The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 11

The car ride is short as we cross the boundary line between ForgedHearts and DoubleEdge packs. Instantly I feel the strange tingle, like an electric pulse, that warns me of passing onto another Alpha’s territory. It makes me wonder why I didn’t feel anything the first time I crossed, before I was chased away by the frightening Beta of the pack.

My nervousness grows as we draw closer to the Alpha’s estate, which sits on a hill that rises in the middle of his territory. I can see the large mansion from a distance, and it is cold, harsh, and seems to be aching for love. The impression it gives me is one of loneliness. This place hasn’t seen kindness or attention for a long time, and I frown at what my senses are telling me. This is just a mansion, an inanimate object, so why is it reaching out to me? It is afraid, and I too become afraid of it.

The structure’s details come into focus as we drive up the long driveway. The walls are made of grey stone, shaded gargoyles peer down from each cornice and ledge, and black vines scale the vertical sides, void of all life. As we park out the front, a servant greets us with thin lips and takes our car around the back.

Drawing my coat closer, I can’t help but fill my lungs with the crisp air. It is a cold night, and clouds have blocked the fading rays of sunlight, leaving a dark gray blanket to hang over the entire estate. Soft golden lights are lining the path to the front entrance, casting the only warmth on the otherwise shadowy place. Lifting my eyes from the paved walkway, they land on a dark window that overlooks the courtyard. I am instantly arrested by the face that stares back at me. Brown eyes narrowed in a scowl, and framed by blonde curly hair. I know this is the Beta, the wolf who wants to impress he is a demon. He chased me away once, and by the looks of things, he wants to do it again. I gulp and hurry to catch up with my parents, who are already being drawn into the mansion by another smiling servant.

Letting the young woman take my coat, I tell myself to relax and enjoy tonight. The food should be good, the drinks lavish, and the music ethereal—or so I’ve heard from Luci. She claims the dinners hosted by this Alpha family are nothing short of being fit for royalty. How she knows, I have never questioned. But I see she isn’t wrong as my eyes survey the foyer. This area alone is decorated finely, with red carpets lining the marble floors, stately furniture holding decorative vases probably worth more than my violin, and glittering chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

As we are led into the receiving room, we are greeted by other guests including a few Alphas and Betas my father has worked with before. I keep a smile on my face, even though I am wishing I was elsewhere. Even surrounded by sticks and thickets would be preferable if I only had a certain warm hand in mine, and blue eyes shining down at me under that fringe of gorgeous black hair—

I’m snapped from my daydreams by a scent; the scent I am longing for. Warm chestnuts are carried by the air columns and invade my senses like a gentle wave on the shore. I never expected to see Mal here, but maybe he works for the Alpha. Maybe he is a servant tonight and I will get to see him after all. My heart thuds with anticipation as my eyes scan the room, but I can’t see him and debate whether or not I should explore the surrounding rooms until I do.

All of a sudden the conversation around me ceases as someone enters the room. I can only assume it is the Alpha but my mind is too busy right now to care. I vaguely hear my parents being introduced but my nose is sniffing the air as his scent becomes stronger.

“...and this is our daughter, Ari—”


I freeze at the sound of that voice. My wolf leaps in delight, and I swivel to the man standing in front of my parents. I see the Alpha staring at me, his clear blue eyes searching me, holding me in their powerful gaze.

“Mal?” I surge forward and clasp his arms, ignoring the curious stares of those around us. My mate is as handsome as always, maybe more so than when I’ve seen him in the woods. He is wearing a long black coat over a black button up and trousers, and his hair is styled to messy perfection. His strong jaw is relaxed as he stares at me with parted lips.

“Don’t you mean Alpha Malachi? Where is your respect, little wolf?”

I turn to see the Beta glaring at me, his jaw clenched as he steps closer and tries pushing me away.

“I—I didn’t…. You didn’t tell me you were the Alpha,” I turn back to Mal, a spark of anger now lacing my words.

