My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter Hold on to The Things Worth Fighting For

“How are you feeling, Azlyn?” Umay asked when Azlyn finally rose from her sleep.

“Well, the physical pain has subsided some. Thank you for your help with that. I now see how foolish my actions were. I hope that you will not judge me too harshly, I just could not take any more heartbreak.” Azlyn explained.

Azlyn was embarrassed by her actions and even more embarrassed that Umay had to come to her rescue. The thought of losing Reve had filled her with so much despair that she had completely lost all hope. However, she had since decided that she had survived without him for this long, so she would just continue surviving as if he had never existed.

“There is no need to apologize. Heartbreak is a terrible thing, especially when you think that you have been betrayed in the way that you believe you were.”

“Too be honest, it is not as if I really thought this relationship would last forever, anyway. Despite all of Prince Reve’s protests to the contrary, he would eventually have to marry out of obligation. Not to mention, it was only a matter of time before he became bored and I could not please him anymore. I am sure there are things that a demoness could give him that I never could.” Azlyn started babbling, more to herself than to anyone else, attempting to convince herself not to feel hurt by Reve’s abandonment.

“You do not have to pretend to be strong with me.” Umay assured her.

“I am not pretending. I know that Prince Reve never would have married me. There was no future for us; a human slave and a royal demon. The notion is completely ridiculous. It’s just that…” Azlyn stopped herself, not wanting to expose anymore of her vulnerability.

“What? What is it?” Umay persisted.

“Well…it is just that…please do not think me silly for this…” Azlyn hesitated.

“I will not think you silly for anything. Just tell me what has been on your mind.” Umay insisted.

“Okay. Well, it is just that…” Azlyn let out a deep sigh before continuing. “…since I heard the story of your brother and Penelope. It, for some stupid reason, provided me with a glimmer of hope for a future between Reve and me. I know that their love didn’t have the greatest ending, but it is a beautiful story of the kind of bond that two beings can share. They loved each other enough to die for the other. I guess, there was a tiny part of me that hoped that Prince Reve would, maybe, feel that way for me.” Azlyn said, looking away with embarrassment.

“Oh Azlyn…” Umay began.

“I know. I know. Just the fantasies of some stupid girl. You don’t have to tell me twice.” Azlyn chuckled, attempting to fight back the tears. “I know that Prince Reve and I are not Lord Dalair and Lady Penelope. They had the kind of love that only graces a realm once every great while. A rare gem amongst common stones.”

“I think you are being too hard on yourself. I think that Reve’s love for you is greater than you allow yourself to believe.”

“Please, Umay, you will only make it hurt more.” Azlyn begged.

Umay was uncertain of what to say. She did not want to reveal any of the information that she and Reve had discussed the previous evening. Although, she did not want to leave Azlyn feeling so beaten and confused either.

“Why don’t you clean yourself up? We will have some breakfast here in my room.”

“Oh, my darkness! What time is it? I have to retrieve Prince Reve’s breakfast! If I am early enough then maybe I can do so without waking him or Lady Lorelei.” Azlyn said, with a hint of sarcasm.

“First things first, you are not taking care of Reve’s breakfast this morning. Truda has already taken care of this task. Secondly, why would you wake Lorelei by serving Reve his breakfast?”

“Well, I assume that she is with him. I do not see any reason why she would not be. She is the newest object of his affections.”

Umay sighed, wishing that she could reveal to Azlyn just how wrong she was.

“I can assure you that Reve is alone. He was alone all night and will remain that way.” Umay promised.

“How do you know such things?”

“Because I have Zareb watching him and Truda is listening for gossip amongst the slaves.”

Azlyn felt relief at this revelation. She had assumed that he would take Lorelei back to his bed; however, that knowledge was tearing her up inside.

“Thank you, Umay. You are a truly wonderful friend. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“Think nothing of it.” Umay assured her.

“Maybe he will do the right thing and wait to lay with her until he’s officially tossed me aside.” Azlyn mused with a bitter sadness.

“Azlyn…” Umay began before stopping herself.

Azlyn looked down at her tattered clothing and the dried blood that covered her from head to toe. She knew that she needed to clean up and get Umay’s sheets into the wash. She could not hide in the bed all day, no matter how badly she may have wanted to.

“I know this may seem like a silly question to ask a noble demoness, such as yourself. Nonetheless, do you happen to know where the nearest slave bathroom is?”

“No, I do not. That is not something that they, typically, keep us nobles informed on. Why do you need it?”

“I would like to shower and see if I can track down something to wear or tie these strips of cloth together to fashion make-shift clothing out of.” Azlyn explained.

“That’s ridiculous! You will use my shower, not one of those filthy rape dens that they attempt to pass off as bathrooms.” Umay declared. “Truda has also, generously, donated a black dress of hers for you to wear.”

“I appreciate all your help, but really I could not ask all of this. Truda should keep her dress; a slave’s clothes are precious and rare, the only goods that we truly own in this world. Not to mention, it will be necessary for me to begin using the slave bathrooms again now anyway, so I may as well get started.”

