
Chapter Pups 8

Chapter 8

Raquel’s POV

I went to the police station, got scolded about being neglectful, both by the officers and Andrew. I apologized to my babies and promised never to do that again. I was forgiven and the next day,we were preparing for Australia, my home land

“Do you really need to go back there! I thought you had lots of awful memories there!” Andrew asked and I nodded. He didn’t know the real reason I was going back there, and I never told him. The identity of the Werewolves was to be kept a secret. Though I trusted him, I still couldn’t jeopardize the safety of my kids

“I just, I just feel like I’in drawn back there, you know, I had awful memories there, yeah, but I also had sweet and beautiful memories too. Memories of my family I responded and he nodded

“I understand, and I know that there’s nothing I can say or do to change your mind be chuckled, and we locked stares, he drew me close for a kiss, but we got separated by Alec who bursted into the routi

“Uh oh! Rad sirning. Sorry, Ell leave and I promise, 1 didn’t see anything” He said and ran out, we chuckled and became awkwardly silent

I played with my lingers while he stared at me

Suddenly, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, not until two minutes did I realize what I had just done

“Tin..I’m sorry — I stuttered- I’m really sorry, I just…L. I kept stuttering and he shut me up by slamming his lips on mine. After a minute of struggling for dominance, we broke apart and struggled to catch our breaths

“I’m going to miss your He said and I smiled

“I will too” I said and pulled him into a tight embrace

“We will miss you too Alee and Alden chorused, they were kneeling beside the open door and peeking in at sas

“Oh you sly little men‘ Andrew said playfully and chased after the both of them

They ran, giggling and cackling while I gathered our belongings and called the driver to pack them up

At the airport, we said our goodbyes to friends, and made promises to visit each other during the holidays

When we arrived, it was already late.

1 lud decided to spend the night in the far end of the city. Away from all the noise and civilization, this could do as some sort of vacation for me. plus, I didn’t want to meet with anyone I know, especially Lea

After successfully securing an accommodation in an old guest inn, owned by an equally old couple, I decided to have some rest and think of what I plan on doing the next day

I was informed by my agent that our old house was already being occupied by a family. Though I didn’t remember us selling or giving the house out, I didn’t think too much about it, since the agent had been able to secure a nice and comfortable apartment for us

“Mommy!” Alden called

“Yes baby, you need help getting into your pajamas?” I asked

“No” be responded


“Let’s take a stroll out. I want to see what the environment looks like” He suggested

“Oh no sweetheart, it’s late already, we can do that tomorrow” I responded

“Hut I want to see what it looks like at night” He pushed

Yeah, me too” Alec seconded

“Oh not you too I groaned. Kids and their weird requests

“I’m sorry babies..I would have to decline.”

“Don’t be a sour mom Senora, take them out, don’t worry, the city is safe and is mostly bubbly at night” The old woman who owned the quest inn

Chapter 8

said and I opened my mouth

Was there any sort of privacy here? She seemed to have understood my

“Mommy!” Alden called

“Ves baby, you need help getting into your pajanus” 1 asked

“No” he responded


y expression.

“Let’s take a stroll out. I want to see what the environment looks like” He suggested

“Oh no sweetheart, it’s late already, we can do that tomorrow” I responded

“But I want to see what it looks like at night” He pushed

“Yeah, me too” Aler seconded

“Oh not you too” I groaned. Kils and their weird requests

I’m sorry babies..I would have to decline…”

“Don’t be a sour mom Senora, take them out, don’t worry, the city is safe and is mostly bobbly at night The old woman who owned the guest inn said and I opened my mouth

Was there any sort of privacy here? She seemed to have understood my expression

Locking arms with the both of them on each my arms, we strolled down the street.

They were so happy, pointing at stuff, discussing and analyzing what ever needed to be analyzed

This reminded me of the times I walked in the cool night with my parents, me in the middle, mom holding my left arm and dad holding my right. I was doing some with my kids, only that their father was absent

1 felt bad for them, growing up without a father figure is really difficult, though I never experienced it. 1 could tell from the way Andrew felt whenever he saw kids running around with their dads in the park

The times that they asked about their father, and I had nothing to tell them other than, he would come visiting someday

I guess they were finally going to meet him anytime from today, since we’re back here, but they don’t really need to know right

Neither does he, after allhe doesn’t deserve to be a father

We kept walking and I caws coffee shop and decided to get Coffee

Entering inside, 1 halted, the first person that caught my eye was Leo, I tried to turn around real quick, but I was too late, our gaze met

“Raquel” He called and I tore my gaze from him as quickly as possible

“Um.let’s go boys” I still tried to leave immediately but he caught up with me

1 expected harsh words, and all but that was not the case, he hugged me tightly, like like he missed me

No, no, that cannot be possible. Why would he miss me? That’s very not possible

“Why are you hugging him back? Have you forgotten what he did to you?” My subconscious mind asked and retreated immediately

“I can’t believe this is really you Raquel – he said, giving me a once over–Wow!” He continued

I stared blankly at him what’s Wrong with him? This was so, not the Leonard that I knew

“What brings you back?” He asked again but I didn’t dignity that with a response

“Who are you!” Alec asked, bringing Leo’s attention down to him. He stared at the little boy in surprise, then squared, so that they could be on the same eye level

“Are you my Mommy’s childhood friend?” Aiden asked and his attention shifted to him

He stared at the both of them, stars shining brightly in his eyes, his perfectly arranged white teeth in full display

“Oh my! Twins, I love twins” he said

Chapter 8

“Really? That’s cool” Aiden answered

“Yeah! And of course, I am your momany’s childhood friend, we were best friends even. Right?” He asked and I rolled my eyes

We’re leaving” I said, grabbed their hands and made to leave, but he stopped me

“Come on! Is that how you treat and greet your old friends” He asked, smiling car to ear

“Let me at least take you home” he offered and 1 politely declined

“I insist too,” I responded. He stared for a while and nodded

“It’s okay, take care” he said, smiling and it looked genuine

I smiled back, a pretend smile that was obvious, except to the boys

“I can’t believe you sexed someone else I heard him say, Great It’s better if he thinks that way

“Wait 1 halted again

“What is it?” asked frustratedly

“If you don’t mind telli

I telling me, how old are your kids? Why was he asking? Was he suspecting something?

“I mind, I mind a lot I answered sharply

“Why do you mind? It’s just their age” I didn’t give a response and turned to leave, for the fourth time this evening

This time I didn’t hal because Les called ine, but because A very bright light flashed directly to my face, preventing me from seeing anything, I squinted and raises by had to shield my eyes

Tires screeched loudly and someone fell hard to the ground with a thud


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