Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Accused

Lillian was hiding in a dark alleyway trying to cover up the shining golden diamond on her sister’s forehead. She felt hungry, as though she hadn’t eaten in a long time. She then remembered that the chocolate bars she had eaten were for her real body, Timber’s body had no food. Ronald ran right passed the alleyway, not noticing Lillian standing there.

“Timber! Timber, where are you...?!” Ronald cried out, “You need to go home and rest!”

Lillian held her breath, waiting for Ronald to leave so she could go out hunting. Lillian heard Timber’s stomach gurgling loudly and so she hid further in the darkness.

“Oh no... This really isn’t good! I need to find Timber before Lillian does... It’s not safe out here for anyone...” Ronald said to himself as he passed the alleyway again.

Lillian decided to chance it; she transformed into a golden wolf and darted passed Ronald as fast as she could. Ronald noticed her and turned into a wolf as well, chasing after her.

“Timber! Stop! You’re going to get hurt!” Ronald cried out.

“Must... Keep... Running!” Lillian cried out, panting.

Lillian wasn’t looking where she was going and nearly tumbled over the edge of the cliff into the Deep Chasm. She yelped as she found herself gripping the edge of the cliff using Timber’s paws. She looked around frantically and saw Ronald. He looked frightened too.

“Timber! Hang on!” Ronald cried out.

Lillian whimpered, struggling to hold on. Ronald made his way to the edge of the cliff and reached down. He grabbed Timber’s scruff and lifted Lillian off of the cliff edge. Lillian licked Ronald’s face in appreciation.

“Thanks, Ronald...” Lillian said, she nearly almost said just Ron, which would have given her away.

“You really need to learn to look where you’re going, Timber... You could have died!” Ronald cried out.

“I’m sorry...” Lillian said.

Ronald looked up into the sky to locate the sun. He found it to be sun-high (afternoon).

“You haven’t eaten all day, are you hungry?” Ronald asked.

“Hungry?! Man! I’m so hungry I could eat you!” Lillian said.

Ronald stepped back a little, looking surprised.

“Sorry, I was only joking... You’re too sweet,” Lillian said.

“And then, after we eat, you definitely need to get back to sleep!” Ronald said, “You sound like your sister when you’re tired!”

“Oh, right... Sorry...” Lillian said.

“Follow me for real this time, or I’ll be forced to carry you again,” Ronald said.

“Yes, Ronald, I’ll do what you say!” Lillian said. This was another thing that made her feel like puking.

She followed Ronald who led her to Luccardo’s house.

While that was happening, Timber found herself thrown into the dungeon. They hand cuffed her in Lillian’s human form and slammed the cold iron bars in front of her. They locked the door and walked away to tell the queen. Timber whimpered. The dungeon was very stinky as it was underground where all the scents get trapped. It was also possible that sewage pipes ran along the walls of the dungeon and occasionally leaked into the dungeon cells. Timber howled for awhile. Timber lay down on the dirty floor, still in Lillian’s human form. Since Lillian’s shirt did not cover her belly at all, Timber felt very cold. There was nothing for her to do but lay and wait. There was no way to escape, before long, they’d probably come up with the most torturous death to give the young girl. She shuddered at the thought, or maybe that was just because of how cold she felt.

A door opened and someone walked through. They approached the cage.

“Lillian...? I thought your sister killed you...” the person spoke.

“I am not Lillian... Trust me, please!” Timber begged.

“I came here by order of the queen to see who was in the dungeon,” the person said.

Timber opened Lillian’s eyes and stared through the dungeon bars. Lulu was standing there.

“Lulu! Please! Unlock me!” Timber begged.

“I’m not allowed to unlock murderers, I’m sorry... And what do you mean you aren’t Lillian? No one else in Fairwood has glowing red eyes as you do,” Lulu said.

“Come on, Lulu! I thought you were supposed to represent intelligence! I thought you were the smartest around!” Timber begged.

“Well, if you put it that way,” Lulu said, twitching her very long tail.

A bit of sewage dripped from the wall and hit Timber in Lillian’s forehead.

“I am very intelligent, that is true, so how about a test?” Lulu asked.

“What kind of test?” Timber asked.

Lulu unlocked the dungeon cell with her tail and walked in. She closed it behind herself, but did not lock herself in.

“Defiance is what Lillian is known for. She could never obey,” Lulu said.

“I’m behaving pretty well, aren’t I?” Timber asked.

“If you’re not Lillian, who are you and what are you doing in her body?” Lulu asked.

“I am Timber Gold Smith... I was deceived and forced to switch bodies...” Timber said.

“Hmm... I don’t know if I can believe that though, because Lillian is also known to be a liar so you could be making something up,” Lulu said.

“How can I prove myself...?” Timber asked.

“Timber is known to be very brave... Perhaps you could do something brave for me?” Lulu asked.

“But what?!” Timber asked, crying.

“Please don’t cry, Lillian...” Lulu said.

“People could be dying right now! My sister has not only my body, but my weapons! She’s dangerous! And not only that, but I’ll be blamed for it because they see me when they look at her...” Timber said, sobbing.

“Lillian... Stop, please... I hate to see people cry...” Lulu begged.

“And if you really believe I am my sister... That means I’ll probably be tortured to death!” Timber cried some more.

“Well... People who go around eating others as if they are candy deserve to be killed...” Lulu said.

“But that isn’t fair! I’m not the one who did it! I just look like the one who did it because I am trapped inside her body!” Timber cried out.


Her voice echoed over and over again.

Queen Aleena showed up holding a lantern. She cast the light onto the dungeon cell.

“Oh dear... That is a problem...” Queen Aleena said.

“Queen Aleena, this prisoner claims to have switched bodies with a murderer. We don’t have any courts in our kingdom, do we? And even if we did, there is no way she could prove herself innocent,” Lulu said.

“Lillian Defiant Smith...?” Queen Aleena said.

“I’m Timber Gold Wolf... And I know things my sister doesn’t,” Timber said.

“You do...?” Queen Aleena asked.

“I nearly died many times in order to help others... One of these instances was when I went to Mycono Kingdom to talk to Scotty Hepburn. He has a magic wand now that I believe was about a foot long and was made of pine. He practiced spells on me for months and then nearly killed me...” Timber said.

“And why did you speak to Scotty Hepburn?” Queen Aleena asked.

“He was the only one who could heal Ronald Orchantraya,” Timber said.

“Hmmm... Lulu...? How could Lillian possibly have known all that...?” Queen Aleena asked.

“Perhaps we were wrong... Maybe it is possible that Timber and Lillian switched bodies...” Lulu replied.

“I’m just going to have to take that chance and run with it... If something terrible happens, it’s my fault,” Queen Aleena said.

She unlocked the handcuffs on Lillian’s wrists, setting Timber free.

“Thank you, Queen Aleena, Lulu, I’ve got to run! My sister is probably murdering someone right at this very moment!” Timber said.

“Go, be free, little Wolf Girl,” Queen Aleena said.

Timber transformed into a black wolf and ran out of the dungeon and out of the castle.

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