My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter Hold on to The Things Worth Fighting For pt. 2


“Yes, of course, I will marry you!” Azlyn announced.

Reve jumped up to wrap Azlyn into his arms. She threw her arms around him and they began to kiss passionately. Umay squealed as she started to clap her hands together with delight.

Reve and Azlyn stopped kissing as they both began to laugh; they had forgotten that Umay was still with them in the room.

“I am sorry that I do not have a ring yet. I will get you something, I promise.” Reve informed Azlyn, after he composed himself.

“I am not concerned about such things. There are so many more important matters that need to be addressed. How are we going to get away with any of this?”

“I will help with that.” Umay interjected. “We have already come up with a plan. I will explain everything, but we will need someone else’s help with this.”

Umay walked over to the door and opened it; revealing that Prince Kane had been waiting on the other side.

“Ah, Kane! Lovely to see you! Please join us.” Umay bid him to enter.

Kane walked into the room and immediately congratulated Reve and Azlyn.

“How did you know?” Reve inquired.

“Umay has been keeping me informed. I knew that if she opened the door and everyone seemed happy that you two were now engaged. If everyone was sad, then, well…” Kane shrugged.

“Did Umay tell you everything?” Reve questioned.

“Yes, I know everything.” Kane confirmed.

“Are you sure that you are alright with this brother? I do not wish to involve you if you can’t support our choices.”

“I understand and agree with your choices, brother. You have my full support. I will do whatever I have to do to assist the two of you.”

“What is going on here?” Azlyn interrupted them, growing confused about the conversation.

“Well, Azlyn, if I am going to marry you then I want to do so in a way where we can live openly as husband and wife.” Reve informed her.

“Well, that is simply not possible. We know that. Lord Dalair and Lady Penelope proved that it could not be done even with the support of members of the nobility.” Azlyn asserted.

“Actually, Azlyn, it is possible. Everyone should sit down. I have something important to tell you.” Umay declared.

Everyone found a place to sit and gave their full attention to Umay.

“So, everyone knows the tale of my brother and his wife, Penelope. However, there are very few who know how it REALLY ended.” Umay began.

“What do you mean?! Everyone knows the ending! It has been a warning for all demons who might consider a relationship with a human for the last several years.” Kane remarked.

“I know. My family decided that it was safest that no one know what really happened. This allowed Penelope and Dalair a chance to escape with no one pursuing them.”

“What do you mean escape? Didn’t Penelope die?” Azlyn asked in surprise.

“That is what my family wanted everyone to believe. Penelope survived the attack as did their unborn baby. Penelope was badly injured, but she was able to recover. As soon as she was well enough to travel they made their escape.”

“Why didn’t anyone tell any of us this before?! Reve and I were Dalair’s best friends! Why wouldn’t you trust us?! We’ve believed all this time that Penelope is dead and that Dalair had disappeared a shattered, hopeless demon!” Kane contended.

“Kane, I understand your anger. I really do. We wanted to tell you, but our parents felt that the safest chance for Dalair and Penelope was for the fewest beings, possible, to know their plans.” Umay explained. “We never intended to hurt your feelings, I promise. Also, if it makes you feel any better, Dalair was tormented by the fact that he would not be saying good-bye to either of you. He always hoped that there would be a way to see you again.”

“Well, now there is. At least, for Azlyn and I.” Reve interrupted.

“What do you mean?” Azlyn was only growing more confused.

“Azlyn, after we wed, once it is safe for us to do so, we will steal away in the night. We will join Penelope and Dalair in hiding.” Reve declared.

“What? Why?” Azlyn was startled.

“Because they have found a place where they can live in the open, freely, together. They’ve even managed to raise a child where they are.” Reve responded, earnestly.

“Two children, actually.” Umay corrected.

“Two children, really?” Kane inquired with excitement.

“Yes. Their first child was a son, whom they named for the demon guard who gave his life attempting to save Penelope and I…Barin. Their second child, the apple of Dalair’s eye, is a little girl named Asha which means ‘hope.’ They named her this because this is what they have found in their new life; hope and happiness.” Umay said with a smile.

