
Chapter 19


I sat watching them take the defective subject called Scarlet away, I opened my mouth and touched the raw gums with my tongue where my incisors had been removed, they felt strange but I was excited and looking forward to having my new ones fitted so I could experience the ecstasy and euphoria from a true bite and kill. About an hour had passed, I wasn’t able to tell for sure when an alarm was set off and shouting bellowed from down the corridors for what seemed like ages. Sometime later a food tray was brought to me, I was ravenous and devoured everything they gave me. I fell back on the mattress absorbing the quiet around me now. The alarms had long been shut off and apart from those feeding us no one had been down to the cells. The girl named Scarlet in the cell next to me never came back and I could only guess whatever had been going on up there was something big.

The noise of the doors woke me up and two people arrived down in front of my cell.

“On your feet Lucy.”

I stand up straight in front of them and hold the bars. I can already sense their tension as they watch me. I study Dr. Kirkland’s face along with the man next to him, Dr. Edison Jenkins.

“She looks like she has improved since she was put in here.” Jenkins tapped a few times on his tablet.

“Yes it has been a tremendous success, we were thinking about putting the implants into her mouth, the venom will become live once we do this.”

“Are we sure she won’t bite anyone else?” Jenkins stared into my eyes, his top lip twitching.

“Maybe one person whom she seems to have a taste for.” Kirkland chuckled. I knew he was talking about my encounter with Conway, I can’t help the corner of my mouth turn upwards.

“Well, hopefully he’s learned his lesson by now. Take her in and finish the procedure, then we will put her back into the ring and see how she fares up this time around.” Jenkins’s top lip twitched again breaking into a smirk.

“I’ll get security to bring her up to the implant room.” Kirkland grinned as he turned and both men left the cells.

Another ten minutes later, Simpson and my favorite person turned up. I remember his touch on me and I felt a deep throbbing awaken inside me. I lick my lips as he approaches my cell.

“Turn around and place your hands behind your back,” Conway grunted at me.

I did as I was told, as the cold metal cuff locked around my wrists I let out a moan. I knew I was teasing Conway, but I was wanting my high and the purple love bite I had recently given him was looking very inviting. The door unlocked and I was held in place behind my back by Conway.

“You sure you got her this time?” Simpson broke into a huge grin.

Conway glared at Simpson before he roughly pushed me forwards, Simpson walked slightly ahead of us still chuckling. My fingers touched Conway’s arm and I started stroking it. I could hear his heartbeat quicken. He leaned next to my ear.

“Behave Lucy.” His lips brushed against my earlobe sending shivers of pleasure through my body. I turned my face, he was so close to me I could have kissed him, instead I flicked my tongue out at him catching his bottom lip.

“You should know me by now, Conway. I never behave.” I pushed my hands which were locked behind my back into Conway and groped him.

“Fuck.” It came out as a raspy groan from him and only turned me on even more.

“Keep your shit together Conway, remember what you got told.” Simpson glared at us both, I gave him a seductive smile and moved towards him.

“Aww, are you jealous? I have plenty to go around, I can give you the same as what Conway has?” I snapped my teeth together making him jump, Conway started laughing at him.

“We are here, we need to strap her in. One wrong move Lucy and I won’t hesitate to use the taser on you.” Simpson waggles a small handheld device in his hand.

I am uncuffed before my arms and legs are strapped into the chair. The buckles are cutting into my wrists and ankles.

“Can you loosen them slightly? They are too tight.” Conway goes to loosen one of them when Simpson snaps at him and he retreats back away from me. The door opened and Jenkins walked in. I hated the way his piercing cold eyes stared at me, his upper lip twitched again.

“Tip the chair back, I need to get into position.” He shuffles in his chair behind me. “Simpson, hold her head still so I can place the clamp into her mouth.”

Two large hands grip the side of my face and a metal clamp is roughly jammed in my mouth, with a few clicks it opens my mouth wider, I can’t close it. I can only see as things come towards me what they are. He starts up a needle-like drill and starts to drill a hole in my gums, without any pain relief I feel every millisecond he is drilling. I cry out in pain as he continues, and close my eyes as tears weep down the sides of my face. A warm hand covers mine, I knew it was Conway’s as he rubs his fingers across the back of my hand. I focus on everything he is doing to me and push the pain away from my mind.

