Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 18


Third person’s POV

Each and everyone in the alpha family along with beta Richard were a mess. It’s been 5 days since the vampire attack and since Caroline and Kira had gone missing.

No one could find any clues as to where they were, since the vampires left without a trace. Alpha Orion was trying all he could using his connections, but he couldn’t get any reliable lead.

Noah was in turmoil. He didn’t know what to do to rescue his Luna. He felt like a weakling, who couldn’t even protect his own Luna on her ceremony day. His people thought that he was worried that two of them, who had been close to him, had gone missing. But only he knew that she was nowhere near close and much less would he be worried about her disappearance. He was worried about only one person and that was his Luna.

On the other hand, Tahliya was hysteric. Unlike her brother, she was worried about the well-being and safety of her best friend. She tried giving her input in finding Caroline’s location, but she was nowhere near her father, who even though had connections, couldn’t find her. She didn’t bother to be in the rescue team, as she knew she sucked at it. First time in her life she wished she had taken training seriously and had trained with Caroline. She also wished that she had stood next to Caroline that day, instead of at the platform.

Luna Melaine was a mess. She did care for Caroline as her own, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t care for her child when he is beating himself up. Just because she empathized with Kira’s kidnap doesn’t mean she doesn’t empathize her other child. She didn’t know whom to be there for, but she knew she can’t be with both. She had to choose either of them or neither of them. Not liking the idea of choosing between her children, she went with the latter. She immersed herself in her own misery.

Most of all, beta Richard was the one who took it bad. It was all over like what had happened to his mate. Losing one important person was hard blow, but now with another one having her life at stake, he was nowhere near sane. He avoided going out except for the occasional visits to his best friend to gather information about the current situation. His house was a mess. He had tipped over each and every thing in the house in his anger about his inability to protect his daughter. He wished Daniel was there, so that he could have soothed him and could have got his thoughts straight. If he had been the strong man he was physically, when it came to emotions, he would have gone out and trained the rescue team to redeem his daughter from those good-for-nothing leeches.

When all others were drowning in their emotions, Alpha Orion still looked up for possible leads to find the girls, no matter liked or not. It was during that time he received a call. He answered it with hope.

“Alpha Orion speaking.”

“This is Alpha Zachery of Serene pack. I have a girl here claiming to be from Red Moon pack.”

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