Kaden's Luna

Chapter 29 - Talks in Toronto

“The deadline for this assignment is Wednesday. Any late submissions will be subject to a loss of percentage per day.” My female lecturer explains, standing at the front of the large lecture hall. “If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. See you on Friday.”

I sigh tiredly, packing my notebook and folder into my bag before swinging it on to my shoulder. It is currently ten in the morning and I haven’t had a chance to grab coffee yet.

I walk out of the hall, waiting outside for Maddox who is talking to the lecturer. As opposed to the rush of students in the hallways during lunch time, the campus is relatively quiet with a few students walking to and from classes, the ones who have made the effort to come in at lunchtime.

The door behind me swings open and I turn to see Maddox’s brown eyes scouring the hallways for mine. I step out from my spot and wave, his face lighting up when he notices me. He makes his way towards me, pulling on one of the straps of his backpack.

“That was the longest lecture of my life!” He grumbles, pulling me to the café.

“I’m just glad it’s over, I think I dozed off a couple of times.” I shake my head, grinning cheekily when he laughs.

“Believe me, I saw you.”

We grab some coffee after that, adding some breakfast items to our order so that we wouldn’t be demonstrating whale calls in the middle of our next class. Maddox and I had missed our alarms and I miraculously woke up with enough time to brush my teeth and get dressed before we were out the door. Thus, we were starving.

The café is quiet, which I liked. Students walked past as we munched on our food and took sips of our coffee, some taking seats to have lunch just like us and others meeting up with their friends before heading to class together.

As I’m looking around, I spot Natalie making her way into the café. I wave to her and she smiles brightly when she catches my eye. Grabbing herself some food, she makes her way over to us with a red coloured tray. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Hey guys!” She chirps, pulling out the seat beside me.

Maddox and I greet her before we chat about our schedules and what we’re planning to do after college ends. I finish the earliest today so I decide to pay Kaden a visit. But then, I realise that I’ll have to cycle all the way there. ‘Maybe Natalie knows some bus that takes that route.’ I wonder, turning to her and asking.

She nods, explaining to me which route it is. I write down the number of the bus and time in case I forget before thanking her, relieved that I don’t always have to ask Kaden for lifts now. She insists on giving me a lift when I decide to surprise Kaden with food from Rosie’s since it’s his favourite.

After we finish our food, we make our way back to class. Natalie and I plan to meet right after class before she exits the building, leaving Maddox and I to walk to our second two-hour lecture of the day. I groan quietly when we enter the hall, seeing him send me a sympathetic smile as if to say, ‘I’m in this too!’

I take my seat beside him, greeting some familiar faces that sit in the rows behind us. There are five minutes left until the class starts and I can hear a guy, sitting two rows down from us, saying how he hopes the lecturer doesn’t show up. Oh, how I wish that could be true.

Around four in the evening, I am waving goodbye to a not so happy looking Maddox who has two more classes left. I chuckle at the pout he sends me before exiting the building and making my way towards Natalie’s car.

“Thanks for giving me a lift, it’s terrible weather outside.” I smile gratefully as I shut the door, escaping from the rain and wind.

“No problem.” She chuckles, driving out of campus. “So, finally marked and mated with Kaden, huh?”

My head snaps up, eyes widened as I stare at her in shock. “How do you know?!”

She smirks wickedly, a teasing glint in her green eyes. “Honey, werewolves have heightened sense of smell remember? Any werewolf will be able to tell that you’re mated, you reek of Kaden!”

“I think I’m just going to stay in my house forever now.” I groan, covering my flushed face with my hands. “So, basically everyone will know that -”

“That you had mind-blowing, out of this world, hot sex with Kaden, yes.” Natalie grins, pulling into the parking lot.

I swat her arm as she laughs, opening the door and hopping out of the car before she can embarrass me further. She’s enjoying this way too much. I groan lightly when she exits the car and follows me towards the diner, literally gluing herself to my side.

“Was it just how I described?” She teases, poking my bright red cheek repeatedly.

“Nat!” I whine, wishing the ground would swallow me up.

She giggles as we head inside, greeting Rosie who hurries around the counter to pull us into a group hug.

“Why, I haven’t seen you girls in ages!” She ushers us to the stools before going back behind the counter. “Now, what will you two have?” She asks, dusting her hands on the white apron tied around her slim waist.

