Team Darkoss: Rise of a Dark Lord

Chapter 8: The Leviathan

Dralord had regained Gallahon’s trail. He could sense that he was still pretty far from him though, but that would not stop Dralord. He was determined to find Gallahon, and kill him. It didn’t matter to Airloc whether he brought Gallahon to him dead or alive though, not as long as Gallahon was out of Airloc’s way. Gallahon is the key to Airloc’s defeat, but if Gallahon was out of the picture, his team would soon follow their demise. Dralord thought that Gallahon would still be on Lake Island and that’s where Dralord would sail. As soon as Dralord had gotten to the shores of the island, he could pick up Gallahon’s scent. Gallahon’s scent was still pretty strong and Dralord had the sense as good as a blood hound. He followed Gallahon’s scent to a temple which he could see from a distance thanks to his Dragon eyes. He began to follow.

Back in the Norse lands, King Timothious had invited Gallahon, Nina and Trenton to join them in a feast in the Great Meade Hall before setting back onto their quest in finding the six crusaders. Singing, and dancing like fools. Tables filled with mead and food. Everyone was marry at the Great Meade Hall.

“Brother!” Timothious called to his brother. He was drunk off his wits. “Join us brother!” At first Valkyrie refused. “Come on brother. Join us in… In this celebration of food and wine. Hiccup.”

“I’d really rather not be drunk right now mi king.”

“Don’t you, hiccup. Don’t you use that tone with me big brother!” It was funny because Timothious was the little brother yet Valkyrie still had to look up at him to speak to Timothious.

“Brother, I have things to do. And I can’t be bothered to get drunk.”

“Oh come on, hiccup. Will you lighten’ up and live a little.” said Timothious as he placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“Don’t touch me you drunken’ fool!” Valkyrie had said as he shoved Timothious. Timothious was so drunk off of wine and mead that when Valkyrie shoved him, he fell to the ground. The ground shook just a little as Timothious fell. The people, even Gallahon, Trenton and Nina looked at Valkyrie in awestruck. Timothious looked at Valkyrie as Valkyrie had turned and left with anger in his eyes. Gallahon and Trenton had helped Timothious up.

“Do not let my brother ruin this evening.” Timothious had said. “The feast goes on!” Timothious said as the crowd cheered and went back to drinking and feasting.

“Should we go after him?” questioned Gallahon. Timothious looked down at Gallahon.

“No. Let him go. My big brother just needs to let off some steam. But come Gallahon, won’t you join me?” Gallahon nodded as Timothious handed Gallahon a cup of the finest of mead.

Valkyrie had ventured deep within the woods into a stoned temple. But what did Valkyrie hope to find in there? He had walked into a chamber that was within a cave. The chamber was ancient with moss growing on the walls. Vines were hanging off the columns of the chamber. A large water hole was in the center of the chamber. The water was lapping waves as if something was about to rise up from the water and something big. A large creature of some sort had risen its ugly head and neck from the water but did not attack Valkyrie. Instead, the monster spoke to him.

“Why do you disturb my slumber?” said the monster with a rather deep and thunderous voice.

“Mi. lord Leviathan.” he called the monster as he kneeled down before it. “The time has come. It is now time to attack. My brother had left his kingdom defenseless. Now is the opportune time to strike.”

“And strike we shall. Although Valkyrie, I highly doubt your full loyalty to me.” Valkyrie had questioned this.

“What do you mean mi lord? I gave everything to you! Now you question my loyalty?”

“I know you are plotting against me. You plan to betray me just like you betrayed your brother, are you not?”

“Mi. lord Leviathan. I pledged my full loyalty to you. My brother, he does not deserve to be king. It should’ve been me on the throne not he. I am the eldest! He only got to be king because mother and father liked him best. I was tired of living in his shadow. So that’s why I came unto you mi lord. And now you question my loyalty to you?” Valkyrie sounded furious.

“Don’t be a fool Valkyrie.” Leviathan spoke. “I know your kind. You’ve slaughtered too many of my children. Their caucuses lie in the bottom of the ocean thanks to you. You’ve killed them. And you plan to slay me after I help you take what you think is rightfully yours.”

“No mi lord, I am not plotting against you. And those sea monsters, I did not know they were your children. Please forgive me mi lord.” Valkyrie plead. Leviathan looked down upon him.

“I’ll help you on this mission. But know this. If you do so as attack me, I will sallow you whole.”

“Yes mi lord.”

“Now, we attack!” Valkyrie watched as the Leviathan dove back down into the water. Valkyrie had made his way out of the chamber.

Back in the Great Meade Hall, Gallahon and Timothious were having a drinking contest with one another. A whole crowd of people were surrounding them, watching, and waiting to see who would win.

“Look…. Look at you, Gallahon. You can’t, hiccup. He can’t hold his own liquor.” Timothious had said drunkenly with seven empty cups in front of him. Nina watched as her brother gulped down his eighth cup.

