The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |49|

Because it was raining, and they had packed enough luggage to last three weeks away from home, they had decided to take the car. Chesca soon wished they hadn’t, when Roman asked for the third time—

“Are we there yet?”

Make that four.

“Don’t make me come back there….” Chesca looked in the rear view mirror and leveled her best Alpha warning glare on Roman, but he just smirked and grinned crookedly.

Hoisting his legs up on the seats beside him, he leaned against the window and tried to get comfortable. He seemed more restless than usual; and even though it was a four hour drive to Kaiden’s pack, Chesca had expected him to be more docile and behave like a mature adult during the trip. Especially since he was still recovering from the battle last week. But no, he was misbehaving and twiddling his fingers, rubbing his hand down his face, making paper figurines from the notebook she gave him, demanding the music be changed every few minutes, and drawing smoochy faces in the fog on the window. It was irritating her, and she rolled her eyes for the hundredth time at his childish antics. Something must be bothering him, but she didn’t feel the right or need to pry. They’d all been through a lot recently, and wasn’t this trip all about ensuring everyone was recovering and dealing with the loss and tragedies in their own way? She wouldn’t press her gamma Roman any more than needed.

“Another forty minutes,” Kaiden’s deep voice snapped her from her reverie, and it sent a thrill of peace and excitement flashing through her simultaneously. Chesca never got tired of hearing her mate’s voice.

Glancing over at him, she studied the profile of his face as he drove carefully with both hands on the wheel. The dirt road was rutted and speckled with potholes, lined with trees and curving around numerous boulders. But it soon evened out, straightened, and was covered in asphalt. The forest gave way to farmland with neat rows of various crops, which gave way to suburbia and quaint brick homes. It wasn’t long then until the city came into view and skyscrapers reached up like a crown’s peaks towards the clouds. She really hadn’t noticed any of what Kaiden’s territory looked like when she’d been dragged, shot and bleeding, by Elbert’s merciless guards towards his pack house. Now, she took it all in with wide eyes.

It truly was large, and the buildings that made up the central districts were unlike the simple ones her pack preferred to live in. These ones reflected the streets from numerous glass windows and multiple stories that dwarfed even her large pack castle. Little trees tried to grow between the concrete sidewalks and store fronts, and Chesca knew she’d miss the open countryside of her territory if she and Kaiden chose to move here permanently. Nothing had been decided yet, but it was going to be hard running both packs from either hers or his place.

Reaching across the centre console, she laid a hand on Kaiden’s thigh and squeezed in anticipation. She was soon going to formally meet a majority of his pack members, and be introduced as his Alpha Female. A twinge of nervousness spiked in her chest. Would they accept her? Would she be able to help them recover and piece back together their fractured society following Elbert’s insidious betrayal?

A part of her also worried for Kaiden. Would his pack respect him and extend forgiveness? Perhaps they still harboured resentment for the way he deserted them instead of standing up and fighting for them against his father.

But he had been running for his life. His father was a monster when it came down to it, as proven by the fact Elbert had almost killed her. Who knows what would’ve happened if—

“Stop thinking too hard. Everything will be okay.” Kaiden stopped her deepening frown in its tracks with his gentle rebuke. He seemed to know exactly how she was thinking and feeling.

“I know,” she answered with a smile. And she truly did, for when he slid his hand under hers and interlaced their fingers, lifting it and placing a kiss on her knuckles, she got the intense feeling that nothing would hurt her again. Especially not by him, anyway. Such a deep understanding existed between them now, a bond that nothing and no one could ever break apart. She’d give her life for him, and she knew he would do the same for her. The light and desire in his brown eyes told her that much, as he stared at her intently before averting his eyes back to the road. That special way he looked at her always made her heart flutter and race, and she loved it. She loved him.

The tingles that radiated from his warm lips as they pressed again on the back of her hand sent delightful shivers across her skin, and caused a heat to spread from her middle. If just a simple kiss could make her feel this good, she couldn’t wait until they’d reached their destination and she could lean across the console and take his lips between her own. And she could only imagine what would ensue when he showed her to his bedroom and—

“Got something on your mind?” Kaiden asked with a lazy smile on his face.

The grin that spread on her own spoke what words never could. “Only you,” she replied cheekily.

