The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 7

It was a silent ride for the next 30 minutes, but we finally got there. He pulled in the driveway and I had a quick impulse. The curse was wanting to take over. ”You know they need to pay. Let me teach them a lesson.” I pushed the thoughts from my mind. My legs were moving towards the door on their own as Jason got his things from the trunk.

“Hey Jay, wait up!” I didn’t wait for him. I opened the door and I yelled in “Harrison! Christina! Get out here!” I couldn’t hide my anger, but was doing my best to suppress my curse. Harrison came out from the kitchen. Christina was making her way up from the basement.

“Yes my queen?” Harrison asked like he knew nothing right when Jason was in earshot.

“Wait. You’re a queen?” he said as he dropped his bag. My anger got too high at the reminder that Jason knows nothing. My eyes were turning golden.

“Jay, hear me out before it takes over.” Harrison said as my wand levitated from my boot and shifted into the pitch black sword in my hand.

“How dare you betray me!” I yelled. Christina went back down in the basement, as I ran to strike at Harrison with my sword. Jason quickly ran between us

“Stop! He is the only one with the answers!” Jason yelled at me, but I couldn’t stop, my curse had control. Harrison quickly levitated a floor lamp in the living room and blocked my sword from hitting Jason. I tried to take my body back from the curse before I hurt Jason. I quickly dropped the sword. It turned back into a wand as it slowly fell to the floor along with me. I fell to my knees and my hands when to my head. I was trying so hard to get my curse to let go. Harrison said something softly to Jason, I didn’t know what until Jason came over to me and crouched down to my level. He lifted my head to look into my eyes.

“It will be okay. We are here now and will get some answers.” He whispered as he got closer to my face. He then placed a soft kiss on my lips. I then gained full control over my curse again and my eyes went back to normal. He stood up and held his hand out for me. He is the same Jason before his memory was erased was all I could think about at that moment.

I grabbed his hand and got up. “I’m sorry about that.” I said embarrassed and scared that I scared him away. Harrison picked up my wand.

“Are you always like this?” Jason asked. I couldn’t tell if he was scared or even okay about this.

“No, that was the first time in years. I-I...”

Harrison cut me off as he came forward and handed me my wand. “It takes strong anger emotions to set her off, betrayal is the strongest one. Like in this instance me hiding her fiancé from her.”

Jason froze for a moment. “Fi-fiancé...I’m her?” I pulled out the ring on the chain around my neck.

“Harrison, be sensitive. He doesn’t remember anything. At least work with the small things and work your way up to the shocking.” He laughed at my chastising comment.

“You should take your own advise and control your curse better.” I slapped him across the face.

“No, you have some explaining to do. What happened five years ago at the celebration after the war?” Christina came back out from the basement. I think she was just listening behind the basement door.

“Let us all sit down in the living room.” Harrison said trying to calm us all down.

“I’ll make some tea.” Christina said as she walked to the kitchen. Harrison sat in the chair, while Jason and I sat on the couch.

“What happened Harrison? Don’t tell me you did all this.” I said saddened by this. I was pushing out the thoughts of him betraying me from my mind.

Harrison sighed. “Remember during the party you two split up to find Nikki because you thought she was hurt and he went outside?”

I sighed. “Yes, what happened after that?” I asked impatiently. “Well... It... uh...”

Christina walked in with tea. “He had a run in with Samantha. He was caught off guard and she took his memories.” Christina cut in and got to the point. I froze for a moment.

“His memories are completely gone. No one has the ability to do that unless... but those psychics are all...” Harrison sighed. “I need to brush you up on your history. Jay, I found out Samantha’s maiden name is Masters. She is part of the clan and she was the reason they were wiped out. Let me start from the beginning though. Your grandfather on your mother’s side left your grandmother for a rare psychic, she was the last of her kind. Her rare type could take memories from people, I mean literally take them out from their head and put them where they can never get them back. But that isn’t the strongest, us wizards can travel from here to the Otherside, but they can travel to other dimension. They could take someone to a place where magical abilities won’t work and leave them there for forever. But don’t worry, I heard a rumor Samantha is not good at the other dimension travel. That is why she got rid of the rest of her family. Her niece, at 5 years old passed her up, and was able to use her powers to their full extent. She wiped them all out with the help of Zachariah.” He looked down and then looked back up. “It all happened not long before you were born.”

There was a pause while I processed all this. “So she is my aunt on my mom’s side as well? She cut herself to make me think Nikki was hurt then.” I was trying to put the pieces together of that night.

“Technically half aunt on that side, but yes that is why. Now back to Jason, she took his memories and is holding them hostage, so to speak. She has them in a bottle. We walked in while she finished up. She told us to do this or she would destroy his memories forever. She didn’t want you to ever find him as revenge for killing her husband.”

I sighed. “Well why are you telling me this now?” I snapped.

“Calm down. He isn’t in danger. I notice how you two were both not getting over each other. For some reason the feelings for you stayed with him, we had to add someone to his memories and kill them off, but he didn’t move on. We thought it would work, but yeah... uh... I talked to Samantha and she said you can make a choice, but she will talk to you later. I think Vincent was going to set up the meeting. Well that was the last thing I heard from him after he warned me you were coming, but he didn’t tell me Jason was coming too.”

Jason broke in. “I am so confused. Vincent is a spy for Samantha and Samantha has a vendetta on you.” He pointed at me.

I sighed. “Come with me.” I stood up and grabbed his hand.

“I’m going to give you all the memories we have shared with each other over the years.” Jason stood up with me.

“I wouldn’t do that. Samantha might get mad if you do. Plus, the memories might not feel like they are his own.” Harrison warned.

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take. He needs to understand.” I walked away with him and went upstairs to my old room. “Lay down on the bed.” I ordered him.

“But my real memories might get destroyed by Samantha.”

I sighed. “I don’t think she truly wants anything bad to happen to you, or she would have killed you five years ago. I think she wants something to happen from all this.” I explained my theory. Jason laid down on the bed; I kneeled beside the bed, put my hands on his head and started transferring memories to him. We were out for a bit.

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