“This is…. Is some good shit man. Hiccup. Eight drinks, no hiccup, problem.”

“Pay hiccup, attention Gali. For this is…. Is how a true man holds his liquor? Ha ha.” The crowd cheered loudly as Timothious gulped down two cups at a time.

“BURP! You don’t…. Have nothing on me, HA HA! Your best chance is to give up laddy.”

“I will hiccup, never give up!” As Gallahon gulped down his ninth cup, he fell off of his chair onto the floor.

“HA! I hiccup, win!” The crowd cheered loudly. “Give me…. Give me a kiss my hiccup, my beautiful wife. I want a kiss!” As Astrithr kissed Timothious, Gallahon raised his hand.

“Hold on!” Gallahon shouted as he tried to stand up. He got up and stumbled to Timothious before stumbling back to his seat.

“The game is hiccup, is not over, my king. One more, double or nothing.”

“You’re hiccup, you’re on.” Gallahon gulped down his tenth cup with ease.

“How’s hiccup, that, your majesty?” The crowd cheered loud. “You don’t look so good, hiccup.”

“Are you kidding? Gali, I basically hiccup, invented this game.” Timothious gulped down his cup, but to everyone’s surprise, he fell face down onto the table.

“It looks like…. I win.” The crowd cheered. Timothious was out cold. It was the first time that someone had beaten the king at the game of drink.

“My dear hiccup, sweet sister. Give your big brother a hug.” As Gallahon stepped forward, Nina stepped back and Gallahon fell face first onto the floor.

Night had begun to fall upon the Norse lands. Guards were upon the kingdom gates doing their daily nightly patrol. Men covered head to toe in chain mail and steel armor. Armed with spears and other nasty weapons that used by the Vikings. Torches were lit across the gate to make it easier to see. One of the guards could see something in the distance, something big and looked like it was coming towards the kingdom. He could not see it clearly due to all of the mist. The large figure had grabbed a huge boulder from the ground and threw it towards Timothious’s kingdom. The boulder came hurling over, about to crush the guards at the gates.

Water splashed upon Gallahon and Timothious faces, waking them up. Gallahon’s face, dripping with water and hair soak and wet. Trenton helped him up.

“That was some heavy drinking you both did.” Trenton had said.

“I can’t believe it.” Timothious spoke. “No one has ever beaten me at the game of drink.” He was most impressed. But the congratulations would have to wait. A ringing bell was heard. The bell, signaling that the kingdom was under attack. Archers on top of the city gates were firing arrows with flame burning on the tips of the arrow heads towards the large figure that was attacking. The arrows did not work of course, for the arrows just bounced right of the Leviathan’s scaly body. The Leviathan took its hands and bashed the walls protecting the city. The guardsmen on top went flying into the air. Gallahon, Trenton, Nina, Timothious and Astrithr saw the incoming invaders.

“What the Hell is that thing?” Gallahon was astonished by the sight of the beast.

“By the name of Odin. It is Leviathan.” replied Timothious.

“Who is that with him?” Trenton asked. Timothious looked ahead at the figure by the Leviathan’s foot. He couldn’t believe his eyes at first. Walking towards the hall with such an evil grin upon his face.

“Brother? That traitor.” Behind Valkyrie an army of scaly sea creatures, slaying, killing many men and women. “Gallahon, will you lend a hand in this fight?” Gallahon nodded. He, along with Trenton, Nina and Astrithr rushed into battle. Readying their weapons and screaming out their battle cries as all true warriors do. Valkyrie walked up to Timothious.

“You traitor Valkyrie! What is this madness?”

“An unexpected attack brother. Witness this glories event!”

“Glories? You dare betray your own people and you speak of glory? After this act, Odin will never let you enter his Hall of Valhalla!” Ah the great hall in the sky which the Norse people believed they will gain entrance to due to a glories death in the heat of battle, Valhalla.

“You had this coming your majesty. These were never my brothers and sisters. Just like you were never my king. Give me the throne and I will call off the attack.”

“That’s what this is about!?” Timothious was in raged. “The throne? What makes you think that I will just hand over my throne to a son of a bastard such as you after seeing this display, what you might call a display of honor?”

“This is not about honor.” argued Valkyrie. “I’ve always hated the idea of living in your shadow, baby brother. I am the eldest, I should’ve gotten the throne! I am the most likely person to have ruled our people! But it’s far too late for that. You lead to this slaughter, you made me do this! Now join your brothers and sisters in Valhalla!” As Valkyrie took up his sword, Timothious quickly drew his sword and blocked Valkyrie blow. The sword of King Timothious was a unique blade which was made of green Emeralds. The Emerald Sword people called it. The sword had unique cutting and thrusting power. It may not look like much but the Emerald sword was the most powerful weapon the Norsemen had ever forged.

