Those Three Little Words

: Chapter 24

“He’s not breaking,” I say as I take a seat at the bistro table Blakely and Winnie are sitting at.

“Who’s not breaking? What are we talking about?” Winnie asks, looking between us.

Blakely and I exchange glances, and I give her a curt nod.

“Winnie,” Blakely says. “We love you, and we want you to be in this circle of trust, but there’s a slight conflict of interest. You’re dating Penny’s brother, and what we’re about to discuss can’t get back to Pacey. So, we know this is asking a lot from you. Do you think you can keep this information in this circle, right here?” Blakely motions between all of us.

“Are you asking . . .” She pauses and glances over her shoulder and then whispers, “To form an alliance?”

I slowly nod my head. “A bosom buddy alliance.” I point at our chests. “We all have boobs. This is information only for those who have boobs.”

Winnie rubs her hands together. “I’ve always wanted to form an alliance. This feels right. Should we touch nipples to seal the deal?”

“Or we can shake on it,” Blakely says.

“I mean sure, not as fun, but sure.” Chuckling, we all shake on it, and then Winnie says, “So, what are we talking about?”

Chiming in like the best friend that she is, Blakely says, “Our dear pregnant friend over here is attempting to break Hornsby’s will.”

“Oh, that sounds like fun. In what way?”

“I want to have sex with him,” I say. “Badly.”

Winnie chuckles. “If I were in your position, I’d want to as well. Oh, wait . . . is this why you texted me the other night? Is Hornsby not having sex with you because of Pacey?”

I nod. “Your boyfriend is being a wet blanket on my sexual appetite.”

“And I’m assuming by this killer dress that does wonders for your cleavage, you’re trying to break Hornsby with your feminine prowess.”

“Exactly,” I say, “but it’s not working.”

“Not that you want to hear this, but all I had to do was kiss Pacey, and that was the end of that. Have you tried kissing Hornsby?”

“Been there, done that,” I say, waving my hand in dismissal. “He kissed me back for a second, and then it was as if my brother was sitting on his shoulder, reminding him of what he shouldn’t be doing. He pulled away. It was absolutely humiliating.”

Winnie’s brow knits. “That’s awful. I’m so sorry. And because of Pacey?”

I nod. “Yes, because of him. But I’ve taken that humiliation and let it light a fire under my titillated ass, and now I’m determined to break him, but he’s not cracking.”

“What have you done?” Blakely asks while Winnie still has an irritated look on her face. “Maybe we can help you come up with new ideas.”

“What have I not done?” I ask, exhausted, just as a server brings us salads. Blakely ordered ahead so we wouldn’t have to wait long for our food. She’s thoughtful like that. “Let’s see, I’ve worn see-through tank tops. I’ve asked him to hold me at night again. I’ve worn a robe, loosely tied around my body and then asked him to massage me. I made all these moaning noises—”

“Classic, well done,” Blakely says.

“Yeah, but all it did was turn me on, so then I was like, fine, I’m turned on, I’ll take care of it. I asked him to hand me my vibrator from the nightstand, and that’s exactly what I did.”

“In front of him?” Winnie asks in dismay. “And he still didn’t do anything?”

“He was in the bathroom. I’m pretty sure he jacked off while in there, but still, he didn’t do anything to me. Oh, and I had him feel my boobs to see if they were bigger. He concurred they were, and that was it.”

“Wow,” Blakely says, sitting back in her chair. “I feel like the boob thing would have easily cracked him.”

“Nope.” I stuff some lettuce in my mouth. “And I’ve never felt sexier than right now. I always read that the second trimester is magical, but I didn’t think it would feel this great.”

“You look amazing,” Winnie says. “Seriously, I’d do you.”

“Thank you.” I toss my hand up in the air. “This dress alone should make him want to take me against a wall.”

“Has he seen you in the dress yet?”

“No, not yet. He bolted out this morning before I got dressed. And I’ll say this, I think he’s at his limit. I think he’s right there, and if I just push him a little more, he will fall over the edge. But I’m just not sure how to do it without grabbing his penis and sticking it in my mouth.”

“I mean, that is an option,” Blakely says.

“And what do I say? Oh, sorry, I thought it was a lollipop? My bad.”

“Pregnancy brain is a funny thing,” Blakely says. “My sister once served me a glass of milk when she was pregnant, but it wasn’t milk. It was her car keys. She legit had no idea. So slinking down and putting his dick in your mouth could possibly work.”

