The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 3)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue: Chapter 104

Anaiah’s POV

I assess the young man in my presence, he couldn’t be more than twenty-five. He removes a small black and white butterfly from his pocket and it rests on my hand.

‘A butterfly? What’s going on?’

‘It led me to you,’ He says. I look at it again, it has unique colors,

‘Who are you?’ I ask.

‘My name is Prince Silas of the Werebear pack, and I need your help freeing my people from the wizard Amacus,’

My hand flies to my chest and a  gasp escapes my lips, he is the dead prince of the Werebear pack, how come he’s here and how did you enter the city undetected? So many questions roamed my head

‘I was told you’re dead,’ I say,

‘Anaiah, Ana!’ Arya calls me just as the butterfly flaps its little wings and flies away.

My eyes glance back at Silas, he looks determined and in dire need of health care.

‘What happened to you?’

‘I – I don’t feel too good,’ he says and collapses to the ground. I crouch down to check his pulse, he’s breathing but barely.

‘Arya, help!’ I call. She comes rushing to me, looking around before she gets on her knees.

‘We need to take this man to the hospital,’

‘Who is he and what happened to him?’

‘He’s Prince Silas of the Werebear pack,’

‘I thought he was dead, is he a ghost?’ She asks

‘Just help me carry him,’

We lift him and I open a portal to the hospital, seeing us in the hallways, three nurses rush to us with a stretcher. They take him to a private room where they treat him.

‘Have you told Samy that the mate she thought died is alive, ghosty maybe,’ I almost chuckle

‘No, should I?’

‘Yes,’ I grab my phone and dial Samantha’s number but it doesn’t go through.

‘I think the network is bad. I’ll grab water from the machine,’ I tell her.

After drinking my water, on my way back to Arya, my wolf speaks to me,

‘Oh, our little friend is here, open that door,’

I do as she says and I smile at who I see. It’s the little Asian boy I saved at the Alpha’s seminar. He’s sleeping peacefully.

‘he’s cute,’ Chalo coos over him. I agree. I stroke his soft hair and he jolts up.

‘Sensitive too,’

He looked fearful at first but all dread left him when he sees me. He smiles and tries to sit up with difficulty.

‘Hello,’ he says in a small voice, his neck bowing.

‘Hi,’ I wave, sitting on a chair next to his bed. I exchange pleasantly with him and he tells me he is doing well now.

‘What is your name and how old are you?’ I ask.

‘Ajax Adrian Yang, I’m six years old, Ma’am,’

Ma’am I repeat, it almost sounded like mom.

‘Hi Ajax, my name is Anaiah,’

‘I know, you saved my life, thank you,’ he bows again.

A female doctor walks in and explains his condition to me.

‘Ajax’s legs are better and can go home now,’  She smiles but the boy frowns, he’s not too keen to go home, Is it because his mom and big brother are dead? The doctor says his father doesn’t visit him often, it’s the Beta and governess who handles all matters regarding Ajax.

My heart aches for him, I’m sure he needs his father now more than ever.

After the doctor leave us, Ajax and I talk more, he asks if he can get ice cream at the cafeteria and I escorted him there.

For a six-year-old, Ajax is very respectful and polite and an eloquent speaker too.

After he finishes eating his Ice cream, we go back to his room. My phone buzzes and it’s Arya. I bid my goodbyes to Ajax but he suddenly jumps from the bed and wraps his arm around my waist. I smile and lift him in my arms, he buries his face in the crook of my neck. I rub his back.

‘I’ll be back to see you soon, I promise,’ I assure him. I regret not coming sooner, I thought if I saw him, all the pain will come back but the opposite happened, I feel overwhelmed with affection for him and it brings me peace.

‘I don’t want to go back home just yet,’ he cries, tightening his hold.

‘Why don’t we invite him over to the castle,’ Says my Chalo.

‘If your father permits it, you can stay with me at the castle for a few weeks until you’re ready to go home,’

I Inform him,

‘Can we ask him now please?’ I feel for the kid.

‘Yes,’ I smile.

I put him down and he rushes to the drawer to get out his cell phone, I look around the enormous room, it’s like a hotel suite. There is a section full of presents from his father and pack members, all big and expensive-looking boxes. I’m sure his father thinks giving him all material stuff is enough but it isn’t, he needs emotional support too.

‘Do you talk to your dad often?’ I ask. He frowns.

‘No, he’s an Alpha and the chairman of a big corporation so he’s always busy but his secretary makes sure he gets my messages,’ he smiles cutely at me and I melt.

‘Alright Ajax, talk to your dad and when he agrees to let you stay, call me,’

We exchange phones to put our phone numbers. He scowls as he looks at my phone.

‘Luna, those phones are old-fashioned,’ he giggles. I take back my phone and give him his.

‘I like old fashion but what is in style?’ He only waves his phone.

‘My dad’s company makes them,’

I chuckle and leave the room. A strange kind of happiness spread to my heart. Ajax Yang. I repeat.

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