Julia Lelieveld and the fifth element

Chapter ~16~

I was glad to be outside, I took a few deep breaths in and out. I became a bit clearer in my head again.

I tried to put my mind to something else. I had to go to school, because the match started in half an hour. There went my chance to refresh myself at home. I looked around to see if my bike was somewhere, I couldn’t remember where I put it either. Until I realized he was at school. Oh great, that too, it is certainly still a half hour walk.

After a fifteen minute walk I came to a quieter part. It was actually an industrial area between the old center and the school. They were all old factories and office buildings. And beyond that lay a forest.

It was all quiet, probably many were already out of use. I started walking a little faster, because I didn’t feel comfortable. After I was completely startled by a cat jumping out of an alley, I heard a glass break behind me. I looked around and saw a group of boys walking towards me from the corner. They had beer bottles in their hands, one of which had just fallen to the floor. Okay, I thought to myself, don’t panic, this doesn’t have to mean anything.

I just thought to myself it couldn’t get any worse, especially after that thing with Dad. It ran through my head all the time. But alas, I was wrong. I walked even faster, hoping to get to a busier section soon.

I heard the boys singing and laughing, probably they were all quite drunk. I didn’t dare look back to draw attention to myself, but it sounded like there were three of them.

Suddenly I heard a voice that seemed vaguely familiar. He yelled something, but I didn’t hear it. I was too busy trying to get myself out of this situation. I heard his footsteps coming faster toward me. Now I could understand what he was.

“Hey wait a minute. You’re detention girl, aren’t you?”

Automatically I turned around, I could kick myself to see who was calling me. He was not ten feet away from me now and before I could say anything he was standing in front of me.

When he stood in front of me, I remembered him again. During my first week of detention, he nearly knocked my brains out with the furniture from the detention room. I had to be honest, this didn’t really make the situation any better. I tried to stay calm and give him what he wanted.

“Yes, that’s right,” I said to him, trying to laugh a little.

“Olaf, isn’t it?”

“Geez, despite being a bastard, you remembered my name.” He seemed a little shy. Well, at least he admitted that he’d been a bit of a jerk, which was actually kind of weak.

“Sorry I almost hurt you, I wasn’t really at my best then. And thank you for not hooking me up with the teacher.” He scratched the back of his head with his hand and staggered slightly on his legs.

Suddenly he looked young. I estimated him to be about 15 or 16, but he was just really, really big for his age. He looked at me expectantly.

“Yeah, that’s good dude. But if you don’t mind, I’m late, so.” I pointed behind me with my thumb over my shoulder. He looked over my head for a moment.

“Are you going to the game at school?” he asked me. I’d better be honest and be his friend, because I don’t think you should have him against you.

“Yes, indeed, they are waiting for me.” He seemed to think for a moment.

“Well, my moped is around the corner, I can take you there?” He looked away for a moment, a little shy again.

A moped? Well then he had to be 16 years or older.

He came across as endearing. “Do you remember where to find the school with all that beer?” I asked him. He shook his head. “No, I don’t drink. I’m not going after that old man of mine,” he said with conviction.

I have to say that I could use the ride. And he certainly didn’t look drunk. Well, why not, I could take a chance.

“Do you have an extra helmet?” I asked him. He laughed “Always.”

We walked around the corner to his moped. It was a real boy moped. Tough black and with those big shock absorbers. He sat down on the moped and turned it on. The moped came to life with a lot of noise. He lent his arm to me to get on properly.

“Hold on tight!” he told me. Well I didn’t let that tell me a second time. I sat down behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. With a big jerk we drove away from the industrial area. He’d told his friends he’d be right back, so it wouldn’t be a slow ride.

We drove hard through the streets, but I have to say he was very agile. I didn’t realize we were driving so fast. Within a few minutes we were already standing in front of the school. He turned off the engine and lent me his arm again so I could get off properly. “Thanks, you can handle it well.” And I nodded to his moped. “Yes, I already have some experience with moped riding,” he said with a shrug. I gave him his helmet back. He looked at me somewhat concerned. “Hey, I don’t know what happened, but I see something happened.” He nodded towards my face. “If we have to smash someone together, I’ll hear about it, okay?” He was serious. It was actually very sweet that he would do that for me. “You don’t have to, but thanks for the offer,” I said gratefully. He nodded briefly. “Give me your phone.” I looked at him questioningly, thought he was joking, but not from his expression. For a moment it crossed my mind that if he had it he would drive away quickly. But judging by his face, he would never do that. Somehow I trusted him in it. I handed my phone to him. Deftly he typed in a number. I saw that he pressed green, so someone went to call. Five seconds later, a phone in his leather jacket went off. He seemed satisfied and handed me my phone back. “So now you have my number, so if you ever need anything you know how to reach me.” He looked at me for a moment. “Take care of yourself. I will see you again.” “Yes, I’ll see you again.” And he was gone. I didn’t even have time to thank him yet.

I turned to the school and saw several people looking my way. I don’t know if it was because I was dropped off by someone who was driving way too fast on a moped or if I really looked that awful.

I decided it was best to go to the second floor and check the damage in the bathroom. Then if I had to fix anything, I was close to my locker. Once in the stairwell it was extinct. Everyone went straight to the gym where the game was being held. On the second floor it looked gloomy and deserted.

