
Chapter Pups 24

Chapter 24


Upon seeing Collin, Leo’s mood became snor and he knew that there was going in be trouble soon. “Hello there, beloved Alpha, Good to see you agam. Quite an achievement you’ve made this past few years I’m impressed” Collin greeted. He was all smiles, but Leo wasn’t at ease. He looked Raquel, then at Collin again.

“What are you doing here Collin? We had an agreement” After the incident that occurred some years back. Collin had threatened to expose the truth, but Leo had pleaded with him and he agreed on the condition that lie was given a laige amount of money to leave the pack to the human society where he would live a carefree anal reckless life. Normally, a werewolf was not allowed to stay among the midst of humans in order to prevent cases of their identity being revealed, but Len had no choice but to give the guy what he wanted since he needed to keep his secret. “We should have killed this guy when we had the clance, no on would have known‘ His wolf sairl, he also knew what was coming

“Yeah, it’s not too late now is it? Leo asked. his wolf thought about it for a few minutes then disagreed. Killing Collin now would armuse suspiciona from Raquel and other pack members which of course they would request for an investigation and it would point back to him. The last thing Leo wanted was for his kids to see him as a murderer, so killing was out of the options. He dragged Collin out of the room to his study where no one could hear them talking Raquel smelt something fishy, but decided to ignore it. She couldn’t trouble herself with one of his problems.

“Collin, this is a breach of agreement. What are you doing here?” Leo asked for the second time, but instead of giving an answer, he just kept staring at Leo with that annoying smile plastered on his face. After about two minutes of staring Leo blinked and ran his fingers through his hair. This was going to be a very long day for him “Yes! I won, I won against one of the greatest Alpha in history, This just proves further how unbeatable I am “What!” Leo whispered in confusion, was this guy mentally okay?

“Collin!” He called out but the nan didn’t respond, he kept babbling about how unbeatable he was, “Collin Leo called out again, and still didn’t get

response of reaction from him. This only made him angry. It was taking all the self restraint in him to not grab the tool by the neck and choke him to death “Collin! He yelled angrily, the type that could make the faint–hearted shiver in fear it was enough to get the attention of Collin “Alpha Leo” He called and turned immediately Tll ask agam and it would be the last time. What are you doing here? Between gritted teeth, Leo asked, Collin raised a brow and smiled its samusement. He admired the authority Leo possessed. Even in situations where he didn’t have the upper hand, he could still command respect and fear, hut unfortunately, all those would not work on him because he knew exactly what he wanted and he knew just how much damage it would cost Leo if the news got our

“Is that a threat Leo? What if I make you ask for the third time? What would you do about it? hm?Collin challenged I would KILL YOU” Came Leo’s response, it was low, but carried a lot of weight and danger. Collin chuckled and looked own at his fingers before raising his head back to Leo

“That is no surprise, I mean, that is what you’re really good at right?” He said making Leo close his fingers into a tight fist “Repeat yourself for the third time…Alpha” He said the lost word mockingly Leo’s the became tighter that his knuckles began turning white “What are you doing here Collin” He asked and a cheerful smile appeared on his face

Good, Now, let’s sit and discuss like civilized people that we are, without threats and all those hard shits”

“I don’t have the time to sit and discuss shit with you, I have more pressing and important issues to deal with and I’m running out of patience” Leo bursted, he hit the unlucky vase that was sitting perfectly on the table in front him and it fell to the ground and shattered into a million pieces

“Oh So what I have against you isn’t something pressing and important? Okay, if that’s the case, then I won’t say a word to you till you’re done with the other more important issues have been rectified, But I won’t promise not to say something to some other certain person Leo gave out a faint Laugh, one that was devoid of any form of humor and the next minste, Collin was stapended in the air, with Leo’s right palm on his neck. “Do you honestly think that I can’t kill you! I can, but I just don’t want in and I swear to fuck if you pusis me, i’ll let go of all the self restraint in me and do it” He informed, Collin’s hands were trying to break free from Leo’s grip as he struggled for air” Now will you be a gentleman with abundant sense of reasoning and tell me what you want and why you’re back here?” He asked and Callin responded positively I thought so Leo said with a smile and let him go. He dropped roughly to the ground and groaned in pain while at the same time coughing uncontrollably and trying to catch his breath. When he was stable he shat Leo a death glare and he responded with a look that said Trilistening” ~ Back in the human society, I met this pretty girl, and instantly fell in love with her. After chasing ber for about a month or two we

“Spare me the shitty explanation and go straight to the point” Leo cut in Collin felt offended but after what had just happened, he knew bener than to try showing in, unless of course, he wanted to join his ancestors

“Well, we’ve been dating until recently, she got pregnant, and you know, the cash you gave to me was almost exhausted and I could not afford being

he paused to stare at Leo who was sorting through a father, so I denied the baby, she was pissed and took me to court, the court ordered that we…- some papers and didn’t seem to be listening – Are you listening?” He asked and he raised his head. “When you’re ready to go straight to the point, i’ll listen” Case Leo’s response and Collin sighed

“The DNA test result came out and the baby was mine, and the court ruled in her favor. I tried explaining to her that I needed to come back and

but I only had request more cash from you, and she refused, saying that it was my escape plan. She agreed on the condition that she came with me, enough money for one person, then we got into a heated argument…

“If I heard you correctly, your plan was to come back here and request more money from me. So you didn’t invest the first one or anything, you wanted to keep blackmailing me forever!” Leo interrupted. He could not believe how foolish people could be. You don’t get to tell me how to spend my money. Now will you stop interrupting and listen to what I have to tell you?” Leo didn’t need to say anything, the warning look was


Chapter 21

enough” Sorry” Collin muttered and continued his explanation after a huge sigh

“I pushed her, and she fell from the stairs and landed roughly to the ground, head first. She died instantly and the neighbors who heard her scream called the cops, but I was lucky to escape before they got there to rule me ‘wanted. I know that they would definitely find me here but with you. I can be protected, I don’t want to go to jail. it was her fault that she died not mine” He explained and without much thought Leo accepted. He would do anything to protect his secret, even if it means avoiding justice for someone’s death

“One more thing I have to live here in your house, don’t stare at me like that, it’s the only way I know you would have your eyes on me all the time” He did have a point. Even if Leo didn’t want it, he had no choice but to accept it

“Show me to my bedroom” Leo stared at him, not knowing what to say. This guy was such a character and he sure as fuck was going to cause a few troubles here and there during his stay in his house, so he needed a way to get rid of him as fast as possible, he just didn’t how

*Kidding. I’ll go find a maid to do that” Collin said with his hands suspended in the air “Better” Leo responded and refocused on the papers in front of him. As soon as Collin walked out, his cell phone rang. It was Cade

“Hey” Cade informed him about the meeting with the elders council, where they discussed about Cypher’s attempt to ambush them all and also possible locations he could be hiding and with whom, because he definitely had help from am insider

Here we are dear readers, all caught up with the happenings of the past week, the unwanted Visitor who Leo was talking about Is Collin, and Raquel has gotten the answers that she needed. After Leo stormed off the balcony, leaving Cade, he went straight to his home, his bedroom door had been replaced and it was obvious who had requested that Time for her Punishment (Laughs In Avery Evil Wayl


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