Wereball Serie - Along Came A Mate

Chapter 38

When the teams returned to the stadium, my eyes zeroed in on my mate. This time, he was the first to enter, with that sexy confident grin, a bottle of water in one hand and still covered in some blood and mud.

Could anyone be that beautiful? Suddenly, I felt needy and sad; I just wanted to go to him, take him by the ear for beating up all the players and, at the same time, order him to hug and kiss me. I was starving for cuddles.

Calm down, Yvaine! I took a big breath after Amaia squeezed my leg reassuringly.

In the end, I sat on my spot, watching Logan do shot after shot, and witnessing how my twin made our pack proud.

At that moment, my brother received a difficult pass and jumped in the air to catch it, and before even touching the ground he threw his massive arm back and the ball flew away, so far that he almost made a touchdown by himself. That was the famous Highlander move. The catapult.

He would have thrown the ball like no one else could and so high that no one could have caught it, until it would land on Caius’ awaiting hands .... But that day was not the day of ′the catapult’.

Someone else had jumped in the air and grabbed the impregnable ball.


They were far away, thank goddess, but my brother stabbed him with his eyes before reorganizing the team in an infallible way to halt the coming attack.

The game went on, the grass had disappeared under mud and blood, the score always fluctuated between one team and another. The audience grew more and more tense and violent. My brother was increasingly attacked and tackled. He seemed to be the target number one, along with Caius.

“Keep it up, Thor!” Someone yelled from DD’s side-lines and somehow caught my attention. A big, slightly familiar looking giant. He had his arms crossed and a serious expression, next to him stood an old lady with the face covered with a skeleton mask, resembling Gentle Eyes.

“This is the kind of game I want to see! Now give me the blood I requested!”

Logan, like a war machine, dodged 3 players, punched one hard and knocked out another, simulating a move then turned and threw the ball backwards, strategically.

His presence captured the arena in a way that was difficult to assign words to, and I was unsure what scared me more: my twin who was bitten in the calf by one of the Jokers or my mate who just brutally broke the arm of one of ours. The sound of bones echoed through the arena making me wince.

I watched my mate sprint down the field to the receiver my twin was passing the ball to, jumping in front of him and intercepting the ball before it got into the receiver’s hands.

When the ball was deviated, Lachlan sprinted ahead and hit Logan right in the side, knocking him to the ground and making him lose the ball before he got a chance to toss it or to hand it off. Logan hopped back up and dusted himself off as if nothing happened; however, I could see his eyes darkened.

Meanwhile, Lachlan had managed to pass through the hulks defending DD’s lines, pushing one of them to the ground. But Lach had effortlessly passed them with his agility.

I detected the smugness and bravery behind his eyes. He was truly skilful, without the need of beating up players in the process.

Filled with pride and excitement, I jumped up and shouted for the very first time: “Come on, brother! You can do it! I love you!”

“Smash them all, Highlander!” My mother yelled, cupping her mouth and then stole the megaphone from Tiziano to shout louder.

“Kick him! Push it!!! Alpha Mel!” Uncle Andrew praised him, from my mother’s side.

My gaze grazed my mate who, for a moment looked at me and my crazy family with curiosity then back at me. I thought I spotted a ghost of a smirk but it was hard to tell.

However, my joy is about to be slaughtered...

Lachlan pivoted and launched the ball, scoring another point, but got tackled by two monstrous players who began punching and biting incessantly.

His knee bent in a way it should not have... And what he did next, left me speechless.

With a fierce snarl, he got up on the other leg, grabbed the knee with both hands and crouched it in the other direction.

His sinister grimace and pursed lips were the only sign of pain. But he made no sound. My brother had his knee fixed by himself without a single complaint.

My brother was a true Highlander.

My heart pounded in my eardrums and I found my hand covering my mouth and a silent scream.

I could not wait for this hell to finish.


During the break between the penultimate and last quarter, when I was a stack of anxiety and tense flesh, my phone rang again.

“Hello Bunny Doc” That hoarse voice seemed cheerful but with a sprinkle of annoyance, however my depressed sigh must have caught his attention.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t stand my twin being beaten like that.” There was silence before a weird sound ~ maybe a curse or maybe a shaky breath, a mix of ~ came from the other line.

“He doesn’t seem to feel pain, stop worrying.” He huffed comically, and I grinned like a fool at his antics.


“No buts! He is the captain for a reason even if it is a pathetic team,” He said, “and the lad can fend for himself without wasting your worry.... Which, let me tell you, should be aimed exclusively at your soulmate.”

I chuckled as warmth filled my chest but then raised an eyebrow at that scolding tone.

“Well, nobody hit him seriously. The boy is like a tractor. ”

“A tractor, hum?” He said amused. “I’ll tell him”

“Don’t you dare, Lucien,” I blurted out, forgetting for a moment about my brother and the disturbing memory of how he had fixed his knee, by himself.

Rudolph snickered before sighing, “So, we’ll meet after the game, right?”

I reflected for a second: “I want to, but I have to take care of Lachlan and-”

“And?” He pushed when I hesitated. I took a deep breath because the squeeze in my heart was getting unbearable.

“I also want to... to talk to Logan.” Somehow, I blushed at this; the idea of being in the vicinity of his lack of clothes and muscles that seemed to have their own consciousness for how much they rippled, took my breath away.

“I bet he can’t wait to spread his scent all over your ‘cheating’ smell.” He must have been referring to the fact that I had been wearing Alex’s sweater and that his scent could have stuck to me. ...but wait, did Rudolph just purr?

“You are so creepy! And I have never cheated!” I retorted feeling the temperature rising.

“Not as creepy as you are, Bunny Perv” I could hear the smirk in his voice. “Your mate won’t be happy if the game ends in a draw as it would be all your fault.”

I was perplexed and slightly anxious: “And why? What does it have to do with me?”

“Well, because you openly ogled him for the duration of the whole game! He could perfectly feel when you switch between his ass and abs.” Did he just growl?! My mouth opened as he had caught me.

“And do you have a fetish for calves?! Dang, I could almost feel it on mine!”

I did have a tiny obsession with muscular calves... but only ever since I had seen Logan’s! And how the hell did Rudolph know?! Was I that obvious?!

I felt mortified that Logan could have sensed my gaze on his body parts.

“Shut up, you are just a crazy creepy reindeer!”

“Yeah, sure. Nobody denied that. But be careful Yvaine.” His voice dropped by an octave, “Because after feeling your eyes on him for the whole game, do you know what he’ll do as soon as it is over?”

“I-...I don’t think he-... I-”

“He will hunt you down.”


AN/ Next chapter on Sunday!

Don’t forget you can read the whole series on my Patreon’s page, together with all the bonus episodes and mature content chapters, PLUS completed book 2 of Mate Mine book and part of book 3 ;)

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