The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 60

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 60

I must have dozed off because when I woke I was in Jake's car with a blanket wrapped around me. Sitting up I turned my head looking out the window. He was just about to pull into his drive. "Hey baby". Placing his hand on my thigh he squeezed gently.

"Hi". I yawned.

"You okay?". He asked as the car came to a stop.

Was I okay?

"Not really". I whispered.

"Come on let's get you to bed"..

As I unclipped my seatbelt he was already out the car and opening the passenger side door for me. "Did you lift my bag?". I asked taking his hand as I got out.

"Shit". He cursed. "I'll go-....".

Squeezing his hand I shook my head. "I'll get it tomorrow". Feeling the shiver run through my body my teeth started to chitter. The temperature had dropped, the late night air cool.

"Come on". With my hand still in his he led me up to the front door. "First door on the right, you can wear one of my T-shirt's if you want. I'm going to check a few things before I come up". Kissing my fore head he pulled back his eyes locking with mine.

"Thank you for coming back". I whispered.

"I'll always come back babe. You need me I'm there and that goes for anything. Go get sorted, I won't be long".

Finding his room I took a seat on the edge of his bed. I was ready to start something with him. Everything else didn't matter anymore.

I knew deep down I would always have him. He was mine and this time I wasn't letting anyone get inside my head.

Glancing around his room I got to my feet so I could have a nose around. It was simple, neutral walls, big screen TV, a lamp in the corner and not to mention his massive bed.

"You okay?". "Just tired". Giving him a small smile I felt the butterflies rise in my stomach. I had made the right choice by staying with him tonight. His presence alone was comforting.

"Anything you want to talk about?". He asked walking further into the room. "Not tonight". I whispered shaking my head. That was a conversation for tomorrow. Right now I wanted to sleep and forget it happened.

"You sure?".

Sitting on his bed I kicked off my shoes. "I'm sure, can you get me a T-shirt?". I was already pulling his hoodie over my head. Unhooking my bra from under my T-shirt I pulled it down my arms and out of my sleeve. All the while he stood staring. "Jake?".

"Second drawer princess". Clearing his throat I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed.

"Going for a shower". As the door to his room closed I picked the first T-shirt I put my hand on. Stripping out of my clothes I pulled his T-shirt over my head.

I was struggling to keep my eyes open.

Pulling back the covers I got in. Instantly I was surrounded by his smell. Closing my eyes I inhaled deeply. Nothing felt better right now and I knew I was exactly where I was suppose to be. Rolling onto my side I slid my hand under the pillow and closed my eyes.

I was overheating.......

But that wasn't what woke me. I could hear the raised voices.

"Jake?". I muttered sitting myself up my back resting against the headboard. He wasn't here. Pushing the covers off I got out of bed switching the light on. Checking my phone I groaned at the time. It was almost 3am.

Why was he still up?

"Fucking sort it". I heard him growl.

"Watch your mouth"....

"I can't lose her dad".

His dad was here at this time?

"You won't lose her but you need to complete the mating bond and mark her. It needs...." He stopped talking. "Come in here Leah, you need to hear this as well".

Entering the living room I could already tell Jake was on edge. His dad was by the patio windows staring out into the night sky.

"Have they been patrolling long?". Jake asked as I stood awkwardly by the couch.

"What's going on?". I asked.

"Rogue Wolfs. Jack caught their scent behind your house earlier tonight". His dad turned glancing at Jake. "They might just be passing through".

"Yeah fucking right". Jake snapped. His hands balled into fists his eyes darkening. "You don't go out unless one of us is with you". As he approached me he slipped his arm around my waist pulling me to his side.

Protecting me.

He seen anyone as a threat. Including his own father.

This wasn't going to work. I had a life, I had school, I had friends. Not being able to leave my house without a chaperone was ridiculous.

"I need to keep you safe". He whispered.

I didn't think I wasn't safe until now but I wasn't going to argue about it. I didn't want to be chaperoned everywhere but if it kept him calm I was willing to try anything.

"I think you should move in here until I know more about what's going on". His grip tightened on my waist. "It might be nothing and they may just be passing through but I can't chan it until I kno How could I say no to that. It's not as if my gran wanted me there anyway.

"Will you keep me in the loop with what's going on?". I asked.

"Will you stay here and let me keep you safe?". I hated when he answered a question with a question.

"Until you know what's going on yes".

"Go back to bed I won't be long down here".

"Okay then". As he bent to kiss my forehead my eyes closed. I wasn't going to be difficult about this. I wasn't going to put myself in danger. "Goodnight Leah"....

"Night Jacob"....

I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I didn't hear him come to bed, didn't feel him pull me close.

I was dead to the world.

for sure".

When I woke the next morning I already knew he wasn't beside me. His side of the bed cold. Opening my eyes I grabbed my phone groaning when I saw it was noon.

I had several messages from my gran. One warning me I better be at school. I had slept a good few hours and yet it felt like I hadn't slept at all. My eyes still heavy, a headache approaching. Pushing the covers off a yawn escaped my mouth. I didn't want to get up. I could have easily pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep.

I could hear movement from downstairs. Voices alerting me that we weren't alone. After visiting the bathroom and washing my face I raked his drawers for a pair of sweats. Bunching them up at the waist I tied his T-shirt into a knot at the back. His clothes were too damn big.

My contacts were scratching my eyes and my glasses were in my bag I had left at his parents. Already I couldn't see this day far enough. Ignoring the sicky feeling in my stomach I left the room making my way downstairs.

"Afternoon sweetheart". Charlotte was already handing me a mug of coffee. "Sleep well?". She asked.

I wanted to know where she got her energy.

"I did". I smiled. "What's going on?". I felt a little out of place. Pack members were everywhere, a few I still hadn't been introduced to. Not to mention I was stood dressed in Jake's clothes.

"You must be Leah?". An older lady approached me. I didn't miss the way she looked me up and down.

Did the older generation have an issue with me also?

"You're a beautiful little thing dear but the question is, are you good enough for our Alpha?". She smiled.

And here we go again.

"The question you should be asking is if he's good enough for me?". I had no idea where that came from but when I glanced at Charlotte and saw her smile I was glad I said it. "Excuse me?". All traces of her smile gone.

"You heard what I said. What if your Alpha isn't good enough for me. You don't seem to have a problem with telling me what you think so here's what I think. What Jake and I do or have is no one's business bu know one thing. I am good enough, I will be good enough and if you don't like it then I suggest you keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself".

I had word vomit. Once I started I couldn't seem to stop. "And another thing. He may be your Alpha but he is my mate and one day I will be your Luna. If you can't accept that then I can't force you but I will not stand here and be belittled by you or anyone else.

Now if you'll excuse me". I may have been out of line but it was time I said something. I wasn't letting anyone disrespect me or put me down anymore. Regardless of who it was.

Removing myself from the situation was for the best. I was stood by the windows looking out into the forest. My body was shaking from the inside. I would never disrespect my elders or anyone for that matter but I was sick of standing by and doing nothing.

I wasn't a pushover and it's about time everyone knew it.

"Ignore that old witch". Charlotte rolled her eyes as she placed her hand on my arm. "I'm proud of you and you'll be one hell of a Luna".

"They're never going to accept me". Taking a sip of my coffee I felt my stomach tighten. It was getting old and I was done listening to the bullshit.

"Jake accepts you sweetheart and I can't wait for you to become my daughter in law. They'll fall in line soon enough".

I hope she was right because I wasn't going anywhere and it's about time I made my place known.

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