The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 59

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 59

He had been away for 3 days.

No calls.

No texts.

Saturday was the last time I spoke with him.

I missed him more than I thought I would. He had literally flipped my world upside down, become such a big part of my life within such a short time.

"He'll be home soon". Alanna slipped her arm through mine as we walked into the coffee shop.

"I know". I didn't think I would feel this way. It was hard to explain the ache in my chest or the nerves in my stomach, it was constant. He was giving me the space I thought I wanted but turns out it wasn't space I needed.

I needed him.

I wanted him here with me.

"You want a cappuccino?". She asked.

"Yeah". I found myself checking my phone more often. Scrolling through my social media just to see if he had posted anything.

If I felt like this now without being mated how was I going to feel if I wanted to go to university. I couldn't take being this far away from him. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through the next few days or when he decides to come home.

"So Carter told me you and your gran had a fight?". Placing my cappuccino in front of me she took her seat.

"Let's just say we aren't exactly on speaking terms. First argument I've ever had with her". I could already see our relationship changing without the argument happening. She was distant, always out spending time with George.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Give her time to cool off".

"Maybe". I shrugged. Poor Lana had been staying with Pete the last few days. You could cut the tension in my house with a knife. It wasn't pretty.

If I had somewhere else to go I wouldn't be there either. I didn't like that we argued but I couldn't sit and say nothing when she had lied to me my whole life.

"Was it that bad?". She asked as the door to the shop chimed.

Sarah! Just what I needed.

"What are you staring-..." Alanna turned around as Sarah and her friends took the booth in the corner. She was right in my line of sight. "She's bloody everywhere". She sighed. "Right so is it really that bad?". "We both said things we didn't mean. Heat of the moment. You know what it's like". Glancing at Sarah I clenched my teeth at her smug smile.


"I know I need to stop letting her get under my skin". Taking a sip of my coffee I glanced at my phone as it pinged.

"Jake?". She smirked.

"My gran". I frowned opening the message.

'Come home we need to talk x'

"I need to go home. She wants to talk".

Opening the front door I kicked off my shoes and hung up my jacket. Dropping my bag on the bottom of the stairs I walked into the living room.

"Sit down Leah". George was sat beside her, his arm around her shoulder. Something didn't feel right and I had a feeling I wasn't going to like what she was about to say. "Are you okay?". I asked.

"What happened on Sunday won't ever happen in this house again. I won't have you disrespecting me like you did. I didn't raise you like that". Her tone was sharp, edgy. "Understood". If I said what I wanted to say it wasn't going to end well.

"You're eighteen Leah but you still live under my roof and I expect you to live by my rules. By all means if you want to leave then go, you can do what the hell you want". I could feel the tears well in my eyes, the lump forming in my throat. I was trying my hardest to keep them from falling.

I had no idea why she was acting like this.

"Can I be excused?". I asked.

"Dinner will be on the table for 6. It's up to you if you want to join us".

"Okay". Heading upstairs the tears fell as soon as I closed my bedroom door. How could she be like that with me? Grabbing my phone I dialled his number. I didn't want to be here, I felt like an outsider in my own home.

"This is a surprise". He chuckled.

I couldn't hold back the sob......

"Babe what's going on?".....

"I-I....can you come home?". I cried. I needed him more than anything right now. I had never felt so alone.

"What's going on Leah. Are you hurt? Did something happen?". I could hear the panic in his voice.

"Can you come get me please?". My voice was barely a whispered. I couldn't seem to control how I was feeling.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. Pack a bag"...

The line went dead before I could reply. Connecting my phone to my speaker I put on a random playlist. I wasn't planning on staying here tonight.

Grabbing a few essentials I started to pack an overnight bag. Jake and I may not be on the best of terms but he was there for me when I needed him and right now I've never needed him more.

I couldn't believe how quickly she had changed. I had never in my life disrespected or disappointed my gran but her choice of words were upsetting.

We both said things we shouldn't have. I had a right to be upset with the lies she had kept from me. Carter was my family as well.

I was going to become part of a werewolf family. I was an Alphas mate and when the time came my children would be werewolf's.

