HUGE X4: Chapter 5

I wake feeling completely foggy; brain slow and eyes practically stuck together.  For a moment I think I’m at home, then I register that I’m not wearing anything and there is the weight of an arm over my middle, and suddenly I realize where I am.

I freeze, listening to the soft breathing sounds on either side of me.  They are slow and regular so I’m guessing that Callum and Liam are still sleeping.  I risk a peek to my left and see that it’s Liam who has his arm resting on me.  The little scar on his forehead is the only way I can tell, and I take a moment to study him.  There’s an innocence about him that disappears as soon as those piercing gray eyes are on show.  Long lashes cast shadows over his cheekbones, and his lips look so pink and full that mine tingle with the urge to kiss him.  The things that mouth did to me last night.  Just thinking about it makes me blush, and there’s plenty of blood pulsing between my legs too. I’m sore but I wouldn’t care if they wanted to start over at the beginning and give me a full repeat performance.  In fact, I’m tempted to reach down and see if I can get things started up.  I turn to the other side and find Callum with his eyes open, watching me and looking highly amused.

“What is it, baby,” he asks softly.  “Forget where you were?”

“I guess.”

“But you’re not having regrets, are you?”

His face is serious and I wonder how many times they’ve done this and found the girl has been upset in the morning.  There is no way I want him thinking that.  I mean, this is so far out of my previous realms of experience that it’s almost laughable.  The twins just about shattered my mind into infinitesimal pieces last night.  It’s hard to think about how I feel, wrapped up in the arms of one of them and with the gorgeous eyes of the other fixed right on mine.

I shake my head because any nagging doubts that I might be having are staying firmly in my mind. It’s the morning after, and regrets aren’t something to share.

“That’s good,” he whispers, pushing a strand of my hair from my cheek and tucking it behind my ear.  “Pleasure like that has to be fucking celebrated…marveled at…repeated.” His eyes glint with mischief and I notice for the first time that he also gets a little dimple on his left cheek when he’s being naughty.  He runs a thumb over my bottom lip, watching intently as my mouth parts and his thumb slips slightly inside.  I sigh because there is something so unbelievably erotic about that action; penetration almost as good as his dick between my legs.  He takes my hand and presses it around his heavy erect cock and I’m suddenly back to last night and the moment I realized how huge they both were.  I’m back to the first moment that Callum pushed inside me.  Delicious pleasure-pain that had me raising my hips to urge him deeper.

“That feels good,” he says, a husky edge to his voice that wasn’t there before.

I stroke the full length of him slowly, relishing the velvety feeling of his skin and the solidity of the flesh underneath.  I look at my hand, so small and pale in comparison to his darker flesh.  The power in his cock and thighs contrast against the sensitivity in this part of him.  The angle is difficult so I move to turn, sliding underneath Liam’s arm.  My movements stir him and I feel him moving closer to me, his equally erect cock nudging between my legs.

“You guys getting started without me?” he grumbles, his voice still thick with sleep.

“You snooze, you lose!” Callum says and Liam snorts.

“I’m fucking wrecked!” he groans.

“Ah, you finally found a girl who got the better of you,” Callum laughs.

“She didn’t get the better of me.” Liam’s hand slips up from my belly to cup my breast and roll my nipple.  He pushes his hips, nudging my ass, cock slipping in the wetness between my thighs.

It’s weird to be discussed like I’m not even present, but also quite amusing.  I like seeing the boys like this.  It’s how I always imagined twins would be.  Winding each other up in a good-natured way.

“Yeah, well you missed your workout this morning,” Callum says.

Liam nuzzles my neck, inhaling deeply against my skin.  “Gonna make up for that about now, if Rio is willing.”

I love the little nickname they’ve given me.  It feels intimate and personal; a term of endearment that I wouldn’t have expected.

“Rio feels pretty willing to me,” Callum says with a groan.  My palm is getting slick from his arousal and I know Liam’s cock is slick from mine.  It feels so naughty to have a man’s bare cock against my pussy.  My pussy clenches and I feel Liam’s smile against my shoulder.

