The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 46

“WHERE ARE YOU NOW?” I turned away from the window, cradling the phone between my ear and shoulder.

‘Outside of Charoum. I tried to fly back but the sun came up, and I doubt a winged beast carrying a man will go over great in the news. Plus, I’m tired.’

I could hear the people in the room with her, the machines, and her shoes on the floor as she walked. ‘Is this because of what happened in El Donuma? The recent earthquakes have been all over the news. Logan and Neverra seem on edge, acting like the end of the world is near. They dropped me off at work and left. Now I’m stuck with the regular celestial bodyguards, and everyone is being weird.’

My hand went to my chest. I could feel the rhythmic beat beneath my skin. A small single scar lay between my breasts now. It would notice, but it was small enough that anyone who did not know me would pay any attention to. It was just a small mark, but for me, it would always be a reminder of how far Liam was willing to go for me.

‘Yeah, about that,’ I paused, ‘Tobias showed up.’

‘What?’ Gabby practically screamed before catching herself. I heard her apologize to someone next to her before she whispered, ‘What? Are you okay? Well, I mean, I guess you are okay since I’m talking to you. So that’s good. Is he dead?’

I was quiet for a moment as I turned toward the bed. Liam slept, his chest rising and falling slower than usual.

‘No, but I was. I think. For a second at least, I don’t know—‘

This time she really did scream. ‘What? Wait, what does that mean, Dianna?’

I shook my head, rubbing my hand over my forehead. ‘It’s a long story, but we were tricked into getting the book. Tobias showed up and raised every dead person he could in probably a three -mile radius. We fought, we lost, and Liam brought me back.’ 

‘Back as in resurrection? As in—’

I cut her off. ‘Shh, don’t say it too loud. I don’t think it’s a good thing. Liam said necromancy is forbidden. That’s what Tobias does, and it’s all reanimated flesh like in the zombie movies, you know? What Liam did is different. I mean, does it even count if I never turned to ash? Does that mean I didn’t really die?’ I went back to sit by the window, watching the neighborhood children play. Gabby was quiet for a while.

‘Say something.’

‘I’m sorry. I’m just taken aback. That’s a big deal, regardless if you truly passed or not. You’re saying he basically restored your heart, Dianna. The one thing you can’t grow back.’ She paused again which only drove my already erratic nerves insane. ‘How close have you two gotten on this trip, D?’

I turned back, glancing at my sleeping savior. ‘It’s complicated.’

‘Dianna! You didn’t,’ she all but gasped.

‘Listen, it’s different. He’s different. Look, just let me explain when I get back, okay? Promise to not hate me until then.’

‘Fine, fine.’ She cleared her throat, and then she lowered her voice. ‘So that means Tobias has the book then?’

‘Yeah. Don’t tell the others. Not yet. I feel like it’s something that Liam needs to address.’

‘Of course.’

She grew quiet once more. 

‘Listen, I’ll be fine. So don’t worry. I’m probably going to try to sleep for a while, and then head out once it’s dark again. Hopefully, Liam wakes up soon.’ I heard the noises on her end pick up. ‘I’ll call you back later, okay?’

‘Okay. Remember that I love you.’

‘Love you, too.’ I smiled into the phone before hanging up.

A soft knock tapped on the bedroom door and the homeowner peered in. He was a nice -looking gentleman with a large family. I had compelled him to let us stay. Liam’s blood let that small part of me work in overdrive. We were currently in one of their teenage sons’ rooms.

‘Everything all right, Miss Dianna?’

‘Yes.’ I nodded and smiled. ‘You and your family should head out. Go to a nice dinner or movie. Just get out of the house, and live a little.’

His eyes held a far off glazed look for a moment. ‘You’re right. A movie sounds great.’ He didn’t say anything else as he left, closing the door behind him. I heard the commotion downstairs as the kids yelled in excitement. Footsteps ran up the stairs and then down as keys were grabbed. The front door opened and closed, leaving us in silence. I crawled onto the bed with Liam, the two of us barely fitting. I make it work, curling up against his side.

I had showered and changed clothes once we had gotten here and cleaned Liam up as best as I could. I had borrowed a thick sweater and jogging pants that fit well enough. My hand ran over the small dark waves, threatening to curl toward his brow. He didn’t move, only breathed slowly and deeply.