“You guys….” Roman groaned from the back seat and buried his head in his hands. “Just wait till you’re someplace private, will you? Unless you don’t mind me throwing up all over your fancy car leather.” He kicked the backs of their seats.

Kaiden just winked at Chesca in acknowledgment of her thoughts. Since they’d opened up to each other a lot more, their thoughts and feelings were much clearer to each other through the mate bond. She didn’t need to mindlink him to realise he was thinking much the same as her right now.

“You know, Roman, we could just let you out to walk the rest of the way,” Kaiden commented casually, and Chesca suppressed a giggle.

Roman glared at her Alpha mate as much as he dared before tugging his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Dismissing her anxious Gamma from her thoughts, Chesca once more aligned her focus on her mate. Watching him drive was captivating in a strange yet beautiful way. The way his jaw clenched so perfectly, and his clear eyes scanned the vicinity for hazards—she’d never grow tired of looking at him. He was doing well, considering the amount of injuries he’d obtained from the week before. His wounds had pretty much all healed, and his skin was a much more pleasant tan colour instead of the sickly pale yellow that had clung to him like a scorned lover. His energy had returned, along with his humour and penchant for teasing her. Only a few scars remained, and her eyes wandered down to them on his chest and biceps where they peeked out from beneath his muscle tank. She now unashamedly admired her mate, and didn’t even blush when he caught her staring at him, only smiled and returned his devilish grin. He was the most handsome wolf she had ever laid eyes on, and to think— he was all hers.

“That’s the school I went to as a boy, before my father insisted on taking me out to learn proper Alpha duties,” Kaiden motioned to a large sprawling campus of dark brick buildings.

“Looks creepy,” Roman commented dryly.

“It was,” Kaiden replied with a shudder and amused grin. “I can still remember the time we had to dig a tunnel out from the economics room after being stuck inside for a few hours. I still think it was a ghost that locked us in there.”

“You serious?” Chesca’s jaw dropped open.

Kaiden grinned at her, making her stomach flip flop, then tapped the side of his nose. “Of course, that ghost’s name may or may not have been Benny, but my Beta will never admit to anything...No matter how many pranks I’ve pulled on him since as payback.”

Chesca and Roman burst out laughing, looking at Kaiden’s furrowed brow, and laughed some more.

“Boys…” Chesca giggled, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Did you really dig a tunnel?” Roman asked incredulously.

“Perks of being a wolf. But we totally would have been expelled if Professor Lindeman ever found out,” Kaiden shook his head with amusement, obviously reminiscing about the time with a twinkle in his eye.

“I thought it was moles that could dig tunnels…..” Roman said thoughtfully. “Or did you use spoons? You know, I saw in this movie once, about monsters—”

Are we there yet?” This time it was Chesca who groaned and tried ignoring Roman’s pouting lip at the interruption.

“Nearly, my Darling,” was Kaiden’s warm assurance.

The busy city roads quietened down and wound up a small hill, before they crested a copse of trees. Beyond, the pack residence estate came into view. The grand, old, three-story building was dark and grey, set behind a few ancient trees, and bespoke a terror of memories of the last time she was here. Kaiden gripped Chesca’s hand reassuringly as he manoeuvred their vehicle down the drive and up to the front entrance.

The moment the car stopped, Roman leapt out and fell flat on the ground, stretching his legs and arms out. He reminded Chesca of a kid playing in the snow for the first time.

“Alpha Kaiden! Glad to have you back.”

She turned and watched Beta Benjamin greet Kaiden, before turning to her and extending a formal nod of his head.

“It’s good to see you and Kira again,” she smiled at the couple. Kaiden’s Beta and his mate had returned to their pack soon after the battle with Elbert, to begin the recovery process and sort out order among the struggling pack members. A few still loyal to Elbert had been rooted out and placed in the dungeons, but most were relieved that Kaiden would once more be their Alpha, and quickly organised themselves under Beta Benjamin’s expert leadership while their Alpha was absent.

Kaiden wound his arm around Chesca’s waist and pulled her closer to his side as more of his warriors filled the courtyard. He guided her to the top of the steps and began speaking in his Alpha voice. “Warriors and pack members. It is an honour to be standing here before you, leading you once again. I will do everything in my power to be worthy of the title Alpha of Razestone.”

This was met with cheers and howls as his warriors acknowledged their new leader.