“Kitty getting hungry?” he asks.

I nod because my mouth is so dry.  I could guzzle a whole bottle of cool spring water right now, but there is no way I’m interrupting the moment.

Callum reaches beneath his pillow and tosses his brother a shiny square.  Liam makes short work of the wrapper with his teeth and then he’s pulling back, the distinctive sounds of latex rolling down cock the only noise apart from our breathing.

He takes my hair in a rough ponytail and grips it firmly.  Callum kindly assists by lifting my top leg and holding it to ease his brother’s entrance.  The first nudge of Liam’s cock inside me burns, but he takes it slowly, pushing me open until he slips in through the slickness of my cunt.

Oh, how amazing it feels.  Let me count the ways.

Big.  Hard.  A little rough.  And so dirty when Callum slips his finger into my mouth and then presses it against my clit.  He kisses me; an open-mouthed passionate kiss, a meeting of tongues and lips that feels different.  Guys I’ve been with before struggle to kiss well and fuck at the same time.  But here Callum isn’t doing the fucking.  His brother is.  Callum gets to seduce my mouth, stroke my clit while I get him so hot his hips are bucking into my fist.

I moan into his mouth because DAMN!  A woman can only be expected to take so much pleasure in silence.

“Yeah,” Liam groans from behind, pulling my hair so I have to arch my back.  I stare into Callum’s eyes, watching as his glaze from pleasure.

“You okay?” he asks me, surprising me with his consideration.

“Yeah,” I say.  “Oh…”  I’m suddenly empty because Liam has pulled out.

“Stand up,” Liam orders, “Both of you.”

My legs tremble as I do what he’s asked, Callum swinging his legs off the edge of the bed.  Liam takes up position sitting on the edge and pulls me backward by the hips until I’m sitting in his lap, impaled on his huge cock.  His hands span my waist, pushing me to lean forward.

“Rest your hands on your knees,’ he says.

“Bossy,” I tell him, but I do as he asks.  It’s so sexy that he knows what he wants.  Liam seems to have this whole thing choreographed.

“Smart mouth,” he replies and I can hear the smile in his voice.  “Now put that smart mouth to work, baby.  Make my brother come.”

Callum moves to stand in front of me, cock held tightly in his fist.  I know what it’s gonna feel like to suck him.  I can guess what he’s gonna taste like; not too dissimilar to his brother, I would have thought.  He’s different, though.  As he comes closer he cups my cheek, stroking my skin and looking at me tenderly.  He pushes my hair behind my ears and bends down to kiss my lips.  There’s something so gentle behind his actions, a stark contrast to the fierce grip that Liam has and the way he’s grinding into me from behind.  It’s as though they’ve switched roles and that has me intrigued.

“You gonna suck me?” Callum asks, his thumb trailing my bottom lips, teasing.

I nod, because how could I turn him down.  Even if he didn’t look like a Greek god, his character has me like putty in his hands.  He moves closer and I lean in.  Then Liam is pushing me toward his brother, his grip on the back of my neck controlling me like a puppet.  I know Callum is close because his cock seems to swell in my mouth as I take him as deeply as I can.

Liam forces my hips up and down, using me for his pleasure.  I’m feeling swollen and about as horny as I ever have before.  It’s as though last night primed me for this…for the rawness and overwhelming feeling of being owned.  It isn’t something I ever thought I would like.  It isn’t something that I ever thought I would want.  I thought that after Brad I’d never want to feel powerless again.

But this is different.

This is control with respect.

This is dominance with tenderness and concern.

This is me taking back control for myself. Control of what I want.  Control to allow myself the freedom to seek my own pleasure and give in to my own cravings and desires.

In all their actions I can feel that they have me in mind..  Even Liam, with his bossiness, must be able to feel how turned on it makes me.

