
Chapter Prisoner of Hope

The weeks passed, and more and more of the sky project was completed, Keegan was finally released from his binds and allocated a special residential suite in the depths of the laboratory facility. Rychard had tried to visit several times, but was turned away from the lower levels of the lab.

In his apartment, he had a bedroom, lounge, study, kitchen, dining room, and a decently sized sports room. Several key staff members had raised questions about what he was afforded such luxurious lodgings, given his crimes, but were simply told, he was a new ally.

Keegan was in his kitchen making a meal, while Roisin was visiting. He still did not trust Roisin, but put up a front that he did.

"I hear Amber from the labs likes you, by the way" Roisin chuckled.

"Yeah, so I keep hearing" Keegan shrugged and smirked at his sister. Amber was a researcher at the lab that was working on analysing both Keegan and Dex, she was tall and had long blonde hair.

"I think you should ask her out" Roisin teased.

"Oh yeah, that'd be great! 'Oh hey Amber, do you wanna go on a date in my weird basement cell'" Keegan joked. Roisin laughed, and Keegan felt something in his heart he hadn't felt in his life until these last couple of months. While it was true that he didn't trust Roisin, he couldn't deny that he had gained affection for her despite it.

"I could make this place romantic, act as your waitress for the night, maybe get Dex in here to cook" Roisin smiled.

"As long as Dex does the cooking" Keegan smiled. Dex, was this what having a real friend felt like? Back in Aranei, most friends would stab you in the back for even a slim chance of promotion. But Dex, he didn't do anything of the sort, he was kind, and friendly.

"Are you saying my cooking is bad?" Roisin smirked.

"Hey! I'm just saying it's, you know, not good" Keegan stifled his laughter. He did like Amber, maybe it was worth asking her on a date, if Roisin kept to her promise, maybe it could be a nice night. But, did Amber really like him? She knew he was responsible for the darkness falling, could she really like him despite the possibility that he was responsible for so many deaths. On top of that, the deaths of many in Aranei were already on his hands.

Roisin smiled, and turned to look at the television.

"Roisin?" Keegan said, sounding serious. Roisin turned to look at Keegan, she saw the frown across his face.

"What's up?" Roisin asked. She could tell he was troubled and could guess what it was. They were twins after all. He felt responsible for bringing the endless night, he too was a victim of Treleva, only his scars were in his mind.

"Am I a bad person?" Keegan asked. Roisin paused for a second to think, before responding.

"I don't think you're a bad person, while you may have done bad things, and things you regret, I believe you did them with the best of intentions. I could never hate you, now that I know you are my brother" Roisin smiled.

"Like, even if you were lying to me, about everything, I still killed all those people in Aranei, by taking the Crystal" Keegan sighed.

"You were manipulated and used. Treleva twisted your good nature and determination into a weapon. You're as much as a victim in it as anyone. I believe there is good within you, and I want to restore Crystalla, with your help" Roisin smiled.

"I would like that too" Keegan smiled.

"But before that, there is one thing I need you to do" Roisin said, solemnly.

"What is it?" Keegan asked, sounding worried.

"Ask. Amber. Out." Roisin laughed.

"By the will of the Gods, you don't stop do you" Keegan laughed too.

The road Keegan had chosen to walk, on the day he had awoken in the facility, was the road of redemption, like any road it was rocky, and full of steep drops and cliff edges, but would he reach the end of the road, or would he fall into the abyss and let himself be consumed by the darkness that laid below.

He had at last found somewhere safe, to be himself. A Sanctuary for the broken, for the fixed and the ones who were whole. Could this paradise he found himself in last, or was it ephemeral, like everything else in his life?

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