My Twin Sister’s Extremely Famous and Incredibly Hot Neighbor

: Chapter 20

My phone makes a noise, and in the haze of sleep I move my hand to answer it. But instead of reaching my phone, my hand meets solid chest muscle. What the…

I open one eye and realize Dustin and I fell asleep on the couch, and now we’re intertwined like a pretzel. My heart beats loudly in my ears as I assess the situation, and how much trouble I’m in. We fell asleep on the couch, and now it’s morning. Jera will kill me. But really, nothing happened. Jera doesn’t need to know, right?

I attempt to move without touching him, but I’m pretty much lying on top of him so it’s impossible. Gah. Embarrassment heats my face as I slowly ease myself off him, trying not to disturb him. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work and he opens his eyes. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to get off you without waking you up.”

He leans his head back on the throw pillow and closes his eyes. “How’s that going?”

“Not too well.” I manage to climb off Dustin as my phone chimes again. I toss the afghan on him and grab my phone.

He snuggles into the couch, covering himself with the blanket. “Tell whoever it is it’s too early to text, then come back to me.”

My heart melts. Dustin wants to snuggle with me. This makes me extremely happy. I walk into the library and shut the door so my texting doesn’t bother Dustin. I click to see what Jera sent.

Mackenzie, I’m so sorry, but something important has come up and I need to ask you for another major favor.

Her second text is more frantic.

Are you awake? Text me ASAP!

I text back.

I’m awake now. What is it?

I wait for her to explain, my mind going about a million different places. Not another party. Please, anything but that. She calls. I swipe to answer, and try to keep my voice casual, and low in case Dustin can hear me. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Mackenzie! How are you?”

Oh, no. This is bad. I can tell by her voice. I walk to the bookshelf. “I’m fine. What do you need?”

“I’m so sorry, but I need you to do one more thing for me. It’s not a big deal, really just a formality.”

My stomach clenches. “What is it?”

“All you have to do is go to a studio. I’ll text you the address.”

I stare at the shelf of books in front of me. They look expensive. “That’s all?”

“Yep! That’s it! Simple, right?”

Her voice is too perky. I don’t trust her. I run my finger along her shelf. “What do I have to do there?”

“You just walk in and read a couple of lines.”

“Read a couple of lines? Jera, that sounds like an audition!” I whisper shout. No way am I doing an audition for her. I can’t act. I’ve never even been in a school play.

“I’m a shoo-in for this part. In fact, I practically have it in the bag. They just want to see me do a reading.”

My legs wobble like rubber. “I can’t do an audition for you! You’re crazy.”

Jera sniffs. “Please? I can’t go like this. The bruising has gotten worse, not better. If I go they’re never going to cast me. I look like I’ve been involved in a mugging!”

“Can’t you put makeup on?”

“Not over this, it’s too dark. Mackenzie, I swear, they won’t make you do much. It’s just one quick scene. You can practice before you go. You don’t have to be there until two in the afternoon.”

I gasp. “Today?!” She can’t be serious.

“Yes, but you have all morning to get ready.”

“Do I have to memorize the lines?” I clench my fists. This can’t be happening to me.

“Yes. But it’s not much.”

“What is it for?” I take in a calming breath. Why do I want to know?

“It’s a show called Hit the Beach.”

My mouth drops. That’s the one Dustin is auditioning for. The thought of Dustin brings me instant calm. If he’s going, I could just go with him. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.

“How many lines exactly?”

“Not many. I’ll send them over as soon as we’re done on the phone. Mackenzie, you’re a lifesaver. Truly.”

I’m not a lifesaver. I’m a sucker, and I can’t believe I’m going to say yes. “All right, I’ll do it. But you owe me big time.”

“Yes! I’ll do whatever you want. That bigger apartment is yours.”

Tempting. Maybe after all this work she’s putting me through I won’t feel bad taking it. “We’ll see.”

“You’re my favorite sister.”

“I’m your only sister.”

“You’re smart, too.”

I stick out my tongue at her, even though she can’t see me. “I think you owe me a sister’s only vacation. Just the two of us. We can go somewhere remote.”

Jera is silent for a moment. “You’d go with me on a trip?”

“Sure. As long as there are no big crowds there. You know I don’t like crowds.”

“You don’t like travel, either.”

I look down at the rug. “I’d do it to spend time with you.”

Jera exhales. “Wow, Mackenzie. I had no idea.”

She sounds so surprised I’m taken aback. “Of course. I love you, and I miss spending time with you.”

“You do?”

I’m shocked she has to ask. Have I been that distant with her? Maybe the reason we’re not close anymore is as much my fault as it is hers. “Absolutely. Remember all of those checker tournaments we’d have?”

She laughs. “And how you cheated terribly so you’d always win.”

I scoff. “I did not! I was just better at checkers.”

She took in a deep breath. “I miss those times.”

“Me, too.” I stare at the row of encyclopedias Jera has on the shelf. “Why do you have encyclopedias?”

She snorts. “Why are you snooping around in my library?”

I stop myself before I say because Dustin’s in the other room sleeping, and I don’t want to disturb him. I’m going to guess Jera wouldn’t be happy about that. “All right, I won’t snoop.”

“Maybe I’ll spend some time checking flights.” I can hear the smile in her voice. “We should do that trip after I’m healed.”

I nod. “I’d like that.”

I finish up with Jera and sneak out to the couch, but Dustin’s no longer asleep. He’s sitting up checking his phone. He looks at me when I enter. “What’s up?”

I twist my hands together. “You’ll never guess what I’m doing this afternoon.”

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