Only half the lights were on. I took my toiletry bag out of the locker and went to the girls’ bathroom and looked in the mirror. Oh shit, I didn’t look that bright indeed. My mascara was quite runny. I wet a cloth and removed the black stripes and circles from my face. So that was already a lot better.

My eyes were still red and a bit swollen, but luckily it was a lot less noticeable. I touched it up with some makeup and put it back in my locker. I slammed the locker shut and wanted to turn around to the stairwell. Suddenly someone stood in front of me. I was shocked by an accident, only then did I see who it was.

“Jesus, Bas, I’m completely scared to death”, I said with a big sigh.

“Sorry, I heard you were here, but couldn’t find you, so tried here and bingo,” he said with a laugh. I laughed weakly.

“Come on, the match has probably already started,” he said as he led me up the stairwell with his hand behind my back. “Sorry I’m late, something came up,” I told him. As he walked, he said nonchalantly. “Yes, I understand, everyone is talking about how Olaf dropped you off at the school on his moped. Julia, Olaf?”

He stopped and turned to me and looked at me questioningly. Suddenly a bell rang that something was seriously wrong. “Jeez Bas, what do you think? That I’m going with Olaf?” I looked at him in disbelief.

“He was kind enough to give me a lift, and I really needed it, since the game had already started.”

Bas looked at me for a moment and then shrugged.

“Okay, but be prepared for small talk tomorrow. By the way, speaking of gossip, are you okay after what happened to Sandra?” He looked at me concerned.

Sandra, gosh, that seemed like a week ago. Well, I could brace myself for the rumors tomorrow. “Yes, I’m fine.” And I waved it away with my hand. “Let’s go to the game or we’ll have more rumors tomorrow.”

And I rolled my eyes. “Yes, you are right.” Bas took my good hand and we walked to the game.

By the time we got to the gym, the game had already started. It was very busy. We found another spot at the top of the stands and sat down.

After five minutes, Eva’s team was already ahead. She was good. The coach seemed quite pleased with her performance.

I didn’t feel comfortable. I watched the game, but didn’t see everything. My thoughts went to the argument I had had with my father. I was hoping to speak to him at home tonight.

I looked at my wrist, which was bandaged. Because of the bright fluorescent light I saw that my forearm also looked quite blue. Bas definitely saw that I was looking at my arm. “It looks painful.” And he nodded at my wrist. “Oh, I’ve had worse,” I said with a faint smile and shrugged.

Bas laughed weakly too. He looked at me and seemed to study my face. Suddenly I saw concern in his eyes. Something I’ve never seen before. He was always the happy boy, who had a solution or a joke for everything, but now he seemed very serious. “Jesus, Julia, what’s going on? And don’t say there’s nothing wrong or that you’re feeling well, because I see it isn’t,” he said a little angrily.

“What a bitch that Sandra,” he said more to himself than to me.

He balled his hands into fists.

I’d better tell the truth or this would get out of hand.

I grabbed his hands and he looked at me.

“Bas, this has nothing to do with Sandra. I.......... I just had a fight with my father. It’s gotten pretty high. It just bothers me.”

I looked at our hands.

“That’s why I look like this and I’m not really there with my head.” I looked at him and shrugged.

“Oh sorry, I..... can I do something for you?” He looked at me questioningly.

“No, thanks.” And I pretended I was going to watch the game again. Bas looked too, but he was fanatical. He encouraged Eva and commented when the referee was dishonest.

After half an hour, the referee whistled the match to an end. Eva and her team had won by a large majority. She and her team members were cheering for victory. The coach also joined in. The coach, a boy of about 25, had olive skin and dark curls. Actually a really nice guy to watch. The girls on the team probably thought so too, as they all hung around his neck to celebrate the win.

Bas and I left the stands and waited at the sidelines of the field. When Eva noticed us, she ran towards us. “Yes, we won!” She hugged Bas and he congratulated her. Then she hugged me.

“Congratulations, you were great! So, are you on the team?” I asked her. I looked at her. She was beaming all over, she had an ear to ear smile on her face.

“What did you think? Of course I’m on the team!” And she hugged me again.

“I’m happy for you,” I said to her and gave her a big hug. She let go of me. “Thank you.” She looked around and saw that everyone was already leaving.

“Do you mind if I say hello to everyone?” She looked at me questioningly.

“Yes of course. I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay?”

“See you tomorrow.” And she was gone. I was really happy for Eva that she was accepted into the team. She was really happy. I saw her join her team again and have a nice chat with the girls and how the coach looked at her proudly. A pang of jealousy shot through me. No Julia, don’t be jealous. It’s just great that this is happening for Eva. I have to be happy with the things I have.

Bass came walking towards me. “I’m going home with Eva in a minute, are you okay?” “It’ll be fine.” He looked at me doubtfully.

“Are you talking to him? You can always call.” He looked at me and waited for a response. “I will, thanks.” I looked at him gratefully. He grabbed my upper arm for a moment and then walked over to Eva who was already waiting for him at the door.

After Bas and Eva had left the gym it had become very quiet.

I tried to muster the courage to go home and talk to Dad, but suddenly I heard a voice from behind me.

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