The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 13

Maya and I stayed in the bedroom for a while talking about everything that has happened. I glanced up at the clock after a few hours and realized it was nearly four in the afternoon.

"Ah, hell," Maya said with a groan, "I have to go help prepare. I got busy in here talking with you!"

"Well," I chuckled, "You better hurry. Not much time left now." She gave me another hug before she left and shut the door behind her.

I decided to turn on the T.V. to try to settle my mind for a little while before the chaos erupted in the council meeting. I decided on a crime documentary on the Oxygen channel before I snuggled into bed.

His pillow smelled just like him. I inhaled hard as the serenity from his scent filled my nose. He was the calm to my storm and I was so thankful that he was chosen to be my soulmate.

I didn't realize I had dozed off until Erik came into the room and shook me awake. "Mel, you had better get ready. It's 5:15."

I jumped out of bed and groaned as I trudged into the bathroom to plaster a face on and fix my hair. Erik watched as he buttoned up a white polo shirt with a smile on his face. I turned my head slightly as my straightener heated up. "Are you enjoying the view?"

"Only always," he chuckled as I rolled my eyes with a smile and continued with my hair. I decided on a simple straight look with the front of my hair tucked behind my ears. I gave the base of my hair on the top some volume and started on my makeup.

My makeup was a simple, light smoky eye. I highlighted and contoured my face the best I could, making sure my cheeks were bright and pink. I finished with a light pink lip stain before I walked into the bedroom. I slowly slipped my dress on as Erik helped adjust the straps. I then walked to my jewelry and put on the necklace he gave me in that box so many months ago. I looked at him in the mirror as he touched it from behind me. A soft smile spread across his face. "You kept it."

"Of course I did," I replied, smiling and putting my hand on the side of his face, "It was the first actual present you gave me. I'll never get rid of it, I can promise you that."

I gave him a quick kiss before I sat on the bed to put my shoes on. I took a few steps in them to get my feet to slide where it was comfortable before I walked over to my mother's crown.

I picked it up gently and turned it over in my hands. I took my fingertips along the engraving of her name on the inside as I sighed.

Remember your promise.

I looked in the mirror and placed it carefully on my head, grabbing some pins to keep it in place in case something happened. Erik walked up behind me with his crown on as well. We looked perfect together. I turned to face him and straighten his crown as he smiled down at me.

"I wish we could just put all of this behind us," I whispered, fiddling with his tie, "And just rule together or something."

"I would love nothing more than that Mel," he replied, "But we have to get past this first."

"I know," I sighed, "I just wish it would all go back to when everything was perfect after Malachi was gone."

"Me too my love," he whispered before he gave me one long kiss. We both gently pulled away as a knock came from the door.

"The council is arriving," Erik said with a sad look on his face, "Are you ready?"

"I guess I have no choice," I replied. He reached out and took my hand in his as we left the bedroom and walked to the dining hall where the meeting would take place.

Before we walked into the room I made sure my shoulders were tall and straight, my eyes were glowing with pride, and I showed no signs of weakness. Erik was looking regal as ever next to me and I was even more proud to have my arm linked in his as we slowly walked through the doorway to the dining hall.

Everyone immediately stood up and bowed to both of us except for Johnathan who was sitting at the end of the table closest to us. The maids and waiters had extended the table to fit everyone, and Erik's seat was on the other end while mine was right next to him on the right. The six council members sat with 3 on each side.

Thank god uncle Harry is sitting next to me.

I nodded and smiled at the council members who bowed while Erik led us to our seats. He pulled my chair out for me to sit before he took his. I glanced a look at uncle Harry who smiled quickly at me before he looked back at Sir Patrick.

"Thank you all for coming," Erik stated, "And for taking the time to make room in your busy schedule for Melody. As the host, I have prepared an agenda, which you have in front of you. The first task we have, after we finish our dinner, is opening statements from each party individually."

"Sounds perfect," Sir Patrick replied as the waiters began to bring out the appetizer course. It was a simple salad with a side of dressing and radishes in a brulee type of sauce. I could feel Johnathan's eyes boring a hole into the side of my head as I focused on taking small bites to pass the time quicker.

Erik placed his hand on my thigh under the table and gave me a reassuring squeeze. I took another bite and stole a smile at him before the main course was served.