“That is lovely!” Azlyn remarked. “Where have they found such a wonderful place?! I thought the entire realm was against human-demon relations and, even more so, the idea of their offspring.”

“That is the catch.” Reve answered.

“What are you talking about?” Azlyn questioned.

“Well, the place they are hiding is not, actually, in this…realm.” Reve responded.

“You don’t mean?” Azlyn declared in surprise.

“They are living in the human realm.” Umay announced, cutting Reve off.

“The human realm?!” Azlyn could not believe the words even as she said them.

“Yes. The human realm. You are not safe here. You will never be safe here and we can never really be together here. In the human realm, we can live like a normal married couple.” Reve stated.

“How could we ever live like a normal couple in the human realm? You are a demon, wouldn’t people notice?!” Azlyn inquired.

“No. I would blend. I would live the rest of my life as a human.” Reve answered.

“Would you, actually, be able to do that?” Azlyn pressed.

“It would not be easy, but I am more than happy to do it.”

Azlyn became silent and thoughtful for a moment as she analyzed the situation.

“No.” Azlyn finally answered after some consideration.

“No?” Reve responded, astounded. “What do you mean, no?”

“I mean, exactly what I said. No. We will not go to the human realm.” Azlyn asserted.

“What are you talking about?! We have to go to the human realm. It is the only way that we can truly be together! It is the only way that you will ever be safe!” Reve insisted, confused by Azlyn’s apprehension.

“Yes, this all may be true. However, that means that you will have to give up everything for me. You will have to give up your family, your titles, your realm…your horns. I could never ask you to do that. It is too much. You will come to resent me for it.”

Reve could hardly believe what he was hearing. Azlyn was willing to remain in slavery, so that he did not have to give up his family or his royal titles. This was absolutely ridiculous!

“Azlyn, you are a slave! You will always be a slave as long as we live in this realm! How could you possibly think that my royal titles are worth more than your freedom and happiness?! I could never be happy knowing that you are living such a hard life.” Reve declared.

“I just do not want you to be unhappy.”

“Well, I am unhappy! I am unhappy that we cannot be together! I am unhappy seeing you treated as a slave! I am unhappy that your face is bruised, and your back is bleeding! I will never be happy until we can be together, and I know that you are safe!” Reve proclaimed.

Azlyn watched as Reve paced back and forth, ranting as he went. If he truly felt this way, then maybe this plan could work.

“Are you absolutely certain that this is how you feel?”

“Yes, Azlyn. I have never been more certain about anything in my life. I promise you that this is what I want more than anything in the realm. You are what I want more than anything in all the worlds.” Reve assured her.

Azlyn paused for a moment, staring into Reve’s dark eyes. Searching for the right choice; ensuring that he was not just telling her what she wanted to hear.

“Alright.” Azlyn sighed after a moment of silent contemplation.

“Really?” Reve questioned with excitement.

“Yes. If you are certain that this is what you want, then how could I say no? Of course, I want the opportunity to be with you as your wife, openly, without fear.” Azlyn asserted.

“You have made me the happiest demon in all of the realms!” Reve declared as he picked Azlyn up and swung her around in a circle.

After a moment, caught up in the exhilaration, Reve set Azlyn back down on the ground.

“Alright. So, how exactly do we do this?” Azlyn questioned.

“First things first, we need to get the two of you married. Once it is legal, it is too late to stop you if someone were to find out. I will help Azlyn find a dress just as did for Penelope. I also know how to reach Andvari, the Justice whom married Dalair and Penelope. I will contact him, I am sure that he would be willing to help us.” Umay offered.

“That would be such a huge help! Kane and I will take care of all the other preparations as far as the wedding is concerned.” Reve announced.

“We will need to find a safe place to hold the ceremony. Somewhere away from the castle, but secure enough that the wedding can be performed without the worry of interruption.” Kane added.

“We could do it at my family’s estate. No one would question all of us traveling there.” Umay suggested.