‘Why did you do that?’ I whispered. The same words I had echoed the first time he fed me his blood when he thought I had died.

I snuggled into him, wrapping my arm around his and placing my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes, listening to the slow beat of his heart, the rhythm now matching my own.

My body ached as I stretched across the bed, my arm shuffling through the covers reaching for Liam and coming up empty.

I was alone.

I sat upright and stopped. What the fuck? I looked around the room that did not belong to a teenaged boy who loved football and was living in the suburbs with his family. Drapes danced in the wind, swirling around the large bed frame. Furniture not of this world took up much of this chamber, birds chirping from the large open window. Oh no, is this another blooddream? My hand reached for the small scar on my chest, my fingers rubbing it through the fabric of my shirt. Of course.

Something crashed outside the room and I jumped. I could hear the muffled sound of raised voices. I pushed the drapes aside and padded across the cool floor. I didn’t even bother trying to open the large brass doors because I could literally walk through walls. It sounded like a lot of people were gathered, but for what? I walked down the massive corridor, taking in the art carved into the walls. It was as beautiful as the first time I’d seen it.
‘The boy never listens!’ I heard someone shout, shaking me from my admiration of my surroundings.

‘The boy is standing in front of you.’ It sounded like Liam, and he was pissed.

I didn’t hesitate as I ran down the hall, following the sound of the continued shouting. I skidded to a halt after taking a few flights of stairs down and entering what reminded me of a cathedral. The ceiling was so high I wondered how they even hung the massive glowing star -inspired structure that was above it. It moved and danced with shades of blue, purple, and silver. It reminded me of a small galaxy trapped inside a chandelier. 

Guards held their weapons tight, standing outside the main entrance. I entered and saw that several hundred more lined the walls. This place was so huge, it was no wonder Liam had told Drake he had seen bigger when we had toured their mansion. Several guards turned in my direction, and I froze, thinking I could be seen. I relaxed when a few celestials passed through me and I realized they were looking at them, not me.  

Duh, Dianna, it’s a memory. I took a deep breath and stepped forward. Several celestials were gathered around what looked like a row of large chairs. They sat atop a dais, allowing them to see the entire room and everyone in it. They were definitely thrones, made of pure gold metal. The legs were carved to depict different animals. They were animals I was unfamiliar with. Some had horns or fangs, others multiple wings, the feathers so detailed I could see the filaments from here.

My breath hitched in my throat as I saw the many deities sitting atop them. There had to be at least twenty or more. Several bore marks like Liam, those long vein like lines of light that seemed to coalesce in their eyes. The light on the others seemed to waft off of them in waves, not tied into their skin. They were beautiful in an alien way. They were too perfect, too defined. They were obviously gods, their eyes pure silver, just like his. The room was full of celestials, their blue -lined skin a contrast to that of the gods. 

I instinctively moved closer to the far wall as I watched. I knew this was a dream, but every fiber in my being told me to run. I stayed by one of the empty chairs, grabbing the edge as I peered over. From this angle, I could see Liam. His hair was like it was the last time I was here. The long wild curls danced across his armor, held back by the twin braids on either side of his face. Other strands were contained with small bejeweled metal bands.

Whatever was happening, must be after he formed The Hand because those I recognized were all wearing matching armor. Did they just come back from a battle? Logan, his hair the same length but the top in an intricate braid design that connected at the base of his skull before cascading down his back in three thick braids, moved past a few celestials to stand close to Liam. His head was held high and he gripped the hilt of one of those ablaze weapons, ready to strike if needed.

I scanned the crowd and saw Vincent. He was at the back of the group, sitting to the side of the dais. He looked even more pissed than he usually did. Several claw marks lined his chest and arm, but he wasn’t actively bleeding.

‘You did not listen, Samkiel, and it nearly cost you several celestials. They are not made to be your toys, you insolent fool!’ a woman snapped, and my head turned toward her. She had long white hair and silver rings completely covered her fingers. She wore a shimmering dress, beneath her armor, light dancing off of her pauldrons as she moved. She was beautiful and obviously deadly. The silver lines on her body pulsated with her anger as she pointed at Liam.

‘It’s done, is it not, Nismera?’ Liam responded, wiping the blood off of his sword.

