
Chapter Sold 60

Chapter 60 


Lord Williams had arrived back to the mansion with his men which was why the guard had come to ruin my moment with Maliya in the first place. 

“Alpha,” Lord Willimas bowed as soon as I entered the room. 

“Welcome back,” I greeted him and I didn’t miss the shocked look on his face. “Is there a problem?” I asked with a frown and he pointed to my 


“Your face. you are not wearing an eye patch and where did your scar disappear to?” Shock was evident in his voice as he spoke and I felt so proud of Maliya for what she did. 

Maliya did it, I answered simply 

I could see the curiosity in his eyes from my reply and I bet he couldn’t refrain himself from asking any more questions. 

“What did she do? I mean, how did she manage to to make the scar disappear!” Lord Williams seemed pretty interested in how Maliya covered my scar but he needs to know how to mind his business.. 

“It’s none of your business,” I said coldly but he didn’t seem to mind. 

Im so excited you can finally go around without having to bother about your scar anymore. I know how much you hated it and now that it was gone like it was never- 

I shut him up with a look and he cleared his throat. 

“My apologies, Alpha. I guess I was just so excited” he said

“How did it go? Did Prince Kane get what he wanted?” I asked, seeing how Lord Willams seemed to be distracted from what he really came here for. 

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t shocked about the magic Maliya did to my face too. My scar disappeared as if it was never there and it suddenly gave me the confidence to walk around freely like I have always dreamed of. 

I didn’t miss the surprise look on everyone’s face when they first saw me. They probably never thought a day would come when I’d take off my eye patch. Quite frankly, I didn’t think a day would come when I wouldn’t have to worry about people looking at my hare face either, but Maliya gave me that freedom and I couldn’t help but feel super proud. 

“Prince Kane won. We managed to infiltrate the pack without getting any suspicion which made it easy for us to get them to their knees. Prince Kane has successfully taken over the pack so I guess we can call him the Alpha now then?” Lord Willimas asked but I disregarded his words

“What about his parents and stepbrother? Did he kill them like he initially planned to?” I asked and Lord Williams shook his head, 

“No, not yet. He locked them up before we left the pack. It doesn’t seem like he has decided on what to do with them although he kept on talking about killing them to their faces, there are chances that he would reconsider, Lord Williams announced. 

I knew he was a coward seeing how he couldn’t even take the crown on his own, but I guess what he does now that everything is going the 

wanted is his business

“Is that all then? Good job. Did any of our men get hurt?” 


“Not at all. Alpha. Prince Kane was pretty much prepared and he made infiltrating the pack pretty easy. Ah! He made a request though,” Lord Willimas added and I gave him a look. 

“What did he want this time? I frowned. 

I hate people who are unappreciative and demanding in nature, I did him a favor and he wouldn’t even let a few moments pass before he requested for any other one. 

This is exactly why I chose to stay away from people. 

coronation and he would appreciate it if you showed up because he wouldn’t have made it this far without 

“He said he’d be a ceremony soon for his co your help, Lord Williams announced. 

“If that is the case, I’ll think about it,” I said and Lord Williams bowed again before taking his leave. 

ent to my study room to finish off what I left hanging when it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn’t been in the city center for a while now. 

There are 

things for myself wouldn’t be such a bad idea too. 

tons of reports from there and I thought seeing thing 

decided to see how the people were doing so I went into the city with a guard. I strolled around the place, just looking around the entire place, how people were doing if they were struggling with anything when I came across a jewelry shop. 

Chapter 00 

I peeped inside and I was immediately drawn to the beautiful golds that were sitting pretty in the shop. 

I went into the shop and picked up a small necklace. Malia’s face flashed in my head and I could imagine how beautiful it would look on her. 

“Bring this one,” I said to the shop owner and he nodded. 

“This is also beautiful. You can get it for your woman as well. This particular design is the hottest in the market. Women are dying to have one but due to the price, most of them couldn’t really afford it,” the shop owner said as he brought out a sparkling necklace. It looked so beautiful and I could imagine how beautiful it would look on Maliya once she wore it 

“Bring the two,” 1 said and he smiled. 


“I can assure you that you will come back for more soon enough,” he assured me as he placed both necklaces in a small b 

I looked around the market just to see how the people had been living before returning back home. 

As soon as I got home, I went straight to our room to give Maliya the necklace I bought for her. 

She was just coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body when I entered the room 

I couldn’t help but look at her from head to toe. She looked so beautiful as her tiny waist hung pretty around the towel. My eyes darkened as

stared at her fair skin. 

The thought of unwrapping the towel around her and pulling her closer sounds so tempting and I was slowly losing my self control. 

In the first 

“You look so beautiful,” I complimented her and I watched how her cheeks flushed red. She was no longer the shy one I remembered when got here, and I noticed how she has gotten a lot of confidence for the past few days. 

“Why are you 

are you looking at me like that?” she asked with a smile. 

Her smile was so pretty and I wondered what it would feel like kissing her. I shook my head and got rid of the thought before I could do something I’d regret. 

“I saw something while I was out earlier. I don’t know if you will like it, but I thought you might, so I bought it for you,” I said, as I studied her expression. 

“What is it?” She asked with a smile and I enjoyed watching the curious look in her eyes. 

“Close your eyes,” I ordered and she hesitated for a while. 

She looked like she didn’t trust what I was going to do, but she closed her eyes anyway 

I stood behind her and I didn’t miss the way her body tensed from my touch. I wrapped the necklace around her neck and watched how beautiful it looked on her. 

“Don’t ever take this off no matter what, I ordered as I traced my hands on the necklace. 

She finally opened her eyes and I turned her around so that she could take a look at her reflection in the mirror. 

Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw her reflection as tears pricked in the comer of her eyes. 

“It’s so beautiful,” she said with so much adoration and I would be lying if I hadn’t imagined this reaction from her when I bought it for her. “I can’t thank you enough, Alpha, I love it so much,” she said with a grin. 

“Give me a chance to know you properly and treat you right,” I whispered softly, 

If anyone were to tell me that a day would come when I’d be so soft because of a woman. I’d laugh to their face and tell them that such day would never come, but Maliya wasn’t just any Worran. She is my mate and on top of that, I’ve been feeling this strange attachment towards her for a couple of days now. 

She looked so perfect right now 

ight now and I suddenly remembered the words of the seers. How can a woman as gentle as this put my life in danger! 

I have never thought about it since she was just a slave to me before I found out who she was

s, but now, I won’t stop until I get to the bottom of all of 


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