“No, Azlyn. I will not allow it. You will not use that bathroom. Reve would never forgive me if he found out. You will use my bathroom. As for Truda’s dress, she does not suffer the same fate that you have in the past. She has plenty of clothes and she owns many of her own items. The humans who work for my family are treated with dignity and respect as any living being should be.” Umay asserted.

Azlyn let out a huff, realizing that she would not be inning this argument.

“Alright. I will agree to this. Though, I do not see why you are so concerned about the prince’s reaction. He will not care any longer. I will most likely be transferred into some obscure, deep, dark corner of the castle where he will never have to see my face again.”

“That will not happen, Azlyn.”

Azlyn shrugged off Umay’s reply. For some reason, believing that Reve truly hated her was helping Azlyn to cope. Somehow it made her feel more like a fool, but less broken.

Without another word, Azlyn slowly pushed herself out of bed; her body aching as she went. She hobbled into the bathroom and closed the door. She stripped off the leftover shreds that made up her clothing and tossed them directly into the trash.

“Truda’s dress is hanging on the back of the bathroom door for you!”

Azlyn could hear Umay call to her from the other side of the door. She looked over and saw the simple, but very pretty, black dress that waited for her. Azlyn was a little surprised that Truda owned something so cute; most slaves did not have anything that would ever be considered fashionable. The Viveks certainly were a different breed of demon.

Azlyn stepped into the shower and let the hot water run down her body. Her wounds stung, making it hard to relax. She tried, desperately, not to think about Reve, but she could not help herself. She had never known it possible to love another being as much as she loved him. She let the tears stream down her face, allowing herself to cry for several minutes. At least, no one would know that she had been crying when she left the shower.

Once Azlyn finally felt clean again, she exited the shower and quickly toweled off. She slipped on the black dress that Truda had loaned her, then ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to brush it out.

“I am definitely going to have to figure out when I can get my things out of Prince Reve’s room. That is…if I can get them out.” Azlyn thought to herself.

Azlyn wondered if Reve would even let her have the things that he had given her or if he would confiscate them now that their relationship status had drastically changed. Maybe he would keep them to pass on to his next personal slave.

“Oh well, I’ve had nothing before. I can do it again.”

Azlyn took a deep breath as she looked herself over in the mirror. She scanned the cuts, bruises, and swelling that covered her aching body.

“Well, Azlyn, I guess, that the good news is that you look like your old self again. You were hard to recognize when Prince Reve was protecting you; you weren’t scared or damaged enough.”

Azlyn nodded to herself in the mirror. She felt the tears attempting to flow again. She sniffed and blinked rapidly as she fought them back.

“Keep it together. Life is not perfect, but you are not the only one who suffers in this realm. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You were stupid and allowed yourself to believe in something that simply does not exist. Now you know better. Love is nothing but a fairytale. It is not meant for people like you. Next time, you will not be fooled.”

Azlyn turned and quickly headed for the bathroom door. She needed to feel the presence of someone else near her or else she would break down in tears again. She swung open the door and stepped into the bedroom.

“Umay…I need some distraction…please…” Azlyn stammered before stopping mid-sentence at the realization that they were not alone.

“Hello, Az.” Reve’s soft and melodious voice carried itself over to her.

Azlyn froze for a moment. She wanted to run; she wanted to scream. Though, she was quite aware that neither of these were options for her.

“Hello, your highness.” Azlyn responded with a bow.

“Come on, Az. Don’t be like that.” Reve pled.

“Is there something that I can do for you, sire?” Azlyn persisted with acting like a slave.

“Azlyn, I know that you were not expecting this. Nevertheless, I think that you and Reve have some important things to discuss. This has all just been a huge misunderstanding.” Umay interjected.

Azlyn stood frozen in her spot. Unsure of what it was that they wanted from her. What could Reve possibly be there to discuss?

“With all due respect, mi’ lady. I do not believe that I have any business with the prince. He has made his feelings quite clear; my only intentions now are to stay out of his way from this day forward. I will perform my duties as expected, no more and no less.”

Umay walked over to Azlyn with a huff.

“Azlyn, stop this right now! You will come over here and you will talk this out with Reve!” Umay commanded; grabbing Azlyn by her arm and dragging her to where Reve stood by the fire.

Once the light hit Azlyn’s face, Reve could see the extent of the damage that had been done. He was immediately filled with an intense rage. He wanted to tear apart this castle until he found the demonesses responsible.

“Azlyn, who did this to you?!” Reve demanded as he stepped forward to touch Azlyn’s cheek.

Reve quickly withdrew his hand as he noticed Azlyn flinch and pull away from his touch. He had never been so destroyed by such a simple act in his entire life.

“My welfare is not your concern, your majesty. You have many, more important things to attend to.”

“Azlyn, your welfare is always my concern. Your safety is the only thing in this realm that truly matters to me.”

“You have relieved yourself of those duties, your highness.”

“No, I did not, Azlyn!” Reve snapped, growing frustrated. “You do not understand everything that you think you saw yesterday!”

