The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 7

The next morning, Mrs. Langdon wakes me,

‘‘Tough night,’’ she asks,

‘‘Yep, but not from the usual perpetrators,’’ I reply,

‘‘Want to talk about it,’’

Which I do, I tell her everything, I cannot hide from her, I never have been able too.

She hugs me tightly,

‘‘Your parents came in yesterday looking for you, they seemed more desperate to find you,’’ she says,

‘‘They think I am going to be a Dog shifter like my father, but surly I should have heard the poor thing by now if I was going to be one,’’

‘‘I think you are a warrior regardless of what you are but, you are right, but you will not know properly until you are eighteen, but do not worry about that worry about the boys that are in your life, one of which is walking in now,’’ she says,

I dive over the sofa, to hide from him, as he walks up to the desk,

‘‘Hiya, Mrs. Langdon, we, I mean, I am looking for willow a few things were said yesterday under drink, and I would like to apologise,’’ Alaric says,

‘‘What happened, is she okay,’’ Mrs. Langdon plays along,

‘‘Basically in short, she is sending us all mad, we have never felt this way for any woman before, and I fear I have pushed her away, when you see her could you give her this and ask her to come home,’’ he says, handing her my phone,

‘‘She is an incredibly special kind of girl, she does not take shit, so do not give it to her, she will leave to avoid the hurt,’’ she says to him,

‘‘She is indeed a special kind of girl, she has us wrapped around her finger,’’ he says with his beautiful chuckle,

Her face goes grim as she looks at me, which make me worry, but it is not from Alaric it is from something behind him, I cannot quite see what she is looking at, but I know who it is when I hear them, my parents, Alaric stands aside, watching with his back toward me,

‘‘Mrs. Langdon, where is she, she has not been home in three days and she is usually here,’’ father shouts, looking over to where he knows I hide,

I have changed it up before, but it only makes it worse, the longer it takes them to find me the more he destroys, father walks toward me, but Alaric stands in the way, he must know I am here,

‘‘Move boy,’’ father says,

‘‘Nope, you are to leave her alone,’’ Alaric growls,

‘‘How dare you stop me from seeing my daughter,’’ mother shouts,

She moves around my father and toward me, but I jump up before she grabs me,

‘‘I am here, what do you want’’ I say,

‘‘You have not been home, for three days,’’ mother says,

‘‘I have been away longer, and you have not got a problem then,’’

‘‘You are nearing eighteen, you should be having you shifting abilities soon,’’ father says,

‘‘I am not a shifter, I have told you I do not know how many times, even if I was, you are not using me,’’ I shout back leaving though the door of the library,

Father runs after me, but Alaric is quicker though placing himself between me and father. Who claws at Alaric catching his chest, father smiles as Alaric’s red top darkens, Alaric punches back hard making father stager back, he shakes the punch off then shifts into his dog form, lunging at Alaric and latching onto his arm, gnawing at the bone.

Mother tries to help, but ends up being scratched by father, Alaric saw an opportunity, he glanced at me as he fought to remove father, so I nodded, watching Alaric snap fathers neck, mother screams in horror, as blood spills from his mouth, I teleport mother and the dead carcase of my father into their home, hoping it looks like a drug owing gone bad,

‘‘Alaric, let me help you,’’ I say,

Guiding him through the portal to his kitchen where I wash my hands, while he removes his shirt, he growls loudly as I pour the vodka over his chest and arm, then some more while I stitch him up, then wrapped them in a bandage.