Then he looked down at Chesca, tucked firmly in his arms. “Some of you have already met her and have fought alongside her, but let me introduce to you my dear mate, my Alpha Female, Chesca of Steelheart!”

The crowd cheered even louder, throwing back their heads and howling in celebration. Then, as Chesca made eye contact with them, smiling at their acceptance, they began to bow their heads and lower a knee. When they pressed their right forearm over their heart, she felt shivers run up her spine, and Kaiden’s approval blossom over the mate bond. They were kneeling before her, before Kaiden, and vowing their allegiance to the two Alpha wolves. Chesca smiled at her mate, and could see the pride and love shining unabashedly from his eyes. Pushing up on her toes, she placed her lips over his and smiled into the kiss. “My Alpha.”

He buried his nose in her neck, breathing in her scent and nuzzling her mark, and squeezed her tightly to himself. “My beautiful Chesca. I love you more than any words could describe.”

His touch and words sent the most intense feelings of happiness and contentment running through her, consuming her. And she knew, with him by her side, she could handle anything from now on. She always was strong, but he made her stronger and by the look in his eyes, the attachment worked both ways. The bond had truly made them one.

As they stepped down and mingled with the wolves, a few guards and warriors came to give them a rundown of the recovery efforts. Kaiden pressed a kiss to the top of Chesca’s head and watched warily when a familiar face appeared before them.

“Miranda,” Chesca nodded curtly, going tense at the other woman’s presence, but feeling equally calmed by the warmth of Kaiden her mate at her back.

“Alphas Kaiden and Chesca, it’s good to see you are both well,” Miranda offered a small and genuine smile, nothing like the sly ones that had alway hidden unclear motives behind them.

“Miranda has been overseeing the welfare of the widows and orphans,” Beta Benny informed them, and Chesca relaxed even more. Surprised at the altruistic nature of the job, she studied the other woman more closely, trying to see beyond the strained past relations that had existed between them. Miranda was looking thinner, her eyes pained yet gentle. The way she carried herself was with humility and subservience, nothing like the shrewd and cunning vixen she had once been. She wore her hair in a messy ponytail, and had on wrinkled shirt and jeans as if she’d barely had time to change or care about her appearance while attending to those around her. Miranda had obviously been affected by the recent tragedies in ways Chesca would never know.

Miranda’s eyes followed Kaiden silently as he moved away to speak to other pack members, then she turned once more to Chesca, a troubled look in her eyes.

“I know you probably hate me, and I’m sorry for acting like a slutty flirt around your mate. When I found out he had finally found you, his mate, I... I was hurt, but I should not have treated you the way I did,” Miranda hung her head in remorse, showing her neck in submission.

“It is okay,” Chesca stared at the other woman and pondered over her apology. “I know it must have been hard, if you once had cared for him…”

“I did. He was my first crush. Everyone thinks I am a serial dater, but with Kaiden it was different…” Miranda sniffed, and Chesca wondered if she really wanted to hear this. Her wolf growled lowly with jealousy at the tender way Miranda spoke of her mate, but Chesca kept herself under control with a sweet smile on her face.

“I’m sure one day you will find someone you can truly love and who will love you in return,” she patted Miranda’s arm.

Miranda smiled brightly, releasing a heavy breath as if a weight had just slipped from her shoulders. Then to Chesca’s surprise, she reached out both arms and pulled Chesca in for a tight hug after a moment’s hesitation. “Thank you, Alpha Chesca. I knew you would understand. I really didn’t want there to be anything awkward between us, seeing as we will probably be working together now,” Miranda rambled and wiped her eyes. They glistened in the noonday sun from genuine tears, and Chesca appreciated her honesty and could clearly see the change that had overcome this she wolf.

“What are you going to do next, Sis? Get on your knees and kiss her feet? Don’t be such a patsy.”

The interruption made Miranda frown and roll her eyes. “Oh, be quiet, Jakki.”

A girl stepped up beside Miranda and linked her arm through hers, curiously staring at Chesca.

Chesca stared right back, instinctively asserting her authority over the unfamiliar wolf.