As for the sea creatures, they were scaly and fierce creatures that served the Leviathan. Powerful creatures and very strong. Unlike the Draconians, these monsters were intelligent beasts. Gallahon looked up at the Leviathan as it was destroying the entire kingdom.

“You guys help the others! I’ll handle this thing.” commanded Gallahon.

“Gallahon, you can’t fight that thing yourself.” said Trenton. Trenton was right. The Leviathan was too large for Gallahon to slay alone. He needed to get on top of it somehow. He looked around to see if there was some way to get up to the Leviathan’s level. As Astrithr was helping Nina and Trenton fend off the sea creatures, Gallahon had found a way up.

“I’ve got an idea!” Gallahon shouted as he made his way. Gallahon had entered one of the towers that was tall enough. Astrithr took up her shield and blocked one of the creatures killing blow. She took her sword and stabbed the creature’s chest. As another came up behind her, Trenton threw his elven daggers which impaled its shoulders. Astrithr finished the job by cutting its head clean off. Nina took her swords, slaying the creatures one by one as she went up to join the others. More of Timothious’s men came pouring out of the watch towers armed to the teeth. Gallahon ran up a fleet of stone made steps, slaying more of the monster’s as he went along.

“There’s too many of them!” screamed Nina.

“Valkyrie had been planning this.” said Astrithr. “I should’ve known that snake was up to something. I never did trust him.” One of the creatures snuck up behind her. Astrithr turned and bashed one of the monsters in the face with her shield which had spikes attached to it. Blood poured out of its face as the spikes pierced its skin and fractured its skull. Timothious fought with Valkyrie. It was brother versus brother. They were both masters of the sword and would not leave each other an opening to attack.

“Stop this madness right now brother! There doesn’t need to be any more bloodshed!” Valkyrie grinned.

“I will never stop. Not until you fall to my blade!” Timothious may have been drunk a little but still he was sober enough to fight well. Gallahon was almost to the top. He ran across a balcony which connected the two watch towers. As Gallahon slew a great number of sea creatures, the Leviathan came crashing through the walkway like it was nothing. Gallahon felt the ground beneath his feet quaked as the balcony broke in half. Although Gallahon was close to the Leviathan’s height, he still had to climb pretty high. The jump he had to make was pretty large but with enough speed he could make it. He backed up far enough and ran towards the ledge as fast as he could. He leaped off and flew through the air. He landed but lost his footing and slipped. But Gallahon did not fall. He held on for dear life as if he fell, he would surly die from the fall.

Gallahon grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up with all of his might. He planted his foot on the stoned floor and pulled his other leg up. As soon as he was safe, he took a moment to catch his breath. He looked up and saw he had to climb more stairs. As soon as he caught his last breath he was off. Astrithr spun and slayed two sea creatures at the same time. Trenton rushed over to Nina as if she needed help. Trenton had his two katana’s out, slaying the beasts as he went along. One by one, the monsters fell to his blades. Blood was spilled, staining his steel blades. Trenton cut the tendons behind the creature’s knees that was attacking Nina. When the beast was down on its knees, Nina crossed her blades at the beast’s neck and cut its head off. As its lifeless body fell to the ground, Astrithr was raising havoc upon the beasts.

Astrithr jumped and placed her feet on two stone made ledges that were imbedded in the stairs to her husband’s castle. Two sea creatures swung their blades at her, trying to get her down but she just kept deflecting every blow. As she kicked one of the beast’s chin, she jumped down with her sword, slicing the other beast in half. She thrust her sword and killed the other one. As Timothious was fighting off his brother, Gallahon made it to the top of the tower. He could see the Leviathan’s head much more clearly but it was still pretty high. A cliff lied on the side of the gates. He climbed up onto the cliff and was now able to jump onto the Leviathan’s head. He ran and ran until at last the beast was close enough. Gallahon jumped off and landed on the Leviathan’s nose. Of course the Leviathan saw Gallahon. It looked upon him with its fiery red eyes. Gallahon plunged his sword down but his blade did not even penetrate it. It did not go through. The Leviathan let out a thunderous laugh.

“HA HA HA HA! You foolish human.”

“It speaks. The beast speaks!”

“You humans never cease to amuse me. Thinking you can slay me, but I cannot be killed. My skin is rough as stone. Arrows bounce off of my scales. I am a god!”

“Your scales may protect your body. But do they protect your eyes?” Gallahon ran over to the monster’s eye and stabbed his sword straight through its eye. The pain was so intense to the monster.

“AH, MY EYE!” the Leviathan screamed out. Blood and puss squirted out of the monster’s eye. As Gallahon twisted and dug the sword deeper into the beast’s eye, the Leviathan grabbed Gallahon in its massive hand and threw him towards the ground. Trenton saw Gallahon falling and rushed over to him. He jumped up and caught Gallahon but made a crash landing. The Leviathan came up and stomped on Gallahon and Trenton.

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