The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 10

I sleep in late and only pull myself from my warm bed sometime after ten. My mom has already gone into town with my dad, explaining on a note that Alpha Kaiden has called them for a meeting. With the house to myself, I practice my violin, dust the lounge, hum romantic love songs while baking heart shaped cookies, and prepare potato casserole for lunch. I can barely keep my mind on the tasks for very long as I keep going back to one thing—I’m going to be seeing my mate again tonight, after spending a beautiful time with him last night under the stars.

He apologised so thoughtfully for what he did when we first me, and he took me onto his territory to sit and talk together. I can still feel his arms around me, and most importantly I can feel the soft sensation of his tongue on my lips. It makes my heart nervous all over again, but though it surprised me I can’t dismiss the thought that I wanted to do the same. His skin just looked so beautiful, I wanted to explore it with not only my eyes but my lips as well.

But more importantly, I wanted to explore his heart. I wanted to know him and understand his ways.

He had spoken so firmly, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling of hesitance in his tone. His entire attitude and demeanor were so strong, yet I sensed a gentleness and vulnerability. I’m sure he allows no one else to see this, but I am his mate. And I see things that go beyond the surface. Beyond normal sight. I especially can’t forget the beautiful, silky wings of his I saw last night, and wonder what it means. He is a wolf, like me, but I know there is another layer to him. Another dimension.

Or maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe he belongs to another dimension, one which people can’t normally see? They say demons exist in the Interealm, the plane that sits parallel and within our own, so I’m sure angels are there, too. Is that what he is? Can there even be a being who is part-angel, part-wolf? I don’t know enough of these spiritual matters to make sense of it, but I can’t ignore what I see.

“Girl, what’s up?”

I am startled as Luci and Gabby wander through the front door as if they live here.

“The sky,” I roll my eyes and walk back into the kitchen, pulling the casserole from the oven. My parents should be home soon for lunch.

“Yum, these are so good!” Luci mumbles around a mouthful of cookie, and Gabby slaps it from her hand before snatching one for herself.

“How are you feeling after last night?” she then asks carefully.

I smile a silly smile, then remember what it is she’s asking about. “Oh, I’m okay,” I force a frown. “Honestly, Max is just an immature bully. Whatever he does can’t hurt me,” I brush it off, exaggerating a bit but since spending time with my mate, I feel like no one’s insults and cruel jokes can hurt me now.

“Yeah, that’s cool. Sticks and stones,” Luci shrugs. “And did you hear what happened to him? Apparently on his way home last night, he fell into the lake and hit is head. Nearly drowned but his brother pulled him out in time.”

A sudden coldness washes over me. “What?” I have always been wary of the lake. Ever since I rode off my bike near the edge and almost fell in, I’ve avoided it. “Mom always says that lake is dangerous and we should be careful around it, especially at night,” I lift a finger and speak like a responsible adult.

“Ha!” Luci smacks my finger down. “You wouldn’t think your mom was the one who threw Alpha Kaiden in, would ya? Parents!” She rolled her eyes and snagged another cookie.

“Don’t believe every silly story they tell,” I defend my mom and her tales of childish pranks they did as teens and young adults. I’m sure the stories get exaggerated each time they’re retold.

“Speaking of silly stories,” Gabby swings her legs while sitting on the bar stool at the counter. “Is it true you met your mate?”

My mouth drops open, leaving me to wonder how on earth she got that idea. “Um..I...uhh..”

“Honey, it’s written all over your face, Ever since I heard you playing ‘Marry You’ on your violin, I knew something was up. You usually hate those sappy love songs,” Luci wrapped her arms around herself and hummed the melody, much to my embarrassment.

“And the smile on your face. I only ever see that look in the eyes of someone totally smitten,” Gabby added, grinning so her pale blue eyes sparkled. Her long blonde hair was accented by delicate braids, making her look more like a pixie than a wolf.

“Okay, so maybe I did meet him,” I throw up my hands. “But it’s none of your business.”

