
Chapter 18


“It says here the next delivery going to the compound is in two days.” Mikey sat at the kitchen table as I paced around the room in angst.

“We can’t wait two days! Who fucking knows what the fuck could happen to them in there between now and then!” I knew I had no choice but to wait as the delivery truck was our only means of getting in, but I was running on fumes worried that I haven’t seen Scarlet in days.

“So what then? We can’t be seen at the biotech research company with how we fled last time.

“That’s where Ben comes in. He poses as the driver and picks us up outside the facility. Then he hides in the van while you and I go in making the deliveries.”

“And the most important part?” he questioned and I knew where he was going with his thoughts; the antidote, it’s not like they are going to be so keen on just handing them out to everyone. I pull out the chair next to him and open up my laptop. Typing I pull him up on Google and swing the laptop around for Mikey to see. Doctor Edison Jenkins and a Doctor James Kirkland.

“I’m not gonna like this, am I?” Mikey shakes his head.

“We use any means of force necessary, make him take us to the antidote and give it to us.”

Mikey rubs his chin. “They will be loaded and we only have these.” He holds up the unregistered guns he and I had resting on the table.

There was a quiet knock at the front door and we both looked at each other.

“If it was the government, I don’t think they would knock.” I nudge Mikey to go answer it and see him take his gun with him for good measure.

I look back at the delivery schedule still with thoughts of planning on my mind when I nearly jump out of my chair with Mikey hollering at me from the door.


My heart drops and I practically jump over the couch in the way of the door running as quickly as I could.

“Scarlet!” She had fallen in Mikey’s arms, I took her in mine and cradled her. She had blood trickling down her head and her arm covered, I could tell she lost loads of blood.

“Kade,” she uttered, shaking and pale. This once strong killer woman was now so weak and frail, I wanted to cry and hunt down whoever did this to her. “It’s me, baby. You’re ok, stay with me. Scarlet, stay with me!” I caressed her face but spoke loudly to try and keep her awake but it was no use. Her eyes rolled back and she passed out in my arms.

“Fuck! What do we do? Is she dead?” Mikey holds his head in panic. Why am I always the strong one who has to handle every situation with a set of brains?

“No, she’s still shaking so they just fucking tortured her by the looks of it,” I said through my clenched teeth as I carried her limp body through the house into the bedroom I’ve claimed during my stay here.

“Do you think they know she is here? They could’ve followed her! Fuck, I’m going down for this!” Mikey keeps rubbing his forehead.

“We were just talking about hijacking a van, breaking into a government compound, and holding a doctor hostage and now because she showed up half up dead, you’re fucking paranoid!” I unleashed my anger on Mikey and he could tell.

“If you’re so fucking worried about yourself then go out and stand watch! It’s me who they want dead anyway, not you.”

Mikey bows his head and his tone of voice turns apologetic.

“Shit man, I’m sorry, I forgot and just freaked?”

“I’m sorry too, bro. I’m just teeming to get in there. They still have Lucy and god knows what they’ve done to her too,” I say sadly as I look back down at Scarlet’s beautiful blood-soaked face and I draw the covers up her body to keep her warm.

“Take a rest men, clear your head for a bit and just stay with her,” Mikey says softly heading to the door and closing it shut.

Noticing the blood on her arms and face I get a wet washcloth from the bathroom and gently wipe off the blood which had now dried up. It is obvious from the state she was in that she had somehow escaped. My mind was racing and had been ever since we visited the biotech building, but for once laying next to Scarlet, smelling the remains of her perfume on her hair, the warmth her body radiated onto mine, I felt my body calm down and drift to sleep as I faintly caressed her up and down her arm.

I was jolted awake with darkness covering the room and a strong grip around my neck. Scarlet was straddling me baring her teeth and her eyes glossy like she had no idea where she was and was in complete defense mode.

“Scarlet! Baby, it’s me!” I felt her grip instantly relax.

“Kade,” she let go and threw her hands over her mouth as if embarrassed and ashamed.

“I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok, are you ok?” I pulled her down and wrapped her in my arms, curling my fingers through her hair, happy she’s awake and alert, even if it was an attempt on my life.

“What the fuck happened in there, Scarlet?” I pulled my face out from her neck caressing her cheeks as I got lost in her beauty and mesmerized by those amber glistening orbs.

“I... They took me in for tests.” Her eyes stare at me. “I told them I had killed you, Kade. They put me on a machine that probed my mind and my thoughts, they found out I had lied to them. They know I told you everything about the government project, and...they know I have feelings for you.”

I pulled her to my chest again, “I knew you shouldn’t have gone back there.”

“Kade...there’s something else,” her voice dropped slightly and my heart pounded harder.


“Lucy. She’s not who you think she is anymore.” Scarlet’s voice was barely a whisper.

“What do you mean?” I take her hand in mine. “What’s happened to her, Scarlet?”

“She completed the phases of transformation. And I heard them talking when they brought her back to the cells, someone fucked up and overdosed her with the serum. She didn’t even remember you when I tried to talk to her. I’m sorry, Kade.” Scarlet’s voice waivers and her sad eyes gloss over as she wraps her arms around me.

“I’m so sorry, I couldn’t stop them.” I take her in mine and hold her tightly as she breaks down.

“There is still hope, Scarlet. We found out they have an antidote to the venom.”

She pulls back enough to look me in the eyes. “There’s an antidote?” Her eyes widen with hope and it forms a smile on my lips as I nod.

