The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 8

I wake the next morning, to find Damien using my arse as a pillow again, Cassius is lying close on my right and Alaric is still under me from the night before, but I feel well rested and ready for the stupid testing which.

Everyone must comply with the testing, it is a gage to see how strong you are, sliding over Alaric I manage to wake him,

‘‘Morning,’’ I smile,

‘‘Morning beautiful,’’ he replies,

The boys leave for their rooms, I watch as all their muscled torso and arse leave, a beautiful sight for a beautiful morning,

I dress quickly then head toward the kitchen, Cassius has finished making breakfast which I devour, just a breakfast muffin which is easy to eat, but still as delicious.

We all head to the programme together, the sight of the burnt down bungalow, next door, really makes me feel relieved, like a burden lifted from my shoulders, all that’s left of it is Ash, and rubble, they’ve put tape up around it, and I can see the white tape where the bodies were found.

I hold my head up high, today is a new day, one where I am free. Mrs Landon is waving in the window, as we pass, shouting ‘‘good luck with the tests.’’

I smile, and nod with a wave back.

The hall is fuller than last week, new people sit around tables, and a few faces are missing, it is on a rotation bases so I assume, once some leave more can come in, until they are not able to hold any more people I suppose, Alaric escorts me to the test area, I have my small bag which holds all my things,

‘‘Good luck from us all, think, adapt, and concur,’’ he says, kissing my forehead, then leaves,

‘‘Wait,’’ I smile,

Kissing him deeply, ‘‘now you can go,’’ I smile again,

His wicked grin, plastered on his face, as he leaves back to the hall.

I turn to find a lady, with her arms crossed waiting for me,

‘‘I am the principal, Mrs. Langdon, you know my wife,’’

I smile, ‘‘she mentioned you a lot, it is wonderful to finally meet you, I had no idea you worked here though,’’

‘‘She is not allowed to disclose information on the programme with people that are not yet on the programme, it was for our safety,’’ she replies,

‘‘Ohh, makes sense,’’

She nods, ‘‘I have also heard remarkable things about you, and I cannot wait to see what skills you bring to the school. when you are ready, the book of knowledge will be your first task,’’ she finishes guiding me to the room,

Knowledge is written in large letters inside the small square room, I am hoping these are easy tests, but who knows, what they have instore,

I do have abundance of knowledge with all the books I have read, all of which I can recall, with my special ability, even some humans have, I do love my photographic memory.

The room also has a book stand with a large book sitting open on it, I looked at the book and it gleamed, I was not told to do anything, but I have a feeling it is not to touch the book. Looking around the room, I only find a light switch and the door I came through, if I cannot touch the book then the switch is getting it.

Obviously, the room went dark but only for a moment, until the glow of the neon paint illuminated the room, the paint was used to write on the walls, as large letters, scribbled over and over again, read do not touch the book, on every available wall space, except one area which looked like another door, not visible in the light only now that the neon light is on,

I grabbed the handle, entering through to another room the same as the last, except for principal Langdon sitting on a large fancy royal chair, in the corner,

‘‘Well done, I like to add the first room in as an additional test to see if you are inquisitive enough, embracing the rooms vibe and seeing if there is more than one way to use the room,’’ she smiles,

‘‘It was a good test,’’ I smile,

‘‘Here is the actual first test, this book is spelled to read your brain and test your knowledge, all you must do it hold it; it is as easy as that,’’ principal Langdon explains,

‘‘Okay, easy, I like easy,’’

I stand in front of the open book, assessing its energy, it vibrates as I hover over the book, getting stronger and stronger, I gasp as it jumps into my hands, sparks, and pages flutter about, the book flicks backward and forwards, as wind blows through my hair, my cuffs burn cold, as my sight disappears,

It returns momentarily with visions of the boys, they look panicked like they are expecting something, bad to happen,

Cassius is shouting, ‘‘she is coming, but she has brought her following with her, I can feel them,’’

