Bittersweet Memories (Off-Limits)

Bittersweet Memories: Part 2 – Chapter 58

“Why are you smiling like that?” I ask as Silas and I step into the elevator. The doors close, and he turns toward me with a wicked grin on his face. Silas leans in and twists his hand through my hair, tipping my face up as he kisses me, his touch possessive. I melt against him and lift my hand to his face, deepening our kiss, desire rushing through me.

The lift pings, and he steps away just as the doors reopen, straightening his tie as though nothing happened while I’m left feeling flustered and wanting more.

Si leans into me, his lip brushing over my ear as the elevator fills with more of his employees. “I was smiling because I’ve been wanting to do that for so fucking long now. One day, I’m going to fuck you in this elevator, with all of these mirrors around.”

I bite back a smile as I elbow him, trying my best to send him a chastising look and failing. He hasn’t stopped touching me since he came home to me, and I kind of wish we could’ve stayed in bed instead of having to go to work. For the first time in forever, everything feels right. I have no lingering doubts, and I’m done giving into my guilt and shame. Silas makes me happy, and that’s all I’m going to focus on.

The lift stops on the 12th floor, and Silas and I both tense when Ryan walks in. He looks at me, a grin on his face, and I instinctively take a step closer to Silas. The guilt and shame I feel toward Ryan is nothing compared to my fear of hurting Silas.

“Alanna,” he says, his tone relieved. “I was just hoping to come up because I need to speak to you.”

Silas leans back against the wall and stares at Ryan through lowered eyes. “What the fuck is your deal, Ry? You know people think you’re haunting the elevator, right?”

He glares at Silas. “Isn’t that your fault? You took away my access.”

“A normal person would’ve taken the hint.”

Ryan ignores Silas and turns to me. “I know I don’t have the right to ask something like this of you, but I just… I never told my mother that we broke up, and she insisted that I bring you over for family dinner tonight. I didn’t know what to say, so when she initially brought it up, I just agreed. I’m really worried that she’ll be upset if she finds out that we broke up. Please, can you do me the biggest favor and attend with me tonight?”

I shake my head. “No,” I tell him resolutely. It isn’t just because Silas is standing next to me. I’m just done with everything related to Ryan. I’m tired of carrying so much shame, of feeling obligated when I wasn’t the one who sabotaged our relationship. “I can’t attend your family dinner with you. I’m sorry.”

Silas smirks and places his hand on the small of my back. “You should come,” he tells me. “It was nice to have you over last time.”

I look up at him, puzzled. He wants me to attend? I’d have thought he’d want to keep me away from Ryan.

“Yes,” Ryan agrees. “Please, come tonight.”

“I’ll think about it,” I murmur as we reach our floor.

Ryan sends me a pleading look as he steps back into the elevator, presumably to go back to his own floor now that he’s accomplished what he set out to do, and I follow Silas to his office.

He looks relaxed, not even remotely annoyed, and that just confuses me even more. “Why did you tell me to attend dinner tonight?” I ask the second his office door closes behind us.

“I rarely get to have dinner with you as it is, and tonight will be much more bearable if you’re there. I don’t mind you attending family dinner, so long as you aren’t his date.”

I shake my head nervously. “I’d much rather stay home and catch up on work.”

Silas shakes his head. “Come with me,” he tells me again. “I want you to set the record straight tonight. Make it clear to both of them you and Ryan are over, or I’ll do it for you.”

I look into his eyes, finding a hint of insecurity in them. “Okay,” I promise him. If this puts him at ease, I’ll do it, no matter how uncomfortable it might be for me.

Silas smiles at me, a tinge of incredulity in his eyes, almost as though he expected me to deny him. I rise to my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck, my lips finding his. I’m falling for Silas Sinclair, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

He groans in dismay when I pull away, and a giggle escapes my lips. “I have to get to work,” I tell him. “My boss is a total meanie.” Silas narrows his eyes at me as I walk away from him, my heart racing.

For the rest of the day, all I can think about is tonight’s dinner. Just a few months ago, I attended this very same dinner as Ryan’s girlfriend. Today I’ll be going there knowing I’m sleeping with his brother, and I no longer even feel bad about it.

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