
Chapter 39

Demon Pov

Onyx hands the last folded up maps to Amos and Ragnar as the others were looking at their maps with their heads tilted, eyebrows raised and a bunch of questions forming in their heads.

Nathan was the only one to say his question though, “Alpha where is the x supposed to be?”

The grandfather clock towers over some and its haunting bell chimes eleven times drowning out anything else anyone was going to say.

The silence echoed before a cough cleared my throat and caught all of their attention, “Once the clock strikes midnight that is when your maps will show the x and the path that you should all take to get there. If any of you run into some trouble that you can’t handle on your own, try to mind link someone. No one knows how far the link can reach from member to member, but you can try and if someone does receive, I expect you to answer them. Understand?”

“Yes Alpha” Echoed through the hall.

“Good now, I don’t care if you go off on your own or if you pair up but don’t get yourselves killed. Leave when you want but you have 4 days to get to our pack land before we close it off and start the war from there. Do what you will.”

They all started to separate, some staying in the hotel and others leaving to get a few minutes head start. A few tried to get me or Onyx to go with them but we both refused, and they went about their night. Amos asked us to take Willow with us since he was going to run the whole way and she wasn’t ready for that speed yet. Onyx agreed and now we just wait for midnight to summon the wolves.

Five minutes before midnight the room was cleared with everyone going in groups or on their own. Hopefully they all pass the test me and the witches made. I know that Amos, Ragnar and Sonja will pass but the others are iffy.

The haunting grandfather clock dinged twelve times declaring midnight and the test soon begins for everyone. I can hear the surprise through the chat when their maps soon created a path for each person to take. Esmerelda, Rosealina, and Lucinda use the pack link to see if someone was going to try to reach the land on their own or if they were going to be in a group and they each made a map that would have the recipient think and may have to act if they aren’t quick enough to get out of the situation before they are noticed. They will prove their strength and their worth in the pack by this part of the test and if they get through this then they will be okay until they get to the final part.

Onyx and I are putting a jacket on the boys with Willow staring out the window after Amos and the red-haired girl holding her hand when there was a knock on the door.

“Miss Onyx, I have the car you requested fixed and ready to go whenever you are ready to leave.”

I can’t help but stare at the radiance that came from her as she let lose a smile and a chuckle.

Onyx speed walk to the door and frighten the poor girl as she flung it open.

The girl blushes as Onyx wraps her arms around her, “You know you didn’t have to but since you did don’t do that for anyone except for me, Demon, and Amos. Understand?”

She nods and Onyx lets her go and claps her hands, “Let’s go see my new baby.”

Should I be jealous of a car?

Shadow shrugs, “If she ignores us because of the car then yes.”

I sighed, “Even if she did, we wouldn’t do anything about it would we?”

“Not a damn thing”

I waved Willow and the girl to follow an overly excited Onyx and grabbed the boys before following Onyx myself.

Taking the elevator down to the car lot we all watch as Onyx gets even more excited with each floor we pass.

The doors finally dinged back opened to a well-lit garage with the star of the show being an all-black mustang with blacked out windows.

“You didn’t tell me what color you wanted so I went with all black. I hope that is, okay?”

“It’s perfect” If she was a cartoon charter her eyes would be stars.

“The inside is apple red with black accessories. I had our mechanic do a few upgrades for you and he also made sure to install safety features that can be turned off and on at any time. To do that all you will need to do is push the blue button in the middle of the dashboard.”

Opening the door, I see seats for the boys and start to put them in as the girl told Onyx, “I took the liberty to add the booster seats in the backseats for your children. The car can fit all five people better but if you have one of the children sit in someone’s lap it should be fine until later and if you drive in the dead of night no one will be able to hear or see the car if the lights are off. Um, Is all of this to your standards Miss Onyx?”

Once the boys are buckled in, Willow gets in the car in amazement at the interior and makes sure that the girl is somewhat comfortable as well. I turn to Onyx and know in an instant that me and this car are going to fight for her attention.

The drool coming from her mouth spoke volumes and the poor girl was behind Onyx so she couldn’t see just how happy she made her at this moment.

I stand next to Onyx and wait for her to say something but think she is too far in a trance for anything to come out her mouth other than drool.

Chuckling I look over my shadow at the nervous girl, “She loves it so thank you for that. You should see the drool coming out of her mouth right now.”

That got her out of the trance, and she quickly wiped her mouth while turning pure red.

She pouted and grumbled something at me before marching to the car.

I open the driver’s side door for Onyx and gentle closed it once she was in.

Opening the passenger door, I look over the car at the girl that made it her job to take care of us, “Thank you for all you have done. We may see each other again in the future but this will be goodbye for now.”

Onyx rolls her window down and yells thank you at the girl as I get in and close the door.

The girl nods and opens the garage door which Onyx decides to gun it and shoots through the parking garage and into the night laugh with the kids.

Chuckling at all of them I look at the map and direct Onyx to our home and soon to be our peace.

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