Team Darkoss: Rise of a Dark Lord

Chapter 9: The Blood Eagle

Dralord had followed Gallahon’s trail into the Temple of the Dead. He opened the heavy iron made doors which upon opening let in a beam of sun light within the temple that shined brightly on the floor. The zombie king that attacked Team Darkoss earlier, nod on the flesh of the deceased. Upon hearing the doors opening thanks to its pointy ears, he stopped what he was doing to go investigate. He crawled on the floor as if he was an insect. His jaw was grossly exposed with bits of flesh on his teeth. He hid in the darkness so that Dralord could not see him.

“Gallahon was here, I can sense It.” said Dralord. Dralord examined the room for any signs of Gallahon’s presence. He did not see Gallahon anywhere but he did spot a few pints of blood on the floor thinking the blood was Gallahon’s. Dralord kneeled to examine the blood. He dipped his finger in the blood and sniffed it.

“This is elf blood.” he pointed out. “It’s the blood of that elf bastard. I’m picking up his scent as well. But none of them are here.” Dralord stood up and balled up his fists. He punched one of the columns in rage. “Where are you Gallahon!?”

“Gallahon? Gallahon, can you hear me?” Timothious asked. Gallahon stood up the best he could. He was standing in a very large foot print made by the Leviathan that had stomped on him.

“Thank Odin you’re alive.” said Astrithr.

“Yes. You fight with a brave heart Gallahon. The way you exposed the Leviathan’s weakness. I believe that Odin has sent you to us for a reason.”

“Who is this Odin you speak of Timothious?” Timothious explained.

“He is our god. The all for-seeing. We pray upon Odin for aid in combat. And if we die in the heat of battle, Odin chooses only the worthy ones to join him in the Halls of Valhalla where we feast, drink and fight for eternity.” Trenton slowly gets up from the ground, wiping the dirt off of his robes and armor.

“Once again, nobody bothers to help me. I’m okay by the way.” Nina ran over to Trenton as Timothious spoke to them.

“We need to hunt down the Leviathan and slay the beast. We…. Urgh.” Timothious placed his hand on the side of his waist. He pulled his hand away and blood covered his hand.

“Damn, my brother must’ve wounded me during our duel.”

“We’ll go and find this beast’s lair on our own mi lord.” said Gallahon.

“No. I’m going with you. I know the way.” Timothious had said as he stumbled. Gallahon and the others had caught him as he was falling. Timothious’s wound was intense. It was no ordinary cut.

“What the Hell?” Timothious checked his wound again. Something else was to be found in his blood. His eyes widened. They’re were green colors in his blood.

“That bastard poisoned me.” Timothious was too weak to move thanks to the poison in his blood. Gallahon and the others had carried Timothious back to his castle. Astrithr had lead them to her and Timothious’s bed chamber.

“Place him here.” she commanded them. Gallahon, Trenton and Nina placed Timothious gently onto the bed.

“You’re going to be okay mi lord. My friend.” said Trenton.

“I’ll look after him.” said Astrithr. “You all need to find the Leviathan’s lair. And bring Valkyrie back alive. I want to see him die for what he did to my husband. There’s an old ruin in the woods. That’s where they’re most likely hiding.” Gallahon nodded and faced his sister.

“Nina, I want you to stay here with Astrithr and Timothious.”

“Gallahon no. I will not let you and Trenton fight this thing alone.”

“Nina, I promised I would protect you and look after you, and I will not lose you to that monster!” Gallahon shouted. Gallahon reached over and pulled Nina into him to give her a proper hug.

“I will come back Nina, I promise.” A small tear rolled down Nina’s cheek. This could be the last time she sees her big brother. Timothious was touched by the moment he had witnessed.

“I love you brother.” Nina whispered to him as she cried.

“I love you too Nina.” Gallahon and Nina let go of each other and he and Trenton were off to the beast’s lair. Gallahon and Trenton exited out of the castle. There was a balcony overhead that was connected to Timothious’s bed chamber. Nina watched as Trenton and her brother set out to slay the beast. She cried and cried at the sight of her brother leaving to go on this dangerous quest.

