The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 3)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue: Chapter 103

Anaiah’s POV

I’m sulking as I escort my mate to the hangar, he and his gamma, Jack are going for a summit in Europe.

Leon opens the door for me, and I hug him tightly, we pull apart when a man’s voice speaks.

‘Sir, the jet is ready for your departure,’ Leon nods and I kiss him longingly.

‘My love, the Grey Lycan Alpha will arrive tomorrow, and they’ll stay for three days, I know you’ll be as gracious as always,’

The Grey Lycan pack has been allies of The sapphire royal pack for decades and they are coming to renew the treaty.

‘Why are they coming when you are leaving?’

‘We can’t delay the renewal of the treaty longer and I can’t miss my summit either, so you have to represent us and don’t worry, my parents and sister will be with you,’ he says and I nod.

‘I just don’t know how-‘ he interrupts me with a kiss.

‘A high court official will go through the treaty we made and all you have to do is sign and Blanco will do the same, that’s all,’

Saying my goodbyes, I go back to the castle where I sulk alone in my room, missing my Leon. Since I have no work today on Sunday, I decide to visit Arya at the new North Pack, she spends most of her time there because of the triplets.

A servant opens the door for me and I’m welcomed by baby noises, I smile and go upstairs to the triplets’ common room.

There are two nannies in here with Arya all attending to the babies. I lean against the door frame with my hands crossed against my chest as I watch the Lycan Princess humming a song to the little girl in her arms, she really is their mother. Alpha babies grow up fast and healthy and one can think they are five months already!

‘Hey mama,’ I wave, she finally looks in my direction with a huge smile on her lips, I get baby Eric or Chad, not too sure because they are identical, and carry him in my arms, he has his father’s features and his mother’s soft eyes.

‘He’s so cute,’ I gush.

Arya sighs and now that she’s looking at me, I notice she has bags under her eyes.

‘When last did you catch decent sleep,’

‘Between going to the sapphire royal pack, work, and coming here, I’d say three hours a day,’ She sighs.

I sit in a rocking chair and narrow my gaze on her;

‘You know it gets easy when you tell your family right?’

‘I know. Mother knows though,’ she informs me.

‘Ooh, and what did Clara say?’

‘What you’re telling me, she even came to see the babies last week,’

‘Told you,’ I shrug.

‘I will tell Leondre as soon as he’s back,’

I tell her about the new development in the pack since she’s not there often

‘Alpha Blanco and his bitchy niece are coming?’ She asks.

‘Yes, are they bad?’

‘Not really but his niece, Melody has a thing for my brother,’ she informs me and I growl, making her chuckle.

‘They are here for the treaty so we need to throw a party to celebrate,’ I inform her.

After putting the babies to sleep, we have brunch outside, the scenery is green and the food is delicious.

‘I want to buy a dress for tomorrow evening, can you come with me?’

‘You’ve come to the right girl,’

We go into the city to look for a dress, we pick a stunning backless dress.

‘Go try it on,’ she says. I do just that and try on the new dress. The dress fits me like a glove and the material is thick and soft against my skin. I love it. As I inspect my dress in a bigger mirror near the window, I sense someone watching me. My gaze roams to look around but I don’t see anyone. An eerie feeling goes down my body.

‘Ana! I want to see it already!’

I jolt at Arya’s voice and I leave the room.

‘Excellent! Beautiful!’ She exclaims, I twirl around.

‘You’ll be there with me, right?’

‘Of course,’

Arya doesn’t have enough stamina to do much shopping so we leave the store, once outside, Arya squeaks, startling me.

‘What is it?’

She points at the dessert shop across from us.

‘They have the best ice cream cake, can we have a taste please,’ she pouts, and grabs my wrist, taking me to the shop.

We ring the bell at the counter and a girl dressed in pink smiles at us, singing us a cute song and Arya claps like a child, I laugh at her enthusiasm and she puts a dollar in the jar, the girl groans displeased but still sings the same song.

‘Welcome to happy pastries, a place where we take you back to your childhood memories. Always ready to serve and please you,’ she finishes and Arya twirls around.

‘Oh, we used to come here as kids and eat all we can, it was our favorite place,’

She guides me to sit at a corner booth and five minutes later our velvet and ice cream cake is here. We eat our pastries with pure Bliss and they were taking Arya back to her childhood memories indeed as she talked about how much fun they’d had when she, Leon, Dan, jack, and Jake came here as kids.

‘Why don’t you come here then?’

‘I don’t know, we just grew up I guess,’

‘I think we should be coming often for dessert,’ I tell her and she nods.

‘How are you doing with the babies really, Arya?’ He stays silent for a while, and then, a tear rolls down her face.

‘I’m scared that I’m not good enough to be their Mommy, I’m only twenty-two years old,’ she sniffs. I give her a halfheartedly smile.

‘It’s okay to be fearful,’

‘What if I mess up and -‘

‘I think you’re doing great’

‘Really? I just- I just want them to be healthy and well,’

We talk more about her feelings and we order more cake, when I know that she is really feeling better, we leave the pastry shop. I feel eyes on us again

‘Hey can you wait here for me in the car, I need to use the toilet real quick,’

‘Eew, ladies don’t say that,’ She makes a disgusted face and I stick out my tongue at her

‘Don’t you pee,’

Once I see Arya is out of sight, I follow the scent of an unknown person.

‘Come out, I know you’re there,’ I order, a tall thin man emerges from the shadows, he’s wearing a cap that hides part of his face and his clothes are dirty.

‘Why are you following us?’

He takes off his cap and stares at me with forest-green eyes before getting on one knee, and bowing low,

‘I need your help, Queen Luna,’

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