
Chapter Sold 61


Chapter 61 


Claudia went into Alpha Xander’s room to do some cleaning when she met Maliya reading a book on the bed. 

“Are you that bored?” She laughed as soon as she saw Malaya reading a 

ading and Maliya chuckled

“You can’t blame a bored girl, can you?” She said with a grin and Claudia shook her head

“You know you can always call on me whenever you need me, right?” She said as she began to dust the room as she began the cleaning 

“Right? But I can’t keep calling you whenever I know you also have work to do, Maliya said with a smile. 

“Now I’m offended, Claudia said with a fake pout and they 

ey both chuckled. Maliya attempted to help Claudia do the cleaning so that her work could be done faster, but Claudia stopped her before she could. 

“Do you intend to get me into trouble? You know the Alpha would flare up if he walked in here and saw you cleaning the room,” she pointed. 

“Come on, I’m bored out of my mind.” Maliya whined but Claudia wouldn’t listen to her. 

Once she finally finished cleaning the room, she excused herself leaving Maliya by herself. 

She went into the maid’s room and she was surprised to see that everywhere was dark. The curtains and windows were closed which was strange because it wasn’t even night yet. 

“Where did 

everyone go!” She thought to herself. The room has never been so empty which made her suspicious. 

Just then, the breeze began to blow. It was gentle at first, but it sent shivers down her spine. She wondered how the air was moving when all the windows and curtains were closed, as she looked around anxiously. 

She felt like she was bring watched even though there was no one else in the room with her. 

“Is someone playing a prank on me right now?” She thought to herself. Her heart began to beat faster and the thoughts of leaving the room invaded her thoughts. She wanted to turn around and run, but her feet felt heavy as if they were rooted to the spot. 

Fear crept up her spine, making her skin prickle with goosebumps. She didn’t like this one bit. Something was off, and she couldn’t shake off the feeling 

“Finally, you are here, a female voice echoed through the air and Claudia fell to her knees immediately. Her body trembled lightly as she bowed her head 

“Mis–Mistress, to what do I owe you 

you this pleas 

pleasant surprise?” She asked without raising her bead 

head up 

The person speaking remained hidden, making it impossible for Claudia to see her face but she seemed to already know who it was by ju 

was by just listening 

to her voice

“Claudia_” the mistress called out and Claudia trembled in her spot. “It’s been such a long time but I can see that you have already come so your mission,” she said with a hint of pride in her voice and Claudia bowed to show her appreciation once again, 

or with 

“Thank you so much for your kind words, ma’am,” she waited for the mistress to speak again but when she didn’t hear anything else, she thought it 

was her cur to talk

“I have been doing exactly as you have ordered ma’am, and so far, 1 haven’t raised any suspicion or been giving unnecessary attention to myself. Everyone seems to be pretty comfortable around me, so you have nothing to worry about ma’am, our plan is going smoothly,” she assured the 

The mistress remained quiet for a while and the only way Claudia could feel her presence was through the wind that was still blowing in the room

She remained on her knees with her head glued to the flour, unable to turn around or dare to look into her mistress’s Care. 

Her heart raced with fear as she wondered if she had done something wrong which warranted the mistress to be here by herself. The silence was killing her but she knew better than to say a word when the mistress hadn’t given her the permission to do so. 

“Give me the report of everything that has been going on since y 

on since you started the mission, the mistress finally broke the silence and Claudia was tempted to look up and ask what was really going on.. 



She knew it won’t end well so she decided to keep her mouth shut and answer the question she was ask 

“Erm forgive me for my by manners, mistress, but did you not get the letters I have been sending all along? 

I made sure to include every single detail 

Before Claudia could finish her words she felt a huge hand wrapped around her neck, choking her, and she gasped for breath. 

1-1–I’m sorry, ma’am,” she coughed out and the hands tightened their grip on her neck 

I am not here for question and answers,” the mistress’s voice echoed through the room and Claudia nodded her head frantically as tears pricked in the comer of her eyes. “You will answer my questions without any hesitation. Am 1 clear? She asked coldly and Claudia nodded her head, unable to speak from the pressure in her neck 

The mistress finally released the grip around her neck and she began to cough out, inhaling sharp breath as she wrapped her hands around her neck, trying to catch her breath. 

“I received all your letters which is why Fam here, the mistress began to talk, while Claudia winced in pain on the door. “But since I’m already here, why don’t you repeat every single thing you have sent in those letters? I need to know every single thing that is going on within these walls,” she ordered. 

“Maliya Vincent,” Claudia began as she whimpered out of fear. “She is the woman I spoke about in all the letters. She is the only woman who has stayed by Alpha Xander’s side, and not only that, she is also pregnant with him,” she announced 

“Pre–pregnant?” The mistress seems to be taken aback by the news and Claudia wonders if her mistress has been reading the letters she has been sending all along 

“Yes, ma’am,” she confirmed. 

“Are you sure it belongs to Alpha Xander? How can a slave get pregnant for an impotent Alpha? She asked, still in disbelief. “She could easily sleep with one of the guards and lie about the baby’s father, you know? The Mistress pointed and Claudia shook her head. 

“No, ma’am. The pregnancy belongs to Alpha Xander. He couldn’t believe it himself and he called different doctors over to explain what happened, but everyone said she was indeed pregnant and according to the timing, it belonged to him. I guess Alpha Xander had his doubts too because he only came to accept the truth after seeing three seers for confirmation, Claudia explained 

“This is interesting! The mistress laughed upon hearing the news “Finally, there is someone to use against the Almighty Alpha of Alphas,” she chuckled. 

“Tell me about this lady who managed to get pregnant for the Alpha, the mistress commanded and Claudia cleared her throat 

She thought about what to say for a while and she recalled how hostile Mallya had been since the moment she got into the pack 

“Stubborn is the only word to describe her. She hated the Alpha’s gut when she first moved here and even planned how to kill herself rather than have his child on a different occasion. She seemed to be determined to die and it will take a lot of things to make her change her mind” she said. 

“A stubborn slave? This is even more interesting. Is there something else that I should know?” The mistress asked and Claudia thought about it for a while

“Erm. I think the Alpha is getting a 

attracted to her 

slowly,” she said and the mistress burst out laughing. 

“Come on. Alpha Xander is not capable of having emotions, she chuckled. 

“I thought so too, but it seems he had gonen attached to her because she is carrying his child,” Claudia reassured her mistress. 

“I don’t believe that all of this has to do with mere coincidence. There must have been something in her that made everything work like this, but that is not my business. What matters is Maliya would serve as a good purpose to take Alpha Xander down and that is all that matters for now,” she laughed out loud. 

Her laugh vibrated through the room and Claudia shivered out of fear. 

“You have done a good job, Claudia. Well done, the Mistress praised her. “You need to continue to stick by the girl’s side. Make her feel confident in you so that it will make it easy to use her to get Alpha Xander. You just need to keep up your acting for a little more time. We will urike soon enough” 

Thank you for your kind words, ma’am, I’ll continue with the job quictly,” she assured her mistress. 

The wind grew stronger and Claudia was forced to close her eyes before everything stopped abruptly. She didn’t need anyone to tell her that her mistress had gone before she finally got up and dusted her legs. 

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