Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 27


Lucius got back from the meeting and found the front door to the apartment was wide open. He went inside to realize something had happened to Chloe. Then he looked at the front door and noticed the door jam was cracked. Stating there was a break-in. The person kidnapped Chloe as well. There were drag marks on the floor. Chloe put up a fight. Standing outside, Lucius reached for his phone.

"I have a problem. Chloe has been kidnapped," Lucius called his father.

"I will right over." Miles said, hsngs up.

Lucius sat down on the porch until he saw his father's car pulling up. Miles saw his son frightened that something bad happened to Chloe.

"What do you think happened to Chloe?" Miles asked.

"I know there was a break-in, and there were drag marks from Chloe fighting back. She saw a stalker another day when we were at the flea market. She told me before going home. The stalker followed us home. Do you think calling the police would help." Lucius explained to his father.

"I think this kidnapping was more supernatural than a human would do this. I will call the council and trackers to help with this. You call your friends to see if there is some place Chloe would go. Also, call her parents to inform them," Miles instructed, pulling out his phone to call the council.

Lucius did call Chloe's parents to inform them what was going on and were coming to help. He also called Thomas and Margo. They were both coming over. Also, he thought to call Ian to see if he was available to help find Chloe. He still thought about calling the human police to help. Knowing his father would not like humans being involved. Everyone started to show up and looked at Lucius with sympathy.

Miles gathered everyone in the living room and said, "Chloe was kidnapped, and we need to try to find her before something bad happens. Knowing she is pregnant makes this more urgent."

"How could this happen?" Margo voiced her opinion. She looked over at Lucius with accusing eyes.

"How I should I know. Why are you accusing me, Margo?" Lucius asked with a glare. He stood up to face the kitchen sink.

"Maybe from past experiences from you stalking me without the kidnapping part. I can't use my magic since being binded. So, I am useless in that department. But I can see if there are other ways to be useful. I am sorry. We will find her." Margo said, padding Lucius's shoulder.

"Have you thought about unbinding your magic or actually tested the limits?" Lucius asked.

"No, I haven't, but this might help finding Chloe. I will have to call Selma up to get her to unbind the spell. I did find out why I was sick to turns pregnant as well." Margo replied.

"Does Thomas know?" Lucius asked.

"He does and hasn't told Ava yet. So, this stays quiet." Margo said before calling Selma.

Lucius made coffee for everyone to make himself useful. He needed to get the situation off his mind. His father was in full bloom conversation on his phone. Selma was coming out in two days. This is going to be a long night for everyone. He bid everyone good night and went to bed. Everyone went home for the night.

The phone rang and woke him up. He still had sleep in his voice, "Hello, Lucius, you remember me. I have your precious Chloe. You will never find her." Joe said before hanging up.

The phone dropped from his hand, and he did not expect a voice so familiar. Joe was alive. He was supposed to be dead. Lucius saved the call for evidence. This information jarred him awake. He decided to get ready for the day. Also, he thought to wait until the afternoon to call his father about this information.

"I have something to tell you. You might want to come over." Lucius said, hangs up.

Miles came over and found his son with his head resting on his arms in the kitchen. Lucius looked up at his father and said, "Joe called me this morning. He has Chloe."

"I thought he died after Darius stabbed him with a stake, or so he said. Maybe he lied by banishing Joe." Milee shrugged.

Lucius stood up and leaned on the counter facing his father. He then says, "How are we going to get her back from him. He might be planning something for her. I keep getting this feeling."

"He always was fixated on Chloe since after she broke up with him. It was really hard on both of them. In the meantime, you need to keep your focus on helping her mother feel better." Miles suggested padding his son on the shoulder. He left the apartment soon after.

Lucius spent time catching on classwork and got caught up on tests that he missed. He wrote his professors emails about his current situation. Also, he chatted with Thomas on what he had to deal with that morning. After he was done dealing with classwork, he relaxed in front of the TV. The news was on, and Mrs. Swartz was on the news begging for her daughter's return. Lucius knew this was the right thing to do. He called his father and, " Dad, turn on the news. You will see why."

Then he hangs up. He was about to go to the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. Opening the door, not expecting to see Selma Knox standing on his porch. He moved out of the way to let her pass. Then shuts the door.

"What brings you to my apartment?" Lucius asks her, standing in the doorway to the living room.

"Margo called to tell me she needed my help with finding her friend. That a crazy vampire has kidnapped her. Also, she needs her magic to be unbinded. I might be useful too. I can put a tracking spell on Chloe to find her location. We will see how this is going to work." Selma suggested, "We need to get to work."

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