“Please come back Gali. Don’t die.” she whispered to herself. Gallahon and Trenton exited the village and vanished within the mist.

Although there was a time back when the two brother’s loved each other. And they’ve always fought side by side. Timothious was a much more cunning warrior back then. He and his brother slew many monsters, giants, dragons and other invading Norsemen that would come to take their home. Timothious, Valkyrie and Astrithr were a force not to be reckoned with. They were both strong and courageous. Their last battle together was against a group of Ogre’s and Troll’s. A pack of Ogre’s and Troll’s alike already fell to their blades already. A cease pool of blood surrounded them in a blanket of ice and snow. This was of course during the winter season.

“A glories day is it not brother?” chuckled Timothious.

“Stand your ground Timothious. They surround us.”

“My blade will taste of their blood. I’m up to four-teen kills!” said Timothious as he charged towards a pack of Ogre’s, screaming out with his battle cry with sword in two hands. Astrithr was armed with her sword and shield and was called one of the best shield maidens. She was also considered not just one of the best shield maidens, but also a strong and skilled warrior. She alone slew a maximum of thirty Ogre’s on her own and saved Timothious’s life six times. She’s always had a thing for Timothious. Valkyrie was a strong and wisest warrior.

It was he who had led his father’s army into battle against the armies of Alva many years ago and won. Valkyrie was considered one of the wisest of his people. He alone slew many Troll’s and even Dragons. He along with Timothious and Astrithr were an unstoppable force. They were slaying many Troll’s and Ogre’s. The battle was intense, blood and guts were flying everyway. Finally, the day had been won.

“Final count brother, fifty-two kills.” Said Timothious as he puts his blooded sword back in its sheath.

“Oh really? Fifty-two kills is nice. But you know what is even better? Fifty-three kills. Which is exactly how many I have slaughtered. So you can take your fifty-two and shove them up your….” Astrithr interrupted.

“…As I was saying Timothious, Valkyrie. We should probably start heading home now and tell the people of our victory this day. And besides, I believe I have outnumbered you guys with sixty-four kills.” she said as she turned and walked. Valkyrie and Timothious had looked at each other in awe struck. After hours of walking, they have made it back to their home. A celebration was to be had at the great mead hall. A celebration of the hero’s victory against the Troll’s and Ogre’s. Food and Mead were on every table. Everyone was dancing and singing, singing songs of the great Timothious. Everyone was merry and having the grandest time. Timothious stood before the crowd.

“…And so there I was.” he continued. Telling one of his most famous tales. “It was me against one of the most feared and ramped Ogre’s out of all of them. A rare snow Ogre who called himself Snarlock Pale Eye. His skin was pale as the snow and his face was covered with horns. Horns as sharp as spears. And hair going down his back. Very muscular he was too. He stood almost ten feet tall, taller than myself. It did not use an axe or mace, but a tree trunk as a weapon. Face to face with this most foul creature, I had no choice but to fend for myself. The snow Ogre rushed towards me with its trunk and I quickly avoided his attack.

“As he came swinging again, I quickly dodged the attack again, leaving me an opening to strike. So I thrust my sword. But I was mistaking. The Ogre grabbed a hold of my sword by the blade and yanked it out of my hands. I was left weaponless. I was amazed at the Ogre’s strength to grasp my sword and yank it out of my hands like that. So as it swung the tree trunk at me again, I caught it and manage to pull it out of his grasp. I and the Ogre were left with only our fists. I kicked the beast back. I went in to punch, but he caught me and held me tight in a strong hold.

