high priestess if you deem this inappropriate then I will change and not wear anything like this again.”

Raising a brow, “I don’t care what you wear. I like the dress and just wanted to know if I got the name right. You can wear it and other similar things as well if you want. We’re your leaders not your dictators, got it?”

The darkness left her eyes and a true smile appeared on her face with relief and happiness to come with it, “Thank you High priestess. That means a lot to me.”

I started to tell her not to thank me when Demon calls to her from the trunk of the car, “Don’t thank anyone for accepting your decisions to stay true to yourself. So long as you are happy with what you decided then that is all that matters. Like Onyx said we are your leaders not your dictators. Do and wear what you want so long as you don’t try to push your beliefs on others, nor do you insult or mock someone else’s belief, and you don’t do anything that will harm the pack then we will help or protect you from ignorant people.”

Lihua stood there shocked until a laugh broke from her, “Wow villains are more open than heroes, isn’t that just a ironic?”

Demon keeps taking the bags out the car, “Who said we are the villains?”

“The whole werewolf world and the hunters and possibly the other creatures of the night”

I shrug as Demon comes beside me with some of the bags the hotel girl packed for us, “Honestly, we could be the villains, or we could be the heroes. It just depends on who is telling the story. Some will see us as the hero because we are either helping them or doing something that they were to scared or unable to do and others will see us as the villains because of the opposite but honestly, I don’t care what they call us because I will do what is right for my family and the pack. Their opinion means nothing to me.”

Lihua stares at me and Demon in a new light probably since she seems to be in aww about what we said.

Demon puts the last of the bags on the ground and stands next to me when she drops to one knee and bows her head.

Demon sighs, knowing what she is about to say, “Lihua stand up and don’t apologize you didn’t do anything wrong. Neither of us is offended for what you said. And yes, I was in your head that I will apologize for because everyone will and deserve to get privacy in the minds, but I wanted to see where your thoughts were going. So, I apologize for invading your privacy.”

She stays on the ground for a second before getting up and looking at us with affection, no admiration in her eyes, “You both were meant to be our alphas and I apologize that I questioned it but it will never happen again.”

Nodding I go to wake the boys and Willow up as Demon asks, “Will you be able to take the boys and Willow to the pack house?”

The boys sleepwalk out the car and Willow rubs the sleep out her eyes, “That was quick”

I turn just to see Lihua bow to Demon, “As you wish High Priest, and I will take care of the bags as well.”

Snapping her fingers, the bags vanished, and she gives a gentle smile to the kids before looking in the car to see the little red-haired girl that is still in the car sleep, “Esmeralda said to give you this map to take the child home and to be able to find your way back.”

Demon slightly shaky voice, “When we come back who will undo the spell you set?”

Alex and Micky go to Demon each hugging a leg as she was speaking making me smile softly.

“No one High priest You only have to deal with the spell once. After the magic does its job, it will not affect you anymore because the magic now knows that you are the leader of the pack and that you mean no harm to the land or the people. For everyone accepted into the pack that is how it will be for them as well, but any visitors will have to continue to go through the magic’s test and someone will have to escort them to the two of you.”

“But what happens when they have ill intentions?”

A sly smile fights to make a appearance, as she nods to the cliff behind her, “If it is deemed that you are a enemy then the magic will have you head to the cliff and never seen again.”

Nodding, glad that she beat around the bush with the kids here. I walk to the cliff and look down at the drop that could kill if they landed.

Lihua stands next to me, as a group of wolves stands at the bottom of the cliff, speaking lowly so the boys won’t hear, “Yvonna is able to use her magic to convince nature to be on our side. The wolves will listen to you, the high priest, and her. They will attack and kill anything that falls off this cliff or anything near this part of the territory if they are able to reach it.”

We step away from the cliff and back to the car, “we also have bluebirds and canaries all over the pack land kind of like a alarm system that will only go off if someone does get on the property and does not go to the cliff. The two birds will sing a certain song together that Yvonna taught them.”

Demon smiles as he messes with Alex’s hair but speaks to Lihua, “So for now we have magic and nature protecting the pack lands?”

“Yes High priest”

Nodding, “Okay when we come back, and the rest of the pack gets here then we will also have patrol as well but good job on what you all did. I will also tell Esmeralda and Yvonna that as well. But for now, take the kids to the pack house or wherever Amos put our place we’ll be back soon”

“Of course, High Priest”

We get back in the car as Lihua stands next to the kids and vanishes with a snap of her finger.

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