‘‘They are not supposed to find us in this house, you promised,’’ Damien shouts,

The house is the same as ours, but the outside is different,

Cassius slices his hands then Damien’s and Alaric’s, ‘‘we need more time, to find our other true mate, she is the only hope of helping us survive, no doubt Vera will kill us, and a massive war will erupt in our wake, we can move the house now, and hope for another couple of years but as I said last time, she will find us again, she never stops,’’ Cassius says, porting the whole house and its contents to where they are now, but I do not go with them, I watch as a woman cascades through the house screaming, tearing it the empty shell shreds in her path, she was as pale as a ghost, the power she emanated was incredible, but her intentions were murderous, even more so now she knew they were not there.

My vision went again, coming back with a different scene, this time showing three babies their heads touching, as they have just been birthed, one with horns, one with a little paw mark on his but, and the other with elvish ears, within a flash they were toddlers playing together, another flash they were young boys running before me playing together, magic flying through the air, a lion roar emanating from Damien and vampire flitting fast chasing after them, another flash and they are teens dating and flirting.

In all that I have seen they are never apart, the final flash was of them as young adults, a strong lion, a powerful mage and a devilish vampire, all stood together a scroll rolled out in front of them, I was able to see the scroll clearly, two women where framed on the page one pale with dark hair, like the screaming lady from the first vision, then words, followed with another woman with iridescent hair, slightly darker skin with matching eyes, I read the words written in cursive between the images,

‘A fight between the chosen will define the path of destiny, the future of our world is within the hands of the trio and their prophesied mates, if the trio do choose to back one of the chosen, they will become the truest and strongest of themselves,’

I am assuming the trio are the boys, which means they have two potential mates and neither of them me, my heart aches slightly, but I shall just embrace the time I have with them now,

Another blackened moment coverts me, please let this be the last, the scene is a panicked principal, she is on the phone to Mrs. Langdon, relaying what I am doing in front of her, Mrs. Langdon busts into the room, panicked but replaces the look with a smile, why on earth are the looking at me like that, I turn to see my actual body, shock fills me as I stare, I’m shinning, wow, my hair is the same iridescent on the scroll, my eyes the same, what is going on, could it be I am their mate after all.

I drop to my feet, with a thud, my hair is not shinning anymore, and my cuffs have a sting underneath them,

‘‘Well, that was interesting, from your expressions that has not happened before,’’ I say stretching my body, and itching the ache around my cuffs,

‘‘Well, no, the book of knowledge has never combusted into flames, and I have never seen power radiating, like you just had for a long time, not since the fair princess, but she was thought to be missing, or worse dead,’’ the principal says,

‘‘The power is gone now though, was it just a charade or something,’’

‘‘It has something to do with your cuffs, the book would have bypassed them as it searches your mind, the fairy princess was the most knowledgeable creature in the realms, which would explain why the book exploded,’’ Mrs. Langdon says,

‘‘I am just a bit sceptical of the whole situation, I am sure I am not the fairy princess, let alone more knowledgeable as you, I have only read what you have given me, and what the boys have,’’

‘‘If you are who we think you are, you can absorb the whole of a library just by standing in it, I know you have the unique ability she had,’’ the principal said,

My brain is whirling, ‘‘it does not explain, why I have no memories of the events,’’

‘‘Move on to the next chambers, only place half your energy into the ball, and I shall see if the box is still in the office, I knew in my heart I needed to keep it,’’ principal Langdon says, before disappearing with Mrs. Langdon,

I did as principal Langdon had said, filling the round globe in the centre of the room with my power, luckily the cuffs stopped me from giving it my all, turning green satisfied with my in-put.

“Well at least it did not explode,” I say smiling, to myself,

The last room is gives me strange vibes as it runs over my body, it feels like it is infiltrating my mind I take a deep breath, closing my eyes as I inhale, only to find when I open them, I have been moved to my street, street.