‘‘Thank you for today, your words of wisdom have brought me back, and you have freed me from the grasps of my father, bit I should head back to Mrs. Langdon who is probably really worried right about now,’’ I say,

‘‘Let me grab a jumper and I will come back with you,’’ he says,

I nod, not wanting to argue,

‘‘I am sorry for killing your father, regardless of how horrid he was to you, he was still your father,’’ he says,

‘‘Someone was bound to do it, and as I said earlier, you have set me free from them, as for yesterday, what is the deal,’’ I say,

‘‘Since we were born, we have all been together, we all fancied the same women, so we shared them, we do get a little territorial but once you smell of each of us, then all will be fine,’’ he smiles,

‘‘Is that a hint Mr Vampire,’’ I smile,

‘‘Not at all, witch when you are ready, I am sure you will not stop me, Damien gave details how much you enjoyed his fingers,’’ he purred,

I punch him in the arm, while huffing,

We walk into the library, Mrs. Langdon hands me my phone, and I grab what little I have in my locker, basically just some books and clothing,

‘‘I have texted you my number, I thank you for everything you have done for me, it seems I need to tighten the leash a bit more, with the men in my life, and I am sure we will be in touch,’’ I say to Mrs. Langdon and hug her tightly,

‘‘I need a bath, to chill, you need a bath as well,’’ I say to Alaric when we portal home,

‘‘Is that an invitation,’’ he smirks,

‘‘No,’’ I say striding off to fill the bath, to submerge myself in,

I am finally free, the only person that was stopping me from going further is dead.

I love the silence beneath the water, just peace and quiet, when I re-emerge from the tub, Alaric is standing in the doorway,

He smiles at me,

‘‘Hi,’’ I say,

‘‘Hi, I have some more bad news, your mother has blown the house up with the cooker, I am not sure what too say’’ he says again,

‘‘Alaric, it is no loss, a benefit to the society, she would have only been a nuisance, I could see her becoming a lady of the night, but that is too posh for her, so I would not worry,’’ I reply,

‘‘May I join you,’’

‘‘Being naked in a tub, does not seem like a clever idea,’’

‘‘It depends on what you refine a clever idea to consist of,’’ his smirk widens,

‘‘I am thinking about drying, then a film if you fancy,’’

‘‘Sure, sounds good, but I better had a shower, I will meet you down there,’’

He heads out through the door, I dry and place fresh pj’s on, with white lace instead of white, then descend into the kitchen,

‘‘Has anyone got a hoodie I can borrow,’’ Alaric threw his he had on at me,

‘‘Food is ready,’’ Cassius says,

Alaric sits to my left, Damien to my right and Cassius is in front of me, I fold my legs onto the chair, then devour the fajitas and nachos they have prepared for me, each mouthful was an explosion of flavours, again I groaned with every mouthful, I could not help it, I liked expressing myself, especially when I loved it this much. I wash the dishes, while they finish food.

Damien and Cassius grab the snacks before heading to the games room, Alaric stands behind me, trailing his fingers over my body, under his jumper he growls in contentment, when he cannot find my knickers,

‘‘Satin is good for the labia,’’ I giggle,

‘‘hm, I like the sound of that,’’ he says,

Kissing down and up my neck, as he cups my already wet heat, grinding my arse into his already bulging shaft,

His fingers slip between my folds, gasping as he rakes his teeth along my neck, his fingers slip with in me,

‘‘Already wet,’’ he groans,

He continues stroking my insides, while stimulation my clit with his thumb, using his free hand he trails his fingers to my bare breasts rolling and pinching my nipples between his finger, I feel the build-up as I arch into him,

‘‘Can I bite you,’’ he says,

‘‘Yes,’’ I whisper, leaning my neck to the side so he can have better access,

Instead, he pulls my wrist behind my head, bites down hard, all the while moving faster over my vagina, until I orgasm,

‘‘Are you coming or what,’’ Damien shouts up the stairs,

‘‘Yes,’’ I shout, with a giggle,

Alaric licks up the dribbled blood, then his fingers clean, before he head to the games room, I lay where I had before, Damien has chosen Indiana Jones for me, Alaric sits on the left in the corner, and Damien is on my right, hands on my legs at the ready, in case of an accidental kick,

I turn to look at Damien, ‘‘I am still not happy with you, I am a person, not a toy, if anything you let me play with you, which would make you the toy,’’ I say,

‘‘You are right, and I am sorry, I should not have been so mean, but please do not hesitate to use me as a toy whenever you please,’’ he purrs,

I throw a pillow at his face and Alaric and Cassius just shake their head at him,

I cannot believe how much I have missed out on, just by watching the TV, Cassius is snoring, by the middle of the second Indi, Alaric is twirling his fingers up and down my leg, Damien seems to be following the same pattern on the other leg, sending delightful tingles of hot and cold up my body, they moved in closer to each other, followed by them whispering, then I was being tugged up the mattress,

‘‘What are you doing,’’ I say quietly,

‘‘Shh!’’ Alaric says watching the screen,

Both Damien’s and Alaric’s hands are now dancing dangerously closer to my heat, just their touch is making me wet again, Alaric’s hand covers my arse then starts squeezing and releasing it slowly.

