
Chapter 41

Demon Pov

The 100-mile drive this so-called community was calm but now we’re in front of some house in the suburbs.

“This can’t be the hunter headquarters.”

I shrug, “Maybe they all live in the area?”


Just as Shadow says that I hear a very faint click in the house behind us.

Onyx shakes her head, “There are people watching us. Almost didn’t notice them or their scent.”

“They just put a bullet in the chamber. They will shoot on sight if we’re seen as a threat.”

She glances back at the sleeping child, “I would say we send her out first, but I don’t want them to shot her if she is Micky’s mate.”

I look down and see a white fast-food napkin and a straw that must have fallen out of the bag earlier, “I got an idea. Do you have a hair tie or something?”

I get the napkin and straw as she hands me her hair tie and make a makeshift flag.

“Think this is going to work?”

I roll the window down just enough to get the flag through, “Won’t know until we try.”

As I gently wave the flag, I wait for some type of noise or light to come on in a house.

Nothing changes as I wave the flag and the silence continues to surround us until a man with a shot gun comes out of the house behind us. The other hunters didn’t make a appearance but I could feel that they lowered their weapons slightly.

“okay lets try to go make peace with the hunters and Onyx I’ll carry the girl. Your faster than me and can hear better as well. If they decide we are a threat I need you to take some out and make a path for us.”

She nods and rubs my cheek with the back of her hand and a look I couldn’t describe across her face, “I don’t think I ever said this before but thank you for trusting me.”

Before I can say anything she opened her door and slowly raised her hands out the car.

I follow suit and slowly walked to the back door and opened it.

Onyx called out in the dark making me pause, “Don’t shot we are just returning what is yours. We mean no harm.”

I waited 30 seconds before reaching in and gently picking up the girl. I hold her in one arm and make sure that she is comfortable on my shoulder while blocking any way to shot her from behind with my body.

Hopefully they will hear us out before someone does something stupid.

I nod to Onyx, and we walk side by side slowly to the human with the shot gun.

My heart pounds in my chest but I can feel Onyx get anxious and she keeps looking at the child and I know she is starting to hesitate.

I slowly grab her hand and say in the link, “We can’t keep her. Her parents are probably worried.”

“I know but what if they try to harm her because she is Micky’s mate.”

“They won’t find that out until she and Micky meet again so don’t worry about that.”

We stop at the edge of the sidewalk, and I lock eyes with her, “We’ll be okay my love. So long as they are friendly then everyone will be okay.”

She nods slowly and I turn just in time to see the man raise an eyebrow at what I said before he looks at the child in my arms and he broke the silence of the hunters, “Scarlett?”

We stood in our spot as some of the other hunters started to whisper to one another about the child. We waited for them to make a foul move but they just kept raving about her being here.

Onyx tightens her hold and I respond back with a gentle squeeze.

I call out to the man in the doorway with the shocked look on his face, “Look we know that she is yours and we took her from the vampires that stole her from you. We came to bring her back home but if you don’t want her then we will take her and raise her as ours.”

A woman with wild red hair burled out the door pushing the man out the way, “You will not take my child.”

Onyx steps in front of me causing the woman to be toe to toe with her, “Move out my way dog.”

Unfazed, Onyx says calmly, “The child is sleeping so I ask that you don’t wake her. We would like to be gone before she wakes as we don’t do very well with goodbyes.”

The woman growls lowly in her face, “Why would she ever care about you mutts?”

I know for a fact that Onyx rolls her eyes as she says, “Well we are the ones to save her and kill her kidnappers and made sure to take care of her until we could get here. So that’s why. Now in order for us to give you your child you need to put the weapon down.”

“Hell No”

Onyx shrugs, “Okay well Demon time to leave because I will not give a child to a armed woman that looks to have her emotions all over the place.”

I chuckle, “Well this was a waste of time then.”

I take a step off the sidewalk and the woman points her gun at Onyx ready to shot but I pull Onyx to me and tuck her in my chest with the child in full view causing the woman to pause.

I look in the woman’s eyes and say with sincerity, “I know that you just want your child back in your arms but in order to do that you must get rid of your weapons. You know we don’t have any on us and that’s what we ask in return is for you to not have any weapons in order for us to give her to you. From one parent to another you have to trust that I would never harm a child no matter who that child’s parents are.”

The woman looked to be in utter defeat when another man comes out with no weapons on or around him.

“That is my daughter as well and I don’t have any weapons on me. Please give her to me.”

“Can we have your word that no one will try to kill us once we give her to you?”

He nods as he speaks up, “Everyone stand down and if any of you try anything I will kill you myself.”

The woman looks at him shocked as I nod and slowly give the child to him.

He closes his eyes and kiss her head softly speaking, “Thank you”

The woman glares at us as she rubs her daughter’s head, finally staying quiet for once since she got here.

“Demon” Onyx calls to me with slight anxiety

I look around and see that we are surrounded. All the hunters came out of hiding and are now standing on the houses, in the road behind us, and on the lawns of the surrounding houses with hostile looks on their faces.

“I know, Onyx. We’ll be fine”

My voice brings the man out of his peaceful moment, “What do you want in return for doing this?”

I look at Onyx gently, “Last chance to forget the plan and bail now.”

She shakes her head, “Not a chance in hell”

I smile at her and turn to the man, “We ask that you leave the werewolves alone for two years.”

The rude woman was going to start yelling along with the other hunters around us but the man stops all of them, “If any of you wake her up I swear we are going to have problems.”

The silence is the response that he was looking for from his men as he tries to stare into my soul, “Why? What are you planning on doing?”

Onyx tightens her hand in my when someone coughs, we need to wrap this up.

“I won’t tell you our plans, but I will tell you that when we are done, we will free all the humans that the wolves have as slaves or as forced mates if they chose to be free. If they wish to die with the pack then that is on them.”

The man raises a eyebrow, “So you will be doing our work?”

I laughed at that, “In a way, sure if that what you want to call it. But in order for us to do that we are going to need all of your hunters to cut ties with the wolves. Even your crooked ones that like to help the wolves for a few extras buck. If they don’t then they can die with the wolves, they like helping so much.”

The man stares at me, and I stare back at his hazel eyes that his daughter inherited.

Its silent as he gages me and how much he can believe my words.

He narrows his eyes, “I am a man known for being able to detect lies and honoring my promises. But what makes you think that others will follow what I have to say?”

I smirk as I do a quick squeeze of Onyx hand, “Because you are the descendent of the famous Van Helsing and you are son of the leader of the hunters all over the world. They will follow your orders regardless of if they want to or not. Plus, if they don’t honor your orders then we would be doing you a favor of killing them for you anyways, don’t you think?”

The man does a small, twisted smile for two seconds before it vanished, “It’s going to take about three months for the order to reach all hunters.”

“JOHN, you can’t be serious?”

“Hush Olivia, I know what I am doing.”

The woman snaps her mouth close along and glares at me.

The hunter named john, shifts the child so he can hold her with one arm and his free hand he sticks out to me, “We will call this a truce for two years and if you succeed with this then we will continue the truce with your pack until you cross us.”

I grab his hand firmly with a twisted smile of my own, “There will be a truce between us until the day you cross us and then there will be war with so much blood and death for everyone to witness.”

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