Deadpanned, I say, “I’m not doing that. He’d stop me before I even started.”

Winnie taps her chin. “Hmm, what if we get you some new sexy nighttime wear? Something that when you wake up, your boob is not even covered because the fabric is so loose?”

“That’s a good idea,” Blakely says. “Isn’t there a lingerie shop around the corner? We can see if they have anything.”

“I bet there’s a short nightgown that would work.”

“I feel like I tried that,” I say.

“But you said he’s on the edge, which means, if you keep pushing a little harder, he’ll crack.”

“Oh, and have you flirted with other guys in front of him?”

“No.” I push my salad around with my fork. “We haven’t been around a lot of people.”

“Well, don’t you need to do some material before the game tonight? In that dress, you could easily make him jealous.”

“I could do that.”

“And hey, isn’t your birthday in a few days?”

I nod. “It is.”

“Well, if we don’t crack him by then, this very well might work. He’ll want to celebrate your birthday, but . . .” As if a stroke of genius hits her, Blakely grips my arm. “You don’t tell him it’s your birthday.”

“Ohhhhh.” Winnie claps. “Yes, that’s the way to go because then halfway through the day, we can plant the seed somehow that it is your birthday, and he’ll feel awful and want to make it up to you.”

“Exactly.” Blakely slaps the table. “Oh, this is good. That will make him crack, especially if you say something like you’re going out with the girls.”

“And then we do go out,” Winnie adds. “And we dance, and he sees you dancing, and he won’t want anyone else dancing with you, so he’ll swoop in. And that’s when you rub your ass all over his crotch. He’ll take you to the bathroom, and that’s where you stick your hand in his pants and feel how hard he is. He says something like ‘you’ve been a naughty girl’, and you say ‘well, spank me then’, and you bend over, and he whacks you on the ass, once . . . twice. Three times! You moan, and then he moves you against the stall of the bathroom and lifts your skirt—”

“Umm, Winnie?” I say.

She blinks a few times and looks up at our staring faces. “Did I go too far?”

“Just a bit,” I say.

She fans her face. “Sorry about that. Been reading some spicy books with Pacey lately, and my mind seems to be working in a different way at the moment. But, uh, yes, birthday. I think that’s the winner.”

“I think that’s a last resort,” I say.

“And I think it might be better if I tell him I have nothing planned. You and I, Winnie, will have to have separate emergencies that take us away from Penny because there is no way I’d leave her alone on her birthday,” Blakely says to Winnie. She turns to me. “So, maybe we cancel our plans with you last minute.”

“Gah, yes, and then he’ll make sure he does something for you.”

“Well, that’s if they aren’t in Washington. My birthday is supposed to be on game five of the series.”

“If he is in Washington, it will only make it better for when he comes back home,” Blakely says. “The guilt will eat him alive.”

“True,” Winnie adds. “Wow, this bosom buddy alliance really works fast. We have flirting in front of him, new nighttime wear, and then of course, a last-resort, birthday mishap. I must say, ladies, we might be able to run the country with the kind of work we do.”

Blakely holds up her water. “Agreed. We know how to get work done. I’m proud of us. Now, we just need our friend Penny to execute agreed plans.”

They both eye me, and I set my shoulders back, puffing my chest. “I shall do my best in getting this man to stick his penis inside me.”

“That’s all we can ask for.” Blakely smiles. “And then you have to tell us about it.”



Cleavage on full display?


Hair fluffed and looking devastatingly silky?


Lipstick applied?


Confidence to flirt?

Surprisingly, check.

This new sense of confidence has really rocked me, and I’m riding it.

I need to gather some pre-game coverage of the boys for TikTok to get the fans pumped for the rest of the series. They’re all aware I need to bother them and have scheduled a few minutes in the media room for me, which is where I’m headed right now.

Just as I round the corner to the hallway that leads to the media room, I run right into the man in question, Eli Hornsby.

“Wow, sorry about—” His words fall short when he sees that it’s me. His eyes land on my cleavage and then quickly meet mine again. “Uh, wow, Penny. I didn’t know that was you.”

“Hey, Eli.” I smile up at him, acting as casual as possible, even though his eyes are burning me up with their perusal. “Are you ready for the game?”

He pulls on the back of his neck. “Yeah.” His eyes flit down to my cleavage again and then back up. “Little tight in the hamstrings, but stretching.”