The drilling stops and I open my eyes to find Conway’s with his slightly glazed over, was he feeling things for me? I was more than a fantasy to him. I loved this newfound power of seductiveness. If only they were all like Conway, I could feed off these sexual sensations which kept coursing through my body. I can’t wait to receive my teeth and have my first bite.

“Conway,” Jenkins shouted. Conway shook his head and focused back on what was going on. “I’m going to insert the wires which will feed the venom up into the new incisors, when I have them fixed in place she will need some time. Once these are in we have to put her under for an hour until the venom seeps up through the holes which I have made. She is live, don’t let her bite you otherwise you will die as I’m not wasting the antidote on stupidity like I did for Moore.” Jenkins glances at Conway. I feel him let go of my hand and back away.

A sharp stabbing-like pain shoots down through my gums as he fiddled about. I screwed up my face in pain as Jenkins ruthlessly carried on not giving a damn about my suffering. Conway’s soothing fingers came back brushing over mine. The last of the noises from drills stopped and my mouth clamp removed. I heard Jenkins rip his latex gloves off and stand up.

“Give her five minutes with her head like that, it will help with the flow of the venom. Then we will run some tests to see how obedient she is.”

I hear Conway give a little rumble in his chest finding it amusing. I run my tongue along my new set of incisors, after five minutes the chair is moved back up and I’m looking at Conway. My skin is raw where the straps have been rubbing against my skin.

“Can you loosen them slightly? Please.”

“I... I can’t, I’m sorry.” He takes a step back and glances over at Simpson.

“Now you are learning,” Simpson chuckled.

“Well, I didn’t loosen the ones on Scarlet and let her escape,” Conway bit back at him.

“Keep your fucking mouth shut, nobody is meant to know, you dumbass!” Simpson snapped back at him.

So now I know what all the fuss was about before. The one who was defective had escaped. I wonder if they will send me out to find her and kill her? I watch the two of them argue.

“Don’t worry I heard they are on top of things.” Conway shrugged his shoulders, it was as if he had almost didn’t care what happened.

“If you call sending her shower fuck buddy out after her a good idea, then you have lost it as much as the others. I told them it wasn’t a good idea, but Kirkland wants to believe because Dax was close to Scarlet that he will be able to find her and bring her in.” Simpson takes a deep breath.

“I never said it was a good idea to send Dax, this whole operation is fucked up now,” Conway grunted and then turned his gaze upon me.

“This city is fucked up, and this operation has worked well up until her last target and she had to go start feeling things for him.” Simpson flung his arms up in frustration and moved his glare over to me.

“You damn Sawyers seem to fuck everything up!”

“What have I done wrong?” I muttered.

“Kade Sawyer!” Simpson snarled at me.

“Who is he?” I remember the defective subject they call Scarlet mentioned his name to me.

“You don’t remember?” Conway stepped up to me and pushed the hair which was in my face back.

“No? Why, should I know who he is?” I pass my gaze between the two of them.

“No, it doesn’t matter, just someone who is trouble.” Simpson gave me a small tweak of his mouth giving me a quick smile. “I’m going to go speak to Jenkins, you only have to watch her, no fucking touching or you know what will happen!”

“Yea, I know she is loaded and can kill me.”

Simpson leaves and Conway backs up. Fire rushes through my body and I close my eyes enjoying the new sensations. I run my tongue over my teeth again, loving the feeling of the sharpness. As I open my eyes Conway is staring at me intensely. He closes his eyes momentarily to control his beating heart which is deafening to my ears.

“Conway, please touch me like before.” My breathing is labored.

“I can’t.” He clasps his hands together, twiddling his thumbs, and swallows hard.

I stare at him with my burning red eyes willing him, his feet shuffle forward closer as if he can’t help himself. His eyes dart about the room and to my restraints before he reaches out and slides his hand down my front cupping my breast from outside the jumpsuit. I need more. As if reading my mind he nervously lowers the zip and slips his hand in along my bare skin. I let out a hiss and a moan at the same time as he tweaks my hard nipple between his fingers.

“Lucy, fuck what I wouldn’t do to feel all of you again.”

“Please, they are coming back, I can hear them, touch my pussy, Conway. I need to feel you.”

