
Chapter • Suspended •

“Since you’re going to be home by yourself, please make sure to use this time to rest.” My mom told me on her way out the front door.

“Don’t worry, mom. I plan on resting and getting all my homework done. I can’t afford being behind.” Assuring her of what she already knows.

My body was feeling a lot better after one night’s rest. Though I could tell that my body still needed to rest. The throbbing sharp pain yesterday turned into a dull hard ache in my side. Painful, but easier to manage through daily movement.

The door shut.

It’s going to feel strange having this door shut on me until Friday. My siblings didn’t think anything of it. Mom didn’t tell them what happened, since it really wasn’t any of their business. For all they know, I am sick and need rest.

The first thing I had planned was a bath and a quick shower afterwards. I could use this time to relax and enjoy time to myself. It’s nearly impossible to get the house to myself. Unless being sick of course.

Heading towards the hallway to the left of the stairs and proceeding towards the bathroom. I wouldn’t need to bring clothes into the bathroom since no one was home. The bathroom is the only one with a lock on the door. Besides the front and back door, of course. I could even walk around naked if I felt inclined to.

Upon arriving in the bathroom, I began setting everything up. Turned on the faucet to make hot water spew out. Turned the switch underneath the water to make the water catch so the tub would fill. While that was going, I lit a few candles on the sink counter. After I lit 4 candles, I then turned the bathroom lights off. The ambiance was dark and relaxing. I shut the door. I didn’t even bother turning on the bathroom fan either. The room would become humid and quiet, feeding into the dark embrace.

I stripped all my clothes and slowly settled myself into the hot tub water. The tub was pretty deep and also had jets if I felt inclined to use them. Though today I wasn’t in any mood for forceful water hitting my body.

My body fully submerged up to my next and shoulders in the hot water. I began sweating on my face since the heat was causing my internal temperature to rise. I can imagine the heat would put my body in overdrive to heal. To glue my ribs back together again.

My left rib throbed all night making it hard to sleep. Once I did fall asleep though, my dreams almost kept me from waking up. I dreamt of Tony. Though I have conflicted thought about him, all he wanted to do was help me. Knowing the girls, they were probably instigating Misty to go back and give me another round of blows. Which Tony probably heard. I can imagine he had gym at the same time as I did, maybe the same class. I won’t be able to find out until Friday when I return to school. Since I’ll be on the sidelines for a couple of weeks.

The dreams I had last night were all about him. I’m aware I’ve fallen for him instantly from him kindness towards me. Knowing myself, this was going to lead me in heartbreak. It’s not possible for him to like me. Though he’s shown more attention to me compared to anyone else at school. Which for the first time, made me feel wanted.

I close my eyes to reimagine his face. Since I wouldn’t be able to see him for awhile, I wouldn’t let his face leave the back of my mind. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be forced away from school. At the same time, if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t dare want to go back. Just seeing him was all I wanted. To get to know him more and to see his perfectly sculptured face.

After chilling in the tub, I began exfoliating my skin with a body brush. Since my body had been soaking for 30 minutes it would be a good idea to rid of all the dead skin on my body. Which left the water to look dirty and with clumped up dead skin floating throughout the water. I then drained all the water before turning the water faucet back on to start the shower.

Hence the reason for a quick shower afterwards; to wash my hair, wash my body, and shave any unwanted hair off. The shower lasted only mere minutes. The candles were still lit making the shower as peaceful as the bath was. But I took the shower in a rush since it hurt standing up for too long.

Once I was done, I turned the shower off immediately. Grabbed my large black towel in the white bathroom cabinet and sat on the ledge of the tub. Relieving the stress from standing. I began to dry my body off. My naked butt on the cold side of the tub felt nice, compared to the rest of my body that still felt quite warm from the hot water and the humidity inside the bathroom.

When I was done drying my body, I filled my hand with a few pumps of body lotion and massages it into my body to fill my skin with moisture again. The hot water would leave my skin extremely dry if I left it alone with out lotion.

I turned the light on and blew out all the candles. Time to go to my room.

I stood for a few seconds, debating if I wanted to walk to my room naked or wrap myself with the towel. My devious side wanted to experience walking around nude. Even if no one was around, it would be exhilarating.

The used towel went in the hamper beside the bathroom door, along with the black silk pajamas I had on prior. I had decided to walk it out. Air dry as you will.