As I take Callum deep and Liam slips his finger around my hips to rest on my clit I know that it isn’t going to be long.  They’re going to make me come in a way that is almost scary.  Scary because they seem to know just what I need to tip over the edge, when some of my exes never fathomed it during months of relationship.  Scary because I can feel that they’re both close too and imagining the feeling of them reaching the precipice at the same time as me…well, I don’t know how I’ll be able to take it all.  Liam’s fingers grip my hip even tighter, his thrusts becoming harder and higher.  Callum’s hands are in my hair, holding me gently but proprietorially and I stare up into his eyes, taking in the strain on his face and the flush across his cheekbones.

“That’s it,” he says at the exact same time as his brother.

“That’s it,” Liam repeats by himself.

“Mmmm…” I groan as the stimulation becomes too much.  I can feel my orgasm building too quickly, surging up from my belly through my spine.  All I need is a little something else.  Something else to bring all the sensations together.

“I see you’re having fun without us,” a voice says from the veranda doors.

Liam slams into me, groaning like he’s dying, his cock swelling and swelling.  Callum’s eyes are fixed over my head, wide and unamused as he comes too, letting everything go into my mouth.

There’s someone behind me, watching this scene, and the thought of that is enough to make me come.  My pussy bears down so hard that Liam groans again, holding me tight against him, pulling me closer with his arms around my middle.  I can’t breathe.  Tiny lights like fireflies dance before my eyes.  Callum pulls out, cupping his dick and striding around the bed.

“What the fuck?” he says.  “You never heard of knocking on the door?”

“What?” the voice says.  “We can’t drop in to surprise our big brothers?”

I turn, now as intrigued as I am mortified, and find myself gazing at another set of identical twins; gray eyes, dark hair and grins that say they are more than a little comfortable with coming across their brothers engaged in a threesome.  Oh my god.  Two sets of twins.  What are the odds of that?  I turn away quickly, sheltering in Liam’s embrace.  He tugs a sheet up and wraps it around me.  I’m grateful to not be naked but I’m pretty pissed that two strangers just witnessed me having the most intense orgasm of my life.  I don’t even know where to put myself.  Should I stand and say hello, or just shuffle off to the bathroom?

“I’m sorry,” Liam whispers in my ear.  “My kid brothers have no manners.” I nod because I want him to know I’m not mad at him.  “Go wash up,” he says gently.

I stand and for a moment, contemplate the easy way out.  The shuffle would be the route the old me would have taken.  Hide away, blushing and mortified.  Book an early flight home and spend the rest of my life recalling this moment and dying of shame.

I don’t want to be the old me. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I turn, grasping the sheet above my breasts and look at the new arrivals properly.  They study me with interest, probably because I have terrible bed head and a just-been-fucked glaze to my eyes.

“Well, this is a little embarrassing,” I say, smiling.

“Nothing we haven’t done before,” the one on the right says.  When he grins, he sports two deep dimples and the wickedest smile I’ve ever seen.

“Maybe not the point I was trying to make,” I say.

The one on the left has the sense to look a little sheepish.  “Sorry, doll,” he says.  “We were planning to surprise Callum and Liam and stumbled in on a little more action than we thought they’d have gotten after only twenty-four hours on this island.”

“I don’t know whether to be insulted or pissed off at that statement,” Liam says, standing next to me with his condom-covered cock in full view of everyone.

“Jesus, dude,” Callum says.  “You wanna deal with that?”

“Well, if these two reprobates wanna fuck off, I can.”

“Nice, bro,” the one on the right says.

“You not going to introduce us?” the one on the left says.

“Go check into your own room,” Liam barks.  “Then meet us for breakfast and I’m sure you’ll get first-name acquainted.”

“Fair enough,” the one on the right replies, winking at me.  No shame.

Callum starts walking towards them and they back toward the doors to the veranda.  Ground floor rooms definitely have some drawbacks.  “Off you go then,” he says.

“See you at breakfast, beautiful,” someone calls.

Liam glances at me with a raised eyebrow. “Hell,” he says.

“What?” I ask, frowning.

“I think you have two more admirers, baby.”

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