I look up to the menu on the walls, thinking of what to get. I order Kaden’s usual and something for me before Natalie gets a snack for the drive also.

“Of course!” She grins, tapping away at the computer. “Now, what else do you want?”

Natalie and I look at each other in confusion as I cross my arms on the counter. “I’m sorry?”

“Did you really think I was going to let you girls leave with burgers and chips? Tell me what else you want, on the house!” She grins, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

“Rosie...thank you but, I’m really okay. Maybe next time?” I squeak, slightly overwhelmed at her kindness.

“Oh alright, but I better see you and that boy soon, you hear me?” She points at me, a stern look in her eyes.

“Yes ma’am.” I chuckle, smiling amusedly when she shoots me a satisfied grin before waking off to make my order.

In less that fifteen minutes, Natalie and I are promising Rosie that we will stop by soon. We get into the car, taking off down the streets of Berlin city. I watch the droplets of rain hitting the window before streaming down as if in a race with the others.

“When did you find Axel?” I wonder aloud, turning to face Natalie to catch a gentle smile on her lips.

“We found each other when I was nineteen, he was travelling to other packs in search of his mate. I was in France.” She explains, watching out for the traffic as she takes a left.

“Wow. And do you find it hard being a Luna?”

She shrugs, a conflicted look in her eyes. “It’s a fifty-fifty thing. Some days are great, others are bad such as when there is conflict within the pack or outside. Having Axel with me makes everything easier.”

“Do you know why Kaden and Rico haven’t joined a pack or started their own? Why have they been rogues for such a long time?” I ask in curiosity, watching the city buildings become smaller in the mirror as we leave them behind, countryside scenery greeting us instead.

“Believe me, Axel and I tried to convince Kaden to join our pack when we heard he was locating here. But for some reason, he refused and wouldn’t tell us why. Rico obviously stayed with him and declined also, he’s extremely loyal to Kaden even though Kaden tried pushing him to join.” She sighs, shaking her head.

I can tell by the furrow of her brows and her confused expression that to this day she doesn’t understand why the pair didn’t join. I nod, deciding to just leave it be.

Eventually, we reach the tree line where Kaden’s familiar Mustang is parked by and I’m relieved that he’s at home. I thank Natalie for the lift and grab the food, making my way through the small gap and walking up to his door. I fish around for the spare key he gave me not too long ago, my fingers curling around it before I pull it out.

Unlocking his door, I walk in and place the food on the kitchen counter. Deciding to see if he is upstairs, I hurry up the steps and push open the door. I notice Kaden rummaging through his wardrobe, looking for something. The muscles of his back tense and I know he has sensed me in the room.

“Hey, Luna.” Kaden mutters distractedly, throwing two boxer shorts and three socks behind him, which all landed perfectly on the bed.

“Hey...are you going somewhere?” I wonder, taking a seat on the edge of his bed next to his suitcase.

“Impromptu business trip to Toronto.” He sighs, carrying over two pairs of outfits.

I start packing the clothes he had haphazardly thrown on the bed into the suitcase. “How long will you be away for?”

“Two days. I was not prepared for all the meetings I would be in this year.” He explained before a frustrated growl escapes him. “Where the hell is –”

“Under the mountain of clothing on your chair.” I chuckle, watching as he pulls out his favourite leather jacket with a relieved sigh.

He grabs his black jeans and a white shirt before setting the bundle of clothing on his desk. Walking over to me with his toiletries such as deodorant, perfume and a bag that contains his shaving tools, he chucks them on top of the clothes I had neatly packed. I frown in disapproval before arranging them to one side.

“Well, all these meetings will prove to be beneficial to you in the long run. You might have to put in a lot of effort now but in the future your company will have a solid foundation.” I reply, watching as he packs the rest of his things before closing the suitcase.

He hums in agreement before walking away to place it by the door then making his way over to me and throwing himself face down on the bed, groaning. “I’m starving, I missed lunch because of two Skype meetings and packing.”

“So, I came at the right time then!” I cheer, telling him to wait when he looks at me in confusion.