His hands close over mine, filling me with more nervous energy. “Ella, it’s not that simple—”

“What’s going on here? Do you know each other?” my dad asks with concern in his voice. I feel him latch onto my elbow, trying to pull me back from the two intimidating wolves.

“I caught this girl trespassing on our territory. We think she knows something about—”

“Hamilton, stop,” my mate growls at his Beta, then speaks to my father, his eyes holding mine as he does so. “Your daughter is my mate. We’ve met a couple of times.”

“And you didn’t tell us?” My mom now asks, surprise and rebuke in her tone, but I don’t even notice. I am still shocked by the fact that my mate is the Alpha of this pack.

And that he kept it from me.

Wrenching my hands from his, I spin around and fight back the tears that sting my eyes. He had lied to me. He had pushed me away, then apologized so sweetly, but lied to me the entire time. I push through the guests, finding a small room that is empty and shut the door behind me. Sinking back against the wall, I cover my face with my hands.

I don’t really care that he is the Alpha, because I haven’t yet processed what that means for me. I don’t even care if he was the weakest warrior or the humblest servant. But the fact Mal kept who he truly was from me is what hurts most.

A knock on the other side of the door startles me, but I don’t respond.

“Ari? Are you okay?”

Hearing my mom’s voice makes me sigh in relief.

“Do you want to tell me what happened?”

I slowly open the door, and fall into her arms once she comes in. “Mom, he didn’t tell me,” I cry, the tears falling down my cheeks despite trying to be strong and keep them away.

“Shh honey, I know it’s hard,” she whispers while rubbing my back, offering comfort with more than words. I don’t think there is much she could say that would help me anyway.

“Why couldn’t he just be honest with me?” I ask, wanting an answer to this. Honesty is on the top of my list of characteristics I have wanted in my mate.

“Why couldn’t you be honest with me and Charles, your parents?” Mom leans back to look me in the face, giving me a sorrowful expression. “You never told us you had met your mate.”

I realise I have hurt them, and I don’t really have a reason why. “I—I wasn’t sure how to. Mal was from another pack, and I knew it would cause problems. I was scared, I guess. I wanted to see what he was like first…” my words trail off, not even making sense in my own mind.

“Oh baby, you are so precious. Of course I would understand if you found your mate, even if he is from another pack. We can’t decide who we are fated with, that is left to God. All we can do is love each other and learn to fit our lives together as one. There will be problems, same as with every mated couple. But we work through them, together. And you have Charles and I to help you. Never forget that, Ariella. Your father and I will always love you and support you, giving you advice when you need it.”

“I know,” I rest my head on her chest, feeling like a little girl all over again. But I am not. I am the mate of an Alpha. I am a Luna.

The sudden realisation shocks me to a sitting position. “Mom, I’m a Luna.”

“I know, darling,” she smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

“I don’t know the first thing about being a luna, of leading a pack! What am I going to do?” A panic has seized me and I twist my fingers together.

“The first thing to do is learn to be a mate. Learn about your mate, and learn to love him. The rest will fall into place. You’ll learn the duties of the rank as time goes by. There is no need to stress,” she lays her hands on my shoulders, stopping the quivering that has come over me. When she lays a kiss on my forehead, I lean in to her touch and realise she is right. I will take one step at a time, one challenge at a time, and grow into the new role like I have with everything else. I can handle it. I may be afraid, I may think I am weak and pathetic, but with Mal by my side, I’m sure I can do anything. I’m sure I can be anything. For him, and for his pack.

“You’re right. Thank you,” I hug her tightly, squeezing my eyes shut in a blissful moment of security before I have to face what is beyond the door.

That door suddenly opens, and a large figure crowds the frame. “Are you nearly done in here? There is a young Alpha who is desperate to see his mate.” The gruff voice belongs to an Alpha, I can tell. His long wavy hair and rugged face makes me decide it is Alpha Asa from the Justice Pack, which is to the south of ours. He was instrumental in helping my Alphas get together when they were having trouble accepting each other. He eyes me up and down as I rise to my feet.