I opened the door and before walking out I looked both ways of the hallway to ensure no one was just standing there. Which was to be expected, a clear hallway. I then slowly walked out of the bathroom trying my best not to cover myself with my arms and hands. Making my nipples harden even more from the thrill. Letting everything be embraced in the hallway.

Reached the end of the short hallway that forced me to make a left turn and made another left up toward the stairs. Since my room is at the top of the stairs. All I needed to do now was go up and forward.

If anyone was waiting at the front door, they would have full view of my whole body strutting up the stairs quickly. I chose to go up without seeing if anyone was at the door.

I quickly went up making my body jiggle in ways that were completely normally. Though when you think about it, would make you self conscious about your own body. Slight belly and breast making up and down motions.

Made it all the way up, I went forward to my room and shut the door behind me. The thrill was over, which ended the light adrenaline rush.

Following to my dresser to grab a pair of gray sweatpants and a loose black shirt. As I almost finished grabbing both of them the doorbell rings. My eyes widen and my body jerks from being caught off guard.

Has someone been at the door when I was naked going up the stairs?

My heart pumps blood just a bit faster and I question whether or not to approach the door. I quickly put the clothes on. If someone had seen me naked, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Would just know not to do it again.

I went and opened my door slowly and lead my body to the ground. From the view downstairs you couldn’t possibly know a door was there or opening.

Down on the ground into a crawl position, going across the carpet and slowly going forward towards the staircase. While trying to stay out sight from anyone at the door, I peek to see who is there, since we had a clear glass in the middle of the wooden door. Enough to see anyone or anything from either side of it.

I could see who it was.


Wasn’t he suppose to be at school? And why would he be here? How would he know where I live? Does he know I live here?

So many questions running through my mind, but most importantly. Did he see me run through my house naked? Where I felt risky and got caught by someone I least expected. Would happen that way wouldn’t it.

I scoot backwards and get up. I had to see why he was here. How could I not.

Walking down the stairs as casual as possible. Mid-stair, we locked eyes.

I waved at him letting him know I was aware of his presence. He nodded his head back. I could see he had paper in his hands. Maybe from class? But wouldn’t he want to wait until after school was over. There isn’t a big hurry for me to receive school work. If that was what I imagined those papers to be.

I unlock the door and opened it. Open just enough to have a conversation but not enough for invitation inside.

“Umm, hey. What are you doing here?” My fragile words seemed incredibly unsteady. As if I were in trouble and trying to play innocent.

“Hey, I know this is extremely odd. I really wanted to make sure you got today’s homework assignments. Considering you weren’t there today.” He hands me a packet full of papers. Papers I already had in my room.

“Oh, thanks. That’s nice of you.” I placed them on small coffee table sitting next to the door. A place mail normally collected.

“Yeah, I asked for your address to make sure you got it. Can’t have you being behind in class. Since you’re my lab partner and all.” He sounded a bit snarky but playful.

“You know, it could have waited until after school. It’s not something super urgent.” Or not necessary at all.

“Well, during my lunch my grandpa takes me out to eat. I thought it only felt right for him to drop me off to bring that to you.”

While looking both ways down the street.

“Where is he?” There was no car waiting anywhere on the street. No car on the street at all.

“He dropped me off. He’ll be back when I need him. Just a text away.” He assured me. Which made me feel a bit uneasy.

“Okay, well. Thanks. I’ll make sure not to be behind. Since being your lab partner is pretty important. Bye.” Speaking with a bit of sass. I can’t stop thinking about him being the reason why I wasn’t allowed in school. Still unhappy with how everything turned out at gym class.

As I started to close the door his strong hand stood the door open.

“I also wanted to talk. The homework gave me an accuse to see you again. Since, you aren’t at school. Which, can I ask why? Are you feeling okay?”

His dark eyes became so genuine, so attractive. His facial hair still shortly trimmed like it was yesterday.

“Umm, I’m good. Just need some rest.” I tried to close the door again but his hand stood on the door like a rock blocking it, “I do need to get going though. Thanks for bringing it.” I tried to end the conversation while still trying to push the door. Which was still not budging.

“You won’t talk to me?” His eyes squinted slightly from displeasure.

I can’t imagine him actually caring for me. No one cares about me.

“Like I said, I need to go. You should go get food, 30 minutes isn’t long enough to come here and also eat. Bye.” He finally let me shut the front door.