I playfully tap his chest and smirk. “If I knew your hamstrings were tight, I’d have rolled them out for you last night.” My hand slides down his chest, and then I move past him, heading toward the media room.

He jogs up next to me. “So, uh, what do you need from me for TikTok?”

“Just going to ask you a few questions. Have you do some things to help get the fans pumped. Nothing too strenuous. Don’t worry, I won’t work you too hard.” I wink at him, and I watch him gulp. “That is . . .”—I lean into him, my breasts pressing against his arm—“unless you want me to work you hard.”

He swallows and then starts coughing just as Posey joins us. He pats Eli on the back and says, “You okay there, bro?” He spots me, and his eyes widen. “Penny, wow, didn’t see you there over this brute.”

Okay, time to do your thing, Penny. Make Eli jealous.

Very, very, jealous.

“That’s okay, I’d like to say the same, but it’s hard not to notice when you’re in the room.”

“That’s what I keep telling the guys,” Posey says as Eli turns toward me with a quizzical lift to his brow.

“Clearly the most good-looking of the bunch, they have to bring you down a notch somehow.”

“Very true.” He nods in agreement just as we make it to the media room. “I feel like you see me, Penny.”

I drag my hand down his arm—God, I’m nervous—and say, “I always see you, Levi.” And then, I walk over to the media table where mic packs are set up.

My hands are shaking as a tall figure stands next to me.

I don’t have to look up to know who it is.

“What was that?” he whispers.

“What was what?” I ask, keeping my eyes turned down.

“That . . . situation with Posey?”

Turning toward him now, I act completely confused. “What are you talking about?”

“You called him Levi.”

I slowly nod. “Yes, that is his name, isn’t it?”

“And you touched him.”

I chuckle. “I didn’t know he was untouchable.” I hold my hand up. “Is there a disease on my fingers now? Should I go wash my hand?”

“I’m being serious, Penny.”

“About what?” I ask.

“About . . . all of that.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” I say, batting my eyelashes.

“You . . . you . . . acted like, you know . . .”

“I really don’t. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to get done.” I move past him, making sure to brush my shoulder along his, a smile passing over my lips.

When the other guys walk into the media room, I give them all hugs and joke and tease with them. The entire time, Eli stands off to the side, arms crossed, watching my every move. And I can’t help but revel in his stare because, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s . . . jealous.

Just what I was looking for.

“ARE you going to wait for Hornsby?” Blakely asks as we move through the hallways of the arena.

“Yeah, but not really wait for him, if you know what I mean.”

“Make him think you’re doing something else, and he just runs into you.”

“Exactly.” I pull on the ties of the shirt I’m wearing. “How do I look?”

“Honestly . . . really hot.”

“Yeah?” I give a turn and say, “Does my stomach show too much?”

Blakely shakes her head. “Not too much. You’re good. This was a great idea. A change of outfit. And that push-up bra we got today? Seriously, I need to get one for myself.”

“I feel like my boobs are tickling my chin.”

She laughs. “They’re not, but getting close, and Hornsby might die when he sees you wearing his name on the back of your shirt.”

“That’s the plan.”

Before the game started, I changed out of my dress and into a pair of black maternity leggings, black booties, and a purple Agitators shirt that dips quite low in the front. And of course, it has Hornsby’s name on the back. I considered wearing a different name, maybe Posey, just to grate on his nerves, but I thought having his name on my back would make him think of claiming me, so . . . here’s hoping.

“Oh, look, they’re starting to come out of the locker room.” Blakely nods toward their locker room door.

I turn toward her. “Everything in place?”

She gives me a quick once-over and then nods. “Yes. And you smell amazing.”

“Perfect.” I give her a wink and then head over to the wall that’s across the locker room and lean against it, one foot propped against the brick.

Eli’s usually one of the first guys to walk out, so I hope I don’t have to wait here much longer.

The boys won tonight, thank goodness. We needed the win badly, which means they will be in Washington on my birthday. I’m a little sad about it, but I’m also hoping Eli being away works to my advantage.

The door to the locker room opens, and just as I look up, I’m greeted by the smooth swagger of Eli Hornsby. Decked out in a deep purple three-piece suit and black button-up, forgoing the tie to pop the top few buttons of his shirt, showing off his beautifully muscular chest.

He’s the only man I know who can literally steal the breath from my lungs.

He’s adjusting a cuff under the sleeve of his jacket when he glances up and makes eye contact with me. He pauses mid-stride, and like he did earlier, his eyes scan me up and down before he says, “Hey.”

