Wereball Serie - Along Came A Mate

Chapter 39

After the awkward conversation with Rudy, that had left me with one lung less and a thin layer of sweat over my skin, I tried to focus on the game rather than him.

Thankfully, Lachlan was not attacked that much anymore in the final quarter, but by then, his face was bloody, bruising in both of cheeks, shoulders, and chest. Besides, he did put on more of that infamous gel, so his wounds were not healing.

The score was tight, and it was only a few minutes away.

A draw in wereball was extremely dangerous; nobody liked it. At least when a team won, half of the stadium was happy while the other was furious. But a draw ... not a single werewolf would be satisfied. Hence, the crowd took satisfaction in bloodshed, black eyes and fangs piercing flesh.

I could see how the two teams became more violent, more daring, thirstier for blood and broken bones. The mood was low, the ticking of the clock reaching the end was louder than the animal growls, death threats, cheers, and air horns.

At some point, I spotted Lachlan speaking hastily and in a resolute voice, in a circle among his team; and I have already noticed their mood change and how everyone revived. My twin knew how to pump his boys, proving once again what a great leader he was.

When I was about to relax, seeing the game was almost over, my twin and my mate came face to face.

The Highlander vs The Terminator, just a few meters away, in all their testosterone-filled explosiveness.

Logan studied him for a second, and slowly a devilish grin appeared. Then he muttered something I could not perceive... it was impossible to hear the voices of the players from up here, with the din of the fans and the chants.

Abruptly, Logan turned to me with such an intensity that could dig holes on me and moved the air, and Lachlan did the same... My breath stopped in my throat and time froze under the magnitude of their gazes. I had a sinister feeling Logan had mentioned my name ....

What he said must have been horrible as, a second later, Lachlan lunged at Logan with a growl that made my skin crawl and the birds flew away.

Before I could even blink, my twin had punched my mate in the jaw, while the latter let himself be hit. Almost on purpose. After that, Logan shoved him away and spitted some blood on the floor and snarled with a distorted grin. My eyes widened as I caught a flash of his. As they shone inhumanly. It looked like Logan’s wolf had eyes the same colour as the liquid he had just spat, but I could not be sure.

While Lachlan and Logan were busy, Logan was with his face right in front of my twin speaking hastily, his hand around his neck, the teams seemed lost without their captains. The players were just fighting, punching, biting, beating whoever they could. Who knew when the next chance to pummel their favourite rivals would arise again.

The dong that marked the end of the game was greeted with loud indignation and dangerous acidity. The match was over, both teams had lost.

Tiziano and his gang were already invading the arena, pieces of objects were flying everywhere, and the two masses of fans collided like two avalanches from two enemy mountains.

The crowd was wild, delirious...unstable. Werewolves were shifting, biting each other, a volley of growls and snarls and insults were thrown at the enemy teams. Various objects began to fly and hit.

“I’m out of here” Amaia mumbled, there was an odd edge on her voice, as Makena was nowhere to be seen. My father and mother jumped off the seats and ran who knows where.

Without thinking, I bolt for the arena’s grounds.

My heart was ordering me to find my twin, my brain to go home, my wolf to find my mate and mark him.

Jealous instincts won when I saw a certain sight.

A group of fans was around my mate. It was obvious the most popular guy of Dark Diamond came with a pack of rabid she-wolves flocking around him.

All my sanity and morality were stabbed by possessiveness, pure and raw. Weeks of uncertainty, lack of sleep, lack of my mate and need for him got the better of me. All I wanted to do was claw the eyes out of them, out of females that should not be competition.

One female put an ice pack on his chest and smiled up at him. If that made my blood roil, when he smiled back at her and said something, I saw red.

It was obvious to me they had slept together.

I marched towards him and his group of fans, I could feel a particular look burn against the back of my neck as I approached but I ignored it.

My eyes changed colour and I could feel my fangs and claws join the party.

Some of the girls, the weaker ones, scattered away, bent by my Alpha power. Some fools remained, with a defiant look.

In retrospect, I know I had acted immature and completely out of control, and not in my style. Calm and rational, Yvaine was swept away and possessed by a creature starving for her mate.

In my defence, he was my unmarked mate. I had a strong desire for him trapped inside me and now it was leaking out like a noxious gas.

The first she-wolf to suffer my fury was the one who just touched his arm and called his attention. I grabbed her neck and shoved her to the ground. She fell like a tree struck by lightning.

A second tried to kick me. Wrong move.

Claws grabbed the stretched leg and plunged into her young flesh.

By then, my wolf had completely taken over. The girl was on the floor, possibly with a broken leg. I was so mad that I didn’t even care about the waste of time I would cause to a fellow doctor who would have to reset her leg.

The third she-wolf, the one who had placed the ice pack on his chest, hid behind Logan, hugging his waist. Meanwhile I could feel his eyes on me.

I barely heard a scared “I’m his cousin!” before she left.

However, my attention was elsewhere. I focused on my gorgeous mate and those beautiful, shocked eyes that had not wavered from me since I appeared.

A heartbeat later, the grey in them had deepened, darkened. Lust and possessiveness filled every inch of those predatorial orbits.

That snapped something hidden inside me.

I did not care that the whole stadium was looking, that my pack’s eyes were on me, that my dad had called me or about the presence behind me.

I grabbed the nape of his neck, gripped his hair, part of my claws were still elongated, and pulled his head towards me.

My mouth hit his like a meteor that destroyed an entire town.

And Rudolph was wrong: I was the one who had gone hunting....

When the turbulent kiss ended, our noses and foreheads continued to kiss, while the sparks burned everything.

And It was at that moment that I heard it:

“Hello Bunny Doc.”

AN/ Drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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