The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 14

"Did you intentionally abandon your kingdom?" The doctor asked.

I shook my head. "No."

"Did you choose your lover over your kingdom?"


"Do you believe that you are mentally prepared to rule your kingdom?"


"Have you had any mental issues in the past?"


"Have you ever been on any medication to help with your mental health?"


"Do you have special powers and abilities?"


"Have those abilities ever felt like they were too much for you to handle?"

I began to fidget in my seat. I knew I had to answer truthfully, but I didn't want to give Johnathan the satisfaction of winning.

"Yes," I answered as my gaze went from the doctor to my hands. I heard him sigh under his breath before he continued.

"Have you ever used your powers for intentions other than those needed?"

That was a tough question. I wished I could answer with more than yes or no. I pondered on the subject for a moment before I realized that every time I used my powers they were for the greater good.

"No," I answered confidently.

"Alrighty," he said, closing the machine and unhooking the wires from me. I assisted him with some of the wires around my fingers.

"Now for the mental test," he said, pulling out a paper, "I need you to fill this out to the best of your abilities, your Majesty." I nodded as he handed me a paper with a bunch of questions on it.

I began to read through the questions and assessments. Most of them were an instance of idea and I answered what I would do in the situation. I filled it out the best I could before I handed it back.

"Thank you," he said as he looked over the first page, "If you would return back to the dining hall I will review these and let Sir Patrick know my diagnosis."

I stood up and evened out the front of my dress. I then looked down at the doctor. "I never caught your name."

"Luke," he replied as he looked up at me, "And don't worry, your Majesty. I will vouch for you if needed."

"Thank you," I whispered, "For everything." He nodded as I walked back into the dining hall.

I could feel Erik's anger seething through the room as I walked in. Uncle Harry had his hand on his forehead and I took my seat next to him.

"You okay?" Erik asked as he put his hand on my arm. I smiled and put my hand on top of his. "Yes, I'm fine."

"How sweet," Johnathan sneered from the other end of the table. I whipped my head around to stare him down as my eyes lit up instantly.

Don't pay him any mind, my love. He is just pissed that he isn't going to win this war.

I relaxed once Erik's thoughts filled my mind and a smile spread across my face. I turned to face him as his thumb traced the veins on my hand.

I know. He just gets under my skin so bad.

Erik rolled his eyes with a smile as the door opened and Luke motioned for Sir Patrick. The rest of the council stood and followed him, but not before uncle Harry shot me a warning look.

Basically don't do anything stupid while we are alone with Johnathan. Got it.

The door shut behind them and Johnathan leaned back in his chair with a sigh. Erik glared at him as his eyes began to change to their golden color. I squeezed Erik's hand to calm him down.

"You just have it made here," Johnathan said with a menacing smile, "No wonder you ran back so quickly, Mel."

"That's Queen Raines to you," Erik growled. I shot him a look but his eyes never left Johnathan's.

"Well excuse me then," Johnathan laughed, "I just didn't think she wanted to be called that after she bailed on her kingdom."

"You can say what you want about her once you leave my property," Erik said, "Until then you will treat her with respect."

"Yes sir King Donovan," he chuckled while mimicking an army salute.

We sat for a few more minutes in silence as Johnathan made annoying noises from the other end of the table. The door to the dining hall opened and my eyes immediately stuck on uncle Harry, who had an expression on his face of anxiety and sadness.

My grip on Erik's thigh tightened as he stiffened his stance. The council stood on the other side of the table from me as Erik stood up. I slowly stood up as Sir Patrick rubbed his temples.


"Your Majesty," he sighed, "You passed the polygraph test with flying colors. However..." His sentence trailed off and my heartbeat was pounding in my ears. I could feel the anxiety flowing off of Erik as I heard his jaw clench.

"The mental examination that you filled out does in fact show you would benefit from mental rehabilitation," Sir Patrick continued, "You are dealing with a lot of anger, grief, and sadness. It is in my position to determine if you are fit to rule, and in this case the council has agreed that you are not."

The room began to spin. Was I hearing this correctly? I crossed my arms and pinched the skin as hard as I could to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Nope. Not dreaming.

I heard Johnathan stifle a laugh under his breath and Erik shot him a warning look as my knees began to tremble. There was no way in hell I needed mental help. I was fine.

"What would the rehab consist of?" I asked through gritted teeth. I looked over at uncle Harry who would not meet my gaze.

"You would need to spend at least 30 days in a facility," Sir Patrick answered, "You will be allowed visitors. I'm not sure of the specific dynamics of treatment plan; a psychologist will need to review your documents and determine what is the best course of action."

My heart dropped lower into my stomach with every word he spoke. This had to be a mistake.

"I'm not crazy!" I blurted out, raising my arms above my head, "Yes, I'm pissed off. Yes, I have grief. But wouldn't anyone have the same emotions when they have been through the hell I was put through?"

"Your Majesty," Sir Patrick said with a warning tone, "It has been decided by the council what your next steps will be in order to claim your kingdom again. I would highly suggest you make the choice to leave on your own will or we will have to take force to make sure you do as we instructed."