In a desperate move, he lowers my zipper quickly and pushes my panties to the side as he dips two fingers inside me. My walls immediately squeeze them excitedly. “Just once.” I hear him mutter as he lowers his head and the wetness of his tongue hits my core. If my hands were free I’d have shoved his face into me harder and wrap my legs around him so he couldn’t move.

“Yes.” I manage to get out as my body shakes and I cum over his fingers and mouth, he dips his tongue inside me and quickly has one last taste before he fumbles and zips me back up just in time. Standing back he is holding his hands in front of his crotch to hide his hard-on. His breathing is heavy and his cheeks are flushed; I have to smirk as the others come back in.

“Right, this one will allow you to sleep for an hour.” A needle is jammed into my arm, I know it is Jenkins as his breath reeks of raw fish. I’ve found all my senses have been intensified. “Leave her for five minutes then bring her down to the ring. I want to see what she is capable of.”

My eyes are heavy and I can’t keep them open, I’m in such a relaxed state my heartbeat slows to match my quiet, sluggish breathing.

“Is she okay?” I hear Conway’s voice.

“Her body needs intense relaxation so the serum can begin to flow through her system. Bring her up in half an hour. She should start waking up from it by then.” I hear Jenkins walk off before I pass out completely.

I feel warm arms around me and movement, I realize I’m being carried and the scent of his musky aftershave tells me it is Conway who has me. My arms are free and dangling, I open my eyes as I move my arm and place it around his neck. Conway freezes and stares at me. I give him a smile and he relaxes a little before carrying on. The noise as the doors open is deafening to my ears and I have to cover them by pushing the side of my head into Conway’s chest. I concentrate on his heart beating, calming my brain.

“You’re going to do me proud in the ring, Lucy.” Conway drops my feet to the ground and lets me steady myself. Jenkins and Kirkland stride up to me.

“You think you can handle the next person?” Jenkins nods over to a candidate who looks to be pumped up ready, he is twitching and bouncing on his toes as if he has been fed a heap of caffeine.

“Don’t you think you should give her someone more her size to begin with?” Conway suggests. I can hear the concern in his voice. The poor man doesn’t know what I am capable of, hell even I don’t know yet.

“Don’t get attached to the subjects, Conway. That is when they become the most dangerous.” I smirk at Jenkins’s remark.

“You are up.” He gives me a shove forwards and I follow my target inside.

We are ushered into the center and told to fight. Twitchy is bouncing and moving from side to side as I study him and smile. He launches himself at me and I quickly move around him grabbing the back of his neck and bringing my knee into the base of his spine taking him down, making his face plant into the ground. Jenkins claps loudly and signals for two more unwilling subjects to join me in the ring.

“Take her out.” He shouts over the noises from the crowd.

I move off twitchy, whose face is still planted in the ground, and circle my next two nervous-looking targets. My heart rate is thumping and my insides are vibrating from the adrenaline rushing through my body. I run my tongue over my teeth and unleash my first taste of the venom inside my mouth. My killer instincts have awakened and I need a kill, I want my high. My mouth finds the side of one of my targets and my teeth sink into the soft flesh and release my venom. My eyes roll into the back of my head as the euphoria floods every nerve within my body. I know I can’t kill the person as they are the same as me. I find myself being pulled off backward and my euphoria broken. I’m pissed off as I never finished getting my high. My eyes are burning with rage as I turn on the person who disrupted me. I launch my teeth into her neck, it tastes even sweeter as she squirms in my hold. I grip her neck tighter as I continue, power overwhelms my body as her breath disappears from her throat and the echoes of me crushing her windpipe beneath my fingers until I finish getting my pure bliss of ecstasy and snap her neck. I push her limp body away from me and stand panting, blood dripping down my face.

“Get the fucking tranquilizer guns!” I flick my head around to Kirkland’s voice.

I move fast towards him and Jenkins; I see the terror in their eyes before I reach them. They can’t move out of the way fast enough but before I can bare my bloody teeth at them a hand clamps around my neck.

“Lucy, you don’t want to do this.” Conway holds me at an arm’s length away. I fix my gaze onto his before I feel two pricks in my shoulder. I managed to turn to see two darts lodged there before my feet gave way and I collapsed.

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