“This is my sister Jakara,” Miranda introduced her flatly and patted the girl’s arm. They resembled each other closely, but not in style. Jakara’s long black hair was curled into perfect waves that rested over her chest, while she wore a tight-fitting floral dress and 6 inch heels. Her face could be considered beautiful like Miranda’s, but it was hard to tell beneath so much makeup, even if it was expertly done to make her look runway ready. Chesca was unsure what occasion the girl was dressed up for, or if she was just always obsessed with her looks and appearance like this. It saddened her, especially the expression of superiority coming from the young woman. Chesca could almost feel the attitude. She barely even acknowledged Chesca, ignoring her extended hand and polite greeting, but instead glanced about the yard with a bored air of apathy, her eyes roving as if searching for someone or something.

“So what are you—” Chesca began.

“No way!”

The interruption startled Chesca, but not as much as suddenly being jostled forward as a very excited Roman rushed past her. Jakara’s eyes widened and Miranda raised her eyebrows in surprise.

“I’ve finally found you!” Roman opened his arms wide, and completely enveloped Jakara in a big hug. “Mate,” he breathed against her neck.

“Eeew, boy! Get off me!” Jakara screeched and slapped at Roman, squirming in his arms and pushing him away. “Who are you?” she adjusted her hair with a free hand, patting the curls in place while the other was held tightly between Roman’s own hands.

“Wow, you’re even more beautiful than I imagined…”When Roman kept staring at the girl with adoration pouring from his eyes, and Jakara began squirming like she was about to freak out and have a melt down, Chesca stepped in. “This is my Gamma, Roman—”

“A Gamma?” Jakara pulled her hand away swiftly and wiped it on the back of her dress. “But I wanted an Alpha!”

“Jakara!” Miranda hissed, frowning sharply at her younger sister, while Roman just stood there, frozen with dejection, a crushed expression overtaking his usually cheerful face.

“Oh honey, Gammas are amazing people, especially this one. Alphas are a load of trouble,” Chesca shook her head and rolled her eyes at the way Jakara pouted with her glossy lips. Poor Roman looked like he was about to have a serious heart attack, so Chesca patted his shoulder to calm him down.

“And how would you know?” the girl jutted her chin and glared at Chesca.

Her rudeness was really starting to get on her nerves, and Miranda looked aghast at her sister’s behaviour, an apologetic smile making its way across the elder sister’s weary face.

A handsome face across the yard of lingering warriors caught Chesca’s eye. The smile that Kaiden gave her warmed Chesca’s heart, but the cheeky wink he then sent her way ignited the familiar fire in her stomach. A shiver of pride washed through her at the sight of her strong Alpha mate, commanding his men in a firm and authoritative way. Watching him work and finally be the dominating wolf he was always made to be, stirred such desire and adoration inside her. Her breath hitched before she cleared her throat and grinned, still looking lovingly at her mate, “Believe me, I know.”

When Chesca felt a warm hand slip around her own, and a kiss gently placed on her neck, she relaxed and felt her worries slipping away.

“Kaiden…” she turned in his arms and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“Come. Allow me to show you my pack house,” he smiled against her lips and urged her forward. He had spent the last hour organising his guards and warriors, before they’d even unpacked their bags from the car and made it to the front door.

Now Chesca held his hand and followed him up the dark cold steps. Inside, everything was warmer, with golden lights and even a few candles lighting the dark shiny surfaces of the timber appointments and dark red runners down the stone tiled hallways. A few wolves milled about, moving things and dusting them, or completely packing them away. One of the items on Kaiden’s job list was to remove all of his father’s effects from the house. A very big undertaking, she knew it would be, judging from the sheer size of the place and the ancient aura that hung over everything.

She had barely taken any notice of her surroundings when she’d last been here, under captivity by Elbert and his cruel guards. Those traumatic memories were slowly being replaced by the moments now, where she knew she was secure with her mate by her side. He was guiding her, protecting her from any lingering ghosts, and she couldn’t have felt safer. She cast him a sideways glance, a smile on her lips as she wrapped both arms around his. He returned her smile, then pointed down a hall.

“That is the kitchen and formal dining room down there, and the receiving parlour for when Alphas come visit. You’ll be happy to know the grand piano lives in there, and I won’t be removing it because it was actually my mother’s.”

“That’s good. I’m looking forward to playing it,” she squeezed his hand.

“And up here,” he led her up the grand staircase that was ensconced with smooth oak banisters, and pushed open a gilded door into another long hallway. “ where the bedrooms and offices are. My main office is downstairs, but I’ll show you that another time.”