I rush out of his bedroom and downstairs to where I had left the food. Heating it up quickly, I manage to balance it all on a tray with the plates, glasses and cutlery along with some napkins. I carry it all up the stairs with slight difficulty before I reach his bedroom. As if he had smelt the food, he perks up and rolls around to see me placing the tray on the bed beside him.

“I’m going to marry you one day.” He states in all seriousness, sitting with his legs crossed on the bed.

I take off my shoes and join him, putting food on our plates whilst he searches for a movie to watch. “Looking forward to it.”

He laughs before asking me if a comedy movie was okay to which I nod eagerly in reply. “How did you get here?”

“Natalie gave me a lift.” I explain, placing the burger on my plate.

“That was nice of her but, you could have just called me Luna. I don’t mind picking you up.” He frowns slightly.

I shrug in reply, assuring him that I will next time I need a lift. He grabs his plate, picking up his cheeseburger before double taking at the food in front of him. His mouth is slightly agape as he turns to me, ocean blue eyes swimming in shock.

“You bought all this?” He gestures to our burgers, the fries and the extra food Rosie had slipped in when we weren’t looking.

“I was in town and I thought of getting you your burgers from Rosie’s, only I had to beg her not to give me everything on the menu!” I exclaim as he smirks, taking a large bite out of his burger.

“Rosie’s always kind like that.” He smiles gently, dipping his pizza into his garlic dip.

I lean back against the pillows and Kaden follows my action, our arms touching. The contact warms me up, tingles dancing on my skin.

He covers our legs with the blanket, our attention solely on the movie. Short bursts of laughter escape us during the scenes. Kaden has turned off his lights and switched on his lamp so now the room is bathed in a soft, warm glow. It’s all very cosy and I sigh in content over how tranquil life is out here in the fields, away from the hustle and bustle of life.

Eventually, we finish our food and I cuddle up to him. His arm drapes around my shoulders as he pulls me close, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head. I rest my head on his shoulder, the scent of his cologne greeting me like a warm embrace. As I am watching the movie, his fingertips start trailing a path down my bare arm. I don’t know whether to regret taking my cardigan off or love it.

His other hand slips down to take hold of mine, playing with it and caressing my skin. He lifts it up and I feel his plump lips brush against my knuckles, making me look up at him. I lose myself in his eyes that have now darkened slightly, gold specks rising to the surface. Biting my lip, my gaze wanders down to his lips. They were close, just a breath away and I want to push myself up and have them meet mine.

I sit up and straddle his waist, the movie long forgotten. My fingertips trail down his arms, lightly skimming his skin before he stops me. I look up as he holds both my hands, resting them on his chest right where his heart is. His eyes burn with intensity making my core throb.

He leans forward, taking off my hair band and letting my hair fall around my shoulders. He cups my face and pulls me close, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth. I suddenly forget to breath, my hands fisting the material of his shirt as he continues kissing across my skin.

I tangle my fingers in his dark hair as his lips meet the curve of my neck, placing hot open-mouthed kisses to my skin. His arm wraps around my back, trying to pull me impossibly closer. My eyes roll closed as he pulls away the collar of my shirt, sucking at my mark.

“Kaden.” I breath, feeling desire bloom within me.

“I’m going to miss you so much.” He murmurs, nuzzling my cheek.

I cup his face and pull him towards me, his lips finally descending on mine. Our lips move gently against each other’s; slow and sweet. His tongue traces my bottom lip and I open without resistance, letting him guide the kiss. There’s some sweetness to him that makes my head spin.

We pull away for breath and I rest my forehead against his, my eyes still closed and a smile on my lips. “Me too.”

He chuckles huskily, intertwining our hands. I open my eyes to see him already staring down at me with tenderness in his stormy blue eyes.

We talk for a little while, watching the rest of the movie before I realise that it’s getting late. I sigh, placing our dirty dishes on the tray. “I should go.”

“You can’t stay a little longer?” Kaden frowns, taking the tray from my hands and heading out the door.

“I wish I could, but I promised to help Eva with one of our assignments today.” I reply as I follow him downstairs and stand by the kitchen counter as he tidies up.

He throws away the takeaway bags into the bin before turning around and making his way towards the couch, grabbing his keys and jacket. “I’ll drop you home.”