I push off the wall. “Just the man I was looking for. Was hoping for a quote I could use for a post about the win. Think you can help a girl out?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Thank you,” I say. “Can you just text me one on your way out to your car? I have some things to finish up quickly, and then the girls and I are headed out.”

He frowns, his brows pulling together. “Headed out where?”

I smile. “To celebrate, of course. Agitators are coming back.” And then, I turn away from him and start walking away. If only I had a camera on him to see his reaction to my shirt. I give it a few seconds, and then I glance over my shoulder to see a stunned Eli, his hand dragging over his mouth. “See you at home,” I say.

Smiling to myself, I take off, quickly walking toward my office where I’ll hang out and watch Bridgerton until I’ve wasted enough time making him even more jealous.

Part of me deeply hopes that he won’t resist me for much longer. Not just because I’m incredibly horny and want Eli something terrible. But because of what I didn’t show Blakely and Winnie. If he does reject me again, if this isn’t just about what Pacey says, I don’t know what I’ll do with that. I’m fairly sure it will rip a tiny piece of my heart out, though.

ELI: Hey, just checking on you, making sure you’re good and don’t need anything.

Eli: Not trying to be a nuisance or anything, but it’s getting pretty late. You good?

Eli: Penny, just let me know you’re alive.

Penny: Alive, coming home soon. <3

BAGS OF LINGERIE in hand and feeling like I’m totally owning this situation, I walk through the door of my apartment and kick my shoes off.

Eli whips around from where he’s sitting on the couch in only a pair of athletic shorts. His hair is messy, as if his fingers have been pulling on it all night, and his eyes are searching me. For what, I can’t be sure, but they’re looking me over frantically.

“Hey, I didn’t think you’d still be up.”

“Of course I’m up,” he says. “I was worried about you.”

“Worried about me?” I ask with humor. “Why? You realize before you came along, I was more than able to take care of myself and make it through a night without any worries.”

“But you’re pregnant now.”

“Yes, I am, and that doesn’t mean I’m incompetent or have to be a hermit, Eli.”

“I’m not saying you’re incompetent or have to be a hermit, I’m just saying . . .” He trails off. I don’t think he knows what he’s trying to say.

“Okay.” I work my way into the bedroom and set my bags down in the closet. I reach in and pull out the cream-colored silk nightgown the girls liked the most, and I quickly change out of my clothes and into the nightgown. I bought four others just like it, and honestly, they’re really comfortable. They have a very thin strap, and the neckline dips down to skim just above my areolas, leaving nothing to the imagination. And the hem hits me mid-thigh, offering enough coverage so if I so choose, I don’t have to wear underwear. Which is exactly what I’m doing tonight.

I free my hair from my ponytail and let it fall over my shoulders before ruffling my hand through it to break up the waves a bit.

And of course, because I thought ahead, I spritz a little perfume on my wrists and rub my wrists down my neck and over my cleavage.

Pleased, I step out of the closet, half expecting to see Eli, but when I see he’s not in the bedroom, I walk out into the living area, where he’s sitting on the armrest of the couch. The TV is shut off, and he’s massaging his forehead. When he looks up, his hand falls to his side as his eyes narrow in on me.

“Just grabbing some water, and then I’m going to head to bed. You must be tired. Get all of your adrenaline out?”

“No,” he says through a clenched jaw.

“Oh, okay, well, feel free to stay up as long as you want.” I move past him and his blazing eyes, fill up a glass with water, and walk back to the bedroom, where I grab my phone and text the bosom buddy alliance while I brush my teeth.

Penny: I think we might be at a breaking point. There’s some serious anger brewing in that man.

Blakely: Really? Wasn’t happy about you “going out”?

Penny: Didn’t seem like it. He texted me several times, and now, he looks absolutely distraught. I kind of feel bad.

Winnie: Don’t! He’s being ridiculous. He’s trying to uphold some stupid promise to Pacey, which Pacey has no right making in the first place. Break him, Penny. BREAK HIM!

Blakely: Agreed. He clearly likes you. You’re just pushing him into the light.

Penny: Okay. P.S. this nightgown is fire, ladies. Oh my God, I’ve never felt sexier. I’m not wearing underwear.

Blakely: *WHIPS BRA OVER HEAD* Yeahhhhhh, girl, get some!

The door to the bedroom opens, and I spit out my toothpaste, rinse my mouth, and turn off the light.

“Oh, I thought you were going to stay up longer,” I say when I spot him.