So that was Nismera. The one who had made Vincent, and hurt him too from what Liam had said.

‘Yes, I am quite well.’ I heard Vincent groan.

Liam turned toward Vincent, waving his hand in his general direction. ‘See, he is fine.’

The room erupted, everyone talking over each other. The door behind me opened and several more guards entered, a handful of celestials following. Okay, full house it is then. They are dressed in shiny metallic armor, thicker than what Liam and his warriors wore. A bird with multiple wings was engraved on their chest plates.

The noise in the room died as they made their way to the dais and removed their helmets. One of the taller warriors tossed a large bleeding head at the feet of the gods. It was large with two thick horns that curved back in a spiral. Emerald green flecks of light gleamed beneath its scales even in death. Its mouth gaped in four directions, exposing hooked teeth that glistened with venom. Blood gathered around the severed neck like a reflective pool. 

‘I bring the head of an Ig’Morruthen,’ a feminine voice said. ‘One of many Samkiel and his warriors bested in battle.’

I instinctively grabbed my throat. I knew they hunted Ig’Morruthens and everything in between, but seeing how easy it was for them to take the head off something that would usually give me nightmares, shook me.

To my surprise, I recognized the warrior that had tossed the head. Imogen. She was strikingly beautiful even covered in the blood of one of my own. She came to stand by Liam, greeting him with a kiss. I felt the pit of my stomach roll as my eyes darted away. So she was a leader as well. Great. That’s perfect. Not jealous at all.

‘Lady Imogen, can you attest to the actions of Samkiel?’

I remembered that voice. I turned to look further as I recognized Liam’s father in all his glowing glory. Although, he seemed tired and frustrated. He sat upon the center throne, one hand on his head as he rubbed his temple, and his staff resting against one leg. I smirked. My Liam was more like his father than the younger version of himself.

‘With all due respect, my grace, the task was completed.’ Imogen bowed for a second before righting herself. Liam wore a smug look on his face and extended his arms out as in a see I told you manner.

I rolled my eyes as the gods all burst into angry bickering once more, talking over each other and yelling. I sighed, this was pointless. Was this how all their meetings went?

‘So, you would rather the Hynrakk realm stay open while they ravaged and slaughtered countless?’ Liam practically yelled to get his voice heard.

Several of the gods turned toward him, the light around them pulsating. Oh, they were pissed. The god in the chair on the far right had been eyeing Liam with malice. He jumped from his throne and strode toward Liam, menace radiating off of him. He was tall and lean with angular features, his muscles rippling as he clenched his fists. The circular gold blades strapped to his back glowed with his anger.

‘You are an arrogant and foolish boy!’ he snapped, the floor rumbling as his power flexed. I would give Liam credit, he didn’t back down or look remotely shaken. He folded his arms and stood his ground, licking the inside of his lip.

‘A boy who did what you could not, Yzotl.’

Yzotl raised his hand toward Liam, and a loud booming siren filled the hall. I covered my ears and crouched, the noise making my teeth clench. As soon as it started, it was over. When I looked back toward the thrones, Liam’s father was on his feet, his staff stuck in the ground between them, silver light dancing from the cracks it created in the floor.

‘Silence!’ he said, his voice resonating with power. Every being in the room obeyed. ‘There shall be no more arguments from either party. What my son has done is arrogant, impulsive, and above all, selfish.’ He stopped, his gaze focused on Liam.

Liam shook his head in disgust, clearly not surprised his father did not have his back. But I could also see his hurt. I wanted to reach out to him but knew I couldn’t. The other gods nodded and murmured their agreement, but their expressions fell when he continued. ‘But, nevertheless, the threat is eliminated. People are safe because of his actions. Where would we be if we chastised the means by which we keep others safe?’

‘Typical.’ Nismera scoffed, standing from her throne. ‘It matters not what the boy does to you. You will always choose his side. Consequences for his disobedience be damned. Seems repetitive, Unir.’

Unir glared at Nismera, the glow in his eyes intensifying, but he made no move. Others seemed to agree with her, slowly nodding. She didn’t say anymore before she shot out of the room in a ball of light. Many others looked at Liam and Unir with disgust before leaving the room in a flare of light. I hadn’t realized how bright they had made the area until just Unir remained. The room held a dim glow as he lifted the spear from the cracked marble floor, his eyes never leaving Liam.