“Yes, I’m coming,” I smooth out my dress and pat my hair into place.

“Good, because there’s nothing more dangerous than an impatient and reckless male wolf in search for his mate. You may want to speak to him before he rips poor Charles’ head off.”

At the mention of my father, I hurry from the room and see Mal standing near the foyer, a dark scowl on his face as he shrugs his arm from my dad, growling quietly at him.

He spies me, “Ella! I can explain. Please, just give me a chance to explain.”

And with one look at his blue eyes, at the sincerity and hurt in them, I know I will give him every chance. I can do nothing less for the man who is my mate.

I let him take my hand and lead me out onto a private balcony. Weaving my fingers through his, I know I would do anything to be with him, no matter what rank he is or what story he has to tell. He is meant for me, and I for him.

“I didn’t tell you I was the Alpha because I wasn’t sure what you thought of him,” Mal begins slowly, as if unsure how much he wants to say. Leaning against the balustrade, he pulls me closer into his arms. Lifting my eyes to his, I feel his warm breath on my face. “Everyone has heard stories of my pack, mostly from under my father’s rule. They hated him; said he was crazy. Maybe he was. But... but I didn’t want you hating me too, before even getting to know me.”

“Mal, I would never hate you—” I begin, but he cuts me off.

“Everyone expected me to be the same. The same domineering, controlling, and arrogant leader. But I don’t want to be like that. I want to be different, and I want people to see that. The expectations are stacked against me, and I knew my mate—whenever I found her—would already despise me.”

“No, Mal. That’s not true. I never thought that about you—about the Alpha of this pack, even before I knew it was you. I didn’t want to be unfair and judge him for who his father was,” I lift my hand, tentatively brushing his fringe sideways so I could peer into his eyes. “I wanted to meet him first before forming an opinion.”

“Really?” his eyebrows rise, as if he finds it hard to believe my words. “You haven’t judged me based on the stories? On everyone else’s opinions of me?”

It is hard to think of Mal, the solitary wolf from the woods who has watched me from afar, as the dangerous Alpha who I have heard judgemental stories about. But I’m slowly merging the two together in my mind. “I told you last night, I wouldn’t assume the worst or set false expectations before I met you for myself.”

His shoulders rise with the intake of breath, and I can’t help but think my response has calmed him in some way. “Well, now you’ve met me. What do you think of me?” he asks lightly, but I can hear the veiled insecurity in his voice. He wants my honest opinions, but I know he doesn’t want to be hurt by them.

I study his eyes, the blue depths almost navy in the dark lighting, and choose my words carefully. “I was hurt when at first it seemed like you didn’t want me. I was afraid of you, but more afraid of how much I cared for you already. I—I’ve dreamed about you, and feel like I know you.” He nods, so I continue, leaving out the fact that most of my dreams have been dark and painful. “I care for you, even though we just met. I don’t want to give up on us just because of a few misunderstandings, or be afraid of where our relationship will take us. I want to get to know you, Mal, and be the best mate I can be for you.”

He smiles, his lips parting to show straight white teeth. His pale skin creases around his eyes, and I know he is happy. It seems he rarely smiles, carrying a burden that I have just lightened. “Then you can start by calling me Malachi. Mal is just a childish nickname, and it sounds wrong coming from your lips.”

I nod, automatically sliding my hands around his neck as his arms wrap around my waist. Being this close to someone, to a male wolf, is a feeling I haven’t experienced before but I am quickly starting to like. “Malachi,” I test it out, loving the strong taste of it on my tongue. It suits him much better than Mal ever did. “My real name is Ariella. I’m sorry for not trusting you with it at first, but…”

“I understand,” Malachi whispers, his lips brushing my ear, and I hear him inhale deeply. “You look so beautiful tonight, Ariella.”

His rich voice does something to my heart I can’t even explain. But before I can respond, we are interrupted by his Beta, who has his eyes narrowed at me and his fists clenched.

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