Luci snorts, “Really? Of course it’s my business, girl, we share everything with each other. Remember that time at the mall when I ran into Alex—”

“We honestly didn’t want to hear that story. You decided to spill all the details for some reason. Some things are better kept to yourself,” Gabby purses her lips in a show of disgust. She’s the purest angel out of us three. I was on par with her...until my mate touched my lips. Gabby and I are always trying our best to keep Luci from ruining herself.

“Yeah, you know we made a pact to save ourselves for our mates. If you want to push the limits of that pact, we don’t really want the details,” I say to Luci and screw up my face. Yet I feel my heart flutter at the thought that I now have a mate. And he wants me.

The phone rings, startling us all, but I have just opened the oven to take out my potato casserole. I let Luci go to the lounge to answer it.

“But with you, Ari, I do want details. What’s he look like?” Gabby helps me test the casserole to see if it’s ready. “Is he the man you’ve drawn in your book?”

I nod and smile, “He’s tall, dark and handsome. Just like I’ve dreamed about. But you know...when we met, he actually,” I frown, then continue on, realising I do want to share this with a friend and maybe get some advice. “He pushed me away. Into the cold stream, no less. I was so mad and hurt about it for a few days—”

“Hm mm, I wondered what was going on,” Gabby nodded thoughtfully, admitting to recognising my solemn mood the last few days. I don’t mind how perceptive is. She’s always been a good listener and offers things I need to hear.

“But he apologised. Last night, I met him and he took me onto his territory—”

“He’s not from here?”

“No-oo,” I slowly shake my head, still coming to terms with what this means. I will have to move away from my family and friends, and become part of a new pack. It is so much to take in.

“So he’s from DoubleEdge? I’ve heard—”

“I don’t really want to know what you’ve heard,” I cut her off. “Mal will tell me all about it in time, and I’ll meet them and make up my own mind. I don’t want a clouded view before I even move there.”

Gabby nods, “Okay, that makes sense. But still, there are some things you might like to know—”

“That was your mom,” Luci skips in and clutches her hands excitedly. “She wants you to meet them in town. The Alphas are having a picnic or something and your parents won’t be home for lunch but want you to go there.”

“Did she say anything else? Like why?” I begin quickly grabbing some containers and packing the cookies.

“That’s all that was on the message. I didn’t actually answer it…”

“Why not?”

“Well, come on, that would be kinda weird. It could’ve been anyone calling, and I don’t exactly live here, you know.”

I choke back a laugh, “You could’ve fooled me.”

Luci throws a dish towel at my head.

“So I guess you’ll be joining me for lunch?” I ask them both as I put the casserole in a box and add some napkins and serving utensils.

“No, I’ve got to meet my brother at two. He’s going to be teaching me some tracking techniques,” Gabby smiles sweetly before heading off.

“And you know how much I loooove your company—and cookies—but I promised Ryan I’d hang after training—”

“Then shoo!” I practically push Luci out the door, eager to protect my ears from another sordid story she might have to tell.

After grabbing a few more things for the picnic, I leave the house and make sure to lock the door. As I walk towards our pack’s main town, my dad mindlinks me and tells me they’re in a meadow nearby. Changing course, I take a shortcut through the trees I know so well and smile when I see them ahead.

The meadow is awash with golden sunlight, the grass is a vibrant green, and the Alphas’ children are playing tag under the azure blue sky. Beta Benjamin and his mate Kira are there too, their son Justin laughing with the girls as he so often is. This pretty picture they make will be a perfect addition to my art book.

“Ariella, come join us,” Mom waves me over to their already spread blanket and I hurry across the grass, nearly being tackled over by an excited Isaiah.

“I brought cookies,” I declare, to which I am instantly the best friend of all four pups.

“You’ll have to wait for desert,” Alpha Chesca says in response to their pouting lips and big puppy eyes. They settle down though, being almost perfectly obedient children. All except Justin, who tries to sneak one from my basket, but I am quick to slap his hands away and give him a raised eyebrow.