“Reve! You need to remain calm!” Umay corrected. “Azlyn, you need to be open and listen to what he has to say! You might just find out that things are not what they seem!”

“I just don’t see how this is helpful. Let’s not beat around the bush any longer. The prince has realized that he does not want to be with me. He is here to let me down then I will be shipped off to a dark, dank corner of the dungeon to spend the rest of my days toiling away.” Azlyn blurted out, unintentionally.

“Azlyn! How is this talk productive at all?!” Umay barked. “Just listen to what Reve has to say. If you still do not care to fix things with him after that, then Reve has agreed to sell you to me.”

“Is that true?!” Azlyn asked turning to Reve, the words spilling from her mouth like tears from her eyes.

“Yes.” Reve responded.

Azlyn could hardly believe what she was hearing. How could he just let her go like that? Did Reve really want to fix their relationship or was he here to finalize the sale of her to Umay?

“I want you to be happy, Az. If you can no longer be happy with me, then I will sell you to Umay in the hopes that you will be able to find happiness elsewhere.” Reve continued, solemnly.

“So…you want to…sell me?”

The tears began to well up in Azlyn’s eyes. She knew that she should not be surprised, and, in all honesty, this was a good outcome for her if Reve did not want her anymore. Umay and her family would take good care of Azlyn, just as they did for their other slaves. Nonetheless, what Azlyn really longed for was Reve to tell her that he wanted her now and forever; that he would never let her go. Some sick, twisted part of her wished that he would fight for her. Though she knew that this was very unlikely. Why would he fight for her when he could have a demoness like Lorelei?

“No, Azlyn. I would never want to sell you. I will only do what you want. If you want me to sell you then that is what I will do.” Reve answered. “However, before you make your decision, I would like to explain everything that happened.”

“Alright.” Azlyn heaved a heavy sigh. “Then explain.”

“Okay. Well, first I wanted to tell you that I did not kiss Lorelei back. She kissed me, and I broke it off.”

“I saw your horns extending.” Azlyn scoffed.

“My horns extend for lots of reasons. I can extend them at will, if I like. The number one reason for them to elongate is when I am angry. Which is the reaction that I was having at the time that Lorelei kissed me. As soon as her lips touched mine, I became enraged and I would have harmed her had I not immediately left her there in the garden. I told her that I love another.”

“It’s true, Azlyn. Our horns change size for many reasons.” Umay interrupted, defending Reve’s position.

“If you do not believe me, you should speak with your friend Blaz. He saw me right after I left the gardens, I explained the whole situation to him. He had said that you had just gone through there, moments before I did.” Reve continued.

Azlyn thought about this for a moment. She almost believed what was Reve was saying, then another thought came to her mind.

“Why was Lorelei with you when you came back from being absent all night?” Azlyn accused.

“She had only been with me for a few minutes at that point. I had come across her while I was returning to the castle after riding all night because I was so upset about my argument with you. She said that she had been out walking and asked if I would give her a ride back to the palace. I agreed. That is all that happened.” Reve explained.

“You were upset by our fight?”

“Of course! I was so broken that you would think of me that way. I love you with all my heart! I want to give you everything that you deserve. I have no desire for anyone else. You mean everything to me!” Reve swore, desperation filling his voice.

Azlyn’s demeanor immediately changed. Had she really judged everything so wrong? Was Reve’s love for her actually genuine? Had she turned this situation into one that it had never actually been?

“When I found you in the gardens, I was coming to tell you how sorry I was for our fight. I wanted to tell you that I had not meant the words that I had said.” Azlyn said with a sigh.

“I feel the same way. I was going to apologize to you for being so arrogant. You were right, I do need to treat you better.”

“No, you were right.” Azlyn insisted. “You have responsibilities that I cannot even imagine. I know that our relationship just gets in the way of all of that. I understand why you need to marry a demoness.”

“I will not marry a demoness.” Reve asserted.

“It is alright, Reve. I know that you do not have a choice. You have to do what is best.”

“No, Azlyn, I am serious. I will not marry a demoness.” Reve maintained, his demeanor having grown very serious.

Suddenly, Reve dropped down to one knee and took Azlyn’s hand in his.

“Azlyn, I know that our life together has not always been perfect. I cannot promise that the future will hold much better. All I know is that I want a future with you and only you. I will do whatever it takes to make the happen. I did not know that it was possible for me to love anyone this much. You are the light in my perpetual darkness. You are the hope that I cling to. Will you do me, the great honor, of becoming my wife?”

Azlyn was in shock. She had never expected this to actually happen. Her breath caught in her throat and she swore that her heart skipped a beat.

“Is…is that even…possible?” Azlyn stammered.

“We will make it possible. Whatever it takes. We’ll run to the ends of the realm and hide there forever. Where we are does not matter as long as we have each other.” Reve assured her.

Azlyn thought for a moment. She knew that she wanted to marry Reve. She was also very aware of the risks. Nevertheless, her heart won out over her head.

“Yes.” Azlyn answered, barely above a whisper.

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