"This is so fucked up," I mumbled, balling up my fists as the mist began to ooze from my body. The council took a step back as they stared at me with widened eyes.

Johnathan jumped up from his seat. "See! That's what I'm talking about. She has no control over herself when she gets angry. There is no way she needs to be ruling a kingdom."

"Shut the hell up," I growled as I tried to simmer myself down. Erik put his hand on my shoulder. A harsh sting of electricity went through my body and a sizzle was heard in the room. I slowed down my breathing and looked over at Erik. I could feel he was trying to calm me down, but it was hard to battle the anger that was bubbling inside of me.

I finally closed my eyes and focused on my heart rate. I began to feel it slow down, along with my breathing. The mist began to evaporate as I pushed my anger down. I opened my eyes again and looked at the council with sadness. "Alright. I'm fine, see?"

"You will need some further counselling on your anger," Sir Patrick replied, "But we believe that you can rule appropriately after you complete your period of rehabilitation."

"Do I at least get to pack a bag?" I spat out. Sir Patrick nodded. "You will have one hour to prepare what you need for your stay. After that, the center will pick you up." I slowly nodded and sat back down with a huff.

"Thank you all for your time," Erik said, "She will be ready in one hour, if we could have that time alone please."

"Of course," Sir Patrick replied, "Let me know if there is anything you need, your Majesty."

"I will," Erik said as they began to leave. Once the council left, Johnathan stood up and straightened his jacket. He shot a smile of victory at me as he laughed while he walked toward the door.

I immediately lit up my eyes and stopped him in his tracks. I heard a gasp escape from his lips as I turned his head to face me. I stood up and straightened my shoulders. "You're a fucking monster, I want you to know that. And when I return, if you have done anything to my kingdom with the intent of malice or destruction, I promise it will not be a good ending for you."

"You think you're so special," he spit out, "Well I'm here to remind you that you aren't. You might think you got off easy running away, but it will be hell for you if you challenge me again. You couldn't even kill me while I slept; how pitiful."

I looked at him with rage as a smile slid across his face.

"Oh I knew you went into my room that night and took my crowns," he chuckled, "I'm not stupid, little girl."

"Get the fuck out of my castle," Erik growled. I immediately shoved him through the door and heard his laughter as he left.

I didn't even give Erik a warning before I began to stomp out and up into the bedroom. I grabbed a bag and began shoving clothes in it as tears streamed down my face. I heard Erik's footsteps coming down the hallway as I wiped my face and continued to throw what I could into the bag. I heard the door creak open as I took the bag into the bathroom and began to put my toiletries into it. I stopped for just a moment as the tears became too much for me to handle. I caught a glance of my red cheeks and swollen eyes in the mirror before I completely lost it and sank to the floor bawling my eyes out.

Erik slowly wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest.

"It's going to be okay, love," he reassured me, "I will visit you as much as they allow me."

"It doesn't matter," I cried, "They all think I'm a nut case."

"I don't believe that," Erik replied as he stroked my hair, "I think they are just going by the rules. If it were solely up to them and Johnathan wasn't involved none of this would have happened."

"I fucking hate him!" I screamed, "He took me away from you, now he is taking my kingdom away. It's not fair."

"I know it Mel," Erik said with a shakiness to his voice, "I hate this." I finally slowed my sobs to a steady stream of tears falling onto the floor as I looked up into his glowing eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me tight, kissing him with everything I had.

I am going to miss you so much.

His voice flooded my mind and caused the tears to crank back up. I didn't let go of his lips as our tears mixed with the kiss. The mist began to crank up at that point, wrapping all around us in the moment. My heart ached with the sadness of having to leave Erik behind. I slowly pulled away but kept my arms around him as I pressed my forehead against his.

"Erik," I whispered, "I don't know if I can be apart from you again. It's going to kill me."

"I know," he replied, "We will get through it. And then once you get back we are going after Johnathan."

"Hell yes we are," I chuckled, "No mercy."

"No mercy," he repeated with a smile. I slowly got up off of the floor with his help as I finished my bag. I glanced at the clock once I went back into the bedroom and sighed when I realized I only had a few minutes before I had to be at the front doors for pick up.

I took a deep breath and held tightly onto Erik's hand as we began to head outside. Of course there was a black SUV already parked in the drive, meaning we only had a few more minutes to say our goodbyes.

I set my bag down on the ground and let Erik wrap his arms around my waist. I flung my arms around his neck as the tears began to flow yet again.

"I love you," I whispered with a nasal tone from so much crying, "So damn much."

"And I love you," he replied with a sniffle, "More than you'll ever realize, Mel." We shared an intimate kiss before the driver cleared his throat, indicating that time was up. I pulled away as Erik placed his hand on the side of my face. "Stay strong, Mel. Remember who you are. Back down from no one, do you understand?"

I nodded my head as he wiped a tear from my face. He gave me one more kiss on my forehead before I began to turn around toward the vehicle. Once his hand left mine I immediately felt the emptiness inside swell. I gave the driver my bag and climbed into the back seat.

The last thing I saw before we pulled completely out of the drive was Erik breaking down in tears on the front steps.

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