“I struggled to get free as the beast was trying to take my head off. I head butted him in the chin and as soon as he let go, I grabbed him. I used all of my strength to lift the beast. I lifted him over my head and broke his back unto my shoulders. I then tossed him onto the ground. I thought the beast to be done with so I left him to die in the wilderness. But that was a mistake. So I went back days later to finish the beast off. But an elvish boy was there fighting off the beast. I helped him kill the beast and I took the Ogre’s head as my trophy.” he finished as the crowd cheered loudly raising their mugs above their heads yelling out ’ALL HAIL TIMOTHIOUS, THE OGRE SLAYER!’ The Ogre slayer was what they called Timothious. The king stood up from his throne.

“People! My brothers and sisters! I have an announcement!” The crowd stood silence. “I will not be here for much longer! And as your king, I must appoint someone to be my heir! By tradition, only those who share my blood may become king!” Valkyrie looked pleased. He stood there with a smile on his face. “When I’m gone, I shall leave my castle, my throne, my kingdom! I give it all to my son, Timothious! All hail your new king!” he said as the crowd cheered loudly and yelling out ’TIMOTHIOUS!’ The crowd cheered on as Valkyrie stood there, jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe his younger brother gets to be king and not him. From that day he became furious.

He had to question the king’s decision about why Timothious gets the throne and not him since he was the eldest.

“How can that be your decision father?” augured Valkyrie. “Why does Timothious get everything and I get nothing!? I am the eldest brother don’t forget….”

“…But you are not royal blood!” his father shouted.

“What do you mean father? If I’m not royalty, then what am I?”

“You’re adopted and nothing more. I was going to tell you when you were ready to accept the truth. Before I married your mother and became king, I slept with another woman. Although she had failed to tell me she was pregnant I had already become king and took your mother’s hand in marriage. Shortly after that day, a baby lied sleeping in a basket on my door step and the baby was you. I knew I couldn’t give you up so I took you in and adopted you.”

“So, the truth finally comes out father. My life has been a lie this whole time!?” Valkyrie was furious. “All this time I have been trying to impress you, showing you that I was ready to be named king! And you’re telling me that I am not fit to rule our people!? Timothious is weak minded! Yet he gets to be king!?”

“Your brother will be strong leader! You should be proud of him, honored and proud. Instead of being jealous and in-raged.” Valkyrie starred at him with such anger in his eyes.

Within hours and hours of searching for the ruins that Astrithr mentioned, they found themselves lost in the misty woods.

“This rock looks awfully familiar.” said Trenton.

“Because we’ve been here before Trenton, we’re going around in circles. We’re lost. No sign of any ruins anywhere.” Trenton had stopped. He had heard something thanks to his elf ears.

“You hear that Gallahon?” Gallahon stopped to listen. He could hear what sounded like twigs snapping. “We’re not alone. Something lurks within this mist.” A pair of whopping white eyes was staring at them from behind the trees. Gallahon and Trenton continued walking again. Again, they’ve heard twigs snapping. Trenton could see a shadow crawling in the distance within the fog. The thing was crawling as if it were a monkey. The creature had stepped out of the mist. Gallahon and Trenton stopped in their tracks to take a good look at this thing. It was unlike anything they’ve ever seen before. Stranger then the zombie king. The creature appeared to be human, but it wasn’t.

Its head was almost skull shaped. Eyes as bright as headlight beams. A bony structure of the body. Its arms were bony and long, they nearly reached to its feet. The fingers were long and thin. Its skin was pale as the moon at night. Gallahon and Trenton were horrified at the sight of this thing.

“What the Hell is this thing?” questioned Gallahon. But it did nothing, it just stared at them. “Don’t provoke it. It won’t harm us. Let’s just slowly go around it.” Trenton did exactly what Gallahon instructed and followed his lead around the creature as it watched them. It kept starring at them with those large eyes, making sure they didn’t make a wrong move. A twig had snapped under Gallahon’s foot and the creature screamed. Its mouth opened five times its size as it screamed. It pounced onto Gallahon, knocking him onto the ground with it on top. Gallahon fought with the creature only for a moment until Trenton kicked it off, giving Gallahon the chance to get up. The creature pounced towards Trenton. Trenton pulled out one of daggers and slashed the creature.

The creature landed but did not attack again. Instead it ran away into the mist.