Chesca memorised the route to the kitchen before they stopped outside a heavy timber door. She could already smell his scent faintly seeping beneath and knew this must be—

“This is my room. Well, our room from now on,” his eyes twinkled brightly as he twisted the ornate brass knob.

Her wolf purred with contentment as they stepped inside. Besides her mate’s scent that oozed from each square inch, his room’s interior was different to anything else in the rest of the house. Instead of archaic dark reds and browns, the theme was cool, modern, and monotone. The thick soft carpet was a flecked grey colour, the walls a crisp white with one feature wall of pure black behind the large king size bed. The decor, desk, and chairs were either black, grey, or white, tastefully arranged around the room. A door led off to her right, presumably to the bathroom.

“This is so nice, Kaiden. And so neat,” Chesca voiced her approval while eyeing the walk-in wardrobe. His shirts and jackets were hung according to colour, and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the way her own room was a total mess in comparison to this order and precision.

“I like to know exactly where everything is. This is my own space that I’ve always had control over,” Kaiden laid their bags down beside an armchair and sat on the end of the bed, before falling back and closing his eyes with a sigh.

“Well, now you have the entire pack to finally take charge of. Your own space just got a lot bigger,” Chesca tentatively neared the bed and sat on the edge.

“And I’ll have you by my side to help me.”

She felt his hands slide around her waist, and pull her back down with him. With a yelp, she crashed on top of him and rolled to her side.

Kaiden leaned over her and smiled cheekily. “You are planning to help me, right? I think you’ve been an Alpha longer than I have…”

“Don’t be so flattering,” she pinched his cheeks playfully before pulling his head down to meet hers. The warmth and weight of his body on hers sent waves of calm excitement washing over her, enveloping her in the safest cocoon she never wanted to leave. If only the world would disappear for a few moments so they could savour each other’s presence.

Kaiden sat up rigid and stared at the wall for a couple seconds. “I’m afraid…” he began after shaking his head. “I’m afraid my Head Guard has called me urgently, to discuss the redivisioning of the sectors,” he got up off the bed and grabbed his jacket. “I’m really sorry, Chesca, but we’ll have to continue this later. I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

He was out the door and halfway down the hall before Chesca realised he hadn’t actually shown her where his office was.

With a heavy sigh, she got up and started unpacking her bag, tucking a few things into a mostly empty tallboy, then exploring his bathroom. Everything was massive, from the waterfall shower head to the towels that hung over the cool silver rails. Grey stone tiles ran all the way up one side of the shower, giving it a real cave look, and she decided she liked it after studying it for a few minutes. A number of thoughts were running through her head that she wasn’t really focusing on what her eyes were seeing. After combing her hair and leaving it to hang loosely down her back, she decided to head downstairs and find Kaiden, seeing as he hadn’t returned after a good hour.

Making her way down the hall, she slowed to inspect a few rooms, but found nothing exciting besides a few empty bedrooms, sitting rooms, and a weaponry of sorts with numerous daggers and medieval blades displayed on the wall. One entire wall was lined with bookcases that housed ancient and dusty books and even a couple scrolls. She would definitely have to check this out later, she promised herself.

But right now, she just wanted to be with a certain someone. She followed his scent down the staircase and took a left at the open foyer. Heading past another large lounge with a crackling fireplace, and a room filled with a large table set with stacks of crockery, she finally came to stand in front of one very imposing door.

It wasn’t so much the ornate scrollwork on the metal hinges, nor the darkness of the wood that looked as if its polished surface guarded a labyrinth of secrets, that intimidated her and set her on edge, but the scent that mingled with her mate’s as it circled around her in the air. Yes, this scent was decidedly feminine and held a hint of freshness and longing.

It was terrifying. After everything she and Kaiden had been through together, fighting for each other, standing up against the forces of betrayal and treachery, and here she was doubting him? Here she was feeling sick inside at the possibilities running through her mind.

Here she was not trusting him.

Chesca winced at the flash of pain in her heart, wondering if he was causing it or if it was just her own mind playing cruel tricks on her. Why would he be with another female? It made no sense.

With a purse of her lips, Chesca decided then and there to call on all the strength and trust she’d placed in her mate over the last few months. The love she’d given her Alpha. Then she clenched her fists and took a deep breath before summoning enough courage to knock on the door.

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