I nod, grabbing my shoulder bag before walking towards him, slipping my hand in his outstretched one. Making sure the front door is locked, we make our way down to the tree line where the car is parked on the other side. Maybe I should get a car again so I could drive myself back home instead of relying on Kaden to do it. I wonder to myself, snapping out of my thoughts when I hear Kaden opening my door for me.

I thank him as I get in, putting on my seat belt as he rounds the car and sits. The engine greets us with the familiar growl before Kaden accelerates onto the road, driving down the rough path. I let out a quiet sigh as I lean back in my seat, watching the headlights illuminate the scenery.

The sky is clear tonight, no clouds in sight. I spot a few stars here and there, smiling as I see the north star. It is currently eight o’clock and the sun has already set, the wooded area seeming a bit eerie to me as we drive through it.

Suddenly, Kaden slams on the breaks making me cry out in surprise. His hand is across my chest, keeping me from experiencing a whiplash. It feels like déjà vu again to the time Rico was driving me back from college.

“What happened?” I ask breathlessly, looking around the dark forest.

Kaden doesn’t answer for a while, scanning the area with narrowed eyes before his tensed muscles relax. “Nothing...I thought I saw something. I must be tired.”

As if Kaden sensed my unease, his hand curls around my thigh, rubbing his thumb across my jeans in a soothing manner. It helps a lot and I glance at him with a soft smile, one which he returns. He resumes driving but I can tell he isn’t completely relaxed.

Eventually, we reach the city and I see some people walking around in town still. There is not much traffic so we arrive at my neighbourhood quickly. Kaden parks his Mustang right outside my house and shuts off the engine. We get out of the car, the chilly air kissing my cheeks.

I round the car to where he stands by the hood, meeting him halfway. He sighs and pulls me in between his legs as he leans against his car. I wrap my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.

“I don’t want to leave you.” He mumbles sadly, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

“It’s only two days, they’ll fly by.” I smile, rubbing his back.

“But still.” He grumbles into my shoulder, shaking his head.

“Kaden.” I laugh, amused at his behaviour.

He huffs and tightens his arms around me, peppering my cheek and jaw with kisses. I giggle, the stubble on his jaw tickling my skin. He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes. I smile sweetly, pressing my lips to his in a quick kiss and pulling away before it can get heated.

“Have a safe flight. I’ll miss you.” I whisper, caressing his cheek.

“Not as much as me.” He smirks, making me chuckle and nod.

I step away, his lips pulling into an immediate frown at the action. I walk up the stone path to my house and am just about to unlock my door when I hear rushed footsteps from behind me. I only have time to turn around before Kaden smashes his lips against mine, cupping my face with both hands.

An unintentional whimper escapes me at the sudden action before I wrap my arms around his neck and move my lips against his. He bites at my bottom lip gently and I open without hesitation, allowing him to explore my mouth. The kiss is passionate enough to make my knees weaken and I feel like I would drop to the floor had Kaden not been holding onto me.

He pulls away and grins sheepishly. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

“I didn’t mind at all.” I reply in a daze, before blushing in embarrassment at how I spoke my thoughts.

He laughs and pecks my cheek. “See you on Friday, my little moon.”

“Bye, Kaden.” My voice is a whisper in the wind as he walks back to his car.

I know he heard it, not just because he has heightened hearing but also with the way he turns slightly and winks at me before getting in his car. I unlock the door, hearing him drive off after I’ve closed it.

I head into the kitchen where the light is on. My footsteps halt at the sight of a very pissed of Eva, who has fistfuls of her hair in each hand. She’s glaring at her laptop, her notes and strewn papers in front of her.

She looks up when she sees me walk through the door. “Give me your assignment.”

“Nope.” I chuckle, taking a seat beside her at the small dining table.

“Why not?” She whines loudly, dropping her head down on the table making me grimace at the bang.

“Because that would be plagiarism my friend.”

“Well you better be ready to stay up with me because I have...hmm, I don’t know, about a paragraph done.” She deadpans, making me groan under my breath.

“Hey, that’s something at least!” I try to be as positive as possible.

“Girl, that’s just my introduction. I need serious help. Please, oh great one, grace me with your intellectual abilities and make sure I get at least a C on this essay.” She pleads dramatically, causing a laugh to escape my lips at her antics.

I chuckle, grabbing my backpack and taking out my notebook. “Let’s try and get you a higher grade than that.”

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