We begin eating the food I brought as well as some sandwiches young Savannah made. After a few minutes, I bring up what my curiosity has been nagging me about. “So what’s the occasion?” It is not unusual for my family to hang out with the Alphas and their top command, but normally it is arranged in advance...

“Oh, we just had many important things to discuss with each other,” Alpha Chesca smiles warmly at my dad, her former Beta and still firm friend. They are like brother and sister to each other, and have been ever since the Alpha lost her parents in a rogue attack when she was a teenager.

”The kiddos where climbing the walls inside the house, so I suggested we make a lunch and head outside where they can play,” her mate Alpha Kaiden explains.

I nod, satisfied with their answer.

“So about tonight, what exactly is it you planned…”

As soon as my dad begins talking business, I tune out and help Emerald with feeding her baby brother. It seems the little boy finds amusement in stuffing grass in his mouth whenever the adults aren’t looking. I pick Isaiah up off the blanket and position him in my lap, holding his hands loosely while Emerald feeds him a banana.

“...and the Alpha, he is expecting us?”

“Of course. He personally invited the three of you.”

My ears prick up. “What? Who invited us? What Alpha?”

“Oh sorry honey, I thought you heard,” my mom says. “The Alpha of DoubleEdge is having trouble with a few unexplained deaths on his territory. He’s called a meeting to discuss it and Alpha Kaiden thinks it’s best we go.”

Alpha Chesca explains further, “With your combined experience as Beta and Head Guard,” she nods at Lexi, “We think you can offer lots of good insight to the young Alpha. Kaiden and I would have liked to meet him, but we just have too much on our plates at the moment.” She speaks easily, while her mate reaches for her hand and rubs circles on the back of her knuckles. When he smiles at her rounded stomach, I understand just how busy they will soon be with a newborn pup to care for.

“And this meeting is tonight?” I ask.

“Sure. But it’s more of a formal dinner. You know how fond Alpha Dennison was of fancy occasions. It seems his son is keeping to tradition.”

I don’t hear much more of what Alpha Kaiden says beyond confirming it’s tonight. My heart speeds up as my stomach drops with disappointment.

“Is that okay, Ari? You don’t seem like you want to go?” My mom says, much too observant in this situation.

“Um, it’s not..” How do I explain myself? I can’t tell them all of my clandestine plans to meet with my mate. My dad would freak. “It’s just not much time to get ready. What am I going to wear?”

“Clothes,” Savannah laughs and stuffs her mouth with more potato before Justin can dish it all up for himself. She is always trying to outdo him, and it is rather funny to watch their constant competitiveness.

I throw her an annoyed glare, then bury my face in Isaiah’s neck to hide my stinging eyes. I didn’t know how much I had been looking forward to seeing Mal again, until it was now not happening.

“There’s the dress you wore to your school formal celebration last year. I’m sure that still fits,” my mom tilts her head in thought.

“Ooh, yes. You looked absolutely beautiful in that dress, Ariella. That will be perfect to meet the new Alpha in,” Alpha Chesca beams.

Great. I feel mortified that my own Alpha is helping me pick an outfit. “Yeah, okay. Whatever,” I wave a hand dismissively. I honestly don’t care what I look like. I don’t want to go to some stupid business dinner, while the whole time I am wishing to be somewhere else, spending time with someone else…

“Then it’s all settled,” Alpha Kaiden smiles while Emerald wraps her arms around his neck from behind. “I’ll give you the documents that outline our procedures…”

I let the adults return to their important conversations while I help pack up the lunch. Savannah begins kicking a ball with Emerald and Justin, while Isaiah curls up in his mother’s lap for his afternoon sleep. Pulling out my art book, I begin to sketch the scene. Stretching out in the sunshine, I let the glowing star of day warm my head and seep into my skin. It isn’t hot, but it lulls me into a dreamy state despite my otherwise sullen mood. I let it inspire the strokes of my pencils on paper, and gild the picture I see.