“That is an excellent idea.” Reve agreed.

Azlyn had been listening to everyone plan with excitement. She could hardly believe that this was happening to her. She was going to marry a prince who was willing to give up everything for her; maybe fairytales were more realistic than she gave them credit for. Still there was a question nagging at the back of her mind.

“What about the demonesses?” Azlyn chimed in, voicing her final concern.

“What? What about the demonesses?” Reve asked, confused.

“One of those eight demonesses expect to be chosen as your wife. I imagine it will take some time to get the wedding preparations together and even longer to arrange an escape to the human realm. What do we do about the demonesses who are here to marry you in the meantime?” Azlyn questioned.

“I had not really considered that. I had, sort of, forgotten all about them.” Reve responded, chuckling nervously. “There’s no chance they will all just go away?”

“For some reason, I find that very unlikely.” Azlyn observed.

“Well, luckily for the both of you, Kane and I have already discussed that issue at length. We believe that we have come up with the perfect solution, so long as all parties agree.” Umay interjected.

“All parties?” Azlyn was puzzled.

“I will let Kane explain this one.” Umay declared with a blush.

“So…Umay and I also have some good news.” Kane stated, clearing his throat.

Reve looked back and forth between Umay and Kane for a moment.

“Wait, is there something going on between the two of you?” Reve inquired with a grin.

Kane walked over and placed his arm, lovingly, around Umay’s waist.

“Yes, brother. I have asked Umay to be my wife.” Kane announced.

“Finally!!!!!” Reve cheered as he rushed to quickly embrace them both.

“Congratulations!!!” Azlyn squealed.

“Thank you both so much for your support!” Umay remarked before pausing for a moment. “Though, I have to ask, what do you mean finally?”

Umay looked over at Kane, feeling a little confused.

“Well, to be honest, Umay, my brother has been in love with you since the night of Dalair’s wedding.” Reve admitted.

Kane’s mouth fell open as his cheeks burned red with embarrassment. He could not believe that Reve had just confessed Kane’s own feelings to Umay.

“Is that so?” Umay asked of Kane.

“Yes.” Kane answered, shyly.

“Why did it take you so long to pursue me then?” Umay inquired.

Kane pulled at the collar of his shirt, trying to loosen it from around his throat.

“I was not sure that you had an inclination towards me until recently. You know that I am not the type to put myself out there. I am not your average demon, I lack confidence.” Kane confessed as he pouted his lips.

Umay looked at Kane and started to giggle at the excessively sad face he was now making.

“I am not upset with you. It’s just a shame because we could have been together for all these years. I’ve liked you since we were children.” Umay chuckled.

Kane playful smacked the center of his forehead, mocking his own pessimism. Umay giggled at him. Then Kane smiled, before leaning forward and grabbing Umay, pulling her into him. He followed this by planting a quick kiss on her forehead.

“Now back to the matter at hand…” Kane responded, focusing his attention again. “We obviously need the demonesses to know that you are not available so that they may return home and abandon their pursuits. The best way for you to do this is to declare to our parents that you have claimed the demoness whom you will make your wife.”

“Won’t they wish to meet this demoness? What will I do when they want proof?” Reve observed.

“You will present them…Umay.” Kane declared.

“What?!” Both Reve and Azlyn asked in shock.

“How exactly do I present them with the demoness that you intend to marry?” Reve questioned, feeling skeptical.

“As soon as you and Azlyn have safely escaped the realm; I will announce my intentions to marry Umay. I will explain that we fell in love after consoling each other in your absence.” Kane explained.

“It could work.” Reve admitted after a moment of thought. “How do we keep mother and your nine other demonesses off of your back in the meantime? I am certain that Umay does not want you dating those vile creatures.”

“That is true. Which is where Vondra comes in.” Kane added.

“Vondra? Who is Vondra?” Azlyn interjected.

“Vondra is another of the demonesses that was picked for me to choose a wife from.” Kane answered.

“Why would she be willing to help us?” Azlyn inquired.

“Because she is not interested in marrying, Kane. She is only here because her family is forcing her to be.” Reve clarified.

