Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 19


Orion Jones’ POV

“This is Alpha Zachery of Serene pack. I have a girl here claiming to be from Red Moon pack.”, the person on the other line said.

I have heard about Serene pack. They were very calm and collected, just like their name. They looked into everything before coming to a decision. That was why I believe, they have called now.

“What is her name?”, I asked to clarify it for my own good.

What is your name again?

Caroline Dunbar

I heard her voice, it was her.

She was safe. I have to inform Richard immediately.

“Caroline Dunbar”, he repeated.

“Yes, yes, she is from my pack. I’ll come there at once and discuss with you the details as to how you came across her.”, I said trying my level best to conceal my excitement from him.

“That will be the best. See you soon.”, he said before hanging up on me.

I dropped the phone and rushed to inform Richard, who fortunately came across me on his way to my office.

I dropped my stern alpha act before gushing at him about the happy news.

“Richard, she is safe, Carol is safe.”

It took him a moment to process the words before he gleamed with joy. He shouted in joy and hugged me before running out saying something along the lines ‘I have my babygirl. I will protect her.’

I laughed at his behavior, seeing that he never bothered to ask about where she was. He will come around soon, beating himself for being such a forgetful man.

I didn’t notice anyone else until I heard their voice.

“Is she really safe?”

I turned around to see Tahliya standing at the foot of the stairs. Her eyes were puffy from the constant crying for the past few days. She has been beating herself for what happened to her. The fact that she couldn’t be of any help either, made it hard for her.

“Yes dear, she is safe. We will go and fetch her here.”, I said motioning her with my open arms.

She came and hugged me before talking again.

“Where is she dad?”, she asked looking up at me.

“She is safe in the Serene pack. Richard and I, along with a few fighters will go immediately to bring her back.”

“Where is this pack based at, dad?”

“It is 50 miles on the north from here, around three hours of journey.”

“Can’t I come along dad?”

“Even though I don’t have a problem with you accompanying us, I don’t want to risk your safety as I don’t know what we will have to deal with on the way there.”

Tahliya nodded understandingly before she left, to tell her mom about the same.

I went out to see a retreating figure of Richard muttering under his breath.

Before he could open his mouth I bet him to it.

“We are leaving to Serene pack, right now.”

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