Master of Dragons, Part 1 (complete)

Chapter 31

How many times was she going to faint?

It was becoming way too common recently.

At least, she knew the feeling of the wood under her, and the sway of the cart. She sat up, slowly, painfully. Beside her she heard rapid thunking, making her look over. Pup was laying there, tail wagging wildly and hitting the wood. Her dragon made a huffing sound on the other side of the cart, she had her paws crossed and smoke puffing from her nostrils.

The warm pelts, gems, and gentle glow of the room said she was in Athelstan and Venrir’s cart.

How long had she been out? She raised her right hand, ready to sweep greasy hair out of her face but paused. On her hand was embedded lines of black, but rather than delicate and swirly, they were harsh, pointed, and sharp. She blinked, trailing the lines up her arm. But… How far did it go? She pulled the dragon scale sheet from her body, gasping. The lavender lines that covered her left arm now took over her whole left side. But, the new black marks also stretched from head to toe. In the middle the two seemed to fight for balance, the purple stretching across most of her chest, while the back reached across her stomach. It seemed like the two marks battled with each other, each trespassing slightly on the others territory. She moved her leg, watching as the black glinted sapphire in the low light.

How far did it go? Did it cover her face as well? If it did, she had no idea how to hide it.

A lump on the side of the room moved. Dark hair peaked out. Then, half lidded sleepy eyes followed from behind a fur blanket.


Shit. She quickly wrapped the blanket of scales around her body, the air crackling from her embarrassment.

He was up and at her side in the next moment. His large rough hands cupped her cheeks, forcing her face towards his. Dark eyes darted, looking at every inch of her face. Finally, he let out a breath, and she did too. She wasn’t even aware she was holding it. Tears built in the corners of his eyes. She blinked, watching as he leaned in, pressing his forehead to hers. His eyes closed, wet lashes glistening in the low light. She was confused. Elric was always one to show more emotion than her, but she didn’t understand why he was crying?

“I thought I lost you.” His voice was but a whisper. Lost her? Why? Didn’t she only faint? She stayed quiet, knowing it was not the time to ask.

She reached out, a tad bit awkwardly, and wrapped her arms around him. He was quivering, still holding her cheeks in his hands, his forehead pressed to hers. He was acting as if she was about to fade away.

Closing her eyes and taking a breath of courage, she began to slowly rub his back. This would help, right? She was still learning how to show affection.

A while passed. How long? Unsure. Elric however, had calmed down a fair bit. Slowly, his large hands slid from her face and wrapped around her shoulders. He buried his nose into the crook of her neck and held her firmly against him. Perhaps, she was a bit worried about her body smell. When was the last time she bathed? She pushed the thought back, and kept holding him, continuously rubbing his back. “You cannot die anytime soon, okay?” Elric’s voice was muffled by her hair.

Die? Well, she had many plans, but dying wasn’t one of them. “I don’t plan on it.” She remarked, trying to lighten the heavy mood between them.

He laughed, the sound low and quiet. “You would have convinced me otherwise.”

Ah, fighting a goblin lord may have seemed like a death wish. But she was strong. “You know I have always wanted to fight such an enemy, El.” She chided. He chuckled again, finally pulling back. He had both hands on her shoulders, eyes examining her once again. His cheeks were slightly red and puffy, but the tears had vanished.

“You are the strongest person I know, Ver.” He said, lips pulling into a crooked grin. He released her shoulders and sat back. Her dragon immediately took its place on her lap, along with pup curling around her legs. The two dragons made a wonderful blanket. “I realized, something.” He continued. Oh, perhaps she was going to find out why- “I cannot live without you, Verrine.” His tone was smooth as silk, and the look on his face was what she seen on lovesick girls. Oh. Was this going where she thought? Her heart thudded against her chest, and the room began to crackle and heat. “I need you.” Elric leaned in, about to press his lips to hers, but stopped. She took a breath, waiting for it to happen, but nothing did. Was he having second thoughts? Wait, why was she so willing to-

Oh, perhaps, she liked him? But what was love? She never thought someone could love her, let alone her childhood friend. After all, perhaps, when she was of courting age she had waited for a sign from him. But, that was long ago. That hope had long died with her becoming older. But, now..? Was that hope suddenly..?

“I will not force myself on you, Ver.” He said, his words hot on her lips. He wouldn’t… what?

Oh, consent. He was always such a gentleman.

“Kiss me.” It came out of her mouth as more of a demand then a question. Hot lips pressed against hers, and she closed her eyes and leaned into it. It was as if butterflies erupted in her stomach, and her skin tingled with a mix of excitement and something else. The breath left her body, yet she felt so light as if she was about to fly.

“Well, glad to see she survived.”

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