“You okay Gallahon.” asked Trenton.

“Yeah, I’m fine. But what the Hell was that thing?”

“Before we left, Astrithr said that there was something lurking in the woods and stalks for unknown reasons. They call it ’The Rake’. I’m guessing that was it.”

“Trenton look.” Gallahon pointed. Trenton looked at what Gallahon was pointing at. The mist had vanished for a moment to reveal the ancient ruin Astrithr mentioned. Valkyrie and the Leviathan bound to be inside the stoned temple. Gallahon and Trenton entered the temple with great caution, armed with their weapons.

“Welcome.” said a voice that was so thunderous and eerie, that it shook the whole temple. “I knew you two would come. I can see all things. Please come in, venture deep within the darkness.” Gallahon and Trenton ventured deep within the dark temple. As they’ve ventured deeper in the temple, Gallahon and Trenton could see something coming towards them from a distance. A horde of sea creatures came pouring out from the temples inner sanctum. Sea creatures armed with axes and tridents. Gallahon and Trenton rushed into battle with the foul beasts. The first creature came at Gallahon, but Gallahon ducked as it swung its trident and Gallahon chopped off its leg. Trenton fought the creatures one by one. But the beasts were no match for their sword play. As one of the beasts swung its axe, Gallahon blocked with his shield and turned, giving Trenton the element of surprise to impale the beast. One by one, the creatures fell to their blades.

Blood shed was everywhere. Trenton crossed his blades in defense as one of the creatures attacked him. Trenton leaned back and pushed the beast off. As Trenton stood back up, he ran over and slit the beast’s throat. Gallahon threw his shield as if it was a Frisbee. The shield caught one the beasts in a head lock thanks to its dragon horns. The beast was sandwiched between a wall and Gallahon’s shield as he ran towards the beast and chopped its head off. The body fell as the head still lied on the shield until Gallahon removed it from the wall.

“HA HA HA HA HAAA!” said the thunderous voice. “I can see you slaughter my children one by one. They are pathetic and weak. As I watch them fell one by one by your blades. Why don’t you just come find me?” A gust of wind suddenly blew from the inner sanctum and froze the sea creatures in place. Gallahon and Trenton continued on and came across a spiral staircase going down. They have walked down the stoned steps. As soon as they touched base, Gallahon and Trenton had entered into the last chamber of the temple with the large water hole in the center of the room. Valkyrie was spotted in the room.

“Glad you two could make it. My brother couldn’t be here? Pity.” he said with a ghastly grin. “I was hoping to kill him myself. Oh wait, I already have, ha ha. That poison I stained on my blade courses through his vines. He’ll be dead within hours. I’m afraid that my brother will not witness the glory that I will bring to our people once I become king. My master wishes to speak to you, and so do I.” he said as he unsheathed his blade. The Leviathan had risen up from the water. When Leviathan showed himself, there was something different about him. He was smaller than he was before. The Leviathan was thirty-six feet tall to begin with. Now he was twenty feet tall.

“Is it just me or does the Leviathan look a lot shorter?” questioned Gallahon.

“SILENCE!” the Leviathan screamed pounded the platform. Gallahon quickly jumped out of the way. His eye was still injured from the when Gallahon stabbed it. Than he thought of something. Something that Timothious had said.

“You fight with a brave heart Gallahon. The way you exposed the Leviathan’s weakness.”

“The Leviathan shrinks when injured.” Gallahon realized. “Trenton, throw one of your knives at its eye!”

“I’m kind of busy at the moment!” shouted out Trenton as he was fighting Valkyrie. As Gallahon ran, Leviathan was trying to grab him as his hand came crashing into one of the pillars. As the Leviathan’s hand came plunging down at Gallahon, he stabbed the Leviathan’s palm. The Leviathan jerked its hand away and its hand crashed into the ceiling structure. The pillar started to collapse and it came down onto Valkyrie and broke his legs. Then bits of rubble came down from the ceiling. Most of it fell into the water but one rubble came onto Valkyrie’s head, knocking him out cold.

