The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 61

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 61

I had left Jake's and was currently sitting in my room. My gran once again was no where to be seen. After what happened at Jake's for once I no longer had that dreaded feeling in my stomach.

She deserved it and I wasn't going to feel guilty for putting her in her place. His family accepted me and that was all that mattered.

Hearing the front door close my stomach clenched. She expected me to be in school. I hated that we weren't on good terms but I wasn't taking responsibility for that.

Something was going on with her and I was going to find out what it was. Her whole attitude had changed in a matter of days. Pausing my music I got up from my bed and made my way downstairs. It was now or never but regardless of the outcome I would get to the bottom of it.

"I got you hot Cheetos". As she continued to empty the shopping bags I took a seat at the kitchen island. "And stocked up on some juice".


"Have you had lunch?". She asked.


"Get your shoes we're going for a burger".

What in the.....huh?

"Are you okay?".

"Always sweetheart and about yesterday I'm sorry for the way I acted. I should never have spoke to you the way I did❞.

"Can we just forget it happened?". I asked. I didn't want to fight with her. I hated it and it wasn't a nice feeling.

"It won't happen again honey. I can promise you that".

"So how are things with Jake?". She asked.

We had been driving for about 20 minutes. The conversation light and comfortable. She had yet to bring up why I wasn't in school. "We're fine". We still had things to work out but I knew it would all fall into place.

"Just fine?". She pushed. "Those girls still giving you hassle?".

"They'll always give me hassle". They wanted what was mine but I wouldn't give up without a fight. "But I'm handling it".

"They're just jealous sweetheart. They'll try their hardest to get in between you and Jake. He's Alpha and that's all they care about".

It was strange to finally be able to talk to her about this. I could offload on her and by doing so I know I wouldn't offend anyone because she was on my side.

"What if I'm not enough?".

"A human mate is just as strong as a werewolf mate. Once you mate you'll see". She winked. "Now what do want to eat?".

We finished our lunch date with an iced coffee. Today is exactly what we needed. What happened yesterday was already forgotten about.


"Yeah?". I was texting Jake back and forth to see if there was any news about the scents found outside my house. I had agreed to stay at his until he knew for sure I was safe but I was already having second thoughts.

"Can I ask why you skipped school?".

"I didn't sleep well last night but it won't happen again". I was waiting for her to bring that up but at least she didn't seem to mad about it.

"Still struggling with chemistry?".

"Yes". I sighed. "I can't wrap my head around it".

"I thought your friend was tutoring you?".

"Yeah he is but I don't see what the point is". I graduated in less than 6 months and right now I couldn't see that happening.

"You'll figure something out you're a smart girl. Have you looked at universities yet?". She asked as we pulled into our street. "My teacher thinks I'm good enough for Yale".

"And what do you think?". As the car came to a stop I unclipped my seatbelt.

"I don't know if I want to go to university".

"And what will you do, work in the gas station for the rest of your life?".

I was already out the car and walking towards our front door. "Can we not please". I didn't want to get into this with her.

"You were so excited about university back in Florida and now-...."

"And now we're in Texas. Werewolf's are real and I happen to be the mate of the leader. Yeah a lot has changed since Florida gran". Taking a seat on the couch I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "This is your senior year honey. I don't want you to miss out on anything".

"I'm not going too". I didn't want to fail. I wanted to graduate with the rest of my year. "I'll have a look at different universities".

"That's all I ask". She smiled. "George is coming by later. Will you be here for dinner?".

I frowned reading the message Jake had just sent me.

'My house by 6 no later! Don't eat beforehand!'

"Looks like I may be going out for dinner". That was my guess anyway unless he was cooking.

"A little date". She winked. "Oh and please tell Lana to come home. The house is to quiet without her".

"I will". Grabbing a coke from the fridge I headed for my room. I was curious as to what he had planned for tonight.

'Can I have a hint?'

Hitting send I spent the next hour going through my closet and Jake had yet to text me back. I had no idea where we were going therefore I didn't know what to wear. Dialling Alanna's number I put it on speaker. Maybe she would know.

"Hey girl! How are you?".

"Better than yesterday. Listen do you know what Jake has planned tonight?". "Maybe". She laughed. "All I'm saying is wear a dress with a zipper in the back. Bye gal love you".

A zipper?

What in the world was he up to?

I couldn't help feel a little excited. We hadn't been out on a proper date yet. I wanted to see what he had planned. Finally picking out my dark blue midi dress I paired it with my black strapped heels. "Thank god you and your gran have made up". She came bursting through my door like a hurricane. "I like Pete but I need some time to myself". Jumping on my bed she picked up my Cheetos. "Oh where are you going?". She smirked nodding towards my dress.

"No idea". I shrugged. "I've to be at his house for 6".

"Date night". She winked. "Does that dress have a zipper?". She asked.

"Oh my god what is it with a zipper?". I huffed.

"Always wear a dress with a zipper. You'll understand eventually. Have you fucked him yet?". She asked shoving my chips into her mouth.

"Lana". I hissed. My sex life was nobody's business and if you haven't already guessed I wasn't a fan of sharing my experiences. It was private and that's the way I liked it.

"Stop being a prude". She huffed. "I only asked".

"No we haven't had sex. This is our first proper date". If I could even call it that. I didn't know what he had planned so I had no idea what to expect.

"You're blushing babe. Lighten up you've had sex before". It wasn't about the sex and even if it was I knew sex with Jake was going to be different. Good different. "Have you slept with Pete?". I asked.

"Not yet. The timing isn't right apparently". Rolling her eyes she continued to eat my Cheetos. "I possibly could be sacking him soon".

Oh no!

"I thought you liked him?".

"I do but I have needs and he isn't fulfilling them". She shrugged.

"You're unbelievable". Shaking my head I grabbed a clean towel. "It isn't always about sex. Keep going the way you're going and you'll end up alone". Leaving her with her mouth hanging open I disappeared into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

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