Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Chapter 4

My eyes followed the tall handsome stranger until the corner of the table was rammed into my stomach.

I bent over and coughed. When I looked up I was met with the confused gazes of my family and my mother’s stern look telling me not to embarrass her.

I patted my hair and composed myself as I took shaky steps over to my seat.

The plate on the table started spinning and I felt my head swinging with it. As I looked around the room I saw couples touching each other. Their hands caressing their partners and their lips begging to be kissed.

I inhaled a deep breath and filled my lungs, trying to exhale as softly as possible. Alpha Sebastian stood up with a glass raised in the air. His bushy brows were raised and his teeth were showing in his wide smile.

”It is our big honor to host the annual Metting of Alphas. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior and welcome our guests with open arms.”

”And open legs no doubt,” one of the girls snickered beside me.

My eyes went down to the man sitting two seats to his left. Dark hooded eyes and perfectly gelled back hair.

His lips were plump and his hands were big where they rested on the table. I drew in a shaky breath, feeling my shoulders tremble. My legs suddenly crossed and I squeezed them tight.

”Layla, you’re staring,”

”It’s rude, honey,”

I couldn’t stop. He was breathtakingly beautiful. Everyone had heard the stories about Alpha Kade and the rumor was that he was gorgeous but I never imagined to what extent.

A flash of hot air fanned my face and down my core.

His eyes were on Alpha Sebastian but suddenly a crease formed in the center between his brows and his head slowly turned. It felt like an eternity passed before his eyes stared straight into mine. As though he knew exactly where to look.

The second our eyes locked I felt a pearl of sweat dripping down the side of my face and a throbbing need began pulsating between my legs. No matter how hard I pushed my legs together I couldn’t stop it.

His fingers gripped tighter around the glass.

The former Luna stepped up to speak.

I looked at the people sitting by the table in front of them. The man was grazing her thigh, his hand slid up under her dress and my lips parted.

What was happening? Why was I feeling this way?

’The heat’

Oh no.

”Excuse me.” I said and pushed back the chair. Barely keeping my balance I quickly walked out of the room and turned the corner. The pain from my shoulder slamming into the wall quickly subsided and I walked as fast as I could. I ran into the girl’s bathroom and leaned against the door when I locked it.

I dragged my hand down my throat and went over to the sink. The cold water poured out in a thick stream and sudden color bursts appeared in my vision.

I cupped my hands and splashed the water on my chest but it didn’t calm the heat that was consuming me.

My hands leaned on the ceramic faucet and without realizing it I was dragging my hand down my chest.

The door slammed open and I jerked away from the sink. I turned and backed away against the wall. He walked in and closed the door. The loud sound of the lock made me wince and he slowly walked toward me.

”Has nobody taught you that it is rude to excuse yourself in front of an Alpha?” His voice was deep and dark. The huskiness made the throbbing worse and I was pressing myself back against the wall. The cold tiles did little to ease the heat.

His hand reached up and cupped my cheek.

He leaned down, his lips hovered by my ear, slowly brushing against my skin.

”I can smell your arousal,” His hand went down my waist and he pushed the fabric of my dress aside.

”I can help you with that.” His finger touched my clit and I moaned as my hold fell back. This simple touch was almost enough to send me over the edge.

In my head, I begged him to enter me. The heat wouldn’t go away unless I mated.

It would come in flashes and be unbearable until I got what I craved.

”Ahh,” my moans came out as he rubbed between my folds.

Then, like someone poured a bucket of ice-cold water over my head, the heat flash went away and I was stuck wondering what I was doing. I pushed the Alpha away and gasped.

I went around him and headed toward the door. Just as I opened it he came up behind me and slammed it shut. No male could easily control his urges once he sensed she wolf in heat and I had just played with an Alpha.

”You’re mine.” He growled behind me.

”Layla, where were you?” Anna asked when I walked back to the table. I looked over my shoulder but there was no sign of Alpha Kade.

”I just needed to go to the bathroom,” I said.

”Holly shit, look!” Anna tapped my arm and pointed to the big man walking in as though nothing had happened. Alpha Kade strutted over to his seat and smiled as he bumped fists with another Alpha.

”He is hot,” Anna groaned and leaned her chin in her hand.

”He is, and look Layla, he’s checking you out,” I turned my head and saw Alpha Kade’s eyes fixated on mine.

I cleared my throat and took a sip of the wine before gulping it all down. Suddenly I wished that the wine had ice in it, I felt the flash of the heat returning and the ache starting to grow.

When I turned my head back around I saw that Alpha Kade wasn’t the only one watching me. Beside him, looking ferociously was Sebastian. His brows furrowed and he had a scowl on his face.

’Layla, there’s something you need to know

I heard her but all I could focus on were Kade’s deep brown eyes. His sharp jawline clicked when he slowly side-eyed Alpha Sebastian and even from this far away I could feel a tension.

’Layla, it’s important

What is it?

’I feel something, something bad


’You’re in danger

What do you mean? We’re surrounded by Alphas, it doesn’t get safer than this

’They are the danger’

I turned my head back and stared down at the plate in front of me. My body shivered and hearing my wolf sound so cautious was surely not a good thing.

”I’m not feeling all too well, is it okay if I leave?” I asked and my parents shared a look before my father handed me the keys to the car.

”Dry safe, we’ll get a ride with the Dawsons when we’re done here,” the Dawsons were our neighbors and would frequently be over at our house and hang out with my parents.

I grabbed the keys and took off quickly, trying my best to not look over my shoulder.

The house was dark and all that was lit up was the porch lamp.

Inside I quickly turned behind the stairs and headed into my bedroom. All these feelings were bubbling up and I felt unease in my own home. I sat down on my bed and just inhaled the silence and the calm.

Everything soon shifted when I heard the creak by the door to the house. It closed and the steps were coming closer to my room.

I gulped and got up, my wolf stepped up as well and got ready but she wasn’t scared. We both heard it and felt it.

”I can smell you, remember? You can’t hide from me.” I drew a shaky breath when I heard his voice and the door to my room slowly slid open. Alpha Kade stood in the doorframe and his eyes locked on mine.

His brows furrowed in question and he stepped closer to me. I was standing with my back straight and trying my best to not have a breath as I felt his warmth the closer he got.

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