Paranormal Twins: The New Beginning

Chapter 15: Jay

“That’s not possible. She can’t be. I’m an only child!” I exclaimed. I looked at Jakki. It can’t be. That’s impossible!

Mae leaned over and searched through a drawer under her desk. When she sat back up she had two documents, one in each hand. She looked at the one in her left hand. “Jacquelyn Madison Mikael. Born October 8th, 1999 to Joseph and Synthia Mikael at 8:52 pm. Vampire and Fire Elemental.” She looked at the document in her right hand. “Jackson Marshal Mikael. Born October 8th, 1999 to Joseph and Synthia Mikael at 9:00 pm. Vampire and Ice Elemental. Both of you just turned, what, 16 last year?” She looked up from the documents.

Jakki nodded. “Almost half a year ago.”

I shook my head, grabbed the papers out of Mae’s hand, and stood up, needing to move around. “That isn’t true! My parents are Jakob and Morgan! My last name is Stun! Not Mikael!” But even as I said those words, said my parents names, my last name, my dad’s words echoed through my head.

I’m not your real father.

I looked over at Jakki. She just sat there, like she was actually believing this garbage. She was such an airhead! First she was amazed at a little fire trick, then she stared into space for five minutes, and now she’s believing that we’re siblings. Not just siblings- twins. I threw the documents down onto the desk and ran out of the room, not able to say anything more to those two.

“This is all a trick.” I mumbled to myself. “None of this is real. Just a nasty trick.” I looked around and laughed. “Okay, guys, you’ve had your fun. Dad? Sage?” I swallowed hard, remembering what I saw in the kitchen, and laughed darkly. Just a cruel joke. “Mom? I figured out your joke. Ha, ha, very funny guys! You can come out from hiding now.” I looked around, wishing, hoping, and even praying that it was all a joke, but I knew, deep down, it wasn’t. This was really, truly happening to me.

I heard footsteps walking up behind me, and I turned around, hoping it was Sage, or dad, but instead it was the white-haired kid. Vincent, Rain said his name was. He walked to a door and slipped an envelope under it. I looked around and realized that I didn’t have a clue where I was. When I looked back over to him he was studying me. I lifted my arm and waved a little at him. He waved back and walked over toward me.

“Lost?” He asked when he got within hearing distance.

I looked around and back at him before nodding and biting my lip. “Yeah, I guess I am. I left an office and started walking around. I don’t recognize this part of the building. Is it really this big?” Vincent chuckled and shook his head.

“New here, aren’t you? There are only 4 hallways here, with 3 hallways connecting in the middle.” He took me to one of the intersections and we stopped.

I looked around while we were walking and realized he was right. I blushed, embarrassed. “Oh… I guess I wasn’t paying much attention when we were being shown around...” We started walking again and Vincent nodded.

“I can tell. I saw you walk away when Rain and Ryan started talking to the two guys. Andrew and Tadashi.” I bit my lip and he smiled a little before chuckling. “Yes, I noticed you. And I know you were talking about me. But don’t worry, I couldn’t hear what you and Rain were talking about.” We reached an elevator and he pushed the button to go down. “Where were you planning on going?”

I didn’t think about that. I could go back to my apartment, but I didn’t really want to bump into Jakki, in case she was going there, too. But, luckily, my stomach growled and made the decision for me.

“I’m actually pretty hungry. I haven’t eaten since we got onto the plane. Is there a place I can get food anywhere?” The elevator doors dinged and opened. We walked in and Vincent hit the button for the first floor.

“We only have a coffee shop on the facility grounds. There are places walking distance from the facility, but not on the facility property.” He looked at his phone, I guess checking the time. “I can ask my dad if I could show you around. It’s not that late yet.” Vincent blushed slightly and looked away. “You probably think I sound like a little kid, asking for my dad’s permission.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “I wish I still had to ask my dad permission for things. But yeah, food would be great.” I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket and counted my money. “I can pay. If it’s a fast food restaurant.” I counted the total. $32. That should be enough.

The elevator doors opened as he got his phone out of his pocket again. He walked over to the windows and I went over by the door, waiting for him to talk to his dad. Meeting a new person and eating some fast food. That should get my mind off the “you and Jakki are twins that were separated at birth” lie.

It has to be a lie. No way that could truly happen. Not to me. I was a high school baseball pitcher. I was a good student. I was a normal guy, with a normal life.

It can’t be true.

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