The Rotting Flesh Book 2: Deadman’s Wonderland

Chapter 18: Reunion

“How am I going to learn to use a sword in such limited time, we could be attacked anytime” Tom said responding to Xin who was suggesting he learns to fight with a sword

“You don’t need to learn you already know” replied Xin

“Being cryptic are we” giggled Nikita

“No, El is already well versed with proper swinging of rods meaning his arms already possess the strength all thats left is technic” explained Xin walked to where Tom stood “grip your katana as hard as you can” he added and Tom obeyed

“Mmmmmm I see” commented Nikita

“Whats wrong?” asked Tom

“Your grip is weak” said Xin

“What noooo trust me its strong” disagreed Tom

“Shall I prove it?” asked Xin pulling out his own Katana

A black sword with a dragon engraved on the left and a Chinese writing on the other.

“Woah wait wait I don’t know how to fight with this yet” said Tom seeing how Xin was ready to attack him

“Don’t worry just swing it like you are attacking me, make sure to brace yourself and grip as hard as you can” he explained

Tom put his right leg behind and prepared to swing. Xin began to slowly walk towards him.

“Swing!” he yelled and they swung at the same time

The swords collided producing a loud sonorous sound. Tom’s sword spun in the air and nailed the ground. By then Xin’s sword was on his throat.

“Now you get it” smiled Xin

“Yea yea I get now please get that away from my face” Tom agreed backing away Xin retreated

Tom sighed and picked up his sword “I don’t get it”

“I shall explain” Xin sat down and crossed his legs “when one finds with the sword its different from a baseball bat because unlike a bat a sword’s heel absorbs all the shock”

“Meaning the longer you grip your sword tightly the greater your hands weaken” intruded Nikita

“So what must I do then?” he picked up the katana “if I hold it loosely it might fly even further than this”

“Why did you let it go when our katana met?” asked Xin

“I didn’t it forcefully left my hands”

“Exactly, do you want to know why?”


“Its a ripple effect well this is how it works. When you grip the sword with all your strength it weakens you in the long run thus making it easy to disarm you”

“Huh??” Tom lifted his left eye

“What he is trying to say is when you use all your strength to press on something it quickly drains your strength because it has a toll on the muscles so they eventually loosen” Nikita tried to simplify it “ for example I want you to press that sword as hard as you did last time and hold it out”

Tom gripped it and held it out but something was different. It was like he had no strength left in his hands, they were shaking.

Damn so thats why he recalled how easily he got tired when he used the baseball bat

“You see if it gets two or three more powerful hits your fingers and palm muscles will eventually give up leaving vulnerable” Nikita explained and Tom nodded clearly getting the picture

“So what must I do?” he asked

“Now i’ll leave you boys at it, I have to check on our lil princess” she said and went back to the spot where they had left Tanya

She was now awake and wondering how she got where she was. When she saw Nikita relief came upon her face because deep down she thought she had been taken by the hunters and was afraid of what might happen to her.

“Ohw you finally awake” said Nikita approaching her “how are you feeling?”

“Not so fine but I’ll be better”

“Well you deserve it, by the carnage we saw where we found you, that must have been one hell of a fight” commented Nikita extending her hand to her

“I don’t think I can stand, I already tried” she said

Nikita smiled “so if those sick hunter bastards were to come would you just sit and wait to be taken out?”

Tanya twisted her face in a sluggish lazy way “can’t I just like have a few minutes”

“Even Tom wanted to rest but he’s doing what he can to survive”

When she heard Tom’s name her face brightened. Nikita knew thats all she needed to say to get her to stand. Tanya held on to her hand and struggled to stand but finally did it.

“Woah that hurts like a bitch” she said frowning

It was like all the wounds on her body had been activated. The pain came in a throbbing way. Nikita led her to where Tom and Xin were.

“See overthere”

Tom and Xin kept swinging swords at each other with Tom’s sword flying out of his hands each collision.

“Mmmmm he’s getting better” commented Nikita “such a quick learner”

“How about Theresa is she here too” Tanya asked smiling

She has never looked forward to seeing someone as much as now.

“I’m sorry but we only found you only” said Nikita in low voice

Tanya’s expression saddened

“I hope she’s fine”

“She is, I’d say she’s more of a fighter than the two of you” commented Nikita

After numerous rounds of sword play Tom was out of breath.

“Can I take a break” he said holding onto his knees for balance

“Yes, it seems she is awake” Xin said pointing at Tanya

Tom slowly lifted his head and he did something he hadn’t done in a while, he smiled. He left his Katana and rushed towards her.

“Are you okay?”

“How are you feeling?”

“Why are you standing are you fully healed?”

A barrage of questions came from Tom as he looked at all her bruises.

“Tom” she said and he looked at her “I’m fine” she smiled

He embraced her tightly


“Ohw sorry” he withdrew from her

“Nfu nfu nfu” such young love commented Nikita smiling

“Nikita please” complained Tanya

“Ohw sorry” she said laughing as she went to where Xin was

“Tom I” Tanya’s expression changed “Theresa she Im so”

“Its okay we will find her, what matters now is that you are okay” Tom said comforting her “and besides in terms of survival I think she is way above our level” he added

Theresa please be okay

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