My Husband

Chapter 7

Chapter 7- 

+ 5 Points 


Ever since Nora disappeared, Sloane had nearly lost her mind searching for her. Clutching a stack of missing person flyers, she sat by the roadside, crying helplessly. 

“How could I lose Nora? Mirabelle will surely blame me,” she sobbed. After a while, she stood up, limping as she handed out the flyers to passersby. 

“Excuse me, have you seen this little girl?” she asked, her voice breaking. 

“Excuse me, have you seen this little girl? She’s about this tall…” 

“Excuse me…” 


Chapter 7 

+ 5 Points 

Sloane suddenly froze. Across the street, in the blazing sun, she saw a child. Her eyes widened in shock. 

There, outside a small ice cream shop, Sylvia and Benjamin patiently helped Ellie choose ice cream while Nora, dressed in ill–fitting clothes, stood by the door. 

“Nora!” Sloane screamed, running towards her, her limp slowing her down. 

She fell but kept crawling desperately forward. Nora heard Sloane’s voice and, seeing her crawling towards her, burst into tears and ran to her. 

“Auntie!” she cried, throwing herself into Sloane’s arms. They clung to each other, 


Chapter 7 

+ 5 Points 

ignoring the dirt and grime on their clothes. 

Only then did Sloane’s heart begin to settle. 

She carefully lifted Nora’s shirt and sleeves, revealing scars of varying depths under the sunlight. 

The sight of those scars pained my eyes. Sloane began to cry again. 

“Auntie thought she would never see you again!” Nora, much thinner now, had red, tear–stained eyes. 

I hovered nearby, my heart aching, wishing I could hold them both. But I couldn’t. 

My spirit passed through their bodies effortlessly. I covered my face in anguish. 


Chapter 7 

+ 5 Points 

Hearing the commotion, Benjamin rushed out. Seeing Sloane and Nora clinging to each other, his face darkened. 

“Nora, come here!” 

Nora flinched at Benjamin’s voice, and Sloane held her tighter. 

“So it was you who took Nora! If you have a problem, take it out on me. Why torment Nora?” Sloane shouted, as Benjamin grabbed Nora’s shoulders, making her cry louder. Sloane shoved him away and pulled Nora back into her 


Benjamin’s face grew even darker as he glared at Sloane. “Why are you always around? If it wasn’t for you telling Mirabelle things, she 


Chapter 7 

+ 5 Points 

wouldn’t be avoiding me.” 

“Yes, I know you’re all angry that I gave my heart to Sylvia first, but haven’t you been causing a commotion for long enough? If she continues like this, divorce will be our only option.” 

“I’ve already told you, Mirabelle is dead. If you want to see her, go underground to visit her.” 

“And Noa, don’t even think about taking her away. Mirabelle entrusted her to me before she died, specifically instructing me not to hand her over to you.” 

“Benjamin Lennox, you’re despicable! How could you harm your own daughter?” 

Benjamin stood motionless, trying to process 


Chapter 7 

+ 5 Points 

the information. 

Even then, he seemed unwilling to believe it. 

“No, it’s impossible. I asked Dr. Hartwell, and he said Mirabelle just transferred hospitals! Don’t lie to me! How could Mirabelle leave Nora?” 

Indeed, how could I leave Nora? 

If I had a choice, I would be with her, watching her grow up healthy and happy. Not like this. 


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