The Heart Sees

Chapter 16

Troy's P.O.V

I felt like a total failure... my mate was being stolen right in front of me and I was pressed to the ground with my face in the dirt. Granted it took at least 6 of them to hold me down based on the amount of hands I felt on me. Brax was snarling and biting at them as I heard the retreating footsteps of my mate. I can't lose a mate.... not again. I tried as hard as I could to shake them off but I was stuck. After what felt like forever they started releasing me one by one and I felt myself being able to get up. I clawed and bit at everyone close to me. They all manged to dodge me except for the last one. I bit hard into his arm, the metallic taste filling my mouth.

I kept shaking, rage taking over as I heard them trying to run from me. Unfortunately with my wounded leg I wasn't fast enough to stop them. I let out a loud, pained howl and waited for back up, which should have been here a lot sooner. I was such a fool to take Lu out for a run when there was someone after her. Granted I thought he rejected her so she wasn't being searched for.

I heard someone approaching and snapped in their direction before I heard Terry shout in my head, "it's us! Stop attacking". I stopped my assault and shifted back painfully, feeling the blood run down my leg.

"They took her" I growled.

"Who?" Terry asked as I felt his hand pressing on my leg, causing me to wince.

"Lu... they took her. Chase and his pack" I explained angrilly.

"What?" Liam snarled. "What did he even want with her? He rejected her!"

"He said... he wants her to produce pups" I barely got the words out, shaking angrilly.

"It's not your fault she's gone. From the looks of it you took down about 14 of their warriors, we know you tried to protect her" Terry said calmly, knowing me better than anyone.

"We have to get her back.... I can't lose another mate. I can't" I said softly.

"I know... now let's get your leg looked at and then we can go get her" Terry responded as he helped me up.

"What took the warriors so long?" I growled.

"We were having a patrol meeting on the other side of the border to go over defense plans. We didn't think there would be a risk this close to the pack house" Terry sighed.

"You should know better than to leave any area of the pack undefended after what happened years ago" I growled.

"Sorry alpha, it won't happen again" Terry said firmly and I sighed.

We walked back to the pack house, Brax growling at me, 'she isn't even fully ours yet... we don't have much time before he lays hands on what's ours' he kept repeating.

'I know... he'll try to erase our mark. We have to get to her fast' I agreed.

"We don't have much time. He'll erase my mark and put his own on her to trap her with him.... if we don't get there in time" I said as we reached the hospital.

"We will. Your wound should be healed by tomorrow and then we can go-" Terry started.

"No! I can't wait until tomorrow. Just patch me up and then we'll go" I yelled.

"You're no good to her if your dead! And you can't fight with that injury" Terry shouted back.

I know he's right but I can't stop thinking about Chase attacking our mate... taking her by force. "I can't wait... I'll go crazy" I growled.

"You have to. It's just for the night and then your leg will be better" Terry argued.

"At least send some warriors to keep an eye on her..." I sighed.

"Alright, Liam and I will go with a group and keep an eye on her until you can get there. Don't worry... we won't let him take your mark" Terry said firmly.

"Alright... but as soon as my leg is better I'm going after her and if anything happens to her..." I threatened.

"Let's go!" I heard Liam shout and the shuffling of multipl footsteps. I felt someone looking after the wound on my leg, probably the pack doctor.

"How long?" I asked him.

"Over night, probably about 10 hours, maybe 12" the doctor replied knowingly. "The beta will look after our luna" he added as I felt him stitching up the wound. It felt good to hear him refer to Lu as the luna...

I hobbled back to the pack house and up to my room, wincing at the pressure I was putting on my leg. I didn't realize that I was still naked until I got to my room. Werewolves aren't generally shy about nakedness so no one would care I wasn't wearing anything. I made my way to the closet and pulled out a pair of shorts and a basic t shirt before flopping on the bed.

'Mate' Brax whined in my head.

'I know.... we'll get her back. The only reason she went with him was to protect us' I sighed.

'She doesn't even have our scent fully... we should have finished the process' Brax grumbled.

'You know we can't force her. She'll hate us forever if we do that' I replied firmly.

'Fine' Brax growled before he curled up in the back of my mind.

I tried to sleep.... really I did. But all I could think about was Lu. I was too worried and stressed to get any rest and although Terry and Liam were there I knew they couldn't stop the other pack without me. After what seemed like forever, my leg finally felt good enough to walk on. I put some clothes into a bag and shifted, giving Brax control. He picked the bag of clothes up with his snout and flung it around our neck before bolting from the room.

I followed the stench of Chase and some blood all the way to the other pack. I knew the land pretty well and did my best to sneak in the side way. I crouched low when I heard someone else coming, but relaxed when I smelled Liam. 'Alpha, Chase has her on the top floor. We heard some screaming and swearing but we haven't seen him try anything sexual yet'. He filled me in.

'Thank you for the update Liam. I still feel our bond so I know he hasn't removed my mark yet, but I have felt pain from her' I admitted. On the way here I had felt several different kinds of pain, everything from a stinging in my face to pain in my heart. I knew he was doing something to her and now that I was closer maybe our mind link would work again.

'Lu.... ' I reached out hesitantly.

'Troy?' I heard a weak response.

'Are you okay? What has he done?' I asked quickly.

'He-' she started to say but the link was suddenly cut off, meaning she had gone unconscious.

'We have to get in there now!' I growled lowly at Liam.

'This way alpha' he replied, leading me over to Terry and the other warriors.

'What is the best way in. We need to go in now, she's unconscious' I mind linked Terry and his wolf growled slightly.

'There is some sort of servant entrance in the back by the cellar. If we go in there we should be able to get through most of the house without being noticed' Terry explained.

'Lead the way' I replied and followed the sound of their paws. I will get you back Lu... I'm coming for you and Chase will pay for what he did....

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