‘Your pride, egotism, and insolence will be the reason they will turn on you,’ Unir said with a shake of his head. ‘You cannot lead them, or anyone, if they don’t respect you. Have I taught you nothing? Years of training, educating you, and yet you resort to barbaric tactics. How can you ever hope to lead?’ 

‘Father, I—’ Liam started but his father only held up his hand.

‘I am ashamed of you. I had such high hopes, and now I am left to clean up your mess. Again.’

He stared at Liam for a moment longer, but when Liam didn’t say anything, he shook his head one more time and disappeared. I started toward Liam, no longer caring that I was in a dream. My steps faltered when the ground began to shake. It reminded me of the old days when a thousand or so horses ran wild through the fields in the heart of war. I looked down at my feet, the marble floor melting away to reveal a rocky blood -stained expanse. Shouts from behind me had me ducking just in time as a golden beam of light sailed over my head. I quickly righted myself to take in more of what was going on. Screams and the sound of metal on metal filled my ears. It was the gods and they were fighting. I had heard stories of The Gods War but never witnessed it myself. I turned from side to side, trying to take in more of my surroundings. The beasts the gods rode were massive. They had wicked talons on their feet, and their eyes glowed. At first I thought their bodies were covered with fine hair, but looking closer I saw tiny finger feathers shimmering in the light that billowed off of them in waves. They were beautiful but also terrifying. Especially since one was coming right for me. I moved, ducking behind a large rock formation, forgetting this was just a dream. I moved to get a better view, peering over the rock. I watched as a god was run through with one of those engraved weapons. He collapsed, holding his midsection. He groaned once before the light dancing off of him exploded, a wave of energy rushing away from where he had stood. 

A terrifying roar shook the air as thick black clouds roiled overhead. Wings bigger than any I could ever conjure beat at the sky as fire poured from the massive beast, scorching the ground beneath. Ig’Morruthen. A chill ran up my spine, fear gripping me at what I could become. I didn’t want to be a monster.

The ground rocked once more and I saw another gold light shoot up into the sky, followed by several blue ones. Kaden was right. The books were right. They can die. Okay, I need to wake up now. I turned around and gasped. Liam stood right in front of me, blood dripping from his hair and armor as a long green and gold lined cape bellowed behind him. His gaze focused on something behind me.

‘Are you happy, Samkiel? This is what you wanted, yes?’ Nismera’s sultry voice said from behind me.
Liam spun his sword twice as he walked to my left, still staring at the goddess behind me. ‘I never wanted this.’ I noticed the weapon he had wasn’t the dark one I had seen before but an ablazed one.

‘You’re a fool if you think we would ever let you lead us.’ I turned as she came into view. Her armor was stained with blood as well. She gripped a red blade, the hilt gleaming with gold jewels.

‘Look around you, Samkiel. You shall get the fame you so desperately crave. They will know you now for what you truly are. World Ender.’

Liam didn’t say anything as he rushed forward, slamming the blade down where Nismera had stood.

‘Come on, World Ender. Summon your death blade. Show them who you are.’ Her smile dripped venom as she charged again.

His strike went right through my incorporeal form and almost clipped her. ‘No.’

‘Coward.’ Nismera dodged just in time, bringing her blade up. Their weapons clashed again and again, both skilled fighters. Every move the goddess made, Liam parried and vice versa. More screams rang out as the ground shook again.

The sky flashed and I knew another god had died. It must have distracted Liam long enough for Nismera to get the upper hand. She swiped her blade at Liam’s legs. He tried to dodge but it was too late. A long gash appeared on Liam’s left calf, blood pouring from the deep wound. He yelled in pain and dropped to his knees. Nismera advanced and Liam raised his sword to block her swing. Her blade cut through his sword at the hilt, slicing the palm of Liam’s hand.

‘Did you really think you could best me, you cocky ignorant fool? I am stronger than you.’

Nismera kicked Liam square in the chest and he tumbled backward. I tried to move forward to help, to do something, but it was like my body was in quicksand.

She placed her thick armored boot on his chest, her sharp heel sinking into his breastplate. She leaned forward and placed her sword tip at Liam’s throat as blood began to pool at the tip of her sword. ‘You see, World Ender. This is your legacy. I hope as the light bursts from your chest as you die you know that all of this destruction is because of you.’