Sitting my now packed bag by the patio doors I climbed onto my bed. I couldn't believe this was happening. She had distanced herself from me, I had felt it for a while. I didn't understand why she was being so mean. Telling me to move out if I wanted. That wasn't my gran.

I still had a curfew for petes sake.

Something was wrong. I could feel it in my bones. She had always been my only intimate family and now it felt like she wanted nothing to do with me. Hearing my phone ping I jumped from my bed hoping it was Jake.

'I'm outside. Come to my moms until he's home. He'll be at least a few hours. I hope you're okay. Ax'

I didn't think twice. Rummaging through my closet I pulled out a pair of sneakers and pulled Jake's hoodie over my head. This was the last place I wanted to be right now. Lifting my bag I opened my bedroom door slowly trying to make as little noise as possible.

I knew George would be able to hear me. Reaching the bottom of the stairs I glanced into the living room through the glass door. The TV was on, I could hear them both laughing. Opening the front door I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip, I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to be upset by this. Walking up the drive I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

Jake would let me stay for a few days. Maybe time apart was exactly what we needed.

"Come on". Alanna whispered taking my bag before slipping her arm through mine. "It'll be okay".

"I don't know what's going on Alanna. She's never been like this before. I'm not sure I can go back". I wasn't sure she even wanted me to stay there anymore.

"You can always stay with me or better yet stay with Jake. A few days won't hurt and it'll give you sometime apart”.

"Did he ask you to come get me?". I asked as we made our way up the driveway. Her parents house was the biggest in the street, it stood alone.

"He did, he wanted to make sure you were safe". She squeezed my arm. "He really cares about you Leah and I'm not just saying that because he's my brother".

"I know he does". As she open the front door Charlotte was waiting for us.

"Come here sweetheart". Pulling me into her arms she held me tight. "It's none of my business Leah but always know you have a home here with us. I just want to make sure you're okay". "Thank you". I whispered.

"I can't be bothered cooking so are you girls okay with takeout?". She lead us through the house and into the kitchen. "Leah make yourself comfortable honey. I have a few things I need to do before Jacob gets home".

This house was a lot like Jake's. All open plan and spacious.

"Thanks mom". Alanna smiled. "You want something to drink?".

"Please". I smiled walking into living room and taking a seat on the couch. The last few days had been tough. First with Jake and now my gran. Was I ever going to catch a break?

"Here". Handing me the glass she took a seat at the other side. "You doing okay?". "It's been a weird few days". I shrugged. "I can't believe she mentioned moving out. I've never even thought about it". "Maybe she wants to move George in?".

"Doesn't make sense though. This was suppose to be a fresh start for the both of us and now I feel like she's trying to push me out. I don't know maybes she's just having a bad day". "What did she say to you?". She asked.

"That I wasn't to disrespect her like I did and that living in her house meant living by her rules which I have always done. She told me that if I wanted to move out then I've to do it and do what the hell I want. She's never said any of that".

"Give her a few days and then see what happens. You could be right she's maybe just having a bad day".

"I hope you're right". I sighed.

It was nearing midnight, we were cooped up in the living room with snacks and rubbish horror films. Alanna was good for keeping my mind occupied.

Jake still wasn't home. I hadn't heard from him since we last spoke on the phone but I wasn't worried. I knew he be here as soon as he could.

"I'm just going to put this out there and say we're ditching school tomorrow?". She grinned.

I wasn't even thinking about school right now.

"What the point I'm failing chemistry anyway". I still was nowhere near understanding it.

"I told you Jake will tutor you, all you have to do is ask".

"He seems busy and I'm sure he's got much better things to do than tutor me". My phone vibrated off the arm of the couch.

"That'll be him". She smirked.

'30 mins away babe! I'll pick you up from my moms. I hope you're still awake' "He'll be here soon". I smiled. "Looks like I'm staying with him". I wasn't nervous about it. I was the one that asked him to come home. He always made every situation better. Being around him was comforting and that's what I needed right now.

"That was always the plan". She winked.

"Well I did ask him to come home. Will he get in trouble for leaving?". I asked.

"He's soon to be Alpha, he can do what he wants". Turning her attention back to the tv I snuggled deeper into the couch.

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