Everyone was absolutely quiet as we ate. I could feel the tension rising in the room as we finished the last course. The only sound of the silverware scraping plates ended and the room completely filled with nothing but the sound of silence.

I set my silverware gently down on my plate, folded my napkin as the waiter took my dish, and crossed my hands in my lap. I cleared my throat as I decided to take the reins on this meeting.

"So," I started as I took my gaze to Sir Patrick, "I would like to express my gratitude for you all taking the time for this meeting. As we all know, King Johnathan has made some accusations of me leaving my kingdom." I cut my eyes at him as they began to shine. "I want to inform this council of the lies that have been told against me. I never wanted the crown to the kingdom. I informed Johnathan of my decision the day Erik and I met with him." I took a deep breath as I steadied myself to tell the council what really happened.

"I was held against my will at Johnathan's," I continued, "I was forced to give blood every single day in an attempt for him to take my powers from me. I also endured physical assault from his guards." I pointed to the scar that ran down the side of my face. "As you can see, I didn't leave my kingdom behind. If anything, their so-called king put his own wants and needs first and forgot all about his duty to serve with diligence, respect, and kindness." I could feel my tattoo burning into my skin as I kept speaking my truth.

"As for the kingdom," I said with more assertion, "Somebody needs to wear the crown who knows how to rule properly. If you find these accusations of me abandoning the kingdom to be true, I would like King Donovan to rule in place of Johnathan. If you find I am telling the truth, I will take my rightful place on my throne." I sat up straighter and looked at Sir Patrick as he nodded his head, taking in all of the information I just told him. Erik's grip on my thigh grew tighter as Sir Patrick looked at Johnathan.

"She must take us all for fools," Johnathan laughed, "I can promise you every word that she just spoke was a lie. The scar she must have gotten when she fled from her throne. I was teaching her the ways of ruling every day for weeks. I knew she was ready so I let her begin to make her own decisions in the kingdom, such as the installment of two blood clubs downtown."

I felt my temple twitch as he spat out lie after lie.

"When Queen Raines left," he continued, "I had to make all of the final decisions on what she left behind. She betrayed her kingdom in her own haste to get back to loverboy down there." His eyes peered at Erik and I could feel the anger bubbling up inside of him. I put my hand on his thigh to calm him down.

"We have brought a doctor with us to make the decision in regards to Queen Raines's mental status," Sir Patrick replied as he looked at me, "Your majesty, I believe that you are having a difficult time processing so much information in a short amount of time. The death of your parents, being in captivity, and the death of Malachi were a lot to take in. We want to make sure you are able to rule, and if you are deemed capable of that you will take the throne."

"And you will investigate my grievances against Johnathan," I said in a statement. No way in hell was I backing down now.

"Yes," Sir Patrick confirmed, "We will investigate it."

The doors to the room opened as the doctor walked in and I knew fate was on my side today. It was the same doctor from Johnathan's. He saw me and smiled, giving me a feeling of relief.

Johnathan was mortified at the sight. He knew he would be found a liar once the doctor spoke up.

"I will need privacy with my patient," the doctor said as he motioned for me to stand. I stood up and followed him into the ballroom as we sat at a small table he had set up. There was a polygraph on the table along with some water. He sat on one side and I sat on the other.

"How is your daughter?" I asked quietly. He smiled and looked up at me as he began to hook me up to the machine. "She's great. Also a huge fan of you, your Majesty."

"I'm glad I could help you both," I replied as he turned on the machine. I adjusted myself into a more comfortable position as he pulled out a piece of paper to read from.

"Alright," he said, "As you are aware I know the truth about everything. But once I returned to my home the council had an opening for a doctor. I saw it as an opportunity to help you if something like this was to happen. I had a feeling Johnathan would fire back with something after you escaped, and I owe my life and my daughter's life to you."

I reached out and touched his hand as his eyes met mine.

"You don't owe me anything," I replied with a smile, "I did what any worthy queen would do for her people."

He smiled back at me before he began to flip through the pages. "Are you ready, your Majesty?" I nodded quickly, ready to return to Erik's side.

"These will be yes or no questions," he said, "You will be monitored on this system and it, along with my judgement of your mental capacity, will determine whether or not you are telling the truth."

"Okay," I replied, "Let's get started then."

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