I could tell he cared but why? Why would he care? And why would he come all this way to bring me homework. He wants to know what happened but he had no right to know. His help wasn’t even helpful. I would have rather been kicked a few more times by those girls before having to deal with him. He forced me to see bad people get their way and I can’t deal with that.

He knocks on the door. After walking a few feet away from the door, I turn back around and headed for the door again. I opened the door and give him an unpleasant look.

“I don’t want to talk to you. Can you leave already?”

“Why are you mad at me?” He looked extremely concerned, “I tried to help you yesterday and you want to push me away. Why?”

“I don’t have to answer to you. I want you to leave.” I stood my ground and truly wanted him to leave. Even though his face was making it hard to resist him.

“Why won’t you answer me though? I was doing what was best. Those girls said some awful things and they were going to go back and beat you up, again. As a team. I couldn’t understand what their motive was. They were so set to make you pay. What did you do to have everyone hate you?”

“Because I am a freak if you haven’t noticed. And this attractive guy comes into school. Every girls bats an eye yet you look and talk to me. Politely. Everyone else got a side eye and they were mad at me. No one likes me at the school and no one has. I should have gotten kicked a few more times by now.

“She was jealous that I was able to have a conversation with you. I didn’t ask for you’re help. Because when you left, I was forced to see a suspension while Misty got nothing. The incident wasn’t written correctly and it said I fell and hurt myself. No one got in trouble except myself. I’m mad because I didn’t ask for you to bring me there. Next time, ask a lady where she’d like to go before assuming the nurses office is the best place for her. Like I said, everyone in the school doesn’t like me, and that means everyone.” I shocked myself from all that I said. He looked at me saddened and it showed that really trying to do what he thought was best, but it wasn’t.

“I. I. I’m sorry. I assumed they would take care of you. I apologize. I didn’t know that was going to happen. And I left so suddenly because. I was getting nauseous.” He was fumbling his words and seemed distracted by something in his head. He shook his head a few times as if he were talking to himself. “If that happens again, I’ll ask before putting you somewhere. But I’m not going to apologize for getting you out of the locker room. You were in so much pain and you don’t deserve to get kicked more times than you did. If I could have I would have protected you.”

His ability to shake the rhythm of my heart and stop my breathing comes natural for him. The simple words he spoke flow out of his mouth like fluid. The deep southern accent was genuinely attractive. Yet his voice sounded proper when speaking.

“Also, thank you for your help. You were a superhero in the moment for me.” I look down at my toes, “To be honest, I felt helpless at that moment. You saved me so suddenly.” I looked back up. “I want to ask though, why me?”

“What do you mean?” Asking with a questioned look.

“Why didn’t you talk to everyone else. And when you did you weren’t very nice. Yet with me, you were interested in everything I had to say. Why?”

“You look different from everyone else. You look original. Everyone else doesn’t seem genuine. When I saw you sitting by yourself, you looked like you needed a friend more than anyone else. I could tell you looked at me the way everyone else has my whole life. Your eyes showed you were attracted to me, yet you didn’t try to grab my attention from your looks. You didn’t seem interested in grabbing my attention at all. Then when you talked to me, you even just talked about normal stuff. Stuff that anyone would say to just to get to know someone. You were kind to me. When the girls behind us were being jerks, I had to stand up for you. I may have just known you, but you didn’t deserve that. They deserved to be put in their place. Yet I made that a reason for them to hurt you.” He looked at his black leather boots, different from the ones he wore yesterday. Boots that a typical biker would wear.

A little caught off guard from pointing out my attraction towards him. I didn’t think I was obvious about it.

“Well they hurt me and I’ve been placed under suspension. I won’t be able to return until Friday. Which isn’t a huge deal. Though when I come back, I’m scared I’ll have bulleyes on me. The girls at school are ruthless, and I can’t imagine them being done with me.”

“Is there anything I could do to make that not happen? I’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel safe. It’s your right as a student.”

“I have no idea.” I do though. “Except, if you. Date her.” My face trying so hard not to weaken.

“What? Why on earth would I do that?” Pleased by his disgust but didn’t make matters better.

“She wants you and she won’t stop until that happens. Just date her and that’ll make it all better.”

“I can understand the strategy behind that, but I couldn’t do that. Not when I’m desiring someone else.” His dark brown eyes softened and felt so inviting, “Not when I want you.”

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