Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 25


The other day, she felt her parents intruding on her and Lucius. His father came over to discuss what was going to happen in the coming months after the incident at Ian's compound. Margo and Chloe have another dressing fitting before the last one. Due to Chloe being pregnant, they had to make other adjustments. Personally, she did not care what anyone thought about her being pregnant.

Chloe was making tea when the doorbell was being rang franticly.

She yells,"Coming."

Hurried as fast as her pregnant body would take her. When she opened the door, Ava appeared on the porch. This is a surprise. Considering Chloe barely saw her. Instead, Chloe asked,"What’s wrong?"

"Margo has to cancel the dress fitting. She was not feeling right and told me to come over to tell you in person." Ava informed Chloe.

"Okay. Does she have the flu or something?" Chloe asked.

"No, she has been feeling nausea all morning. I think more like food poisoning." Ava said before heading towards her car.

"I will call her later," Chloe said.

Ava nodded, then drove off.

Thank god for a first-floor apartment, Chloe feet were killing her. She had developed swollen feet and be on them for long due to the pain. Lucius came out of the bedroom soon after Chloe came back from being outside.

"Who was at the door?" Lucius asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"It was Ava. She came over to tell me that Margo canceled our dressing fitting due to developing food poisoning." Chloe said, walking away to the kitchen to make herself something to eat.

"Oh," said Lucius.

"We both know she does not carry a phone at the moment. We both know she needs to get one before school starts." Chloe said,

coming back out from the kitchen.

Lucius raised his eyebrow, not thinking what Chloe said was true. What person does not have a phone these days? He sits on the sofa and watches TV. Not bothered by the weird conversation that just happened. Chloe went back to the bedroom to work on her freelance projects. She spent the rest of the day doing that.

Then Chloe turned for the day.

The next day, Chloe wakes to find she fell asleep with her paperwork all over the desk. Looking around, she noticed Lucius must have fallen asleep on the couch. The lights started to flicker again. They have been doing that on and off since the start of her pregnancy. She never talked about it at all. Then Chloe cleaned up her work area and got ready for the day.

Taking a shower helped clear her mind. There was a knock on the bathroom door. She was about to finish and turn off the water to say,"I will be done in a second."

"Alright, but can you hurry up.some people can not wait to use the bathroom in their pants." Lucius comments.

"Thanks for the visual Lucius," Chloe said sarcastically. Now, visually grossed out by the image, she scrambled to finish. Opening the door, Lucius lended against the wall.

"Thanks," Lucius said, rushing and slamming the door.

Not caring, she rushed around to get ready for the day. Chloe and Lucius have plans for the day. Lucius was already dressed when he came back from the bathroom. They wanted to explore Jefferson and see what else was in the area. Both went to the same bar that Joe and Lucius went to. Then, they went to the local flea market and bought a nice crib and dresser for nursery. In the middle of shopping for bany clothes, Chloe felt eyes on her. It made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. She looked around but could not find the source. Then she elbowed Lucius.

"I feel like someone is watching us," Chloe whispered to Lucius.

"What do you mean?" Lucius asked.

"When we were at the flea market,I felt the hair on the back of my neck standing on end right now. I think someone is watching us." Chloe said urgently.

"Okay, we will leave after we buy this stuff." Lucius promised.

Chloe was beginning to be uneasy from being watched. She looked around to check her surroundings and saw a shadow moving in the darkness of the alleyway. The shadow moved quickly behind the building to notice they were spotted. Lucius paid for the baby clothes and they went home.

They got back to the apartment and moved the furniture into the nursery. Lucius put everything else away. Chloe went to look out the window to look across the street. She noticed the shadow moving across the street. The person was watching the apartment. They looked up and saw Chloe watching them. They sped away real fast for Chloe to catch their movement.

"The feeling of being watched is confirmed. We have a stalker Lucius. I just saw them watching the apartment. They sped away real fast for me to get details." Chloe told Lucius when they were done decorating the nursery.

"I will have to mention this to my father. I will suggest staying in for now just in case of the stalker." Lucius suggests.

"Do you think the other trackers are out there?" Chloe asked while making dinner.

"Maybe. I would not put it past them to track our movement. My father must have sent some out to protect us. They will report back to my father. When I first arrived here, I was to keep track of the vampires in the area. Before everything's that happened. I also work for the council too." Lucius said.

"How is this relevant to our might be stalking situation?" Chloe turned from the stove and looked at him.

"It explains some things that the trackers do for the council," Lucius explained.

"I would not think so." Chloe said, "It creeps me out, though."

"I know it does but try not to think about it. They are not harming us. I will explain to my father about the situation." Lucius said after finishing eating and left the kitchen.

Chloe still thought it was weird and still was feeling uneasy. She spent the rest of her day trying to forget about the creepy stalker. What else could she do and hope for the best.

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