His gaze falls to me as he pulls on the back of his neck, his veins tense, straining.

“No. I’m just going to try to get some sleep.”

“Great. Well, the bathroom is all yours.”

“Already brushed my teeth.”

In a cheery tone that is probably driving him nuts, I say, “Oh nice.” I move to the bed and flip down the sheets and comforter. “You really did play such a great game tonight. It was fun seeing you out there on the ice.”

“You watched the whole game?”

“Most of it. There were some things I had to take care of, but yeah, I watched most of it.” I slip under the covers, and I can feel the fabric of my nightgown play dangerously close to exposing my breasts, but I honestly don’t care at all.

It’s so crazy to think about how shy I was the night of Eli’s birthday. How I could barely look at him because he’s so handsome, and now I’m at a point in my life where I couldn’t care less if I flash him my boob. I actually welcome it. I welcome all of him.

“Cool,” he says before pushing his shorts down, revealing his black boxer briefs, and then climbing into bed. I switch off the light on the nightstand, and instead of turning toward him like I normally do, I keep my back to him, and I scoot closer.

“Mmm, I can feel your warmth already,” I say as I snuggle my back into his chest.

He makes an incoherent sound before I take his arm and wrap it around me.

“I look forward to this at night,” I say, bordering friendship and what I want. “Some human touch. You know? The days are long and just knowing I have this comfort for when I get home, it’s nice.”

I move in closer and press his hand to my stomach.

Once again, he’s stiff at first, but after a few seconds and some deep breaths, he’s melting right into our hold.

“Is, uh, is this nightgown new?” he asks, his fingers slowly dragging over the fabric. The movement—which is so small—makes me fully aware of how much I need a man right now. Not just any man, but this man.

“It is. I told you I had to get some new bras. Well, the girls and I went to the lingerie store, and I found these. They looked so comfortable, and they are. Do you like it?”

“Uh, yeah, I mean . . . it’s nice on you, and it feels good.”

“So good, and they’re just long enough that I don’t have to wear underwear.”

“You’re”—his voice cracks—“not wearing underwear?”

“No. It’s gotten so uncomfortable recently. I think I’ll be forgoing it altogether. But the new bras I got feel like butter wrapped around me. I wore one with my shirt today. Did you notice?”

“Hard not to notice, Penny.”

I turn just enough so I’m on my back, looking up at him. “You say that as if it’s a bad thing?”

“It’s not.” His hand doesn’t lift from my stomach. If anything, his grip on me grows wider, stronger. “You just . . . well, you looked really freaking good today.”

“Aw, thank you, Eli. I’ve been feeling so good lately. So you liked the dress? Not sure how much longer I’ll be able to wear it.”

He shakes his head as his eyes grow heavy. “No, the shirt. I really liked the shirt.”

I knew he would. Eli is a type A alpha. It’s written all over his personality. He’s sweet, kind, and an extrovert, but he also has this alluring, domineering side. I knew if I wore his name on my back, he’d not only find it sexy. Hopefully, he’d find peace that I’m communicating, in some ways, that I belong to him too.

“Oh yes. I liked it too. Wearing your name . . . it felt special.” His breathing picks up as he swallows hard. I have him right where I want him. “Anyway.” I lift and kiss the side of his cheek. “Good night, Eli.”

And then I lower back down to rest my head on my pillow.

I try not to hold my breath as I listen for any indication that he might crack. Break. Maybe even bend. I’ll take a bend at this point.

I know I’ve played with his head enough tonight. I’m just waiting to see the effects of it.

But when he doesn’t say anything, when he doesn’t even make the slightest move, disappointment rips through me.

What is it going to take for this man to do something? To break that promise with Pacey? To give in to his obvious desires?

There’s got to be something—

He shifts behind me, and his hand slides up my stomach so his thumb rests right below my breast. My breath seizes in my lungs.

Oh God, is he bending?

Out of pure fear that I’ll scare him away, I hold my breath, waiting . . . hoping . . . begging.

He’s so close.

I barely hold in a moan.

His fingers dance so dangerously near me that I can feel the heat coming from them.

And I want it.

I want him.

I want him to touch me.

One more shift. One more inch.

One more breath.


Please, just anything.

And then his thumb moves, the tip rubbing gently across the underside of my breast.


My eyes squeeze shut as a wave of arousal pools between my legs instantaneously.

Just like that. I’m ready for him.

I just pray it wasn’t an accident . . .

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