“Why isn’t she interested in marrying Kane? Does she not want to be a princess?” Azlyn questioned.

“Vondra is not interested in marrying any demon.” Kane responded.

“Why not? Does she not believe in marriage?” Azlyn persisted, confused.

“She believes in marriage, she just prefers a more…feminine touch.” Umay stated.

Azlyn thought on Umay’s meaning for a moment.

“Oh…oh…I get it now!” Azlyn said as it dawned on her. “She is a lesbian!”

“Yes, she is.” Reve laughed at Azlyn’s revelation.

“We will announce that I am seriously courting Vondra, so that my other demonesses will be dismissed as well. When our courtship ‘falls apart;’ I will be free to pursue Umay and maybe Vondra will finally be successful in convincing her parents that being a lesbian is not a phase that she will grow out of.” Kane continued.

“Wait? Why doesn’t Reve ‘court’ Vondra, so that Kane and Umay can just be together?” Azlyn questioned.

“For a couple of reasons, first being that the less that Vondra knows the better. If she and I are together then I just have to convince her to work with me based on the claim that I am not interested in marrying any of my chosen demonesses. I will ask her to help me until I can get out of the situation. She is a good friend and is likely to agree.” Kane began.

“Secondly, if I am the one that Reve is courting, then it will not appear strange if I am given unrestricted access to his personal servant. This way, it will not seem odd if you and I are spending a lot of time together or if I take you away from the castle grounds.” Umay finished.

“I just feel guilty that the two of you have to hide your love and happiness in order to help us with ours.” Azlyn admitted.

“There is nothing to feel guilty about. We want to help you. It is important that we get you to the human realm where you will be safe. Our happiness can wait a few months in order to ensure that we will all get our happy endings.” Umay answered.

“Well, I will never forget your sacrifice or your assistance.” Azlyn paused for a moment before continuing. “I know that this will only be scratching the surface of what I will owe you and your family when this is all said and done, however, it would be a great privilege if you would agree to be my maid of honor, Umay.”

“Of course! That would a great pleasure!” Umay squealed in agreement.

“I would also like to ask Nissa to participate as my bridesmaid, as well, if that is at all possible.” Azlyn mentioned.

“Who is Nissa?” Kane questioned.

“Nissa is a slave in the kitchen. She has become a trusted friend.” Azlyn explained.

“I cannot make any promises. You are much easier to get off the castle grounds because you are a personal slave. Nissa is kitchen help, we may not be able to get her out of here without someone asking questions.” Reve responded, trying not to let Azlyn get her hopes up.

While Azlyn understood Reve’s point, she was saddened that Nissa would not be able to attend their wedding. She had been such a large supporter of their relationship when so many others had not.

“We will do what we can. I promise.” Reve assured her.

Azlyn smiled. She knew that Reve would pull any strings that he had to make sure that Nissa was there, and she would not stress him about it any further. He had enough to figure out with the wedding and their eventual escape to the human realm.

“Hey, I just realized, I don’t have anything to do to prepare for the wedding. Is there something that I should be doing?” Azlyn asked.

“Umm…I know that this is not ideal, Azlyn. However, there really isn’t much that you can do. You will get to pick the dress and you can tell us which flowers that you like, but unfortunately that will be about as much say as you will have. Your most important job will be to continue on with life as usual. No one must suspect that you are doing anything beyond performing your duties as a slave.” Umay instructed.

“That is the most important thing of all. Everyone must continue on as if nothing has changed. We cannot shirk any of our duties or responsibilities in the meantime. If we are caught with any wedding planning, then we must assure them that it is for Umay and I’s wedding. We have to be perfect, we cannot risk anyone discovering our true devices. No mistakes.” Reve directed.

“Don’t worry, Reve. We won’t let anything go wrong. We are all in this together. We all promise to protect, Azlyn.” Kane assured him.

Reve looked over at Azlyn. He took her hand and brought it to his chest. He looked deep into her eyes.

“Please do not let anything more happen to her.”

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