She raised the sword, and I could see she meant to drive it into Liam’s throat. A bright light hit Nismera’s chest, sending her flying back. Liam and I followed his gaze to where the blast was seen and saw Liam’s father. He was wounded, blood covering his armor. He gripped his spear, power sparking at the tip.

Liam struggled to his feet, his leg and neck bleeding. He half walked, crawled to his father. Finally able to move, I ran to them, thinking I could help, but my hands went through them both. Fuck. Liam reached his dad right as Unir half -collapsed into his arms. Liam struggled to prop him up, pushing him back against the wall. His father held his side before lifting his hand and noticing it soaked in blood.

‘Father?’ Liam said, his voice breaking as he looked at Unir.

The ground shook again, causing them both to stumble and almost fall. Another bright light exploded nearby. Unir made a disgruntled noise as he tripped, and then tried to correct himself. I knew from the amount of blood he was losing he didn’t have much longer.

‘You—‘ his voice was filled with pain, ‘I am truly sorry. I only wished to save you. All of you.’ 

‘Father.’ Liam shook his head, tears streaming down his face.

He was trying to keep from breaking. I had a feeling he knew his father’s last moments were a breath away. The ground shook and another burst of blue light erupted. I heard footsteps approaching and turned to look. Several celestials stood around us, wearing armor similar to Nismera’s, and I knew they were not here to help.

‘Father,’ Liam whispered, ‘don’t leave me. Please. I’m so sorry. I’ll listen better. I swear it. I just cannot do this without you. I do not know what I’m doing.’ His voice shook, not caring about the increasing audience.

‘Yes, you do.’ Unir nodded once. ‘You always have.’

Liam watched with dawning horror as his father’s face slowly started to glow.

‘How precious. A dying father who cares for someone other than his own sickening greed to rule.’ The voice came from behind the other celestials. It was the God Yzotl I had seen before at the meeting. His armor was draped in blood from the top of his helmet to the tip of his blade. Blood of their own.

Unir grabbed the spear, pushing Liam back as he shot to his feet with the last bit of strength he had. He spun it once over his head, sending a beam of golden light at the god but he wasn’t quick enough. Yzotl bounced the beam from his sword, redirecting his own power and sent the blast right back at Unir. Right through his chest. It hit him dead center, creating a massive hole through his breastplate.

The world stopped for a split second as Liam’s father looked at him and smiled, a single tear cascading down his cheek. ‘I love you, Samkiel. Be better than us.’ He smiled as the cracks formed across his body. He took one more breath before bursting into a thousand purple and yellow lights.

Liam’s scream echoed over the entire field. His howl of pain and rage vibrated through every inch of the falling Rashearim. My heart broke at the sound of his sorrow as I watched Liam drop his head into his hands, sobbing violently. More gods slammed into the ground, surrounding him, but he didn’t care. Yzotl stepped forward with a smile of pure hate on his face as he stopped in front of Liam’s knelt form.

‘So this is our king? A sobbing child?’ Yzotl shouted as the other gods laughed. ‘How pathetic.’ He reached down and gripped Liam by his hair. He yanked him up, forcing him to his feet. Hate and grief were etched into Liam’s features. Yzotl’s smile turned to a gape in a fraction of a second before his entire being turned into a thin sheet of ash. Everyone stopped, unsure of what had just happened. Liam didn’t move. He did not advance. He just stayed there with his head hung. It didn’t take much before another worked up the courage. He charged and Liam spun on his good leg, stabbing the black and purple blade through his skull. Energy did not burst from him like the others. His skin turned a deep black before disintegrating. More gods grew the courage to rush Liam and each one met the same fate. He was so quick I couldn’t even tell he moved until all that was left was ash and sand.

Liam didn’t so much as hesitate as he grabbed the blade with both hands flipping it once and driving it into the very ground itself. Energy like I felt when I first met him shook the ground, spreading out in every direction. The celestials that did not flee and the Ig’Morruthens that had been steadily advancing, suddenly screamed as the power of the blade surged with a dull thud, the air forced out as if a bomb had gone off. Everything that wave touched burned to ash, leaving only Liam in a dusty deserted battlefield. That was the last thing I saw before the Rashearim exploded.

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