Chapter 8


I haven’t seen Dev for the last couple of days. I understood the lapse in our visit was due to his Alpha obligations, even if it doesn’t make it suck any less. There was a surge of rogue attacks on his and some of the neighboring packs. Word got out that there had been a strike and some rogues took it as a sign of weakness. Like the savages, they are they made the mistake of attacking the packs. I hated having to go so many days without seeing him, feeling him inside me, tasting him. Sexting was only getting me so far. I was hopeful that tonight he’d be able to break away, even for a few hours, something.

I sat outside on my veranda, book in hand, and realized I was feeling a bit hungry and antsy, so I decided to make myself a kettle of blood tea. It was my unique concoction of blood, steeped with lavender and rose hips with just a tiny hint of mint. My special homemade tea had the calming effects that I desperately needed right now.

I made my way down to the wine cellar to open my new blood shipment but then noticed I had been mistaken, and there were still two pouches left in my cooler.

Hmm… I totally thought I finished that batch up this morning. Well, bonus for me, I guess.

I grabbed the two bags and immediately set off to the kitchen to prepare my meal.

The rich fragrances danced inside my nostrils, making me hungrier. I licked my lips in anticipation.

After I poured the heated contents into a gold-trimmed black porcelain teapot, I took my tea upstairs to enjoy on my balcony in peace.

I spent the next hour drinking my tea while reading when suddenly, I experienced a weighty fatigue wash over me. It felt overwhelming, but I tried not to overthink, considering all the stress lately, mixed with my tea’s calming effects, may have had a more significant impact on me than I would have realized.

I stood up, and another sudden wave of dizziness hit me like a Mack truck causing me to brace myself against the chair I had been sitting on earlier. I slowly stumbled to my bed, fighting every urge to pass out. My vision was blurred in a foggy haze. Something wasn’t right, but I was so out of it that I could only manage to bring my weakened body to my bed before I immediately fell forward as the darkness overcame me.


It felt like I was dreaming. My head heavy and reeling, almost as if in a fog. The haunting slow-burning melody of In This Moment’s song Sexual Hallucination was playing from some unknown location.

What the fuck kind of dream is this? Did I leave my iPod on?

My head felt like it was underwater. I couldn’t focus, and my body felt like a limp noodle. Whatever was happening couldn’t possibly be real.

“Wake up, Sammie. WAKE UP!” I pleaded with myself desperately.

Out of the darkness, the sound of light footsteps caught my attention. I turned my head, and my field of vision darted over to the now open doors of my balcony. There in the moonlight, watching me with those piercing blue cobalt eyes, a dark figure now stood.


I scrunched my eyebrows. It couldn’t be. Now I know I must be dreaming.

I studied his svelte form as he approached where I lay on my bed, almost as if his feet never touched the ground.

He stopped at the edge of my bed and extended his hand. Warily I took hold of his cold grip as he gently helped me to stand. We stood face to face mere inches apart.

I gazed at him in awe, confused, as I studied his striking face. Without even realizing it, I lifted my hand and slowly traced every part of his chiseled visage allowing his features to blaze their trail once again within my memory. He was just as incredible as I remembered.

My beautiful vampire-Jareth

“Is this a dream?” I whispered skeptically.


“I missed you so much.”

“Did you?”

“Why are you here?”

“You called for me, Samantha, do you not remember?”


He let out a quiet chuckle.

“No? Then should I leave you back to your dreams where I no longer exist, Samantha?”

He turned to leave, and my hand instinctively clasped onto his wrist to stop him. I stared at him with a pleading look in my eyes.

“No … please … don’t leave.”

“And if I stay here with you, love?” He arched his perfectly shaped dark brow as he tilted his head to the side, almost as if contemplating whether or not he wanted to remain.

His hesitance immediately resulted in an immeasurable sense of panic, which overtook my rationality and seeped into my bones.

I felt sick at the thought of his disappearing from my sight again.

He wants to leave me.

I knew that everything I was feeling was wrong. Some part of me, the part that loved Devon, knew that I shouldn’t be dreaming of Jareth. But the part of me that would always belong to Jareth was selfish. That part of me wanted to enjoy one more moment with him, real or not. And that was the part that was winning.

I released my hold of his arm and began to step back, bumping my legs against the soft duvet of my bed. Without warning, his strong arms grabbed me around my waist, and his soft lips crashed down onto mine.

For a second, I hesitated, but my impulses took over, and I reciprocated with a hunger for him that I had held back for so long. If this was a dream, then I wanted to embrace it just once.

I wrapped my arms securely around his neck and ran my fingers through his soft blond tresses as he continued to ravage my mouth with his tongue. I could feel the sharp tips of his fangs graze my lips. He broke our kiss as his piercing eyes stared into my own before he began softly kissing my jaw, then along my neck, sending shivers down my spine. He started kissing me again as he slowly maneuvered our bodies forward until we lay on my bed.

I could feel my insides burning, begging for more as I arched my back and let out a throaty moan. Jareth let out a low snarl as his hands began to roam mockingly all along my sweltering frame.

Goddess, I wanted him so badly, please don’t judge me. It may only be a dream, but everything feels so fucking real.

Without even realizing it, we were suddenly free from the confines of our clothes, and I was under him, acknowledging that his manhood was now at my glistening entrance. I shuddered in anticipation as if it were our first time. He swiftly thrust deep inside me, causing me to gasp in pleasure. “Fuck … I need you so much, Jareth.” I breathily moaned as he continued to plunge deep inside my tightened walls. I wanted more. Begging for him to claim me like someone who had been lost in a barren wasteland for centuries.

He was my oasis.

I flipped our entwined bodies over, kissing him, tasting him as I unremittingly rode his hardened organ fervently. He leaned his torso forward so that I was soon straddling him, and our tongues were entangled in deep starved caresses as if they were dancing to an unknown melody only our bodies could comprehend. I felt myself climax twice already, and I was once again on the precipice of yet another when I heard him moan my name.

“You feel so fucking incredible, Samantha …I can’t hold back my release any longer. “

I held his face in my hands and stared at his lust-filled black orbs. “Don’t ever hold back with me, Jareth.”

No sooner had I said that when I felt Jareth’s sharp fangs pierce my neck, causing me to do the same, tasting each other as an explosion of his warm exudations discharged deep within my core.

I shrieked in pleasure as I instantly bolted upright in my bed, panting, clutching my chest. I scanned my room looking for any signs that what I had experienced wasn’t just a cruel trick of my imagination, and there was none. I was alone, in my room with no trace of any other person lingering. I was completely nude, and my entrance was quite saturated. I looked at my sweat-soaked sheets and facepalmed, falling back on my pillows, sighing. I can’t believe I just had a fucking wet dream about Jareth. Goddess, it felt so real too.

I touched the part of my neck where I had felt his fangs puncture my tender flesh, it tingled, but nothing was there.

I needed a very cold shower.

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