“Well, that was easy.” said Trenton. The Leviathan shrunk again but just a little. Gallahon raced across the platform. The Leviathan placed his massive hands onto each side of the platform surrounding Gallahon. He lowered his head to see face to face with Gallahon.

“You mortal fool!” he shouted. “You cannot slay me! I cannot be killed! What can a weakling like you do?”

“Just watch.” Gallahon said. As the Leviathan went in to sallow him whole, Gallahon jumped aside. Trenton threw one of his daggers at the beast’s eye and impaled it. The Leviathan screamed.

“MY OTHER EYE! YOU BASTARDS!” The Leviathan went back into the water. When he swam back up, he was shorter. He got out of the water and got up onto the platform. He stood about thirteen feet tall now.

“You fools.” he said. “What have you done?” The Leviathan turned to Gallahon and clawed at him. Trenton ran up to the beast but the Leviathan caught Trenton by the throat and tossed him aside with no effort. Gallahon swung at the beast, but the Leviathan caught the blade in its claws. Gallahon whacked the Leviathan with his shield, causing it to let go of the sword.

“You still cannot slay me! I am unbeatable! I will….” Trenton ran towards the beast and stabbed it in the back. Gallahon then take up his sword and finished the beast off, delivering the final blow.

Back at Timothious’s castle, Timothious was slowly dying by the poison. Timothious was lying in his bed as the poison coursed through his vines. Nina had returned with some herbs hopefully to cure him of the poison. Astrithr had crushed the herbs and rubbed them on Timothious’s wound where the poisoned had entered. Timothious had closed his eyes and dreamed while the effects of the herbs took their toll. In his dream, he was summoned to his father’s chamber. When he entered his father’s chamber, he was horrified at what he saw. His mother and father lied died, covered in their own blood.

“No. Mother! Father!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!” he shouted out as he fell to his knees crying. “What kind of a monster did this?” The royal guards came racing into the chamber and saw what Timothious had seen. Timothious woke up and sat up. He was cured. He looked around his bed chamber and it was empty. He had been asleep for the night.

“Valkyrie.” he said. He got out of bed and went down stairs to the dungeons. He went through the dungeon into the torture chamber was his brother was, arms wrists tied to posts so he was left in a ‘T’ shape. He looked up at his younger brother through his long dangling hair.

“Hello brother. I see you’re still alive.” Timothious walked up and punched Valkyrie to shut him up.

“Do not speak brother! You are a traitor! You betrayed me, your people and our parents! You’ve killed them out of jealously and revenge. You’re a traitor and deserve a traitor’s death! I’ll kill you myself the worst way we know how! The blood eagle.” As Timothious went around him to perform the blood eagle execution, Valkyrie turned to him.

“Do what you will to me. I do not fear death. As long as my master Leviathan lives, he will resurrect me.”

“I wouldn’t count on that Valkyrie.” There stood Gallahon and Trenton in the corner of the chamber. Gallahon held up the Leviathan’s head and tossed it. It rolled onto the floor and stopped in front of Valkyrie. His eyes widened at the sight of the head of the beast. Sweat started to roll down his face.

“Please brother let me live.” he plead. “Spare my life, throw me in the dungeon for the rest of my days, I beg of you.”

“Too late brother.” Timothious went on with the execution. He took a dagger and split opened Valkyrie’s back through his spine. Valkyrie screamed in agonizing pain. Timothious opened up Valkyrie’s rib cage and took out his lungs and left them to deflate. Valkyrie was dead within minutes. With Valkyrie dead and the slaying of the Leviathan, Timothious and Astrithr lead Gallahon and Trenton outside.

“People!” Timothious shouted. “The Leviathan has been slain!” And with that said, Gallahon held up the head of the beast for all the people to see. The crowd cheered loud as Nina stepped out to witness her big brother bask in his glory.

“All hail Gallahon and Trenton, the Leviathan slayers!” The crowd cheered on.

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