I feel strange, I know I have not moved, but I am here, in my street, I walk to my new home, where a plot of grass now grows, and next-door, which was ash this morning, well, it is back too normal.

I stare at the erect house for a moment, they must have built a new house, but that does not explain why my new home is non-existent, it also does not explain the familiarity I feel from looking at the house, it looks exactly the same build, but freshly painted, no holes anywhere to be seen, I could not believe that the windows could look that clean, nor could I believe, curtains could hang so perfectly,

‘’Hiya, Willowmina, how was your day,” father called from behind me, calming, cheerful voice,

I could not believe my eyes, or ears, have I been gassed or spelled, my mind whirls with confusion,

‘‘Are you coming in, Willowmina, your mother has made your favourite,’’ Father calls,

Now I am really confused, mother has never made me food, and both are dead, but I am intrigued to see where this goes,

I enter through the front door, the only time I can remember ever going in through the front door was when I was eleven, when child services dropped me off here. I could not believe my eyes I had glanced into this room numerous times and it was never this clean, the sofa is whole and neatly decorated with cushions, there is a side table with a beautiful vase on it, and even a lamp, noting in this room is how it was, have I entered a strange alternate reality where my parents were what I needed, I cannot tell, the birth giver is, making food in a kitchen that is clean and tidy, I just noticed we have a TV where their bongs are usually lined up, what is going on.

I had to see what my room looked like. A gasp left my throat when I saw what I had always dreamed the room to look like, a beautiful book shelves lined with loads of books, a bed on a frame which matches the wood of the book shelf, red sheets and blankets with a few pillows to decorate, the holes and broken window was fixed, it did not even look like it was ever there, the curtains matched the red of the sheets, which were hung on the walls. I laugh at the possibility of me even forgiving them,

‘‘Everything okay, willow, you seem a bit lost,’’ mother calls out,

“Come sit down and feast upon your mothers beautifully cooked chicken dinner,’’ father calls over,

I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing mother and father were actually looking clean, the house looked amazing, and father even has a job.

The food tasted bitter, swallowing became harder, but I endured, they smiled as we continued in silence, but I could not forget what they had done to me all these years,

“Thank you for food, I am meeting up with friends tonight, I shall see you later,’’ I say, cleaning my plate, before leaving,

“Goodbye, Willow,’’ mother says,

“Do not be late,” father smile,

But I could not say goodbye, I could not stomach another moment of their kindness, it was fake and unrealistic. I head over to where the boys house should be, noticing a large spot glowing under the grass, my curiosity got the better of me and I had to see what was there.

I pulled the grass up quickly, using my hands to shovel out as much as I could, until I saw a snow globe, I use my jumper to wash the dirt off it revealing a house I recognise and miss, it is my home, I smiled as he door to leave appeared in front of me, and I could not wait to get out of there.

Principal Langdon, was waiting for me, with a smile upon her face, which matched Mrs. Langdon’s,

“Well done for completing the task so quickly,’’ Mrs. Langdon says,

“Yes, well done, this is the gift we want to give you, we believe it to be yours, from what we saw early it matches your true colours, and even the magic that emanated off you,’’ the principal says,

“Take this box home and open it by yourself, if you need any help please do not hesitate to ask, we are your friends, remember that, but also remember that if what we think is true, those boys are your true mates,’’ Mrs Langdon smiles, and hugs me again,

I walk out of the school heading in the direction of home, the phone clock says 2pm, which leaves me with exactly three hours before the boys come home.

I sit in the nook of my room, staring at this box I was given, I could not feel the power they said they felt, and it was not the same colour as my iridescent hair from earlier, just a plain wooden box.

I shake the box, as something rattles within, inside was another box. Now this is what they were talking about, it matches the iridescent glow of my hair and eyes I had seen earlier, it was small but I could feel the npower they had felt from earlier, I gently remove the box, holding it in both hands, it zaps me hard, the box starts to drain as it leaks over my hands, I fight back with my own power, but it just mixes with it, the more I fight against it, the more it hurts, so I embrace the power.