“There’s a lot I have to update you on but now’s not the time. You need to rest and allow your body to recover.”

“I am tired and hungry,” she admits.

“Why don’t you take a hot shower and I’ll make you something with what we have. As you can probably guess, I haven’t had a chance to go shopping.” She manages a half-smile with my attempt at a crappy joke.

I get up from the bed and sift through my duffle bag for a shirt and a pair of sweatpants for her to change into.

“Take however long you want, I’ll just be downstairs.” I kiss her forehead before walking to the door and closing it shut behind me.

Making it halfway down the hall before all my emotions surge through me.

“Fuck!” I shout out as I punch the wall in anger. My hand goes straight through the wall as it was only made of plasterboard. I drop my head against the wall.

“Kade?” I hear the concerned voices of Mikey and Ben from the kitchen and I make my way into the room.

Ben had been sleeping the remains of the drugs off most of the day and I was happy to see he looked much better. His pale waxy skin had turned back to normal and his sweats had stopped. I’m sorting out some food for us and Mikey fills in Ben about the biotech company Succubus and our plan to hijack a van and pretend we were delivery guys to get into the place.

“Fuck, I need to get her out, I don’t care what they have done, I promised to look after my sister and I’ve fucked it up.” I struggled to hold it together, the tears I held back flowed down my cheeks.

“We will get her back for you.” Ben rests a hand on my shoulder.

“We all will.”

I jerked my head up and saw Scarlet standing in the doorway of the kitchen only wearing the shirt I gave her. Thankfully oversized as it reached mid-thigh, my eyes scanned up her glorious body. Her face has some color back in her cheeks and her amber eyes sparkled in the light as she gazes over my body.

Even in just a grungy shirt she still looks so fucking sexy, I can’t stop staring at her. Thoughts of our last encounter flood my brain, my dick twitches in my jeans for her. I can tell she is aroused by the way her nipples poke against the material. Would it be so wrong to want to fuck her right now?

“You’re not coming with us Scarlet! I’m not going to let you get yourself into danger.” She lets out a laugh and shakes her head and stalks towards me not taking her eyes off mine.

“Kade, you will need me. I’m one of them and another weapon you can use against them.” She looks between Mikey and me.

“She’s right, Kade. We’re gonna need all the help we can get,” Mikey chimes in making me grit my teeth.

“What plan do you have in place so far?” Scarlet asked knowing she’s involved even if I don’t want her to be.

I’ve made something which resembles a sandwich and walked over to the table where all our information is scattered about.

“Succubus is the biotech research company that is creating the serums and antidotes. Led by this guy,” I slide my computer over to her.

“Doctor Ed-”

“Edison Jenkins,” she says his name for me and we all look up at her.

“He’s the one who did the tests on me. And probably Lucy as well. Are we going to kill him?” she asks bluntly as her killer instincts come out and I can’t help but smirk.

“Not before he tells us where the antidotes are kept, unless you know?”

“I’ve only been brought into a few rooms and my cell. But if I were to guess, they would keep it somewhere near the labs.”

“That makes sense. How far would you say the labs are from the cells?”

“The cells are kept underground. There are no windows to tell day from night and they bring me up a staircase to the labs. When I escaped I went up two more flights of stairs to get to the parking lot.”

“Ok. We snagged the delivery schedule from Succubus. The next delivery going to the compound is two days from now,” I look down at my watch and calculate the time. “Actually more like thirty-two hours from now. We’re gonna hijack the van and look like delivery guys to get through the guards at the compound.”

“I don’t think they will do much with Lucy in the next 24 hours as she didn’t look good when I last saw her. They will be monitoring her closely and agents will be everywhere from my escape.”

“As long as Mikey and I can get in unnoticed the agents will lead us to where all the vials are stored. Then we find fucking Jenkins and force him to give the injections.”

“Then we kill him?” Scarlet asked again and I heard a chuckle from Mikey which caused me to do the same.

“Then you have honors to do whatever the fuck you want to him.”

A dangerous smile forms over her lips and I can’t help but feel my dick twitch as I step closer to her and run my hands over the curves of her body.

“Well, thirty-two hours will be here before you know it. I’m hitting the sack and praying to whatever god is up there, that this goes smoothly. And by smoothly I mean we don’t fucking die!”

“Don’t think like that Mikey. You are tough as nails.” Mikey shrugs as he leaves the kitchen and I know what he’s feeling but I can’t let it get to me. I look back to Scarlet’s eyes searching mine.

“I won’t let anything happen to you in there. I’d sacrifice myself for you in a heartbeat.”

“I would never let you do that, Scarlet. You mean too much to me.” I stroke her face gently but she crashes her lips to mine, our tongues collide in a frenzy of passion and dominance.

“Fuck, I missed you!” Picking her up and swinging her legs around my waist, I carried her back to my room. I couldn’t wait any longer. The need to have her again, to taste her, to feel my dick completely in her control.

I gripped her ass before slipping my fingers under her panties, groaning to feel her already soaking wet for me as I ran my fingers along her folds before surging them inside.

“Kade!” she moaned in my ear and I felt her warm breath course down my neck as her sharp fangs grazed my skin. I sat her down on the edge of the bed and lifted my shirt over her head.

“I don’t trust myself not to hurt you,” she said breathing heavily as I took her breast in my mouth.

“I trust you.” I bit down on her nipple and tugged it slightly. Her cries were exquisite and my dick practically burst through the seams of my pants. She grips my hair tight and forces my head up.

“I don’t! I want you to tie me up!”

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