The film finishes, and I’m flipped over on to my back, my shorts are removed and Alaric’s face plunges between my legs, devouring me, using his tongue to dance over my clit, my eyes roll as my fingers tangle in his hair, Damien leans in kissing me deeply, as he shoves his hand up the jumper, finding my nipples easily and rolling them between his fingers. I am being devoured by both of them while Cassius sleeps, pure bliss runs within me as an orgasm erupts through me, sending shivers up my spine.

I spin when I regain my brain usage, undoing Alaric’s package, he helps me by pulling his pants down, releasing his divine length, it is a little thicker than Damien’s, but not as long, it’s also pierced through the top, I grip with both hands using my mouth to tease and play with him, making sure to pull on the dangling piercing. He groans and growls, enjoying each of my movements, Damien rubs his tip at my entrance, I whip my head around,

‘‘That is definitely not going to fit,’’ I growl,

‘‘I promise to go slow,’’ he says,

‘‘You can wait,’’ I growl further,

Continuing on Alaric until I feel him twitching, I take all of him inside me which helps him to ejaculate,

‘‘Please, let me enter this sweet, glistening pussy,’’ Damien purrs,

‘‘You will break me,’’ I growl, flipping over to take him in my mouth,

He groans, ‘‘I promise I will not,’’ but I plunge my mouth over his shaft further, deeper, rendering him silent,

Alaric on the other hand was being suspiciously quiet, until he plunges a finger into me, I groan onto Damien, a pleasure growl emanates from him, I try to concentrate, but Alaric slips another finger in, luckily with my squeezing and sucking, Damien seems to be enjoying himself,

I can feel Alaric do a scissoring motion inside me, opening and closing bending and moving his fingers inside me, Damien reaches down to gather my hair, I change my speed, gripping his balls as I jingle them between my fingers, Alaric plunges in another two fingers, stretching me even further, before removing them completely, replacing it with his shaft.

Alaric slowly pushes his it all the way, which caused me to take Damien deeper, they growled in unison as they both filled me, a groan left me as I am enjoying the feeling.

Damien was the first to start moving again, followed by Alaric, who slowly moved in and out, each thrust controlled and eyerolling good, I felt my insides fluttering as I orgasm around him,

‘‘Too tight,’’ he groaned out, as his last thrust hit a new high, filling me to the brim,

Alaric removed himself slowly, Damien flipped me over then slowly inserted his shaft, I groan as he fills me back up, as he settled at the hilt, he tickled further than Alaric,

‘‘I cannot wait any longer,’’ Damin growls,

Thrusting in and out of me, moving faster and faster, harder and harder, I moan and groan as Alaric reaches over to stimulate my clit, I squeeze him tightly, closing in on another orgasm,

‘‘Mina,’’ he growled, as he thrusts back in causing another orgasm to take me under, while he joins me and claims me.

Alaric carries me up the stairs placing me on the toilet, while he runs a bath I felt the oozing of their cum dripping out from within me as gravity does his thing, my mind runs wild, I’m definitely not a virgin any more, I definitely want to do, that all over again and does this mean I’m going to be pregnant,

‘‘No virgins allowed in this house anyway, I am sure we can arrange that, and we cannot impregnate what is not ours,’’ Alaric answers my thoughts,

He washes me thoroughly, dries me, places my pj’s back on then carries me to bed,

‘‘You are making me feel like a child,’’ I giggle,

‘‘It is part of the sex, if you can do the fun part, you must be able to clean up after,’’ he says, cwtching me to sleep.

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