I try looking on the bright side: tonight I will be meeting the Alpha whose pack I will soon be a part of. I wonder if he knows that one of his members has found me as their mate.

What I hadn’t noticed on my first survey of the field, was the hill through the trees, edged with a cliff that overlooked the small gully. Drawing it into my picture, I look closer up at the cliff until I see him.

He is standing on the edge, his shoulders hunched as he stares down to the rocky outcroppings below. His mood is despondent, as if he already knows we won’t be seeing each other tonight. But that couldn’t be it, because this vision of Mal is entirely in my head. Still, I draw him in my book.

“Is he going to jump?” A little voice asks from behind my shoulder, and I turn to see Emerald frowning at my picture.

I tilt my head and look back down. “No.” But it certainly seems that way, as the man in the picture looks like he doesn’t have any hope left in the world.

So I begin drawing him how I really see him. With light and subtle strokes, the outline of wings take shape. Large silken feathers so light and translucent, the white paper forms their colour instead of the black ink in my previous drawings of him. This side of Mal is so different, so good and right. I can’t help feeling pride in what he has the potential to be.

When I am done, a smile finds its way to my lips. “He flies.”

Emerald seems to like this ending to the story much better, and runs off with arms spread like an eagle, soaring over the grass as she chases after Justin and Savannah.

My mom and the Alpha share a look after they subtly observe my picture, but I ignore it. They may never see the world how I do, so I don’t try and explain anymore.

“Mom, isn’t that too dressed up?” I look at her in her jade green dress that is just above the knee, and with elegant lace sleeves. She is wearing heels and has done her hair in a delicate updo. I know she normally hates dressing up and is much more comfortable in jeans, a hoodie, and sneakers. She is truly beautiful. It doesn’t seem she has aged much in the twelve years I have been living with them, despite the heartache I know she has endured. Some wolves keep their youthfulness through good self-care, diet and exercise, and my mom is the strongest and most disciplined shewolf I know.

“No, we are meeting with the Alpha and having important discussions. We don’t want to come off as not taking it seriously,” she comes into my room and helps me with my hair. I have it tied in a simple ponytail, but she takes it out and brushes down the long strands. The colours in my hair match my pale lavender gown perfectly, and I can’t help but admire my reflection in the mirror. The dress is a little bigger than I remember, making me wonder if I have lost weight since last year. I am already thin and petite to begin with, but now I look even more skinny.

“Why not leave your hair out? It’s much prettier this way,” Mom says while twirling the ends through her fingers.

“But I didn’t wash it last night. I would’ve, had I known I was going out tonight,” I give her a frown but she shrugs it off.

“It looks alright.”

Without further argument, I comply with her suggestion. It is much easier trusting her then defending my opinions. I don’t need more stress in my life, so if she says my hair looks good, then I’m happy with it too. Combing it to my usual side parting, I then pin back a small section behind my ear with a golden leaf clip. Wearing a token of my beloved forest is oddly calming, and I suppress the shiver that runs down my spine.

“No need to be nervous, Ari. You’ll do great tonight,” my mom assures as she nods in approval of my final appearance. When Dad pops his head in my bedroom, he lets out a low whistle.

“I must be the luckiest wolf in the land, escorting two stunning women to dinner,” he bows and kisses my mother’s hand before laying one on my cheek.

Mom laughs and slides her hands over his shoulders and around his neck, her eyes admiring the dark suit and tie he wears. “Well then, Charles, I must be the luckiest shewolf, to have such a handsome mate who still loves me after all these years together.”

“It isn’t possible to stop loving you. I love you more each day, my darling Lexi,” he whispers in her ear, pulling her closer in his arms.

“And I realise more and more why you are the perfect half of my soul,” she pecks his lips, and I think both have completely forgotten I am here as the kiss deepens, threatening to turn into something more passionate that will surely ruin their tidy and formal appearance.

“Okay, let’s go before we’re late,” I cough loudly and walk out after grabbing my handbag and coat.

This probably won’t be the most awkward situation I’ll find myself in tonight.

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