Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 26


The next day, Chloe could not get the fact that their might be a potential stalker after them. She knew not to freak herself out either. When she was alone in the apartment, there was a noise outside the door. She was lost in writing to notice anything out of the ordinary. Then she saw a shadow move across the window outside. She did not want to call Lucius because he was a meeting with his father. He will be back later.

The shadow had accompolice with him or her. Then she heard voices, "I don't think anyone is home."

"The light is on you dumbass. Someone is home. Lucius isn't there to protect her. But Joe would want her to be alive." Mystery voice said.

Chloe was quiet until she quietly moved to the bedroom to call Margo. Margo was busy with the wedding stuff to answer back and went to voice. Instead, she texted her mother to tell her about her situation. Her mother never answered either. This made Chloe feel like a loss when the front door came crashing in. To her horror, it was the vampire who she saw yesterday staring back at her. She screamed but was silent with chloroform.

"I have her, and what to do about her?" Mysterious voice said.

"Just bring her to the hideout." Joe said.

The mysterious person put Chloe in the trunk of the car and drove off. He was taken to the location in the mountains away from Jefferson. Thinking that Joe must be stupid for waiting revenge so much by kidnapping his ex was too much drama that wanted no part of. When he got to the hideout, Joe was already outside waiting.

"Do you have in the trunk?" Joe demanded.

"Yes," mysterious voice said, opening the trunk.

Joe took her out and took her inside. Then he placed her on the couch with her mouth taped shut. Her hands tied in front of her. Also, Joe stood there watching her and mesmerized her by her beauty.

It has been twelve hours since Chloe was knocked out and kidnapped. Chloe was beginning to stir and noticing she was not in a familiar living room. She tried to move her hands to see they were restrained.

"I see you are finally awake," Joe said.

Recognizing the voice and thought to herself, it could not be Joe back from the grave. No, it can't be possible. She sat herself against the arm furthest from him.

"How is this possible? You should be dead. Darius killed you." Chloe accused.

"Darius thought he killed me, but I survived with damn stake in my chest. I turned the guy who brought you here. He was following you and Lucius yesterday. I waited for you to be alone." Joe admitted.

"You are such a creep. Who can't just move on from me. You need to let me go. Find someone who will love you. We did not work out. I need to have my life back. I am going to have a family of my own. Lucius treats me better than you did. It hurts to know you want revenge on me for choosing someone else. Move on." Chloe ranted.

"I am surprised you feel that way. After three freakin years of dating you. You are nothing to me but a blood bag." Joe said, latching himself onto her arm. He bits her throat.

It hurt to have her blood leave her body. He was squeezing her wrist and felt it snap. He broke her wrist. Chloe cried out in pain. This gave him an edge and bit down harder. He was killing her. She tries to move her arms to move him off of her. He drank her blood until her vision was starting to tunnel. Chloe passed out from blood loss. Joe let her go and got up from the couch. He left the room feeling satisfied with his fill.

Hour has passed, Chloe slowly regained consciousness, and her neck hurt from where Joe bit her. Chloe could not move her neck or wrist. She heard movement on the other side of the room. It was the vampire that kidnapped her. He places a bowl of soup down in front of her. There was bread and soda to give her blood sugar boost.

"I am sorry," mysterious guy said before going away.

Chloe did not say anything and began to eat the platter in front of her. She did not want to eat anything else. The babies began to move for the first time. They must have sense her distress. When she was done eating, she took in the blank room. Nothing special. It was mostly bare except the couch and random chair with table setup. Then she heard footsteps coming down the stairs from the second floor. It was Joe who appeared.

"I see you ate. That's good." Joe comments. He takes the platter back to the kitchen. Then he returns from the kitchen. He sits on the chair watching her.

"You are a monster. You did not need to bite me yesterday. You also broke my wrist." Chloe accused him, with tears in her eyes.

"You are a monster. Of course, I am a monster." Joe mocked her. He tries to take her broken wrist and wantee to try to heal it.

Chloe hid her broken wrist. She was crying now and did not know if it was pregnancy hormones. Also, it is very frightened for her life. Joe yanked her wrist. She yelped out in pain. Then she cried harder.

"Stop," Chloe begged.

"No, you are mine for now. I want to heal your wrist." Joe told Chloe. He bit his wrist. The blood pooled and ran down his wrist. Then he shoves it towards her mouth.

Joe force fed his blood. Chloe wanted to gag but could not choke on the blood. The blood actually tasted good. Not metallic tasting like normal human blood. Chloe was about to go back for more, but the arm was gone.

"Do you feel better?" Joe asked.

Moving her wrist, the pain was gone. Chloe did not expect her wrist to be fixed. She did not say anything to Joe but only fell asleep for the exhausting she felt. Her emotions were still all over the place. Joe left to sleep. Then he walked out of the room.

"What are you going to do with her?" Mysterious voice asked.

"I think of leaving her here with us until she gives birth. Then, I will turn her into what we are." Joe said, laughing maliciously.

"Jared, you know Lucius from the attack back from Pennsylvania?" Joe comments.

"Yes, I used to be a friend before I was shot and rescued. Lucius does not know where we are." Jared said laughing.

Both guys laughed at the problem they made. Then they both left the building to feed for the day. Also, they came back to Chloe still asleep. Nothing else seemed to happen either.

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