Now I have stopped fighting, it softly drifts over my skin, colouring me in until my whole body glowed, and my mind bust open, changing me, strengthening me, and unlocking me, I find myself reeling through my memories, stopping at the day I walked through the bungalow door, seven years ago.

Pain laced my head making me hold it between both hands, as I try recalling the memories beyond that day, but there was nothingness, I could not recall a thing, only a spell, one I knew would not work as I do not know who cast the cuff spell upon me.

I think for a moment, as the pain subsides slightly in my mind, I have never actually tried removing them myself, I have watched a few tries and fail, but never me, it should be an easy release for the caster, so I try it out,

“Unbind thee,’’ I breath,

But nothing happens, I should have guest really, but I spoke too soon.

More power burst through the cuffs that bound me, shattering them to glitter that surrounds me, memories, and knowledge I had somehow forgotten charged through my brain, trampling my hippocampus, urgh, I grab my head again as pain runs through, until it just clicks into place like a puzzle piece.

I remember running through the grass and nanny Langdon chasing me, principal Langdon was my guard, anger races through me, as I realise, they must have known who I was this whole time.

The second memory was of my true mother, the fairy queen, who neglected me for her duties, she watched me grow up from afar, never coming to close, and never giving me love to thrive, if it were not for the Langdon’s I would have been alone in my younger years as well,

Another memory came, filling my mind with butterflies, and joy, as the libraries I had visited showed me the knowledge they had given me, no wonder the book exploded I had no idea just how much information I had hidden away from me, history, spells new and old, I could not believe I was able to hold all this information,

The next memory was me filling the land that was covered previously with death and grey wasteland, with luscious greens and coloured flowers, I brought the true power of fairy back with my care and magic, the people of fairy danced and sung about me, they were happy that someone was finally able to fill the lands,

Later, the fairy kingdom started to evolve using the technology the human world had to offer and the ideas I had supplied them with, they wanted to be more independent, then they wanted the queen to abdicate the throne, but she refused, we watched as the people slowly left, building a small town further away from the kingdom,

The queen often tried to arrange a battle with the uprising, but nobody was willing to side with her, as they were all leaving to the 21st century, she was left with little to no one, taking out her anguish on me,

She tried suffocating me once while I slept, Nanny Langdon saved me, but she could not save me from that dreadful night,

Pain laced through me as I remember her weakening me, she had lost her temper with the uprising, taking it out me, but she wore a deflecting charm, knowing how strong I was at a young age, knowing full well that I would not be able to fight her off fully,

I lay on the floor semi-conscious,

“If you want this to stop, and for me not to kill the Langdon’s you will do as I say, you here me,” she says into my ear,

I nod, repeating the spell she wanted me to say,

“I bind thee, with grade three cuffs, unremovable by friends, only removable by the caster,”

The spell wrapped my arms in the familiar black cuffs I wear today, I remember turning and smiling at the Langdon’s who are just behind me,

“Now for my favourite part, the extraction,” she smiled,

The box I held in my hands now, was in her hands, as she held it against my head, stealing away all the memories I had of fairy, all the knowledge, she captured the Langdon’s memories with it, then left her closest knight, who was my friend to give us new memories, and place us and the box as far apart as possible, little did she know we were all in the same town, she made sure the parents I had were extra in every way, and that was the last I knew,

Rage ran through me, as I sat clutching my knees to my chest, my hair was its natural iridescent as I regained control of my body, my body burned and ached as with the sudden extra power and knowledge.

Staggering to the toilet, I stripped and jumped into the shower pouring cold water over myself too cool me, I still burned within but, it was less but I could not believe I used to feel this power all at once. I lay within the bath letting the water pore over me, running the magic through my finger, relishing in the memories I had filled my head with.

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